Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 116: Devotion from the female leader, but she was caught? (Fifth update)

Su Han didn't know what to say for a while. The Knights of the West Wind were originally very poor and had failed before. Basically, giving a title was the ultimate, so he never expected that the Knights of the West Wind could give him a title. What a surprise.

After a long time, Qin picked up the potion presented by Rosalin and said, "I'll change the potion for you. It's getting late."


When the bandages were removed one by one, Qin couldn't help but cover her mouth. She had thought about how serious Su Han's injuries were, but she never thought that his injuries almost spanned the entire body!

Qin's eyes couldn't help but moisten, and her voice trembled: "What exactly happened at that time?"

"It's really kind of hard to put into words."

"But I want to know."

Qin stroked his muscles and said softly, even if she couldn't share the pain for him, at least she wanted to know the whole process of the matter.

Su Han saw that the other party was about to cry again, so he could only tell the whole story, otherwise Qin would continue to feel guilty.

When she heard that the enemy turned out to be Ying's brother, Qin was extremely surprised and said, "Is he a blood relative?"

"Yes, he is his biological brother. But he has been sleeping for five hundred years, while the other party traveled around the world five hundred years ago. He may have fallen in the end, and now he wants to destroy the entire world. I have told you what happened now. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

"Who said I blame myself? I just feel that I owe you. I almost forgot to ask you what happened this morning, and what happened to that woman just now?"

Faced with Qin's questioning, Su Han did not choose to hide it. He told everything about the encounter in the forest and the treatment of his disfigurement.

"But don't the Fools have a grudge against you? Why did you cooperate with them and help that woman with her treatment?"

Qin was very confused and a little jealous.

Su Han heard the words and explained: "At first I thought she was a lunatic, but as we talked more and more, I realized that she just went astray because of infatuation. Maybe you don't know that fools are not monolithic, and people from various regions Executives also dislike each other. For example, Fontaine’s current executive secured his current position by killing his previous executive.”

"So I was thinking that instead of breaking up with her, it would be better to quietly observe and talk. As a result, I found that although Rosalin has a bad temper, she still has a kind side. If the situation in Mondstadt can be stabilized through communication, then Why not?"

In order to ease the relationship between the two people, Su Han really tried his best to make up lies. However, there was one thing he did not deceive. That was that the witch had really changed, such as her hatred for Wendy in the original plot. It cannot be resolved at all.

But today, not only did he not get angry, he even asked the other party to identify his potion. It must be said that this was a huge breakthrough.

Su Han even wondered if there was a way to make the fools stay safe and at the same time prevent Zhidong from being suspicious. Although this matter was difficult, he was willing to work hard for it.

Qin was silent for a while, then raised her head and asked: "Can we really have a chance to breathe? If we give the Knights some time to develop, I swear I can suppress the Fools."

"How will you know if you don't try? Now, after applying the potion for me, you can take a rest. Don't forget that your injuries haven't healed yet."


Qin nodded lightly but was thinking about other things in her heart. Maybe Su Han contacted the other party for the sake of Mond and comic sales, but the threat Rosalin gave her was too great. Although every word the other party said touched her heart, every sentence It's all on point.

If she continues to be cowardly, she may lose everything.

Qin left the comic store half an hour later, but instead of going home, she went in the opposite direction.

Su Han was sleeping soundly at night, when suddenly the door was gently pushed open by a figure. If he had not been injured before, he would have reacted immediately, but today's injury caused his perception to decrease infinitely.

The figure stood in front of the bed and hesitated for a long time, and finally slowly unbuttoned his clothes.

"Maybe we are poor, maybe my figure is not as good as hers, maybe I am not as straightforward as the other person."

"But all I can give you is my heart."

"I hope you won't let me down."

After taking off his clothes, the figure was still a little shy, but finally chose to get in.

In his sleep, Su Han felt someone hugging him. The other person's body was extremely hot, and there was a refreshing fragrance. He tried to see the other person's face several times, but in the end he fell asleep because he was too tired.

As for the figure who got into the bed, he originally mustered up unlimited courage, but as soon as he got in, he lost consciousness due to drunkenness.

The next day.

The bright sunshine penetrated the clouds and shone into the house. Su Han felt the light shining and slowly woke up. For some reason, he always felt a tightness in his chest, until he touched Su Han with his hand and woke up instantly.

He touched someone, and the person was naked.

"Wait a minute, I seemed to sleep alone yesterday. Then I met someone in my dream who hugged me. Could it be that?"

Su Han had a weird look on his face and gently opened the quilt, only to see that the person was Qin, and he was naked! ! !

What the hell is going on?

Su Han was a little confused. At that moment, he considered that the person in his arms was Shen He. After all, the other person did not understand the trivial matters of the world. If he was scared at night, he would probably come over. It was even possible without clothes. But why would Qin He In his arms!

Just when Su Han was thinking about what to do, Qin in his arms moved her eyebrows, and she woke up with a whimper, and then the two of them focused their eyes on each other.

"Oh no!"

Su Han saw that her eyes were shrinking, and knew that she was going to shout, so he quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shh, first of all, let me say this, I'm just sleeping here, I don't know why you are here, I swear this is true and I fell asleep quickly after you left yesterday."

Hearing his explanation, Qin finally slowly remembered the whole thing. When she found that she fell asleep without doing the last step, Qin wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it directly. This would make people laugh to death if it was told to others.

And just when they didn't know what to do, they heard a conversation outside the door.

"Su Han should be very tired, otherwise he should have gotten up at this time. Do you want to buy him breakfast?"

"No problem, but I don't know much about what patients should eat, Paimeng."

Su Han and Qin looked at each other. What they feared came true. It turned out that Paimeng and Ying were outside. If they knew about this, Paimeng's loudmouthed personality would sooner or later let the cat out of the bag.

"Why not ask him? It's already past eight o'clock, he should be awake."

"That's right."

Just as Qin was about to put on her clothes and run away, the door handle outside was twisted. Looking at the door that was gradually opened, the face of the female leader was full of despair.

Thanks to the monthly ticket support from "There is a Pig There", love you~~

Thanks to the recommendation ticket support from "Lan Feng", love you~~~

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