Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 275 Xiao Qiqi regains her memory, let us welcome a better tomorrow



"Meng Meng misses you guys so much."

Qi Qi's eyes were dull, as if she had found her past memories.

Su Han looked at everyone.

This is a miracle.

Hu Tao and Hu Zhai Gong actually succeeded!

"Hehe, I told you it was possible."


Hu Tao couldn't help but want to take credit, but was stopped by Hu Zhai Gong.

The hall master's eyes moved, and then he thought of Qi Qi's unstable state.

She shouldn't be stimulated now.

Everyone sat aside, waiting for Qi Qi to wake up.

Finally, a line of blood and tears flowed from her eyes.

"It turned out that it's been so long."

Qi Qi closed her eyes and finally woke up.




Snake King.

Brother Su Han.

Yao Yao.

Hu Tao.

Countless memories, arranged together.

Qi Qi finally opened her eyes.

At this time, a warm handkerchief was handed over.

"Hehe, I've been so sorry before! Welcome back, Qiqi should be able to call you by this name now, right?"

Hu Tao was all smiles.

She apologized sincerely.

Qiqi was stunned for a moment, then threw herself into the other's arms.

Zombies can't cry.

But the feelings are real.

"I know"

"I also understand that you are being nice to me!"

"Hu Tao, you don't have to apologize."

"I know everything."

Recalling their encounter.

Qiqi was scared.

Because you want to live, you can always exist!

That belief has always existed in her heart.

It was for this reason that Qiqi got the immortal fate.

But Hu Tao didn't know it at that time, so a series of misunderstandings occurred.

Later, Su Han intervened.

The two of them finally made peace.

However, sometimes Qiqi was still afraid of Hu Tao.

Because she felt that the other's smile was so fake, she always felt scared.

But today was different.

Qiqi was able to get a new life, all thanks to Hu Tao. It was because of her unremitting efforts that she could remember everything.

"Thank you"

"Hu Tao."

Qiqi's voice was almost choked.

Precious memories are treasures to her.

Although her family has passed away.

But Qiqi doesn't want to forget them.

Looking at Qiqi's trembling body, Hu Tao hugged her gently, and then said softly:

"It will never happen again in the future. We will all protect you, Qiqi"

"I promise that you will live well."

"I also believe that we can always be good friends."

The eternal oath was made.

Hu Zhaigong raised an eyebrow at Su Han and thought: Don't leave yet.

The sisters are so affectionate.

Why are we staying here as light bulbs.

Not only them, but Yaoyao beside them also followed.

The current space.

Let Qiqi and Hu Tao be left.

They are just two strangers, but because of all kinds of ties, they have developed a deeper relationship than sisters.

It's really not easy.

Came to another soundproof room.

Hu Zhaigong sat on the blanket and asked:

"What did you talk about with the emperor?"

"It's hard to say."

Su Han poured a cup of tea for each of the three people, and then told the story.

After listening to the whole process.

Hu Zhaigong also seemed very surprised, she asked strangely:

"You are so powerful? You actually left so many back-ups five hundred years ago, does that mean that there may be some foreshadowing?"

Su Han rolled his eyes when he heard it.

"You think too highly of me."

"But, isn't that coordinate a demon god?"

"Yes, but"

Su Han glanced at Yaoyao next to him, and suddenly remembered that he couldn't talk to her about this topic, so he said apologetically: "Yaoyao, can you go outside? Big brother has something to discuss."


Yaoyao is very well-behaved.

She won't ask anything.

She won't think that this is not something he wants to let himself hear.

Big brother is so good, since he doesn't want him to know, there must be his reasons.

Yaoyao left well-behaved.

When there were only two of them in the room.

Hu Zhaigong realized the danger of the problem, and her willow-leaf eyebrows frowned immediately. She asked tentatively:

"Is it necessary to be so cautious?"

"If Teyvat as a whole is compared to a river, then you are the water in the river. Any stain will completely pollute the entire river."

Su Han answered irrelevantly.

But this answer indirectly explained the problem.

Hu Zhaigong realized the connotation, so his brows frowned even tighter.

"You mean, there is something wrong with this demon god?"

"Yes. Simply put, only creatures outside the world can remember everything. Who makes this world a tree."

Su Han finally confessed.

He is not a creature of this world!

Hu Zhaigong trembled, and he didn't expect this result at all.

"What about me?"

"I have thought about this problem, but now it turns out that you may be an exception! The original Hu Zhaigong has perished, and the birth of you now is actually due to my intervention.

If I don't do it, you may survive.

