Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 287 The fate of the sacred tree and Su Han, the lottery of the Inuyasha world

From Su Han's perspective.

There are riots happening all over the world.




No one can escape.

As for the knight and princess that Black Coal Ball mentioned, Su Han did not see them.

However, Gao Tianyuan's destruction can be considered reasonable.

The tribesmen who used to be extremely proud now all kneeled in front of the sacred tree.

They want closure.

But unfortunately, the sacred tree did not agree to them.

At this time, someone suggested to the great elder that he should kill the goose to obtain the eggs.

In response, the great elder chose to refuse.

the reason is simple.

The sacred tree resisted them.

In the past, they could use various means to force the sacred tree to give birth to a god.

But now, the elders in the clan have perished in the war.

The world fell into darkness.

Now if there is an internal dispute with the sacred tree, it will be very bad!

"But, elder. The clansmen can no longer bear it."

"Those guys outside are all contaminated by the power of the abyss, and their power has increased many times."

"Yes, if we don't make a decision, we will definitely perish."

How could the Great Elder not know this?

However, he really had no choice.

But the sacred tree was thinking about one thing at this time.

That is to give away the child you gave birth to.

"Before, I had no choice."

"But this time it's different. I swallowed up all the darkness, but I gave you the supplies."

"So, restore the innocence of the past and work hard to live."

The words of black coal briquettes.

It’s a mixed bag of rights and wrongs.

That elder made up lies!

Gao Tianyuan and God are completely opposed to each other.

As for why the other party said it, only two sentences were wrong.

It's because Zhen did give his power to Kage.

The tree blocked itself.

Their birth can be said to be equivalent to premature birth.

If not born early.

The world will be destroyed.


"Please help me."

The world fell into darkness.

Evil beasts tear the world apart.

There are monsters everywhere.

At that moment, Su Han felt that the tree was talking to him.

"Can you feel me?"

"Yes, not only that. I can also feel that you are a person in the future. Please tell me if they survived?"

Tree's answer.

Su Han was a little surprised, and then he nodded.

The tree was silent for a while.

A choice was made.

"I understand. It seems that my idea is right. Even if this world cannot survive, the unexplored world may have a chance to breathe."

"Come on, my boy."

"I hope you can live safely in the unknown world."

"Forget everything about Gao Tianyuan, take the gift I gave you, and live a comfortable life."

Shu asked Su Han.

It wants to use its last power to send away the Thunder Sisters.

But there are missing coordinates in the middle.

Su Han realized clearly that this was the necessity of history.

So, he handed over the coordinates to the other party.

Trees convey happy emotions.

In that dark place.

The tree began to shake.

A huge space entrance was torn apart.

The power of the abyss was attacking the world and destroying Gao Tianyuan, but Shu chose to use all his power to open the passage.

I want to send away my last hope.

The great elder was very angry about this.

He wants to lead his people to break through the blockade.

Want to leave this world.

"You evil beast, we obviously supported you, but you betrayed us."

"At least leave and take us with you."

The great elder roared angrily.

But as a result, the tree ignored him.

Even after the True Shadow sisters left, they chose to block the space passage.

However, when it comes to parting.

It also gave a seed and a touch of spiritual light to the real shadow sisters.

"May you be happy in the new world."

The choice of tree is extremely decisive.

It turned its body into a huge seal, locking the entire entrance.

A new world lies ahead.

Although I don't know where it is.

Keshu understands one thing.

The people of the future believed in themselves, so they gave the coordinates.

Therefore, it also uses itself to block the entrance to the abyss.

At least, the abyss cannot disturb the true shadow sisters while they are growing up.

Although, the abyss finally appeared.

But his personality made Su Han admire him.

The scene began to have gaps after the tree died.

The subsequent screen.

Basically it's all jumpy.

Su Han later saw young Alice, who was not pregnant yet and was exploring this place with her sisters.

When I saw the ruined Takamagahara.

These women started chattering among themselves.

Among them, a white-haired woman was very interested in some of Gao Tianyuan's research.

Even after everyone left.

Some things were stolen.

As for Black Coal Ball’s life experience, it rarely appears in the picture.

However, I secretly revised the contents of the book.

He also tampered with the things Reindot took.

Both of these things are true.

But about what it is.

Su Han didn't see it.

before the scene ends completely.

A silver seed crossed countless time and space and came to Su Han.

"Sorry, I almost forgot to thank you for your help."

"This seed is a fragment of my true spirit."

"It contains the power of time and space and is of the same origin as the True Shadow Sisters. Thank you very much for letting my child live."

"It's a pity that I can't watch them grow up happily."

The sound ceased.

And the scene is completely over.

Su Han looked at the seeds in his palm and seemed to understand why he was here.

"This should be the pull of time, space and fate."

The space tunnel was developed by True and Shadow.

But to be precise.

The ships they ride on and the power they use all come from this space-time tree.

Even five hundred years.

