Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 296: Osel was beaten up by a group of people, the public opinion of Liyue Harbor

"The demon god awakens? It's Osel"

Su Han felt that there was no big problem.

That big loach came out, but it was suppressed by Zhongli.



At this time, Su Han suddenly remembered the contract with the Ice Queen.

If this thing was there.

Then Zhongli would not be able to take action.

He picked up the Den Den Mushi and contacted Mona directly.

After a short wait.

Su Han heard the other party's voice.

"Boss, you are back?"

Mona said with surprise.

Almost before Su Han asked.

A huge explosion sounded in the Den Den Mushi.

A mountain seemed to be flattened.

"Ms. Mona! Request for support"

"Hold on, Boss Su Han is back."

Mona replied.

And Su Han rushed towards Liyue through the mirror.

In less than five minutes.

He arrived at Liyue Port.

He had not returned for several months.

Everything seemed so familiar.

But the sky was dim.

The sound of fighting was everywhere on the coast.

Su Han flew into the sky.

He found an unusual scene.

In the game.

When Osel appeared, the people were only concerned with fleeing, or even hiding at home.

Now, the situation is completely the opposite.

A large number of people are fighting with the sea monsters that have landed on the shore.

Some of them use long swords, some use spears, and no one always shows a timid look.

And at the port.

Countless adventurers are fighting with the Qianyan Army.

"Comrades, come on!"

"Sea monsters are not invincible, show our courage!"

"Kill it for me"

While Su Han was admiring the various aspects of Liyue.

A giant beast emerged from the seabed.

But before it could get angry, the person who mastered the domineering power in the Qianyan Army went up.

"Leave this to me, cut it for me!"

The terrifying huge sword burst out a hundred meters of sword energy and slashed fiercely on the monster.

Although it did not kill the opponent, it successfully blocked the opponent's offensive trend.

Then, the soldiers using spears threw their weapons fiercely.

Covered with domineering power, eyes that pierced easily.

A giant beast died just like that.

And the entire coast had already been dyed red with blood.

"It seems that comics are really useful."

Su Han was relieved.

Then, he flew towards Yunlaihai.

Until he passed through the thick fog.

Su Han understood why the main battlefield was not in the port.

Two blue snakes actually fought with the heroes of Liyue Port.

"Freeze the sea!"

Facing the endless water cannon shells.

Shen He directly froze the entire sea surface.

Thousands of meters of sea turned into a world of ice and frost.

And Qiqi spread his hands and cast fairy magic to heal his friends.

Yae God Child.


Aratake Ito.


All fought here.

The demon god is very strong.

It is also difficult for mortals to resist.

But this situation was in the past. After gaining domineering power, the power of the elements had very little effect on them.

Even the people at the scene saw that Osel's wife was weak and madly targeted her.

So much so that the old snake kept cursing.

"Don't attack my wife, you bastards!"

Its distraction directly led to the siege of others.

Countless moves fell in unison.

Osel screamed again.


What's wrong with these guys?

Why are they so difficult!

A long time ago, it was sealed.

But in the recent period, a woman found him and claimed that she could use strange power to help him restore his strength.

As a result, this is it?

"Wait, I thought of it."


"Why did I forget the authority of that guy? Although she is a weak and incompetent waste, she can come in handy at this time."

"Crush it, sea!"

A white light burst out from the body of the vortex demon Osel.

The ice layer, which was originally very solid, suddenly had countless holes.

Shen He was a little surprised and said, "What happened?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who was standing in the air to launch the attack, noticed the familiar inside and cursed immediately.

"Those bastards gave the power of Heulia to Osel. Salt can corrode ice."

Everyone woke up.

Feelings are like this.

But what should we do?

With the existence of the ice layer, the sea is their home court, but if there is no ice layer, how can they fight with two big snakes?

At the moment when everyone's heart sank, an invisible force enveloped the scene.

Although the ice layer was broken, everyone was still floating in the air.

