Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 298: The destruction of hellfire and the emergence of new sprouts

Supporting the enemy?

I'm not a fool.

How could Su Han not understand the current situation?

The plan had already failed, but he still had to fight. If he was not a simple madman, there would be only one answer.

She had no way out.

As a man who was determined to be a harem king.

Su Han would naturally not miss this good opportunity.

"If I can let you be free, I will not hesitate to snatch the hearts of other gods."

Touching love words.

Broke Rosaline's heart.

At that moment.

Past memories kept coming to my mind.

"Rustan, is my singing beautiful?"

"You said my singing can eliminate your fatigue, so I must sing well in the future!"

"I think a pure and flawless country will definitely be born, just like our ideal."

All the fragments of memory were forgotten.

At this moment, Rosaline just wanted to live.

She opened her hands.

Asked for the heart of the rock god.

Su Han took out the Den Den Mushi and said a few words to it. After a few seconds, a golden Heart of God flew in front of the two.

This is a chess piece.

The frequently flashing light represents the terrible power contained in it.

Rosalin slowly stretched out her hand, but stopped at the last moment.

"You really won't regret it? You don't seem to know the plan of the Winter Kingdom."

"Even if I know, I won't regret it! Rosalin, you don't seem to know my power yet. It's just using the Heart of God to create extraordinary power. It's too low-level."

Su Han interrupted the other party.

And he saw through the secret of the Winter Kingdom in one sentence.

Seize the Heart of God.

It's actually very easy to understand.

The queen has only two ideas.

First: create a god.

Second: use the powerful power of the Seven Gods Throne to create a god beyond the law of nature.

But no matter which one it is, Su Han thinks it's ridiculous.

Because the Heart of God is issued by the law of nature.

Just from this point, it can be concluded that even if there is the Heart of God, it is just in vain.

Because, the real strong can have powerful strength without this thing.

Only then did Rosaline believe Su Han's sincerity. She smiled sweetly, threw herself into his arms, and whispered: "From now on, I will rely on you. Don't let me be a widow."

Su Han heard this and said seriously: "I will definitely not."

He hasn't lived enough.

He doesn't want to die without causing trouble for tens of thousands of years.

A few minutes later.

Various terrible power fluctuations broke out in the sky above the coast.

Then, the people watching the battle saw a cluster of flames falling from the sky.

The leaders of the Fools hiding in the dark showed despair. Did this adult also fail?

Just as they were thinking this.

A golden stream of light came to their vicinity with the help of the Hellfire Butterfly.

The leader's eyes lit up.

"It turns out that the adult has obtained this thing, let's go!"

Fearing changes.

The leader immediately retreated.

But the others looked at each other, not daring to move.

Especially the female counselor who had been following Rosalin, she started to curse.

"Dorzan, do you mean that the Lord is dead?"

"I don't mean that, but the Queen's order is the most noble, so the Heart of God must be sent back to the Kingdom of Winter!"

"Then I will find it myself."

The female counselor didn't believe that the Lord was dead.

She immediately drove the boat into the sea.

The others evacuated under the command of the person in charge.

A few hours later.

On the Qunyu Pavilion.

Su Han looked at Rosalin who was already asleep and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"If it weren't for Xiyao this time, it would be really troublesome!"

In order not to let people suspect, Rosalin acted a play with him.

After all, the Fatui couldn't go back, and pretending to die was the best choice.

But the power of the hellfire broke out, and the evil eye that suppressed the power was discarded, causing Rosalin to be directly backfired by the power and fainted instantly.

Fortunately, Xiyao had been watching the battle on the clouds, and the danger was averted.

Looking at the beautiful woman on the bed, Xiyao finally remembered her identity.

"I remember this person, she seems to be from Mond. When she came to my class, she performed very well. What happened in the meantime?"

"This, it has to start from a long, long time ago."

Su Han said as he walked.

When he came outside.

Xiyao understood Rosaline's story, but she didn't expect that the other party would go this far for love!

The female counselor next to her knelt on the ground when she heard that her master was fine.

"Master, what should we do from now on?"

Although Rosaline couldn't go back.

