Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 268 How to awaken the devil fruit, there is no garbage fruit in the world

It is recorded in the classics.

The sacred cherry tree.

The origin is unknown.

But it has the power to purify filth.

But when the old woman traveled, the Narukami Shrine did not let her study in depth, so the information Mona could get was actually the little she had at hand.

Under the guidance of the shrine maiden.

Passing through red buildings, they finally arrived at the courtyard where the sacred cherry tree was located.

The other party stood at the door and said apologetically: "Dear guest, the area inside is not for us to set foot in, so please go in by yourself."

"Oh, thank you very much."

Mona reacted and thanked her repeatedly.

But the young shrine maiden smiled and said: "This is what we should do. If you have any problems, please ring the bell at the door. Even if I am not here, there will be other shrine maidens to help you deal with things."

Mona followed the other party's gaze and saw a red rope hanging from the door on the left, and a bell was tied to it.

It looks pretty cute.

"Okay, I got it."

"Then please do as you please, sir."

The witch bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

Mona looked at the other person's leaving figure, and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect that he was quite polite. It's worthy of being the place where the family of the god Inazuma lives, the quality is high!"

During the time she stayed in Liyue.

Thanks to Su Han's status.

Mona can go to many places, but even the Yujingtai office does not have such rules and etiquette.

Walk inside.

A huge sacred cherry tree came into view.

Mona thought that this tree would have some mystery.

But when she walked under the tree and saw that the shape of the tree was actually a fox head, her eyelids twitched immediately.

She dared to say.

The sacred cherry tree definitely didn't look like this at the beginning.

"Oh, you're here so soon?"

Suddenly, Su Han's voice came from the side.

Mona turned her head and looked, her eyes gradually widened.

"Boss, this shrine. Is it appropriate for you to barbecue here?"

Such a sacred place.

He made a grill here, with not only all kinds of kidneys but also all kinds of oysters.

Aren't you afraid that the witches will get angry?

Su Han looked at Mona's tired face, handed her a skewer and asked:

"Would you like a bite?"


The rich aroma of meat wafted into her nose.

Mona couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

A few minutes later.

"It smells so good. Boss, how did you make it?"

"This is simple, marinate first, then grill. It tastes good."

"Super good."

Mona gave a thumbs up, her mouth full of oil.

She had eaten a lot of barbecue.

But I don't know if it was because she was too tired today, or the boss's cooking was good, anyway, Mona thought it was especially delicious!

"Then give me more."

Su Han handed over the baked sesame cakes.

As for the kidneys, it was actually okay.

Otherwise, Mona would be traumatized after eating.

The two were eating.

Hu Zhai Gong and Hu Tao walked in one after another, and seeing Su Han fiddling with the barbecue, they immediately joined the battle.

It is worth mentioning.

After the complete destruction of the Jiujiao family, a large number of soldiers' bones needed to be transferred.

Therefore, the temporarily closed Wangsheng Hall reopened this time.

Even Xiaogong started working with Hu Tao again.

Su Han looked at the hall master who was eating and drinking, and said with a smile:

"Eat slowly, we have a lot of food. By the way, how is the business today?"

Hu Tao swallowed a string of roasted potatoes, and the rich chili sauce made her want to order another twenty strings.

Listening to his inquiry.

Hu Tao smiled and said:

"It's okay, a large number of bones have been sent back. We are also planning to catch Zaoyou as a substitute, and the salary is very high, so at most five days, the problem of Bayun Island will be solved."

"That's pretty fast."

Su Han's fan in his hand kept waving, and the charcoal fire emitted a scorching light, which quickly ripened the fresh ingredients.

"Yes, after all, they were buried in the wilderness. It's quite pitiful to think about it."

Thinking of these bad things.

Hu Tao couldn't help but sigh.

Before she came, the people of the Kujo clan could not find a funeral, so they threw some bodies on the deserted island or even on the beach.

Some can still be found.

Some are very difficult.

However, in order to allow every corpse to return to its homeland.

Hu Tao also issued a death order, hiring some water monsters at a high price to carry out high-intensity operations.

After the people of Inazuma learned about this behavior, many people spontaneously joined the ranks of helping.

As for the name of the Wangsheng Hall.

Now it is resounding throughout Inazuma.

Hearing this, Hu Zaigong raised his glass to Hu Tao and said seriously:

"It's really thanks to the efforts of Master Hu. I, Daiying. And the soldiers of the entire Inazuma thank you."

Let the dead rest in peace.

It sounds very ordinary.

But in fact, this is a big project.

Seeing this, Hu Tao put down the skewers in her hand and waved her hands repeatedly:

"No, no, no, aren't we all friends?"

"Besides, you are Su Han's lover. After all, we are still a family."

"Hehe, let's sit down and have a drink."

"As for Su Han, forget it, he can't drink at all."

Looking at the enthusiastic little girl, Hu Zhaigong also laughed.

What a lovely child.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Let's drink together.

After three rounds of drinking.

There was a lot of small talk.

When it comes to comics.

Hu Tao's eyes shone brightly and she asked Su Han:

"Hey, how do you use that awakening skill?"

"It looks really cool."

"If I awaken, can I create a huge ghost world?"

During the day.

She had just read the comics.

Doflamingo's awakening skills in it made Hutao excited to death.

Of course, Luffy’s fourth gear is also cool.

However, as a devil fruit user.

What Hu Tao cares more about is the awakening of his own abilities.

Who knows that she is also a devil fruit user?

"Awakening skill? What is that."

Mona was confused.

This is a word I have never heard before.