Walnut immediately discovered the mystery and laughed:

"It's Su Han, we are going to start a counterattack!"

Gravity Fruit.

That must be Su Han!

Xiao, who was fighting madly with Osel, also sensed Su Han's existence at this time, and he quickly withdrew.

"How is your body?"

This immortal had a cold face but a warm heart.

In such a scene, the first sentence was actually about caring about me.

This touched Su Han very much.

"Don't worry, with my strength. Although I can't kill this guy, I can't let him do evil at will."

Su Han pulled out his Tessaiga.

Now, the knife has changed.

The huge black blade gives people a strong sense of oppression.

And this is just the beginning.



Su Han swung his knife at Osel in the distance.


The space was shattered.

The lonely sword energy tore the sea apart.

This scene was very shocking.

It was as if the world was split apart.

Osel saw someone attacking him, and immediately looked back, but his body was extremely heavy at this moment.

It was as if there was a big stone pressing on him.

Is it Morax?

No, this is not its power.


What is this?





The moment the sword energy came to him.

Osel felt the breath of the underworld.

Its body retreated madly backwards.

It was a very heavy slash.

There were a lot of wounds on the body.

"Damn you, you little bastard."

"I want you dead."

Osel was furious.

Just now he was entangled by a group of insects, and now he was injured by a low-level creature. This was an endless humiliation.

The water column condensed.

The water vapor in the air was even a hundred times more concentrated than before.

Even if it was floating in the air.

Everyone actually felt like they were in the deep sea.

Is this the power of the demon god?

Countless people had a kind of enlightenment in their hearts.

"Go to hell."

"Since Morax didn't show up, let all of you perish."

Osel spit out a terrible long dragon.

But countless beams of light suddenly descended from above the clouds.

The huge power made Osel completely unexpected.

Although it was a demon god.

But in ancient times, there were still machines that could hurt the demon god.

The Return Machine was one of them.

Osel's moves were interrupted, and Su Han naturally didn't want to miss this good opportunity. He rushed to the opponent and stabbed a dagger directly into the opponent's body.

A treasure from the world of fate.

The Ten Thousand Symbols Must Break the Rules.

Something that can cut off all contracts and connections.

When the dagger pierced into Osel's body, the evil snake suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.

At the same time, the treasure that had been absorbed into the body before was also cut off.


Accompanied by Osel's roar.

The sea was frozen again.

The so-called attribute is that ice restrains water.

Although Osel is very strong, it is just a club on the frozen sea.

Su Han smiled coldly and applied countless gravity to the opponent.

Then he raised his head and roared.

"Brothers, let's fight!"

The battle broke out.

But this time it was torture.

At this time, the fleet in the distance actually arrived at the scene through the thick fog.

Members of the Knights of Favonius arrived.

"We are allies of Liyue. No matter how hard it is, we will lend a hand!"

Kaeya brought people here.

Of course, Qin and others all came too.

At this time, a huge red sphere fell from the sky.

"Brothers, be careful."

Keli's voice came from above the clouds.

Su Han looked at the huge bomb that was thirty meters long and shouted: "Brothers, wait a while before fighting. Retreat."

Everyone knew Keli's bomb.

Naturally, they also understood the power of this thing.

Countless soldiers turned around and ran.

A few seconds later.

A huge mushroom cloud lit up above Osel's head.

Osel's wife in the distance was very anxious when she saw her husband being beaten by the crowd.

But she was also helpless.

Because she was also besieged.

Three immortals.

Thousands of soldiers.

There was also a group of foxes, who could survive now, all relying on the geographical advantages here.

At this time, the Eightfold Son of God completed the condensation of power.

"Hey, you've had enough of making trouble."

The big snake felt the hissing in the air, and it turned its head quickly, but its speed was still a little slow.

A terrifying arrow pierced through the heart.


"The body can't move."

Osel's wife found something wrong.

At this time, countless sealing spells appeared on the sea.