That cause and effect still exists.

If Su Han doesn't come, True and Shadow will also go to Teyvat, but it will be much slower in the process.

And this seed cannot be born.

"So, this is the real thing that can save you."

Su Han felt the powerful power contained inside.

I know in my heart that this thing can create gods.

At least more powerful than the Heart of God.

After all, the power of the Space-Time Tree is extremely vast, giving birth to pairs of powerful demon gods.

With it.

The next step is to travel back to five hundred years ago.

Maybe Zhen can be resurrected.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis.

But how will you know if you don’t try.

Leave the roots behind.

Su Han wanted to go back.

He didn't want to stay in this dangerous world any longer.

But there is sad news from Black Coal Balls.

"Ancestor, you want to leave. You can't leave from this place. The transmission channel is single-entry."

"What did you say?"

Su Han stopped and looked at the other party with surprised eyes.

Black Coal Ball shrugged, pointed to the place where the torii teleported in the distance, and said:

"If you don't believe it, look, the energy has been completely exhausted."

Su Han turned around and looked, and the result was really like this.

The torii gate even collapsed.

As for the teleportation array.

Not at all.

"Damn, things are getting serious."

Su Han couldn't help but curse.

The black coal ball comforted:

"Ancestor, you are powerful. We can't leave from here. Maybe there is another way. Since you came from the second world, has the abyss spread to the past? If it has already passed.

Then it is very simple for us to find a way. "

"Huh? That's right."

Su Han reacted.

This guy Black Coal Ball reminded him.

Since this way doesn't work, it's definitely okay to find another way.

So, the two people left Takamagahara and began to explore the second world.

en route.

Black Coal Ball asked about what happened in his daze just now.

Su Han glanced at it and reminded:

"Speak if you feel itchy."

"No, no, no, you always scare me. I'm just curious."

Black coal ball suddenly didn't dare to ask.

It's scary now.

It's all thunder, but the power of this big guy has an extremely sacred feeling, as if the whole world is torturing it.

The feeling was so painful.

The two walked through the mountains.

Traveling through the forest.

Fly across the ocean.

Finally arrived at a continent.

Among the fragments of memory.

Su Han learned about the territory of the second world.

Takamagahara, like Inazuma, is the edge of the world. It also has a sea, and it is also an island.

Therefore, this is the real land.

However, it is different from Teyvat.

This area is not a place similar to Liyue.

Rather, it is an ancient kingdom of knights similar to Mondstadt.

Medieval European architecture can be seen everywhere.

There are even some places where wars that took place countless years ago still remain.

The power of the ancient country is very strong.

Technology is also very strong.

It is equivalent to an enhanced version of the combination of Kanria and Mondstadt.

That is: strong combat power and powerful technology.

But humans are always greedy. Looking at the wreckage everywhere, Su Han knew what happened.


They arrived at the center of a ruins.

It looks like it should be an administrative place somewhere.

Su Han chopped it into pieces with a knife, and then got directly in.

The files and all have been destroyed long ago.

Therefore, he wanted to see if there were any accessible data products nearby.

The result is, unfortunately.

Even the stones have been weathered by the corrosion of the abyss.

Su Han saw this and commented:

"It's a complete loss of life, and the basic rules of the entire world have been completely destroyed."

Black Coal Ball nodded crazily upon hearing this.

"That's why I hate the abyss. They are simply unreasonable and absorb nutrients crazily without even leaving any traces. But look at the world like this. It's disgusting just to look at it."

Su Han looked at the black coal briquettes and said angrily:

"Then you are also a creature of the abyss?"

"This is different!"

Black Coal Ball shook his head confidently and gave a simple example.

"Ancestor, think about it. Human beings will also have traitors, and the creatures of the abyss will also have awakened creatures, and I am the one who realizes the beauty of life! Therefore, I am an upright creature of the abyss."


Su Han twitched the corner of his mouth, not believing this nonsense at all.

But Black Coal Balls was anxious.

"Ancestor, what I said is true. There must be creatures from the Abyss in your world, right? Have they regained their sanity and become your subordinates?"

"Please don't lie to me."

"I can sense a trace of the Abyss on you, and I can't lie to you."

Su Han looked at the black coal ball in surprise, feeling that this little guy was a little unusual.

He could actually smell Halfdan's breath.

He immediately became interested.

"I do have Abyss Knights around me, but they are not completely corrupted, so they can accept power to regain their sanity. But there is a question here, can you guarantee that you are your true self now?"

The power of the Abyss can change a person's mind.

It can even distort memory.

If the black coal ball can prove that his consciousness is true.

Then he can barely believe it.

At most, after returning to Teyvat.

Just sign a master-servant contract.

With Zhongli's power, it should be able to chat.

The black coal ball blinked and immediately said that he had no problem.

Su Han thought about it, and finally shook his head and said:

"Although I really want to test you, it's a pity that I don't have any treasures to test. Let's talk about it later."