Hutao explained enthusiastically:

"You must have not seen today's comic. In the latest volume, Su Han added the awakening of the Devil Fruit. This is more powerful than those with natural Devil Fruit abilities, and it is the liberation of the fruit's abilities."

"So that's it! So, what exactly is the Awakening Skill?"

When Mona heard this, she immediately became interested.

Because, soon she will become a devil fruit user.

Hutao pointed to the ground and explained:

"Look here, it's a piece of land, right? If someone masters the power of threads, they can turn the entire land into threads!"

"Of course, if you had the knife, maybe the whole ground would be covered with knives."

"As for the animal department, I don't know much about this. You have to ask Su Han."

Mona was shocked after listening to Hu Tao's explanation.

Is this something humans can do?

It completely distorts reality.

"Wait, according to what you said, all devil fruits will awaken?"

After Mona came to her senses, she immediately thought of a serious problem.

If you follow this idea.

Isn't it true that every devil fruit is extremely powerful?

So, she turned to look at Su Han.

"Basically everyone will wake up, but the premise is to look at the developers. There are no garbage fruits in the world, only garbage users."

Faced with Mona's gaze.

Su Han said this.

If the Thread Fruit is obtained by another person, it will probably only be able to control the person's actions at most, but it will not be able to create a birdcage or awaken the ability.

The same is true for the results of surgery.

The user is stronger, not the Devil Fruit itself.

"Then how do you wake up?"

Hu Tao thought about it but couldn't think of how to awaken the fruit's ability, so she asked now.

Mona was also curious about this, so she looked at Su Han together.

"This is actually very simple. If you want to perfectly control the power of the fruit, you must first think about the properties of the devil fruit."

"Every devil fruit contains certain rules and power."

"If you can thoroughly understand the concepts contained in it, and fully master and develop it, then you will be able to awaken."

In fact, there were already signs of Luffy's awakening.

It was not inspired by Teacher Kai.

When in fourth gear.

Flame clouds began to appear on Luffy's body, which is why he didn't awaken after fighting Big Mom.

In fact, his own power has not yet reached the level of awakening.

The Nika Fruit wants to awaken perfectly.

You must master the entanglement of the Overlord Color, otherwise even if you develop your abilities to a very strong level, you will not be able to reach the level of an awakened person.

Hu Tao fell into deep thought after hearing this. She murmured to herself: "Rules and power?"

Her spirit fruit can create and transform into ghosts.

That very concept is soul!

Although it is impossible to plunder souls, it can control emotions.

Then his Devil Fruit attributes are: soul and emotions.

Make souls.

Change mood.

The more Hu Tao thought about it, the more interesting she became. Slowly her thoughts opened up, and she excitedly said to Su Han:

"I already feel my path, its power."


Su Han stretched out a finger and gently broke it.

Hu Tao looked puzzled and had no idea what Su Han meant.

At this time, a meat skewer was handed over.


"Eat first and then talk."

Hutao was a little annoyed, but he took the meat skewers and ate them. As a result, the taste this time was extremely spicy.

It was simply unacceptable to her.

"It's so spicy. How much chili pepper did you put in it?"

"Hey, do you want to kill me?"

The girl frantically waved her little hands, trying to cool herself down.

But Su Han smiled and put the meat skewer into his mouth and ate it in big mouthfuls without feeling spicy at all.

Hu Tao was dumbfounded by this scene.

Hu Zhai Palace looked at Hu Tao's cute appearance, immediately covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Su Han means that the awakening of the fruit is like a person drinking water, knowing whether it is cold or warm."

"So, Little Sister Hutao. Your awakening skills depend on your heart and your beliefs."

"As the saying goes, the awakening of the Devil Fruit also depends on what you want to do with that skill?"

Hu Tao suddenly realized.

That’s what it means.

"Awakening skills."

"Then it seems I have to do some research."

Hutao stopped tasting the skewers and lowered his head and fell into thinking.

Mona was thinking, what would be the awakening skill of the mirror fruit?

The ability is to travel through space.

Create a mirror world.

And create a mirror man.

In this way, the ability of the mirror is quite extensive.

But in fact, the real liberation power of the mirror fruit should be to create a mirror world!

Mona has a deep understanding of mirrors.

She also has some knowledge of the way of space.

It is much easier to understand.

After eating and drinking.

Su Han wiped his mouth and took out the mirror fruit.

"What is this?"

Hu Zhaigong looked at the lens-like fruit peel and immediately thought of the devil fruit.

But, what is its ability?

Su Han threw it to Mona and said with a smile:

"Mirror mirror fruit, also known as: mirror fruit. It will appear in the next chapter in the future. The effect is also very strange. It can shuttle between two mirrors and complete space displacement."

After listening to his explanation.

Hu Zhaigong was very surprised. This is not a mirror fruit, it is simply a space fruit.

Mona looked at the strange fruit, without any hesitation, peeled the skin and bit into it.

The next moment.

Her eyes rolled up.

Her stomach was churning wildly.

She almost vomited out all the food just now.

Just when Mona was about to give up, she swallowed it with great willpower.


The fruit entered her stomach.

The ability began to appear.

A wonderful feeling appeared in Mona's heart.

"Is this the power of the mirror fruit?"

"It's really magical."

Mona looked at her hands, as if she had gained something at that moment.

At this time, Su Han took out countless mirrors from the space.

"Come, cover it with your power. Then, I will send it to all parts of Inazuma, and even more distant places!"

For this fruit.

He made a lot of preparations.

Among them, the mirror is only one aspect.

There is another thing that Su Han really wants to try.

Mona took the mirror with her hand, and just a light touch, she felt that she had a unique connection with the other party.

Then, she probed inside with her hand.

The whole person miraculously got in.

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