Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 289 The end of the coordinates, the Great Kind Tree King in Kanreya

The remainder of the diary mostly describes Orobas's research in this place.

He verified a lot of things here.

For example, up is down.

"The sky is false, and the stars are also false. The so-called seat of fate is actually a harbinger of destiny from the earth's veins. We may be just toys in the eyes of others."

"Everything is a fixed existence."

"So, is my destiny also determined?"

When Orobas wrote this, he fell into himself.

As everyone knows, it starts from the moment we leave Teyvat.

He is freed from limitations.

Diary follow-up.

Orobas studied the ley lines, and after careful exploration, he made a shocking discovery.

"Ley veins can not only transmit power and contain the power of elements, but they can even record memories!"

"What a shocking discovery!"

"Oh my God, if this is the case."

"Is it possible to modify the memory of the entire world of Teyvat by modifying the ley lines?"

"Here, I still have a doubt."

"If memory can be modified, then that person should be the one who is not afraid of this power, right?"

"At the same time, I still have a doubt here."

"If, I mean if."

"We extract the memory from the earth's veins and pour it into a body. Can the person with the memory be considered alive?"

Su Han looked at the diary and felt that Orobas was really not simple.

If he hadn't been seeking death himself.

I'm afraid it won't be easy in the future.

Open the next one.

The story in the diary ends abruptly.

Because Orobas discovered a strange land somewhere, which he called the Land of Dragon Lizards.

The coordinates are very obvious here.

As long as he searches according to Orobas' method of judging the direction, Su Han will definitely be able to find Yuanxia Palace, and it will be easy to go home.

But he thought of another question.

"Can the coordinates Zhongli gave me also be used here?"

Su Han took out the coordinate point.

The originally dim crystal was now shining brightly.

And the coordinate point inside happens to be within this dark sea.

"As expected, that's the case. Then why not go find what's at that coordinate point first."

Su Han turned to look at the black coal balls.

Seeing that the other party is still holding the diary.

He urged.

"Hey, it's time to go."

"Okay, ancestor."

Black Coal Ball put away all the diaries.

Seeing this, Su Han was confused and said:

"What are you doing?"

"Collecting information, since I am your follower, I must not show off."

Although the black coal briquettes are small.

But the power is really great, and it also has the power of space.

A large number of diaries were stuffed into his arms.

Su Han reminded.

"Don't ask for your identity. You are neither my follower nor my grandson. Your identity is still unknown. Before I find a way out, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

He didn't want to return to Teyvat with a bomb.

After all, there is a lot going on inside.

Su Han didn't want to add to the trouble.

Black Coal Ball was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses.

I have completely failed to win the trust of the boss.

Suddenly, Black Coal Ball became a little anxious.

It quickly flew near Su Han and begged crazily.

"Ancestor, I really can't remember."

"That's none of my business."

Su Han's attitude was extremely cold.

He couldn't put his entire home in danger because of an unknown thing.

Black coal ball panicked.

Because it doesn't want to stay here, and it also doesn't want to die.

"Ancestor, what do you want to do?"

There is nothing the black briquettes can do.

One can only look pitifully at the person who has the initiative.

Su Han said calmly:

"This question should be asked of you."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

Black coal briquettes didn’t know what to do either.

In fact, it also understands.

If he wanted to leave directly, the person in front of him probably wouldn't stop him.

But the problem is.

Where will it go after it leaves here?

Black Coal Ball fell into silence.

"Is there really no other way?"


Su Han's words made its eyes light up.

But before Hei Keqiu was happy, he heard him tell the solution.

"You and I have made a soul contract. If one day you betray me or violate the contract, your soul will perish and be completely destroyed."

"Do we need to be so cruel?"

"I didn't force you."

That's what I said.

Su Han didn't force the other party.

You can leave if you don't want to.

He had nothing to lose anyway.

Black Coal wanted to leave, but he also knew that once he left.

It is estimated that he is probably wandering in this dark place.

Maybe you will be lucky enough to enter the third world.