But there must be someone around her, and this woman happened to make up the number.

Su Han had a good impression of her. She looked very pretty, and the most important thing was her loyalty.

He thought for a moment and said to Xiyao: "Can you modify her appearance? If other Fatui see it, it might arouse suspicion."

"It's impossible to modify her completely, but it's okay to modify some of her parts."

Xiyao put her hand on the head of the former Fatui counselor.

A green light enveloped her.

The other person felt a chill on his face.

"Okay. Su Han, how do you feel now?"

The spell was over.

Xiyao proudly showed Su Han her results.

"It's really good!"

Su Han looked at the woman whose appearance had changed and couldn't help but praise her.

Overall, nothing has changed.

But the details vary widely.

For example, this female counselor used to have very sharp eyes, and she was considered a somewhat fierce woman.

It's hard to mess with when you see him.

However, after Xiyao's change.

The overall expression has become much cuter.

Temperament is the hardest thing to change.

And this change is equivalent to saying that the other party has changed into a different person. Secondly, there are some spots on the face and some birthmarks. Xiyao has removed all of them.

This can be considered a beauty treatment.

When the female counselor saw her change, she couldn't help being shocked.

"Is this really me?"

She could hardly believe her eyes.

But if this is not the case, how can we live a new life?

Looking at the dumbfounded woman, Su Han reminded her: "All your names were invalidated before. Now let's change your name. What do you think of Xiyue?"

The woman who was still looking at the mirror nodded quickly after hearing his words.

"Thank you for the name, sir! My subordinate will be called Xiyue from now on."

It doesn't matter what the name is.

The important thing is to be able to stay with adults.

Before, she was still worried about whether she would never see the light of day for the rest of her life.

But now there is no need to worry at all.

Su Han shook his head and said: "This is the opportunity you fought for yourself, don't thank me."

hours ago.

He was taking Xiyao for medical treatment, but before leaving, he saw a small boat approaching.

Su Han originally thought that the Qianyan Army came to search for sea beasts, but he never expected that it was the Foolish People who came to find Rosalin.

The other party shouted desperately, not even caring about being discovered by him.

It was precisely because he saw her determination that Su Han was willing to bring her here.

Xiyue was stunned when she heard this, then shook her head and said: "No, my life belongs to you. Since you are not here, I don't want to live. Also, I believe you will not be so cruel."

"Okay, you go take care of Rosalind. I have other things to do."


Xiyue bowed, turned around and walked in.

Things are over.

Su Han returned to the conference room.

Most people hold meetings here.

Seeing his appearance, everyone became silent in unison.

"How are the battle losses now?"

Su Han sat down and wanted to hear the information about this war.

As the statistics secretary, Gan Yu quickly took out the report and began to read it out.

"In the battle at Liyue Port, Mora lost approximately 1.5 billion!"

"Sixty-eight ships of all kinds were damaged in total."

"Among them, civilian boats were the most damaged. Ning Guang has just decided that this part of the money will be compensated by Liyue officials!"

Su Han couldn't help but nod.

No matter how hard it is, it cannot hurt the people.

This is true.

Gan Yu paused and continued to talk about statistics.

"Other than that, the damage to the building is minimal, the overall situation is not bad, and the people are not dead, but some people are injured, and a very small number have received minor injuries. My report is over!"

Ningguang concluded at this time: "Actually, this war is good for Liyue. According to public opinion statistics on the street, everyone has learned about the war and has a very deep hatred for the Winter Kingdom. At the same time, Xiwu The enthusiasm has become even higher.”

Martial arts is a good thing.

If the whole country is cowardly, it will be another Sumeru.

Target this.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun told the result of the discussion.

"We have decided that those who perform well in this war will receive generous treatment and titles! I have to say, Su Han. Your stimulation methods are very useful. Folk adventurers have defined this event as a mission. , they are all thinking about the reward this time.”

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "This is no coincidence, we have no shortage of materials at all. As for reputation, that kind of thing is free."

Mortals live for fame and fortune.

If you want it, give it to them.

In short, it is enough to increase people's enthusiasm.

In everyone’s constant discussions.