"You just found out now? We have been accumulating strength just now. It is not difficult to kill you, but it will take more effort to capture you alive. Restore your human body."

Yae Shenzi squeezed hard.

Countless lightning flashed from all directions.

Enveloped in countless domineering thunders, plus the witch's spells.

This is not a joke.

When the smoke dissipated.

A perception type fox reported:

"My lord, she has been knocked unconscious."

"OK, capture her. Next, it will be handed over to Su Han and the others. This battle is really tiring."

Yae Shenzi rubbed his sore shoulders and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

This battle lasted for a whole day and night.

And Osel's strength finally decreased in the continuous beating.

But he is a demon god, how can he be defeated so easily?

Even if he is surrounded and beaten, he can still fight back.

The bombing continues.

And Su Han took advantage of the opportunity when Osel's power was weakened and absorbed the power of all lovers.

Of course, for safety reasons.

Shen He and others also left the field under the protection of their companions.

Su Han clenched his fists, feeling the aura in his body, turned his head and smiled at Osel.

"Hey, I heard that you had fun in someone else's hometown, right?"

"Then I'll make you happy enough today."

"The power of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree!"

Countless flowers, plants and trees, spread out from everywhere, suppressing the demon god on the ice surface.

Then, a huge thunder fell from the sky.


Lightning flashed.

Osel screamed.

But this is not over yet.

Taking advantage of not being at home, but coming out to make trouble, this is really annoying.

Domineering entanglement.

Su Han almost teleported in front of the opponent and began to punch.




Countless fists, like a storm, hammered on Osel's head.

At that moment.

The vortex demon god had never felt such a painful punch.

This is too damn painful.

Who is the person in front of him?

Osel's screams pierced the sky.

And the others also took the opportunity to attack.

Everyone knows the famous saying of "take advantage of your weakness to kill you", so naturally they will not miss such a good opportunity.

Ten minutes later.

Osel was numb.

"Stop, I give up!!!"


Su Han's fist still did not stop.

If you ask me to stop, I will stop, which is very embarrassing.

After dozens of punches.

Su Han stopped attacking.

Take a closer look at Osel's current appearance.

Each head was swollen a lot, and even countless blue blood was left on the sea surface.

Big eyes stared at small eyes.

Osel looked at Su Han's sword-like eyes and finally admitted his defeat.

"I give up, I am willing to return to the seal, but can you let my wife go?"

"This is impossible."

"You won't harm your family!"

Osel was extremely angry, but at this time he thought of what Morax had said.

He thought he could use this sentence to buy his wife's safety.

As a result, Su Han swung a punch.

The huge scream came again.

Osel wailed, and it didn't know what was going on.

Wasn't the person in front of him a Liyue person?

Su Han looked at Osel who was screaming, pointed at the Liyue Port behind him, and roared:

"Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you are a demon god? Open your dog eyes and look behind you. You also know that the disaster will not affect your family, but have you ever thought about whether those Liyue people have families?"

His roar resounded throughout Liyue.

Countless people looked at the sea.

Although it was not clear.

But only Mr. Su Han was confronting the demon god, and he spoke for all of them.

The people, who had been exhausted for a long time, suddenly felt sour in their noses.


The demon gods knew that the disaster would not affect their families, but they were also flesh and blood people. If they retreated today, I don't know how many people would die in this catastrophe.

Osel glanced at Su Han and argued:

"But humans are bugs."

"Then I am also a bug, and my companions under my feet are also bugs, so."

Su Han took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said word by word:

"I ask you all, are you willing to let go of this beast that has repeatedly invaded Liyue Port."

As soon as these words came out.

The countless Qianyan soldiers were shocked.

Then, they said in unison:

"We will never let it go, even if we fight to the last man and shed the last drop of blood, we will not allow such a disaster to exist."

Osel was frightened by the deafening voice.

Five hundred years ago.


Maybe it was earlier.

Humans are just toys of the demon gods, just like pets.

But now, how have times changed?

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