Tong Zheng's realm, they couldn't imagine at all, was already strong to the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland.

Before, they thought that Tong Zheng had the most Daluo Golden Wonderland in the early stage, and he was the most terrifying.

After all, as a powerhouse of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, they knew that the further back the realm, the more difficult it was to improve, and they could not have imagined that Tong Zheng would raise the realm to such a point in a short period of time.

"All the monsters obey the order, enter the Ten Thousand Demon Array, and activate the Great Array." The Lion King hurriedly ordered.

In the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, I am afraid that the jade jing bottle is no longer useful, and only this ten thousand demon array can resist Tong Zheng.

"It is useless to start anything, in the face of absolute strength, the formation is a joke." Tong Zheng smiled and said.

Directly cast magic techniques, communicate the power of heaven and earth, form an enchantment, and envelop the monsters outside the entire Ten Thousand Demon Array and trap them.

Seeing this, the Lion King's eyes were filled with endless cold light, the million-strong army was trapped and disturbed by Tong Zheng with the enchantment, and they must be allowed to break the enchantment and enter the killing formation, otherwise the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area will die today.

"The four of you go and drag him, and the two of us control the monster to break through the enchantment and activate the Ten Thousand Demon Array." The Lion King spoke.

The leaders of the four monsters nodded and directly killed Tong Zheng, and the terrifying black demon qi rushed into the sky.

Tong Zheng looked at the Cat Demon King who was surrounded by him, covered in black resentment, and shook his head.

The Demon Slaying Daguan Knife was raised, and the Eight Desolate Slashing Immortal Knife was cast, and it was directly slashed out, slashing the leading Cat Demon King in front.

The immortal slashing knife light slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Cat Demon Nine Changes!" The Cat Demon King cast a nine-transformation doppelganger, turned into a nine-headed cat demon, and fled separately in nine directions.

Who knows, Tong Zheng's sword light was also divided into nine paths, and slashed towards his nine doppelgängers.

"Young man, human beings, you don't talk about martial virtue!" The sharp voice of the Cat Demon King sounded, and he was slashed by the sword light on his nine bodies, and the terrifying immortal slashing power directly cut all the Cat Demon King's souls to pieces, never surpassing life.

Nine lives cat demon, nine lives are killed at the same time, he will not survive.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the cat demon king, get 50,000,000 energy points, 500,000 merit points]

In Tong Zheng's mind, a prompt sounded.

With one sword, all the remaining three monster leaders were shocked.

The cat demon king, who has nine lives, was slashed with one sword.

Tong Zheng sneered, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the Immortal Slashing Knife was cast, and the slash came out horizontally, and the sword light with the power of Slashing Immortals slashed towards the next monster head on the opposite side.

Black Panther King.

A terrifying resentment erupted in the Black Panther King's body, forming a shield and wanting to resist.

Unfortunately, the sword light cut directly through his shield and then tore through him, leaving him in a state of disarray.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Panther King, get 60,000,000 energy points, 600,000 merit points]

and there is not even a chance to escape.

Looking at the remaining two monster heads, Tong Zheng was excited, holding the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and directly teleported to the front of the White Tiger King.


The light of the Immortal Slashing Sword roared, and directly slashed the White Tiger King to death, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the White Tiger King, get 70,000,000 energy points, 700,000 merit points]


Seeing this, the White Elephant King and the Lion King were dumbfounded.

In the blink of an eye, only the two of them and the wild dog king were left.

He hurriedly controlled the army of a million monsters to enter the Ten Thousand Demon Formation and began to activate the formation.

At the same time, the White Elephant King ordered to the Wild Dog King: "Wild Dog King, stop him for me, I must stop him, the Ten Thousand Demon Array, it will be opened immediately." "

The Wild Dog King, an existence second only to the two of them, has already reached the half-step Taiyi Golden Wonderland.

The wild dog king nodded, roared directly, and the momentum on his body exploded, performing the art of the tengu, and eating the god moon.

