Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 291 The truth behind the upside-down world and the way to save it

"Stay out of it?"

Su Han didn't expect that the Great Compassion Tree King would make this choice.

However, it was right to do so.

Since he had been reborn, he had also completely erased the mark of the Teyvat world.

The Great Compassion Tree King looked at Su Han gently and said with a smile:

"Yes, so it all depends on you from now on. If you have any questions, you can also ask me, but it's best if people outside don't know my existence."

"You don't have to worry about this. If you want to explore the current world, you can use a pseudonym."

Su Han understood her concerns.

The problem is that the current Tianli has fallen into a deep sleep, and Nashida is in dire straits.

If he really doesn't help, it would be a bit too much.

The Great Compassion Tree King showed a thoughtful expression and finally agreed with Su Han's idea.

"You are right, what is my name now?"

Since the past has been completely abandoned.

There must be a new name.

Su Han thought about it and asked:

"How about calling her Xiyao?"

"Xiyao? You are talking about the character in the story of The Legend of Sword and Fairy."

"You know that too?"

"Well, when you left, you gave me a lot of comics to entertain me. So, I know a lot of stories."

Every time the Great Compassion Tree King thought of this, he couldn't help but want to praise him.

It was a long five hundred years.

Although she was asleep for part of the time, she was in the Dust Song Pot most of the time.

It would be really hard to endure without something to entertain herself.

Su Han thought about it carefully and it was right. Since it was sealed in the Dust Song Pot, he would definitely give the other party a lot of things.

"By the way, do you know how to be domineering?"

"I know all three colors of domineering, otherwise I can't resist the forbidden knowledge."

"That's good, let's go out now. If there is anything, let's talk outside."


The two left the Dust Song Pot.

Xiyao (the name that will replace the Great Compassion Tree King in the future) looked at the frozen black coal ball and turned to look at Su Han.

"What kind of creature is this? I smelled the breath of the abyss from its body."

"Something found in the second world, the origin is unknown"

Su Han briefly described his journey and told her his purpose.

After listening, Xiyao couldn't help shaking her head.

"What a bizarre adventure story. By the way, do you want to try it now? Maybe in this place, you can understand the mystery of time and space."

In the tomb, there is the power he exerted five hundred years ago.

Although it is extremely weak now.

But it is the power of the same person, maybe there will be resonance.

"Yes, why did I forget this."

Su Han slapped his thigh and woke up.

Powers of the same origin must resonate.

Su Han immediately came to the door of the tomb, and he put his hand on it, feeling the power of time contained in it.

The silver light spots that were dormant in the body seemed to sense the power of the same origin and suddenly became active.

At that moment.

Su Han saw countless fragments of time.

And at the end of those fragments, he saw himself.

"After completing all this, I should be able to go back, right? After all, I have stayed in this era for a long time. After completing this, I don't need to mess around anymore."

"By the way, I should be seen by the past now."

In the picture.

Su Han waved towards the view.

"Hey, brother. Everything is going well. Don't worry about various problems."

"If you have time, go to Kaigi Island as soon as possible. There will be a surprise waiting for you."

"Yes, yes."

"As for the problem of time travel, you have already understood it when you returned from Takamagahara."

"If you want to influence five hundred years ago, go back to Yingxiang Mountain, you know!"

"The Tree of Time has always existed, do you understand?"

Hearing the message from the future.

Su Han woke up to many things.

As for Kaigi Island, what surprises are there?

He didn't quite understand.

But these should not be important. Anyway, when you return, you can go there to take a look.

The picture was interrupted soon.

Su Han could actually use his power to see more pictures, but there was no need.

On the other hand, what he should pay the most attention to now.

It should be the Tree of Time.

He opened his eyes, and the black coal ball was also released from the ban, but he had no idea about what happened.

"Hey, master, what happened just now? Who is this woman beside you?"

"Her name is Xiyao, and you don't need to know her identity. We should get on the road."

Now that everything has been figured out.

Su Han naturally wants to go back early.

The black coal ball curled his lips, and he swore that there must be a lot of things just now.

But if the master didn't say it, he naturally didn't dare to say more.

The three flew into the sky.

Su Han asked Xiyao:

"How do I get back to Teyvat from here?"

"Go over there, there is a huge pit."

The other party pointed to the distance.

Su Han looked over and then flew over.

On the road.

Xiyao looked at the ruins on the ground, and her face was quite bad.

"It seems that Kanreya has been completely destroyed. Can I ask, what happened to the people of this country?"

At the last moment of her memory.

Kanreya was swallowed whole by the abyss.

The people of Teyvat can't bear it, so imagine what kind of suffering they will encounter.

"He turned into a Qiuqiu man, a monster with dark skin and completely lost his mind."

"So, they are still alive?"

Xiyao's view is different from others.

Others think that the Qiuqiu people are cursed.

Su Han looked at her in surprise.

"Don't you think it would be more uncomfortable to become a monster than to die?"

"You may not know what they will become after being submerged in the abyss! I have seen with my own eyes that countless people turned into twisted and brainless deformities in the black mud!

Maybe you should have seen the Beastland Hounds, they were once part humans. "


Su Han was shocked.

Can humans become that kind of thing?

However, when he thought about the condition of the people in Qiuqiu, he finally understood why Xiyao called the law of heaven benevolent.

If the other party doesn't take action.

The people of Kanria are not as simple as becoming Qiuqiu people.

And there is a problem involved here.

Su Han lowered his voice and said:

"Is it forbidden knowledge?"

"Did you guess it?"

"Reducing intelligence and distorting the body. If all of this is based on saving the Kanrian people, then there is only one answer - everyone knows the forbidden curse. But this is all too crazy."

Su Han couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The entire nation is infected with forbidden knowledge.

It was like a virus that instantly contaminated the entire country of Kanria.

