Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 243 Nuwa Divine Stone and Sword 23, now we need the courier Qi Liangliang

"Let's take a look at the lottery first."

So many rewards.

Naturally, they have to be extracted one by one.

Su Han thought happily.

"System, extract treasures from [Wind and Cloud World]."

"Yes, host."

Huzhai Palace was nestled next to him, unaware that Su Han was drawing a lottery, and couldn't even see the system interface.

And in the void.

The prize pool is spinning fast.

Soon, the treasure stopped shaking.

[Congratulations to the host for extracting Nie Feng’s weapon—Xueyin Kuangdao—from the inner world of “Wind and Cloud”. 】

[Tip: Due to the system upgrade, a new function is currently produced. If the host does not want the weapon, it can spend 50,000 points to return it to its original source. 】

"System, what does returning to one's origins mean?"

"Return to the host and you can get a Nuwa Divine Stone."

"Nuwa Divine Stone?"

Su Han reacted.

He almost forgot that both the peerless sword and the Snow Drinking Crazy Sword were weapons forged based on the Nuwa Divine Stone.

Nowadays, Su Han has no shortage of weapons.

Instead, you can try the return-to-origin function.

However, Su Han had to ask clearly what the power of the Nuwa Divine Stone was.

Otherwise, it would be a bit resentful to spend points and only get a piece of junk.

"System, what are the properties of the Nuwa Divine Stone obtained after Xueyin Kuangdao returned to its roots?"

"Back to the host, it has not yet returned to its origins, and the system cannot obtain detailed information. But according to calculations, it must be worth more than the weapon."

"Then let's return to our roots."

Since the value is higher than weapons.

Then there is no need to choose a weapon at all.


Fifty thousand points were deducted.

In Su Han's hand, there was a dazzling pale white stone.

"What is this? The aura it exudes is so sacred."

Huzhai Palace murmured to herself, her eyes attracted by the Nuwa Divine Stone in front of her.

Back then, the palace minister had a high status and acquired countless treasures.

But there is no treasure that can exude such a sacred aura.

Close your eyes.

It was as if the mother of all things was beside her.

Su Han looked at the system panel and said softly: "It is the Nuwa Divine Stone."

[Name]: Nuwa Divine Stone - Bailu

[Attributes]: Ice and snow, sacred, space

[Effect]: The whole body automatically emits a cold breath

[Special]: This is the treasure left by Nuwa Mending the Sky. Although it has the effect of forging weapons, it was returned to its origin by the host and restored the true function of the sacred stone.

[Function]: If the divine stone is dissolved with powerful divine power, the space can be repaired

"Nuwa Divine Stone? It's a name I've never heard of before. I feel the power of frost and space from it. Could it be a treasure of a god?"

"You are really smart, you guessed it right!"

Su Han praised Hu Zhai Palace and explained the efficacy of this sacred stone.

When heard it can repair the space.

Huzhai Palace was extremely shocked.

ancient time.

The only thing that can repair the space is the sky nails falling from the sky.

A small stone can actually repair space, so its origin is probably not simple.

Hu Zhai Palace thought for a while and asked: "Su Han, tell me. Which god did this thing come from?"

in the books she left behind.

There doesn't seem to be a demon who controls space.

"This is a treasure from outside the world. In terms of status, it is probably on the same level as Tianli."

All are the Creator.

They can also repair the world.

Maybe the two are at similar levels.

After all, they are different worlds, and Su Han can only make a superficial comparison.

As a result, his muttering frightened Hu Zhai Palace.

"Tianli? You're not kidding me, are you?"

Although she lost her memory.

But Huzhai Palace still has this part of the memory about who is in charge of the world.


Think about it this way.

Huzhai Palace suddenly remembered something that happened a few days ago.

That night, I rested in my room.

Su Han was on the phone in the living room. Someone once joked that he was the biological son of the Creator.

This. This can't be true.

Otherwise, why would Su Han take out a treasure at random and have such a powerful background?

The more Hu Zhai Palace thought about it, the more excited he became.

In the past, she only thought that Su Han was a powerful swordsman.

But I didn’t expect that his status would be so noble!

"Why are you teasing me? You don't know what kind of personality I have. Okay, let me see what treasures I have today."


Huzhai Palace looks like a good baby.

She has completely figured it out now.

Women should rely on men!

Think about the hard times we lived five hundred years ago.

The draw continues.

Su Han's second reward came soon.

[Congratulations to the host for extracting the peerless skill from the inner world of "Wind and Cloud" - Twenty-three Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Swords! 】

"Huh? It's actually it!"

Sword twenty-three.

The moves created by the sword master before his death are extremely powerful and can kill enemies with his soul.

Huzhai Palace saw that Su Han suddenly had a book in his hand, and immediately asked: "What is this?"

"Twenty-three swords."

"Yuanshen swordsmanship?"


Su Han handed over his martial arts skills to Hu Zhai Palace.

This martial art can be said to be the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

To realize the power of the soul in a mortal body is extremely talented.

It's a pity that the Sword Saint was already exhausted at that time, otherwise Xiongba would have died long ago.

Hu Zhaigong took the martial arts and flipped through it. The content inside was very easy to understand. The more she read, the more mysterious she felt, and she couldn't help but comment on it.

"Although it is a human martial arts, the moves inside are really mysterious, and even more powerful than Yin-Yang magic."

Sword Twenty-Three is not as simple as simply letting the soul out of the body.

Instead, it refines the spiritual power into sword energy.

When the soul leaves the body, thousands of swords can be added to the body.