Of course, if you have bad luck.

It will definitely be swallowed by the abyss.

Black Coal Ball hesitated again and again, and finally agreed to Su Han's conditions.

"Ancestor, I am really unlucky to meet you. What do you think I should do?"

"Simple! Three conditions."

"You say."

Since you choose to accept your fate.

Naturally, Black Briquettes wants to hear what the conditions are like.

"Condition 1: You must be 100% loyal to me, and you must not plot or harm me and my family."

"Condition 2: Do not destroy the world of Teyvat."

The conditions given by Su Han were very loose.

Black coal ball thought that the other party would let him be a cow and a horse for the rest of his life.

If it is such a loose treaty.

Then it will naturally not resist.

"Ancestor, you are so kind to me. I agree to this condition."

"It's not a promise, but an oath in the form of a soul contract!"

Simply swearing is of no use.

Only contracts at the soul level are the most restrictive.

Su Han learned this from Zhongli.

Even if it is a demon, as long as it is sworn by the soul, it must be completed.

Otherwise, there will be backlash from the soul.

Of course, Su Han also asked if there was a way to crack it.

Zhongli's answer was.


But even if it is unlocked, the backlash to the soul is still very serious.

Black Coal Ball nodded and said:

"That's nature! That's nature"

At this time, it will not pretend to be stupid.

After all, no one is an idiot.

If you can know so many situations in the second world, you must also know the role of soul oath.

It understands that just now it just said no.

This ancestor would definitely kill someone with a knife.

"I swear on my soul that I will never harm my master, his friends and family, and I will never harm the third world!"

"I use my soul as a prayer. If one day I violate my oath, I will be doomed and my soul will be completely destroyed!"

When the black coal ball swears.

A touch of golden text was imprinted on its forehead.

This is a soul oath.

From now on, if it dares to violate.

The spell will be activated immediately.

When everything is done.

Black coal ball immediately approached Su Han with a flattering expression.

"Master, can you now tell me about the person in the diary and the things in the third world? Maybe I can analyze it for you. Don't look at me as a scumbag. I'm actually very smart."

"Oh, I really didn't see it."

Su Han looked contemptuous.

If you are really smart, can you be sealed in a book?

He didn't believe it.

But Black Coal Ball argued hard and said quickly:

"How will you know if you don't try?"

"The main reason is that there is no need. No one knows Orobas's past and present life better than me!"


Black coal ball's face was full of shock.

This master is not here for the first time. How does he know about Orobas?

I don't believe this guy.

Su Han then told the story of Orobas, it was idle anyway.

"So, when this demon came into contact with the truth of the world, he was approached by the controller of Sky Island."

"What a miserable guy. I couldn't help crying."

Black coal ball commented extremely sinisterly.

Tell the truth.

Orobas is a bit miserable.

But in fact, this is also its responsibility.

Although I once sold my teammates.

But in fact, after truly accepting the subjects of Yuanxia Palace, he finally chose to die as a martyr.

At the same time, a deal was made with Tianli.

That is, use your own death to block the other person's mouth.


It is the survival of countless people in Yuanxia Palace.

Although Su Han didn't see the sequel of the story.

But in the game.

There is still an explanation.

Orobas left the open sea and found his way back.

He thought that Yuanxia Palace could avoid being detected by Tianli.

It is a pity that this big snake met the simple people, even though he said that he had abandoned countless subjects.

The people of Yuanxia Palace were still willing to believe him.

Finally, everything settled.

On the way forward.

Su Han told many things about Teyvat.

But Black Coal Ball's understanding of this is - very weak.

"Whether we compare the empire of the second world or Gao Tianyuan. The gap is too big."

"However, there is something good in the world of Teyvat."

"The weak power means that the degree of corrosion of the abyss in this world is also low, and the power system of the Eye of God allows me to understand the idea of ​​​​the law of heaven."

"She wants to rely on the power of her heart to defeat the Abyss."

"But it's a pity that the power of Kanria and the people inside are ridiculous."