There are only two ways to save them.

Eliminate or reduce intelligence.

You may say that God is cruel, but at least the Kanreians are still alive! ! !

Xiyao sighed softly.

"Yes, just as you think. Forbidden knowledge is such a crazy thing. Kanria is like Xumi now. The whole country is full of that kind of thing, and everyone is chasing the abyss together."

"But what if the forbidden door opens."

“What should we do when everyone is about to perish?”

"Perhaps some Kanria people will say that all this is a curse from heaven, all because the Seven Gods dominate the world."

"But, they forgot one thing."

"Su Han, do you know?"

"Kanria people are exiled existences"

The story of it all.

It all goes back a long, long time.

The Seven Gods are concepts without technology.

Therefore, everyone relies on the power of elements to fight.

However, the technology of the second world is obviously the strongest!

Why was that world still destroyed?

The answer is actually very simple.

The power of the abyss will pollute the mechanical body.

Only an extremely strong will can resist the invasion of the abyss.

This is the meaning of the birth of God's Eye.

But the problem also arises.

Unbeknownst to the Kharians, the Five Sinners had blasphemed not only God, but the entire world.

They think that everything they do is to save the world.

It is a lie that reveals the truth of heaven.

But when the forbidden door opens.

The entire Kanria was the first place to be destroyed.

Su Han thought deeply about the whole incident, and felt more and more that Tianli's sleep was caused by saving Kanruiya.

After all, she is incredibly powerful.

If it were just to resist the abyss, it shouldn't fall into a deep sleep.

Soon they arrived at the place to return to the world of Teyvat.

A huge black hole.

A large amount of abyssal power poured into the cave crazily.

The black coal ball felt frightened just by looking at it. It tugged on Su Han's sleeve and said in a trembling voice:

"Master, do we want to return from this place? I wonder if we should change to another place. It looks scary here."

The cave is simply an abyssal vortex.

There is a lot of abyssal power stored inside.

If you jump down, will you really survive?

Su Han looked at Xiyao and asked her opinion.

"Don't worry, I understand the construction here. Because, before I fell asleep, this place was blocked. Just look at me."

Xiyao clasped her hands together.

A huge green aura enveloped the three of them.

Then, the sphere flew towards the cave.

The power of the abyss eroded the barrier crazily, but it was unable to penetrate this green light at all.

If it had been before, Xiyao would definitely not have been able to resist for long.

But now her body is the fruit of the sacred tree, which is essentially dozens of times stronger than before.

After all, in the world of Fairy Sword III.

The sacred tree only exists to support the entire world.

The mere power of the abyss is nothing.

Soon everyone arrived at the bottom of the abyss cave.

A huge green aura resisted everything.

But, the magic is.

Although this light resisted the abyss, it could not resist Xiyao's sphere, so it passed through it easily.

"Wow, I finally see the sun."

Come to the outside world.

Black Coal Ball looked at the sun in the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

However, it soon discovered something was wrong.

"Wait, Master. Aren't we going all the way down? Why do we fly to the bottom and face the sky instead?"

"You're quite smart. That's because Teyvat is an upside-down world."

Su Han praised him and helped him clear up his confusion.

simply put.

Teyvat is an upside-down world.

Hei Keqiu felt even more confused after hearing this.

"Master, why is it upside down?"

"I don't understand this question either, Xiyao, do you know?"

Su Han did not understand the structure of the world of Teyvat, so he asked the question to the knowledgeable former Grass God.

Xiyao gently combed her hair and answered with a smile:

"Actually, I don't know the real reason, but based on the information I've learned so far, I can probably guess something. As for whether it's accurate or not, I can't verify it."

"tell me the story."

Su Han is very interested in the upside-down world.

At the same time, he had also seen the analysis of UP masters on Earth before.

However, none were ultimately confirmed.

Xiyao cleared her throat and expressed her guesses and conclusions.

"Before discussing the upside down, let's first talk about the structure of the world of Teyvat."

"As a world, it has everything except being upside down."

"For example, the sky, the sea, the land, the starry sky."

"What really puzzles people is the question of the starry sky!"

"In our time, many gods wanted to explore the starry sky, but as you know, the starry sky is false!"

"At the same time, the seat of fate is also false."

"And the foundation of the world and the destroyed civilization all involve one issue - the earth's veins!"

"The ley lines record everything that happens on the earth and then transmit it to the World Tree. This is very incredible, but after reading a lot of comics, I have a new understanding."

"The World Tree may be a huge database!"

"Although we are living beings, we will be affected by the database. This also proves one thing, why the five sinners in Kanria want to get rid of the influence of the Kan world!"

"Because they don't want to continue to be controlled by the World Tree!"

"The upside down world is actually easy to understand. The earth is a place where countless lives rely on for survival, so the earth veins are the roots of trees. The upside down world is because we don't want countless lives to discover the truth."

These remarks left Black Coal Ball stunned.

Emotional issues in the third world are so complicated.

"Wait a minute, Sister Xiyao. If what you say is what you say, if the World Tree is contaminated by the abyss, won't the whole world be completely destroyed?"

"Of course, I have thought about this issue too. Until I met Su Han."

Speaking of which.

Xiyao looked at him with a complicated look.

"Me? What does this have to do with me? Wait, are you trying to say that I can leave with the World Tree?"

Although Su Han's idea is absurd, it is reasonable.

Even after calming down.

He even felt that this thing might be the ending of Genshin Impact.

After all, travelers can travel to the next star sea and world.

So if the twins leave this destroyed place with the records, can it be interpreted as meaning that Teyvat has gained a new life?

Think about it, it's really possible.

Xiyao smiled and nodded, then shook her head gently.

"You have the right idea, but who would want to leave their homeland if it were possible?"

Still dizzy today

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