"It's just an injury, and I really underestimate you." Tong Zheng was a little incredulous, and continued: "Don't worry, the good show is still to come, the magic power, the flower blooms in an instant." "

Tong Zheng exerts magical powers, flowers bloom in an instant, this magical power, when it is cast, can absorb people's essence, vitality, and yuan god.

Just now Manjushri used his forbidden powers against him, devouring his divine soul, and now it is up to him.

Now Wen Shu is fighting Donghuang Zhong with all his strength to see how he is distracted from resisting.

I saw countless peach petals suddenly fall in the sky, falling on Wen Shu's body, and blooming colorful flowers.

In an instant, Wen Shu felt that the vitality, Yuan Shen, Yuan Qi, and Essence in his body began to be swallowed by the colorful flower.

"Not good!" Feeling that the vitality in his body was constantly being devoured, Wen Shu was shocked, he was already hard enough to resist the Donghuang Bell now, if he was distracted to resist this magical power.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to care.

And if he doesn't resist, this flower that can devour essence is very strange, so fast, I'm afraid it won't be long before the vitality and essence in his body, the vitality, vitality, and vitality will be devoured.

At that time, he will not die, but also have a great injury.

"Nine-colored lotus platform, protect me." Manjushri drank, and a nine-colored lotus platform appeared under him, emitting endless Buddha light, wanting to resist the erosion for him.

This nine-colored lotus platform was the protective body spirit treasure that accompanied him when he became a saint, and its defensive power was comparable to that of an innate spirit treasure.

"There are still many means, but I have more than treasures." Tong Zheng snorted coldly, "Pangu Banner, give me the town." "

Tong Xuan sent a heaven-opening treasure again, Pangu Banner.


Pangu Banner with supreme power, suppressed down, plus the Donghuang Bell, directly made Wen Shu vomit blood again.

Suppressed by the two heaven-opening supreme treasures, the nine-colored lotus platform under Wen Shu's feet was directly shattered.

The petals of the blossom continued to fall on him, devouring his cultivation and Yuan Shen.

"The light of the Buddha shines." Manjushri drank heavily, exerted his innate powers, and the endless Buddha light turned into a shield to help him resist the devouring of the two supreme treasures and colorful flowers, but unfortunately it still had little effect.

"Ugh!" Manjushri screamed miserably, and hurriedly exerted his strongest protective ability: "My Buddha is compassionate, under the Bodhi tree, prove my Buddha fruit!" "


Behind Manjushri, a vision appeared, the path of bodhichitta enlightenment.

Manjushri's Buddha fruit, attained under the Bodhi tree, is the strongest divine power for manifestation, and the strongest means of comprehension when Dhara fully realizes enlightenment.

The Bodhi tree was born, appearing behind him, and endless Buddha power poured out from the Bodhi tree and descended on Manjushri, resisting the blossom of Tong Zheng and the magical power in an instant.

"Bodhi fruit, blessings." Manjushri drank heavily, and the Bodhi tree behind his back sent down the Buddha's light to bless him, shaking Tong Zheng's Pangu Banner and the Eastern Emperor Bell apart.

"Wen Shu is going to fight hard, even the Dao Fruit has been used." Ziwei Emperor Dao.

"Hmm." The Jade Emperor nodded and said, "The Lord of the World controls the two Heaven-Opening Supreme Treasures, and already has the ability to kill him, and if he doesn't use the power of the Dao Fruit, Wen Shu may fall here today."

"The power of the Dao fruit can only be used once every hundred years, and after using the power of the Dao fruit, you cannot preach sanctification in a hundred years, and today you forced me to this point, it can be regarded as a worthy death." Wen Shu turned pale at this time and spoke.

He can't manage so much now, and until now, Tong Zheng's two heaven-opening treasures plus the blossom of flowers have instantly divine powers, which has made him seriously injured.

Today, if you wear out cultivation to perform the Dao Fruit Killing Move, you will also destroy him.

"Bodhi Dao fruit, condense the Bodhi seal." Wen Shu spoke.