"Ancestor, I am really self-conscious. At most, I can't remember the things in the past."

"Do you have a concept of your age?"

At the beginning, it called itself an old man.

Su Han even thought that the other party was the elder.

But subsequent experience told him.

The black coal ball was not the elder of Takama-ga-hara.

It was a strange abyss creature.

The black coal ball shook his head blankly.

"I really don't know, at least I don't remember now, how I was sealed in the book and turned into that appearance. I only know one problem, that elder went crazy and finally chose to commit suicide."

"So, isn't this over. Since I don't know, I will remain vigilant, and you don't have any crooked ideas. That's all."

The answer given by Su Han is indeed the best choice at the moment.

The black coal ball no longer struggled.

Leave the city.

Su Han wanted to explore more places.

But in the next moment, he felt countless filthy breaths rushing here.

He pulled the black coal ball and immediately concealed his breath.

Then, countless abyss mages led a large number of beast hounds to come over.

Looking at the torn building.

They began to curse.

"It's those damn knights again. They know that they can't hurt us with their own strength, but they still come to make trouble!"

"Report to the prince, those knights should be warned."

"I think, why don't we go directly to the throne."

"How dare the Lord God come forward for such a trivial matter."

Lord God?

What is that.

Is it the fallen existence that Yingmei once saw in the abyss?

Su Han was extremely confused.

Watching these things leave.

He hurriedly followed.

The breath was blocked.

At the same time, the power of anti-gravity was used.

They can be said to be silent.

But the other party was very cunning. After leaving a distance, these guys passed away through the abyss veins.

Even if Su Han wanted to chase, he didn't know how to open the gate of the abyss.

"It seems that this method won't work."

Su Han stopped, his eyes full of regret.

The black coal ball next to him asked in confusion:

"Ancestor, you don't know how to teleport?"

"This is nonsense, how can I understand the power of the abyss."

"Uh, I don't understand it either."


An iron fist fell on the top of the black coal ball's head.

The latter grimaced in pain and swore that he would never talk so much again.

I don't know how this big guy trained his fists.

It hurts so much.

In the next few days.

Su Han was active in the second world. He saw many teleportation gates and even forced out how to use them.

But in the future seen by the observation color.

The power of the abyss is weird and twisted.

If there is no power of the same source, the risk of stepping into it is very high.

Because, the moment Su Han enters, he will be attacked by the power of the abyss.

So, he chose the second method.

Look for the door to open other places.

For several days, Su Han did not find any clues.

Just when he was in trouble.

The system prompt sound came.

[Ding congratulations to the host for selling a large number of comics - Inuyasha. You have currently unlocked the level 5 permission. Do you want to draw a lottery? ]

"It's really a pillow for you when you are sleepy. Let's draw!"

Su Han's eyes lit up.

I feel that the opportunity has come.

I didn't draw a lot of times before.

Now it is equivalent to storing three rewards.

Two low-level and one high-level.

Now it seems just right.

"System, start the lottery."

"Yes, host."


The roulette wheel spins.

The lottery begins.

Soon, the first reward comes.

[Ding congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure from the Inuyasha world - Kagura's fan. ]

[Tip: The person who holds this treasure can gain the power to control the wind and the power to manipulate corpses. ]

A simple magic weapon.

The overall effect is not bad.

But it is useless to Su Han.

The second reward is drawn.

Su Han put away Kagura's fan and started to draw the second reward.


The wheel started spinning.

Countless treasures appeared in rotation.

Soon, two treasures appeared.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a treasure from the Inuyasha world - the blood of the Cangyun Tengu clan! ]

[Hint: This blood can make people stronger and enhance demonic power. ]

"It's not bad, but it's useless to me."

Su Han has the higher-level Qilin blood.

He really doesn't like the Tengu clan.

However, it should be good to give it to Kujo Sara.

Then, the third lottery started.

As the wheel rotated.

In the advanced prize pool.

Various treasures began to appear.

Finally, the black pointer stopped on a knife.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level treasure from the Inuyasha world - Tessaiga! ]

[Hint: This weapon can be purchased with points for the enchantment properties in the comics. ]

[Note: Points can strengthen the upper limit of the weapon, and theoretically it can be strengthened infinitely. 】

"It seems that I have good luck."

"System, buy the power of the underworld, and strengthen it to the top."

Su Han's order was quickly responded to.

Although a large number of points were consumed.

But for him, this is the way to survive.

"Strengthening and enchanting require 200,000 points. The host is detected to have this number and is being strengthened."


A series of luster flashed on Su Han's weapon.


Tessaiga was strengthened to the level of a semi-artifact (that is: second only to Isshin Pure Land.)

Su Han was quite satisfied with this.

Holding the weapon.

A strong pulse came from it.

Tessaiga suddenly turned from a rusty state into a big knife, and a dark breath of silence appeared on it.

This is the pure power of time and space!

It is also the power of the underworld.

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