But eventually disappear from the world."

Su Han's tone became heavy for the first time.

But now, he lacks a strategist to help analyze.

Huzhai Palace is undoubtedly the best choice.

In history, she has been completely destroyed.

The new Huzhai Palace has appeared with the help of external forces.

It can be said that it is not affected by the World Tree.

Therefore, Su Han was sure that she would not be affected.

The biggest performance is.

Mona could not see any news from Huzhai Palace.

"So, I am not affected by fate?"

Huzhai Palace didn't expect that there would be so many surprises in falling in love.

Su Han nodded lightly.

As a result, he heard the fox slam the table and curse.

"I'm such an idiot. I should have known that falling in love would be so enjoyable. Why would I resist?"

"Right, according to what you said."

"Others, including Kage. Will they still be affected?"

"Is there a way to solve it?"

Su Han shook his head gently.

Then he told Mona's conclusion.

"Currently, people and things that come into contact with me will continue to be affected, and my woman is the most profound among them. Shen He's fate is currently undetectable. This is just Mona's astrology."

"But based on our inference, if this relationship continues to intensify, it will definitely be possible to break away completely in the future."

"So, I was thinking."

"[Is it possible to get rid of the influence of the World Tree when the level of life is transcendent?]"

All creatures born in Teyvat will be recorded by the World Tree.

But there's a problem here too.

That is, the influence of Shen He and Qiqi.

For example, when an attack that could have killed them never worked.

The thread of fate will also break!

Hearing this, Hu Zhai Palace showed a thoughtful expression.

A long while.

Suddenly she had a wonderful idea.

"Hey, why don't you just become the king of the harem, use countless women to connect you with power, and then directly defeat Tianli and become the controller of Teyvat?"

"You are enough."

Su Han's face was as black as coal.

Tell the truth.

Who wouldn’t be tempted by this idea?

Sisters of truth and shadow.

Sisters Jean and Barbara.

There are also various demons.

But the question is, isn’t this nonsense?

There are so many good women in the world, how can he seize them all?

Huzhai Palace was very satisfied with Su Han's reaction and smiled brightly.

"Okay, okay. This is just a joke."

"But, then again."

"The demon you are talking about must be Xumi, right?"

Su Han was slightly startled.

Huzhai Palace smiled at him and said:

"Don't be so surprised. I am also a fox after all. What I like most is using my brain. During the time you were in action, I supplemented the entire five hundred years of history."

"A goddess who fits the coordinates you set is actually easy to understand."

"The Flower God, the Tree King, and the Water God."

"Among them, the most likely ones are those with the closest timeline. That is, the Water God and the Tree King."

"It is rumored that the Water God died in the desert."

"And the Tree King is the spokesperson of the codename: World Tree."

"With this analysis, your answer is self-evident. She is the only one."

"So, Su Han"

"The whole world is being polluted now, right?"

"And you are here to save the world."

The words have already been said to this extent.

Su Han had no expression other than a wry smile.

"All correct."


Huzhai Palace rubbed the center of his brows, it seemed that all the bad things he had done during this period had corresponded.

What a big trouble.

Suddenly, she raised her head.

"Is the World Tree really dying?"

"Yes, it's more serious than you think."

Su Han stood up and opened the window.

He looked out the window and said slowly:

"People always think that the abyss is the most terrifying thing, but they don't know what is at the bottom of the world?"

"If the World Tree is compared to a boat."

"All the creatures are just creatures living on a ship called Teyvat."

"The leaks in the bottom of the ship that we see now are just from penetration."

"A drop of water can penetrate stone."

"Not to mention the powerful negative energy of the abyss!"

"The principles of heaven are sleeping now."

"The keel has gradually decayed, but there are still people who took the initiative to drill through the bottom of the ship and said to the people on the ship: Look, as long as we drill a hole, we can get more things."

"How stupid."

Su Han didn't have the slightest fondness for the flower god.

If you can go to ancient times.

She will definitely be killed.

Huzhai Palace was silent on this.

What a hellish world this is.

How much darkness is hidden under the beautiful light?

She didn't ask Su Han why he knew so many things.

But the fear is definitely there.

Huzhai Palace just stood up and came to Su Han's side, then held the other person's hand and said with great determination:

"No matter what happens from now on, I am willing to accompany you until the end!"

Su Han turned to look at Huzhai Palace and said with a smile: "Okay! Let's welcome the bright sun."

So what about darkness.

As long as there are people by your side, there are always things that need to be done.

No matter whether the enemy is the abyss or other creatures.

Su Han was never afraid.

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