Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 115 Winner of the Training Field: Witch Rosaline (Fourth Update)

The woman was wearing a long black dress, and her beautiful long golden hair hung straight down her waist. What shocked Paimon the most was that the figure was even more voluptuous and terrifying than Lisa's, but how could such a beautiful person not have any impression of her?

Paimon looked at the other person in confusion and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I heard that Mr. Su Han was injured, so he brought some medicine to visit him. Why don't you invite me in and sit down?"

Rosalin opened her palm, and a black porcelain bottle appeared in her palm.

Although Paimon didn't know this witch, she might be Su Han's friend, so he nodded and said: "Then come in quickly, but Su Han is so popular. After being injured, so many people came to visit. ”

The women in the room were also unfamiliar with the sounds outside. It wasn't until the other person came in that they realized they didn't know each other at all. Only Qin recognized the other person's identity. This woman is a fool!

However, Qin was very confused. Didn't Su Han have a grudge against the Fools? How did they get involved, and why did the other party know about Su Han's injury?

Yora noticed Qin's unusual expression, so she asked in a low voice: "Do you know her?"

"Well, although I don't know the position, she is a high-ranking member of the Fools."

"You fools, could it be the one from the morning?"


Qin was stunned for a moment, remembering the rumors that had come from the market in the morning, and her face suddenly turned extremely ugly. She thought it was a rumor that the stupid rich woman wanted to keep Su Han, but she didn't expect it to be true. But this woman had no shame and even came to her door. .

Rosalin ignored everyone's gaze and walked directly in front of Su Han. Looking at his dull expression, the witch's lips slightly raised and she couldn't help teasing: "Are you so surprised to see me appear?"

"Well, it does."

Although he didn't know what this aunt wanted to do, Su Han had no choice but to deal with it now that he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Fortunately, Rosalin had no intention of finding fault with him. Instead, she took out the medicine bottle and said, "Try this medicine. This is the product of that doctor. Although I hate that madman, the medicine he developed is very effective." not bad."

Qin, who originally didn't want to say anything, finally couldn't help but stand up after hearing the name and said, "I'm sorry, Su Han can't accept this bottle of medicine."

Paimon asked in confusion: "Why is this?"

She didn't understand that it was obvious that the other party came to visit with good intentions, so it would be inappropriate to refuse in person. Others were also confused about Qin's behavior.

"Why?" Qin walked up to Rosalin, looked at the other person's silver eyes and said word by word: "Because the doctor she said used children to do many cruel experiments. How about the medicine developed by such a person? Can it really be safe?”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they did not expect this result at all.

But Rosalin did not panic at all. Instead, she said sarcastically: "Don't say that you are like a white lotus. There are so many bad things in your Knights of the West Wind. Just like this time, the dignified acting captain did not go to the front line but let a person A foreigner was seriously injured. If I were you, I would be ashamed to see anyone!"

"You" Qin blushed at the rebuke, and immediately retorted: "I was injured before, so I couldn't get over, otherwise I would never let anything happen to Su Han."

Rosalin said with a look of disdain: "Hey, that's a really good excuse. I heard that Su Han helped you last time, but what he got was a useless honorary knight title. He didn't even get a little practical help. None. If you don’t believe me, just ask Su Han how I thanked him after he helped me.”

"We will remember Su Han's kindness without you reminding us. And if it weren't for you fools, why would Mondstadt be in such chaos some time ago."

"Then why don't you reflect on whether the people of Mondstadt will support you?"

Seeing the two women arguing more and more fiercely, Su Han was numb. At first, they attacked each other from his perspective, but then they turned into physical attacks. For example, someone's breasts were too small, and someone's breasts were too small. If someone's breasts are so big, why aren't they afraid that they will fall out when they walk?

In short, Su Han now understands why having too many women is scary.

The others had already sat aside and started eating melon seeds before the quarrel started. As for some people wondering why Amber and Yura didn't help Qin, this problem is actually easy to understand. Neither of them have the ability to fight with their mouths.

Especially since Yura lost in just two rounds.

About an hour later, Rosalin suddenly looked out the window and said, "It's really meaningless to keep making noise like this. Why don't we let the singer outside come over and comment?"

"Huh? Singer"

Wendy, who was watching a show on the roof, trembled. She didn't expect that the other party would drag her up, but since he was discovered, he naturally didn't dare to stay any longer, so he quickly turned over and got in through the window.

Looking at everyone's shocked eyes, Wendy scratched her head and said awkwardly: "Well, would you believe me if I said I was just passing by?"

Hutao: "Humph."

Yola: "Haha."

Paimon: "Only a ghost would believe you!"

Amber: "Even a child can't say this."

In the face of everyone's ridicule, Wendy shamelessly ignored it. He walked in front of the medicine bottle, checked it and said: "This medicine has no side effects, and it will have a miraculous effect on injuries."

Qin's face paled when she heard this, but Rosalin's face was full of pride.

"Did you see that? This street singer said that the things were fine. Is it because the Knights of Favonius are used to being stingy and can't stand others being generous? But I am a magnanimous man. Let's forget about this matter. And you just said that the doctor is untrustworthy. Of course, I think so too. It's just that he doesn't dare to lie to me about this kind of medicine."

After saying that, Rosaline left the room triumphantly like a proud peacock.

Looking at the completely defeated Jean, Paimon whispered: "Although the opponent is the Fatui, she is really good at talking. Ying, if we meet her next time, it's better not to talk to her, just attack directly."

Ying nodded vigorously when she heard this. Naturally, she didn't want to communicate with such a person who was good at talking.

Because of this little episode, the dinner party was completely ruined, and everyone left one after another.

When only Qin and Yingmei were left in the room, the female leader suddenly said, "Can I take care of Su Han?"

"Okay, I'll go and rest first."

Yingmei was slightly stunned, and finally agreed to the other party's request. Moreover, she was exhausted by today's battle, and it was time to rest.

Soon, only Su Han and Qin were left in the room. Looking at the depressed female leader, he comforted her, "Actually, you don't have to take those words to heart."

Qin shook her head and said self-deprecatingly, "But think about it carefully, our Mondstadt is really stingy."

If this kind of credit for saving the country is placed in Liyue, it will definitely not be just a title symbolizing honor.

Thanks to "." and "Touxin" for their recommendation votes, love you~~~

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