A magical power, destroyed more than 500,000 monsters, so that the surrounding monsters were completely frightened.

The one in front of him has the strength of the Great Luo Golden Wonderland, and their two great kings are not his opponents, and they are finished.

Compared with the fear of the monsters, Tong Zheng secretly looked forward to it, and he was about to meet the lion and white elephant, and he didn't know how many monsters they had around them, which did not meet expectations.

One Rayfa, solve the remaining youkai.

Without hesitation, Tong Zheng took Lin Jing'er and the others and the 100,000 Forbidden Army to explore the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area.

And at this time.

In the center of the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, the White Elephant King and the Blue Lion King were all panicked.

The little diamond wind was also killed, and it was killed so quickly, without the slightest hesitation, and now it went straight to them.

What to do, what to do.

The owner's instructions have not yet arrived.

The green lion and the white elephant are not stupid, with the strength of their two masters, if they want to appear, they have already appeared, and now they have not appeared, I am afraid they are ready to give them up.

The reason for abandoning them is also simple, if the Buddha wants to intervene in the great calamity, there must be a reason, if the Dao Alliance Lord kills the mounts of the two bodhisattvas, the two bodhisattvas will have a reason to intervene.

At this moment, the blue lion and white elephant all had a feeling that they were framed by the owner's design, and they were cannon fodder for the Buddha Gate to intervene in the catastrophe.

Now, if they want to survive this layout, they can only rely on themselves.

Now in the Lion's Moose Ridge Exclusion Zone.

In addition to their two demon kings, there are also the other four monster leaders whose cultivation is complete in the Golden Wonderland and are at the same level as Little Diamond Wind.

The number of monsters in the center of the entire Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area adds up, and there are about two million, which is almost the sum of thousands of years of monsters in this Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area.

In the center of the Lion Moose Ridge forbidden area, there is a 10,000 demon array, which can enter the control through a million monsters, gather the power of the monsters, open the 10,000 monster array, and gather the power of a million monsters, that is, the Great Luo Golden Immortal, can also be killed.

Perhaps, his last resort, if they surrender to show weakness and the jade clean bottle, these will not work, and in the end, they can only open a large array by gathering the power of ten thousand demons, sacrifice millions of monsters, and kill the Dao Alliance Lord.

The Dao Alliance Lord is the representative of the Dao Gate in the Great Tribulation, and they actually don't want to kill him, because once they are killed, their two monsters will have no place in the entire demon world.

Offending the Daomen is equivalent to offending the four saints, offending the Heavenly Court and the Earth Mansion, they don't want to.

Now that they have been framed by the two masters and gone deep into the quagmire, they have no choice but to do so.

"The Dao Alliance Lord has already destroyed the million monsters that Little Diamond Wind brought to ambush, and at the same time, even the army of demon corpses of the second brother has been destroyed by him." The Blue Lion King looked at the remaining four monster leaders in the hall of the cave mansion and said, "Now, the only thing we can deal with the treasure of the Dao Alliance Lord is the second elder's jade clean bottle and the ten thousand demon array in the forbidden area.

"Now, we can only be doubly prepared to ensure that the Dao Alliance Lord will arrive and we will not be killed by him." The Blue Lion King said, "So, the four of you now have to lead all kinds of monsters under your command and start gathering near the Ten Thousand Demon Array." "

The remaining four monster leaders of the Golden Wonderland are the Wild Dog King, the White Tiger King, the Black Panther King, and the Cat Demon King.

The four big leaders nodded, feeling that this was the only solution, so they followed the advice of the Lion King and began to gather their little minions outside the Ten Thousand Demon Array in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area.

In the Lion's Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, the remaining two million monsters soon gathered in the center of the Lion's Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, next to the Ten Thousand Demon Array, waiting for Tong Zheng's arrival.

Tong Zheng came to the center of the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area with 100,000 forbidden troops, and saw that all the monsters had gathered, waiting for him to cut leeks, and his mood was only so excited.

The blue lion and white elephant on the opposite side and the four monster leaders are like great enemies.

The 100,000 troops that Tong Zheng led, although there were not many of them, they were all elites above the Immortal Realm, and there were even two Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm masters, as well as ten Golden Immortal Realm masters, and their high-end combat power was only stronger than them.

"Brother, they're all waiting here." Tong Zheng's voice said lightly: "Welcome me so warmly." "

Dao Alliance Lord, it was not my intention to kidnap you Huaxia pilgrims!" The Blue Lion King spoke: "You have already killed many monsters in my Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, so stop this matter, the two of us promise not to go to Huaxia to make trouble in the future." The

Lion King vaguely pointed out that going to Huaxia to kidnap people was not his intention, but was instructed by the Buddhist sect, and he believed that Tong Zheng would definitely be able to understand what he meant.

And his meaning is already clear, this matter is over, and he will never commit it again.

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter if you mean it, what matters is that if you do something wrong, you must be punished." Tong Zheng looked at the Lion King indifferently and said, "You went to Huaxia to kidnap those pilgrims who have already been killed, and you have to be buried." Tong

Zheng could naturally see that this was a conspiracy of the Buddha Gate, and the Buddha Gate wanted to take advantage of this incident to let him destroy the lion and white elephant, and the two bodhisattvas intervened.

Then began to rob the luck of the Great Robbery.

However, Tong Zheng will not let them succeed, whether the Buddha Gate looks down on him too little or looks too good at themselves, Tong Zheng does not know.

If you want to get a piece of the big calamity, you have to have this ability.

Tong Zheng is now cultivating to reach the late stage of the Daluo Golden Wonderland, plus the three supreme treasures, the strong in the early stage of manifestation, can already do a big slash.

If the two Buddha Gate Bodhisattvas are in the lower realm, the realm is lower by a large realm, and at most they have the complete cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, will he be empty?

Dare to come down and beat them to their knees and call their father.

"Dao Alliance Lord, don't deceive people too much, really think that we are afraid that you will not succeed." The Lion King said angrily, he was already so groveling and ready to admit his mistake and compromise.

The other party was still so aggressive.

"Dao Alliance Lord, now that we have mobilized an army of two million monsters, and we are next to the Ten Thousand Demon Array, if we enter the Ten Thousand Demon Array and operate the Great Array, you may not be invincible." The White Elephant King beside the Lion King said, "Are you really ready to fight us to death!"

"Don't die, you think too highly of yourselves." Tong Zheng replied lightly.

On the side, Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou, as well as the 100,000 Forbidden Army, all showed disdain.

Two Taiyi Golden Wonderland and a few Golden Fairy Realm wild monsters, although the number of demons under his hand is large, but the quality is very worrying, some time ago, the Western world's million-strong army that meeting, there are dozens of heavenly angels below, but also reached the realm of manifestation of the archangel appeared, and finally were crippled by their own alliance master.

Now a bunch of wild monsters want to negotiate, what are you thinking.

Besides, are you a million-strong army in the eyes of the alliance masters?

Obviously a million experience!

Tong Zheng directly burst out of the cultivation of the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, and the immortal qi moved, as if it had become a divine in the world, which was extremely sublime.

"Late stage of Da Luo Golden Wonderland!" Seeing this, the Lion King and the White Elephant King were completely shocked by the realm that Tong Zheng burst out.


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