He swallowed directly towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and the protective god pattern on his body flashed with light, shaking back the Tengu Eating Moon God of the Wild Dog King, and then directly raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and slashed at the Wild Dog King.

Devil Slashing on the Knife.

The terrifying Zhen Demon Rune flashed red.

Seeing this, the wild dog king wanted to dodge to the side, and he knew that Tong Zheng had just killed the power of the three monster leaders, and he was only dead.

It's a pity, Tong Zheng's sword light.

How could he avoid it in a half-step Taiyi Golden Wonderland.

The next moment.

Tong Zheng's knife light slashed at him, and the wild dog king was directly cut apart by this knife, and exploded into pieces of meat, which was shocking.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the wild dog king, get 90,000,000 energy points, 900,000 merit points]

to get it.

Tong Zheng smiled and looked at the White Elephant King.

"It's up to you two." Tong Zheng stepped into the void, walked towards the White Elephant King and the Lion King, and said, "Don't work in vain, in fact, if you can't open the Ten Thousand Demon Array, the outcome will be the same." Saying

that, Tong Zheng was not in a hurry to attack, just wait for them to open the Ten Thousand Demon Array and shatter their last glimmer of hope.

After a while, all the monsters entered the Ten Thousand Demon Array, the formation opened, and the terrifying killing machine began to rush towards Tong Zheng.

"Arrogant, just now you killed us and it's over, now let's open the Ten Thousand Demon Array, now you are the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, and you also have to die!" The green lion and the white elephant laughed loudly, they had confidence in the Ten Thousand Demon Array, this was the Ancient Killing Array that could destroy the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and the simplified version of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array was created by the sect of the main disciple of the Tongtian Sect.

Tong Zheng shook his head and said, "Yes."

After that, the Pangu Banner, one of the three supreme treasures that Tong Zheng directly sacrificed, suppressed it towards the Ten Thousand Demon Array.

Pangu Banner, fusing the merit of opening the heavens, has the power to tear the chaos of Hongmeng, the power to smash the time and space of the heavens, the power to control the mysteries of ten thousand laws, and the ability to open up the universe of heaven and earth, and can suppress all formations.

Pangu Flip appears.

One after another terrifying coercion appeared from the Pangu Banner, suppressed on the Ten Thousand Demon Array, and suddenly the Ten Thousand Demon Array could not withstand this terrifying force, and began to explode one by one.

"What the hell is this!" The White Elephant King and the Lion King were shocked.

"Block me." With a roar, the two demon kings worked harder to control the Ten Thousand Demon Array and fight against Pangu Banner.

Under the full operation of the White Elephant King and the Lion King, the monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Array all went crazy, one by one, essence blood burst out from their bodies, and the entire Ten Thousand Demon Array was full of the smell of blood, and they were already desperate to start burning essence blood and sacrifice themselves to bless the array.

"It's useless, in the face of absolute strength." Tong Zheng sneered, suddenly controlled Pangu Banner, struck downward, and defeated one-third of the formation base!

Then he sacrificed a supreme treasure, the Donghuang Bell.

The Eastern Emperor Bell can confine time, suppress space, rebound the attacks of any treasure divine weapon and the damage of all magical spells, attack and defense are integrated, and the top is undefeated.

The Eastern Emperor Bell plus the Pangu Banner directly destroyed all the remaining formation bases of the Ten Thousand Demon Array.

The Ten Thousand Demon Array was broken.

The Lion King and the White Elephant King suffered a backlash and were seriously injured, and all the monsters in the formation appeared in their original forms.

Tong Zheng's divine sense communicates the power of heaven and earth, and directly exerts his control over the five thunder divine powers, covering the monsters who have appeared in their original form.

Today's monsters no longer have any mood to resist, killing people, the ten thousand demon arrays have been broken, and they are dead.

In the sky.

The five thunder qi gathered, the thunder roared, and above the nine heavens, the thunder qi was led down, forming the most terrifying heavenly thunder and divine thunder, directly bombarding the monsters in the abandoned array.


The author has something to say:

250 chapters, happy 250 chapters everyone.

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