On the vision of the Bodhi tree, a green Dao fruit descended endless Buddha power, and these descending Buddha powers would deplete his cultivation, but now, he couldn't manage so much, Tong Zheng had to die.

"Bodhi seal, destroy me." Manjushri drank heavily, and the Bodhi Daoguo behind him condensed into a giant seal, with endless terrifying power, and suppressed towards Tong Zheng.

This Bodhi seal, which is transformed by the fruit of the Dao, suppresses everything in the world, and is manifested under the holy will surely die.

Seeing this, Tong Zheng did not have the slightest fear, and mobilized the mana in his body and spoke: "Donghuang Zhong, give it to me!" "

Tong Zheng understands that the only one who can deal with this Bodhi Seal is the Donghuang Bell.

The Eastern Emperor Bell can imprison time, suppress space, and bounce off the attacks of any treasure divine weapon and the damage of all magical spells.

But there are conditions.

If Tong Zheng and Wen Shu were at the same level, they might be able to be undefeated, but Tong Zheng's current realm was lower than Wen Shu, and even if he used the Donghuang Bell, the huge countershock force made him vomit blood.

One is not enough, another one.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower, shock me!" Tong Zheng drank heavily, and suddenly the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth appeared, lowered the Xuanhuang Qi, stood above Tong Zheng's head, and protected him.

Manjushri's Bodhi seal suddenly slowed down.

"Magical power, move stars for fights." At this time, Tong Zheng can use his magical powers to move stars and change buckets.

Just now, the entire space was controlled by Manjushri's Bodhi Dao Fruit vision, and he couldn't cast this magical power, but now with the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda shaking, he can cast this magical power.

This magical ability can turn everything in the universe and change its position, which can allow him to avoid the attack of Bodhi Fruit, and at the moment when Tong Zheng casts the star shifting fight.

This heaven and earth suddenly changed.

He and Wen Shu directly left the battlefield, appeared under a starry sky, and were transferred by Tong Zheng, day turned into night, and the sky above Lion Moose Ridge turned into a cosmic starry sky.

The newly emerged heaven and earth are controlled by Tong Zheng alone, and he is the master of this starry sky.

The moment Bodhi Yin was killed, Tong Zheng disappeared and disappeared into the void.

"Even if you briefly cast the domain magic power and create the domain space, you still have to die, and once the power of the Dao fruit is launched, it will not die!" Wen Shu drank loudly, Tong Zheng's Divine Power Realm was just one of the thirty-six Heavenly Divine Powers, and it was barely comparable to the forbidden realm means of manifestation.

But in front of Daoguo, it's still not enough to see!

"Bodhi Daoguo, break it for me." Manjushri drank, and on his head, the green Bodhi fruit shone generously, and the power of rules shone out one after another.

Forcibly changed Tong Zheng's star shifting to the Dou Divine Power Realm, breaking cracks one after another, and wanted to let Wen Shu out of the control of this field.

"Hmph, it's not to trap you, it's enough to weaken the power of your Daoguo." Tong Zheng sneered, "Bind the immortal rope."

Then Tong Zheng sent a bundle of immortal ropes directly and bound Manjushri away.

Then, mobilizing the stars of the entire starry sky, one by one, bombarded Wenshu, constantly bombarding Wenshu.

"Bodhi Vision, Go!" Manjushri said lightly, and the Bodhi tree fell its branches to protect Manjushri.

The Great Star bombardment ended, and Manjushri's vision of Bodhi Daoguo was not broken.

"The fun just begins." Tong Zheng then rotated the sun and moon, bombarding Manjushri's Bodhi vision, and at the same time the Taijitu and Pangu Banner were sacrificed at the same time.

Together with the Donghuang Bell on Tong Zheng's head, it also blasted out together.

The three Kai Heaven Supreme Treasures bombarded Xiang Wen Shu at the same time.

Taijitu's attack and killing ability is stronger than that of Donghuang Zhong, ignoring any defense, and unfolding can turn enemies into ashes.


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