"Just like the five sinners you mentioned, there is also the so-called Sword of Doom."

"Master, do you know why the abyss is so scary?"

"Actually, it's not a temptation, but the expansion of one's own desires."

"Just like the Golden Alchemist. She wants to create life. This is the authority of God, and even the authority of heaven. To steal God with the power of mortals, this naturally requires breaking the precept."

"So, what happened with Gao Tianyuan was that she stole the power."

"As for other powers, I can only say."

"My eyes are all stained by the abyss."

Throne of the Abyss.

It's not that simple.

Five sinners.

Destroy the world.

In fact, even if Teyvat is destroyed, they can survive safely.

Why is the curse of heaven so terrifying?

It's because Kanria used power that he shouldn't have used.

This is the final outcome.

As for what the Prince of the Abyss wants to do.

Su Han was too lazy to think about it.

Because he has only one goal, to strengthen Teyvat's power. As long as the defense power continues to increase, the abyss will not be able to invade.

As for everything else.

Naturally, someone else will explore.

Follow the direction of the coordinate point.

Su Han flew for three full days.

During this time, he sensed a weak reaction from his body, but unfortunately both parties could only sense that the other party was alive, but could not communicate with each other in their hearts.


He arrived at the coordinate point.

This is an abandoned city, or Su Han found the anchor point of Kanreya.

The end of the dark sea.

The exact location of the coordinate point.

It is a tunnel.

And at the end of the tunnel is Kanreya.

This place is completely destroyed.

There are ruins and traces of collapse everywhere.

The power of purple and black has become the main theme of this place.

Su Han thought he would find the God of Grass.

But the result seems not to be the case.

He has some doubts.

But the coordinates on the crystal attracted him to go inside.

"Is there a place further inside?"

Su Han walked through the ruins and headed towards the coordinate point.

Finally, he found an underground tomb.

The architecture here is a bit special.

There are even mysterious patterns everywhere.

"Wait, this is..."

Su Han looked at the power around the tomb and couldn't help showing surprise.

The pattern on it.

He recognized it.

This thing was made of seastone, and it also added the sealing technique in Naruto, and even the power of Fenghou Qimen.

"So, the tomb can survive mainly because of this formation."

Su Han realized something.

He put his hand in front of the door of the tomb.

According to the pattern of Fenghou Qimen, as long as the eye of the formation is broken, everything will be completely destroyed.

Su Han's thoughts found the location of the eye of the formation.

It was the eyes of the phoenix on the door of the tomb.


A golden light spread out.

The black coal ball and everything nearby were all frozen.

Only Su Han was not affected by anything.

He looked at the black coal ball and found that the other party was just trapped in the formation of time, so he walked inside without any worries.

The construction of the tomb is very gorgeous.

It can be seen that it was the tomb of the nobles of Kanreya.

In addition to a lot of decorations inside.

It was a crystal coffin.

"Wait, is there something wrong with this?"

Su Han felt something was wrong.

If the Great Compassion Tree King was saved.

It should be outside the borders of Teyvat.

Why is it Kanreya?

And it's a tomb.

Su Han quickly came to the crystal coffin, and the things inside made his eyes light up.

"So that's it?"

There was no corpse in the crystal coffin.

There was no real spirit of the Great Compassion Tree King.

Instead, it was a sealed Dust Song Pot.


Su Han also had such a thing in his hand.

He picked up the Dust Song Pot, but did not unseal it. Instead, he took the things and the black coal balls outside and returned to the Dark Sea.

After completely leaving the Teyvat world.

Su Han then entered the Dust Song Pot.

There was an island inside.

There was a sunset.

There was a moon.

There were even various flowers and plants.

Su Han even saw a farm in mid-air, with all kinds of vegetables in it.

When he glanced around,

His eyes finally fixed on a woman in a long dress on the beach.

She was wearing light green clothes.

Although she was sleeping, she always had a faint smile on her face.

Su Han recognized her appearance at a glance.

She was the Great Compassion Tree King!

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