Government orders were issued quickly one after another.

First, there is the definition of war.

This is a conspiracy carefully planned from the Kingdom of Winter. Its planner is the executive of the Fools, a witch who has the power of hellfire, and has been killed!

Secondly, there is also a trial for the machine that started the war, that is, Osel.

Although he is a god.

But those who deserve punishment will never be exempted.

There are three main punishments for him.

First: The couple is sentenced to being unable to leave Liyue and subject to lifetime supervision and sanctions.

Second: If there is a war, Osel, as a sinner, must obey orders.

Third: He has to repair the damage caused to Liyue.

Although it doesn't seem to be a serious crime.

But being able to judge the demon god has made the people of Liyue extremely proud.

As for other decrees.

It is the welfare of the people.

First of all, for those injured in battle, bonuses will be issued based on military merit.

Secondly, those who have contributed to the war will receive promotions in positions, as well as improvements in martial arts and other abilities.

In the end, the brave adventurers will be given the title of Great Adventurer, and will be sung throughout Liyue, and even their stone monuments will be erected, which will be known to future generations of mankind forever.

Nothing else.

But the last one detonated the entire Adventurers Association.

"Hey, it's the big adventurer!!!"

"Oh my god, if I had known I would have rushed forward, I could be engraved on the merit monument. This is a heroic world!"

"Wow, wow, thousands of years later, people will still be telling their stories, I'm so envious."

Ordinary adventurers were almost moved to tears of envy.

The injured heroes were holding wine glasses and drinking happily.

"Hahahaha, let me tell you, Liyue will not let our injuries be in vain. Not only will we have good wine and good food, but we will also become a hero that will be sung by future generations!"

"That's right! Although it's not as good as the stories in Adventure King, we will also be heroes in the future."

These heroes who mastered domineering power did not care about their injuries at all.

Instead, he proudly talked about his achievements.


What are you fighting for?

It’s not that reputation.

No matter where they go from now on, others will call them "big adventurers".

I feel proud just thinking about it.

And in winter in China.

After hearing the news, the clown slowly lowered the brim of his hat.

Looking out the window at the falling snowflakes.

The old man sighed deeply and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Rosalin. I gave you a second life in vain. Even if it is crazy, so what? I will bring you a pure white country."

"Jolton, tell the executives. Hold a funeral for Rosalind. She was able to complete the Queen's mission before she died. This alone deserves our respect."

The herald named Yelton rushed out immediately.

The news quickly spread throughout the country.

At the same time, it is also spread among fools.

In the stronghold.

After hearing the news, a man went to the restroom.

He took out a phone bug from his arms and tapped the ground with his foot when the signal transmission was finished.

The man then left as if nothing had happened.

Hidden underground in the snowy land of Solstice.

Intelligence agents are transmitting signals.

"Yes, information from the ghost!"

"Where's the news?"

"A few minutes ago, the executive codenamed Madam died, and the Joker decided to start a funeral."

"Well, pass the message to Sky Eye."


The so-called Sky Eye is the spy intelligence organization established by Ning Guang.

The purpose is to collect all intelligence in the seven countries.

At present, not only the fools have been infiltrated, but also the scholars of Xumi.

A large amount of information is gathered every day.

A few minutes later.

A secretary delivered the news to the Qun Yu Pavilion conference room.

After Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng heard this, he asked in surprise: "The news spread so fast? I mean over there in the Winter Kingdom."

"Although they don't have phone bugs, they definitely have ways to pass on information. We can't be careless either."

Su Han reminded.

Don’t be careless because of his black technology.

At times like this, you need to be more careful.

Everyone nodded.

However, Yae Shenzi was very interested in what happened five hundred years ago when he went there, and asked immediately: "Hey, what happened five hundred years ago when you went there?"

"I still want to ask you. At that time, you squatted on my face every day and you had no memory at all?"

Faced with Su Han's questioning.

Yae Shenzi looked confused.

King Daci Shu reacted at this time.

"Could it be that you modified the memory in World Tree before you left? If you have the authority I gave you, you should be able to do this."

Since I don’t want to affect history.

That must mean the memory has been deleted.

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