The power can be imagined.

Hu Zhaigong studied it for a while, and his brows gradually frowned.

"This martial arts seems to have disadvantages. Roughly refining the soul into sword energy will actually cause damage!"

"That's right, but wait a moment."

Su Han used the system to strengthen it.

Ten thousand points went down.

Sword Twenty-Three was promoted to the perfect state.

All the disadvantages were repaired by the system.

Su Han took out a piece of white paper and wrote and drew on it with a pen, and then he handed the things to Hu Zhaigong.

"How do you think of this?"

"Hmm? This is... your modification."

Hu Zhai Gong only took a glance and found the difference between the two exercises.

The original version of Sword 23 had a rough and primitive cultivation method.

The version Su Han gave her had a big change. Not only did it have a way to warm up the soul, but it would not damage the soul.

"Did you modify this?"

"I guess so."

Su Han rubbed his nose and admitted it frankly.

The perfect level of Sword 23 has basically studied this exercise thoroughly.

If he modified it himself, it is not impossible to do it, but it would just waste some time to think about it.

Hu Zhai Gong wondered: "It's just a blink of an eye, and you can modify a technique?"

"Well, this is not me. It is a creation called a system"

Su Han admitted it frankly.

As a result, Hu Zhai Gong rolled his eyes at him.

Obviously he didn't believe it even more.

If there is such a good thing in the world, why doesn't he have a system?

"Forget it, just assume you are a genius. I will try the chapter of nourishing the spirit in this technique to see if it works for this body."

Hu Zhaigong went to the next door to practice.

And Su Han sighed: "No one believes the truth, it turns out to be bragging."

The second round of draws is over.

Next, it's the last one.

The first two rounds of draws were pretty good, I hope to work hard this time.

The wheel spins.

The reward arrives.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the treasure from the "Wind and Cloud" inner world - 99 blood bodhisattvas plus 1 blood bodhi vine. 】


Su Han looked at the reward and laughed out of anger.

"System, are you kidding me?"

"Host, what do you have any questions about?"

"I only got 1 in the previous draw, but now you get 99 directly. What does that mean?"

"Host, please don't be angry. It was a low-level prize pool before, and you could only get one at most. Now it's a high-level prize pool, and you should have seen that the reward also comes with a vine. If you cultivate it carefully, you will get a lot of blood bodhi in the future."

This makes sense.

There will be an inexhaustible supply of blood bodhi in the future, so why get angry?

After receiving the things, Su Han did not choose to strengthen.

He wanted to see if there would be some powerful treasures in the next treasure.

After all, the value of things in the world of Fengyun is getting lower and lower.

If it weren't for Jian Twenty-three, he would not have strengthened it at all.

"System, draw treasures from the world of [Fox Demon Little Matchmaker]."

There are many rewards that can be drawn today, and it's just the beginning now.

Su Han has a faint expectation for this world of cultivation. If some powerful treasures can appear, he will not be afraid even if he travels through time.

Soon the system panel appeared.

The current data is as follows.

[Comics]: Fox Demon Little Matchmaker

[Authorization]: Level 6 (can produce comic content of Volumes 11-12)

[Restrictions]: Selling 280,000 comics can unlock subsequent content

[Rewards]: Selling 280,000 comics can unlock the sixth lottery. After more than seven times, you can get a free treasure draw. Currently, you can draw once

[Prize Pool]: You can randomly obtain skills, potions, magic weapons, and even bloodlines from the world of Fox Demon Little Matchmaker. If the comic authority is lower than Level 5, you will not get super treasures

[Benefits]: If the host obtains a skill, you can upgrade your level through points, one point for each comic

The prize pool appears soon.

After a familiar rotation, the black pointer landed on a unique treasure.

[Ding Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" world treasure - the Seven Treasures Wonderful Bark. ]

"This thing, I remember it seems to be Yue Tixia's treasure."

Su Han looked at the bark he drew and quickly thought of its origin.

This is the treasure of the Yue Ti clan

Holding it, you can gain the ability to manipulate plants.

"It's really an interesting thing, but it doesn't match my attributes. So I'll keep it for now."

Every ability depends on how the user develops it.

And the special treasure of the Seven Treasures Myobark can actually be used as a wood escape technique, but its destructive power is definitely not as strong as that of wood escape technique.

After all, Hasi Lama's wood escape technique is blessed by fairy arts.

If it's just a simple wood escape technique, its destructive power is just that.

Put away the treasure.

Su Han called the shrine maiden who served him at the door and said to her: "Hiramei, go and put the comics down the mountain. Then find a team of people to deliver them to Liyue and other places for me."

The sale of comics cannot stop for a moment.

Since it can be updated now, it must be released to various countries.

Daocheng Yingmei thought about it and asked: "How about I recommend you a helper? Except for being a little timid, his business ability is still very strong."


"Qiliangliang! The deliveryman of Inazuma Express Company "Komahaya."

Yae Shenzi has been committed to the re-employment of monsters.

Now is an era where everyone can survive. If monsters want to get more comfortable, they naturally have to pay a price.

Therefore, the express delivery industry is very suitable for Qiliangliang.

After all, the little cat yearns for the human world and is also a lively and lovely girl.

If she is locked up in the forest every day, it will be the biggest loss.

"So it's her. Okay, go call Qi Liangliang over. As for the reward, I'll give you ten times the price."

"Ten times?!!!"

Daocheng Yingmei couldn't help but exclaim.

I've heard from adults that Mr. Su Han is a rich man. It seems he is really rich.

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