Tong Zheng can now barely control two Heaven-Opening Supreme Treasures at the same time, and control three pieces to attack at the same time, which is very reluctant.

That's why he used the Star Shifting Fighting Divine Power as bait to divert Wen Shu's attention, and then forcibly control the three Heaven-Opening Supreme Treasure attacks, because there was only one chance.

Seeing Tong Zheng sacrifice two more heaven-opening treasures, Wen Shu was frightened and stupid.

How could Tong Zheng have so many heaven-opening treasures.

Moreover, it can control these three supreme treasures at the same time, which can only be done by the body and divine soul of the saint level.

It's over.

He wanted to go, Tong Zheng did have a saint-level physical body.

Under the constant attack of the three spiritual treasures, Manjushri's vision of the Bodhi Dao fruit finally could not resist, began to break, and then turned into pieces.

"Poof!" The Dao fruit was broken, and Wen Shu directly vomited blood, this time even if he didn't die, his strength would regress greatly.

When the time came, the immortal rope tied Wen Shu, the Eastern Emperor Zhong forcibly suppressed him, and Pangu Banner and Taijitu continued to bombard him in the flesh.

The Star Shifting Fighting Divine Power ended, and heaven and earth returned to the border land again, and Manjushri was half-dead suspended in the air.

However, Tong Zheng still can't kill him, his realm has reached the perfection of the Manifestation Realm, and the body and soul are all the Manifestation Perfection Realm, but he has come to the mortal world and is suppressed.

Tong Zheng currently controls the three supreme treasures, and can only kill the strong people of the flesh and soul below the late stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, and he cannot kill the powerhouses of the Manifestation Saint Realm.

And now, Tong Zheng's mana and divine soul are very tired, he has just controlled three supreme treasures at the same time, and now he has almost collapsed.

"Ziwei Emperor, Jade Emperor, can you help me kill him, his physical body and soul have reached the realm of manifestation perfection, although I can cripple him, I can't destroy his body and soul." Tong Zhengdao.

"No need, we can't kill him." The Jade Emperor shook his head and said.

Manjushri, as one of the four great bodhisattvas of Buddhism, the two great protectors of Buddha, under the saint, no one can kill him.

At this time, endless golden Buddha light appeared in the sky above, and a Buddha statue large enough to cover the sky appeared.

"Buddha." Puxian on the side hurriedly saluted.

Buddha arrived, and now the Lord of the world is dead.

It was not unusual for the Jade Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor to see the arrival of the Buddha.

As one of the two protectors of the Buddha Gate, Manjushri was beaten like this, if he did not appear, the face of the Buddha Gate would not be able to hang up.

"A good lord of the world, fierce nature, first killed my Buddha mount, and now wounded my Buddha Bodhisattva, in the future, you will follow me to Lingshan to reflect well." Buddha spoke.


Stretching out a palm and shooting towards Tong Zheng, these five fingers are like mountains, with unrivaled strength, they are about to fall on Tong Zheng's body.

"Five Finger Mountain!" Tong's face was ugly, and he had a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of Rulai.

"Rulai, when, you are qualified to come to the territory of my Daomen and arrest the people in my Daomen." A voice like Huang Zhong Da Lu sounded, containing the mighty power of the endless avenue.


An old man who had ascended the seven-layer divine wheel on his back and stepped on the light of endless merit slowly stepped into the air, it was the Tongtian Sect Leader.

With a wave of the Tongtian Sect Lord's hand, a holy force directly crushed the Five Finger Mountain.

"Let the lead and junti speak." Tongtian Sect is the main way.

"Meet Tongtian Daozun." The Jade Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor spoke respectfully.

"Thank you Tongtian Dao Venerable." Tong Zheng also spoke.

Rulai saw the Tongtian Sect Lord get up, snorted coldly, and ordered Puxian to leave with Wen Shu, who had been beaten half-dead.

This time, it is considered that stealing chickens will not erode rice.

When the Tongtian Sect Lord came over, he couldn't do anything to Tong Zheng.

If you come and leave.

The Tongtian Sect Lord looked at Tong Zheng and said, "Not bad, it has reached the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Wonderland, and the three heaven-opening supreme treasures can barely control it." "

Thank you Daozun for your compliment." Tong Zhengdao.

"Well, there are still some variables in the Great Tribulation today, and you can't be proud of your current leadership." The Tongtian Sect Lord said, "Recently, you should pay more attention to the sealed place of the Four Murders Forbidden Area. "

The power of the Four Murders Forbidden Area Seal!" Tong Zheng's pupils shrank, was this hinting at him.

"Hmm." The Tongtian Sect Lord nodded and said, "There are many things to deal with in the Great Tribulation, not only the things of the Pangu Universe, but also some races that you don't know, make good use of the things in your body, and find ways to keep getting stronger." Saying

that, he left with the Jade Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor.

"Not only the Pangu universe things, but also some other races." Tong Zheng muttered, making good use of the things in his body, constantly getting stronger, did he mean the system?

Also, pay attention to what the forbidden area of the Four Evils means.

The reminder of the Tongtian Sect Lord made him a little puzzled.

"Maybe the Western world and those forbidden area races are plotting something, maybe it is related to the forbidden area of the Four Murders, you can send someone to check it." The system said: "During this time, the Western world and several forbidden area races are somewhat quiet, I am afraid that they are planning something. "

Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded, the forbidden area of the land of the four murders, there are four fierce beasts sealed, gluttony, chaos, poor and strange hammers, if these four murderers are released, I am afraid that there will be chaos in the world.

At that time, the situation he will face will be complicated.

"There are saints behind the Western world, in fact, there are saints behind the demon race, and the witch race is also behind it." The system said: "Only the demon race does not, persimmon picks a soft pinch, and so on to solve the matter of the four murders forbidden area, you can attack the demon forbidden area, with your current strength, it is to kill into the abyss of the demon race, and the demon race can't help you."

"There is a Nuwa in the demon clan, I know, what saints are there in the Wu clan" Tong Zheng said: "The back land of the prefecture?" "

Yes, the back soil of the prefecture is one of the ten ancestral witches, although it is now in the prefecture, but the Wu clan is her race after all, and it can't be moved at present." System Dao.

"Well, then take the demon race first." Tong Zheng said: "I came out to provoke me five times, I really thought I was provoked." "

Back to the Huaxia Daomei.

Tong Zheng immediately sent someone to check the situation in the forbidden area of the Four Evil Lands.

At the beginning of the great calamity, all the forbidden areas in various places were opened, and the forbidden area of the four murderous places was among them, and the four fierce forbidden areas sealed the four fierce beasts, and there could be no mistakes.

After sending someone to the forbidden area of the four murders to investigate.

Tong is in the Dao League, and he recovers his mana.

In the battle with Manjushri, he was extremely expensive and needed time to recover.

However, although this battle was hugely consuming, it also had many benefits, and he crippled Manjushri, and it was Manjushri who launched the Daoguo, which also proved his own strength.

As long as he spends more time cultivating the three supreme treasures, and at the same time earns merit points to improve his cultivation, it won't be long before he can have the strength to kill the Manifestation Perfection.

Two days later.

Tong Zheng's state returned to his peak.

At this time, Tong Zheng sent the people who investigated the land of the four murders to also return.

As expected, in the land of the four fierces, there are figures of the Western camp and the demon race, demon race, and witch race.

They are indeed fighting the attention of the Four Murderous Lands.

"It seems that I have to go to the land of the four murders myself." Tong Zhengdao.

"Let's go with you." Lin Jing'er and Xiao Rou said: "The enemy's purpose is unknown, we can also help you investigate."

Tong Zheng nodded.

Immediately, Tong Zheng took Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou directly to the place of the Four Murders Forbidden Zone.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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