Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 307: Dainsleb's veil was torn off, and Su Han's angry rebuke

Dainsreb clenched his fists, his face full of hatred and roared: "I didn't want this to happen at the beginning"

"But you still peeked at that power."

Su Han said lightly.

No matter what was discovered in the middle, Dainsreb was always a sinner.

And as soon as this sentence came out.

It seemed that Dainsreb had lost his power.

Even if he didn't admit it, the undead of Kanreya knew his details.

Paimon was shocked by the result. She looked at Su Han in surprise and asked: "What's going on?"

"Let him tell you, what do you think? Are you willing to tell me what happened at that time?"

Facing Su Han's gaze.

Dainsreb had no right to refuse.

He looked at the undead of Kanreya and said with pain on his face: "Everything should be attributed to greed."

No matter how much he beautified.

No matter how unwilling he was to admit it.

Everything in Kanreya started with unsatisfied desires.

"Our country is located underground. Some people say that we are a group of people who were driven here and eventually established a country."

"People believe in this very much, and even believe that we can still become very powerful without gods."

"However, the strength of a country is always inseparable from resources."

Kan Ruiya is a technological country.

No matter how powerful it is, it is always inseparable from resources.

Steel needed to manufacture machinery.

Food needed by the people.

There is also the problem of gloss.

Various reasons forced Kan Ruiya to start a war.

Paimon showed a thoughtful expression, and soon frowned.

"If you say so, the war was provoked by you, Kan Ruiya?"

"Yes, a large part of it was provoked by us."

Without the arrogance, Dainsleb was completely honest.

Before, when he traveled with Paimon and Yingmei, he always looked arrogant, and even disdained the Seven Gods.

But, why didn't we see Kan Ruiya appear during the Demon God War?

At that time, there were demons everywhere. They could have plundered the earth at will, but they chose to escape.

The answer is: fear of death.

In the final analysis, they are just a group of cowards, and after being destroyed, they still brag that the Seven Gods are the existence that occupied the earth.

But in fact, they are a group of losers.

Each of the territories ruled by the Seven Gods was won by actual actions.

For example, Liyue where Su Han is.

How many demons lived in this place back then? It is estimated that at least more than ten demons appeared in Liyue, but in the end only Zhongli and Guoba were left.

As the place with the richest resources, why can't we see the Kanreya people?

After clarifying the facts.

Paimon looked at Dainsreb with no more respect than before, but with disgust.

Such hypocritical people are really disgusting.

And Ying is naturally the same.

Su Han commented on this: "So I never force others. We only respect facts. I hate the people of Kanreya and even enslaved them. These are all what I did, but you cannot deny that I restored their sanity."

"Thank you for your gift."

"Don't thank me later, and continue to tell the sins of your country."

Su Han was too lazy to accept this thank you.

What he wanted was history and facts.

Today, Ying and Paimon must witness everything in Kanreya with their own eyes.

Dainsreb looked at his hands and said with a dim look: "When I was traveling with Kong, we went through many places and traveled to many countries. I admit that I had the intention to guide him, but in the end, it was us who led everything to destruction."

Hearing that her brother was led astray.

Ying's eyes flashed with disgust.

It was because of such people that her brother became like that.

It would be great if they were not there.

"What did you do at the beginning?"

Paimon was very curious about this.

What exactly led to the destruction of Kanreya?

"It's the abyss."

"We stole the power of the abyss and felt that we could harness it. Just like the Chaos Furnace Core you saw before, it was actually a product of the abyss."

Since it was impossible to obtain resources from the demon god.

Kan Ruiya naturally had to find another way. Slowly, some people gradually realized that the abyss might be a good choice.

In fact, after they came to the underground, some people began to propose it.

But many people think that the abyss is too dangerous and unstable.

However, the golden alchemist stood up and expressed his opinion.

"Since it is unstable, it means that we have not studied it thoroughly. What if we can use it to peek into the rules of the world? The existence of the abyss is the inevitability of the world. It is precisely because no one studies it that it has a very powerful power."

Since then, Rhinedot began to study.

Some powerful machines became extremely terrifying in her hands.

Some things as big as mountains were all born from this alchemist.

Slowly, this lady found something different in the abyss.

Some kind of life substance.

So, she opened an era.

Creating humans.

"Wait, then. Isn't Albedo also made of the same material as the Abyss?"

During their stay in Mondstadt, they investigated a lot of things.

They basically did not miss anything related to the Abyss.

Among them, Abedo’s information is the most important part.

The other party is an artificial human and a disciple of a gold alchemist. It can be said that he has a lot of information.

Dainsreib nodded and said: "Yes, ha. That is the root of evil. The creation of life is simply a scam."

What is the abyss?

It's a vortex of death.

It is the source of the world.

It is the death knell that destroys the earth.

It contains the power of life and is naturally normal.

But others didn't know, so they frantically searched for various things from the abyss. And Albedo's teacher claimed to have found various magical things from the depths of the earth.

Yingmei's face changed drastically. She had already guessed the subsequent story.

The result of digging deep into the abyss will definitely come back to bite you in the end.

"After gaining power, several people gained powerful strength. Some of our swordsmen also began to frequently go in and out of the abyss. There are very powerful monsters in it. If you defeat them, you can obtain a large amount of resources and experience. Even strength"

"But I really regret it, because before the disaster broke out, it was the power that these gave us that destroyed our country."

Dainsreb's thoughts returned to that day.

At first, some machinery started to go out of control.

Their energy lights changed from white to purple and black, and they began to attack humans.

Then, some soldiers began to go crazy.

Some people thought it was a counterattack from the abyss, but others thought it was an enemy attack.

After careful investigation, Dainsreb was finally shocked to discover that all the abnormal phenomena were related to the abyss.

So, he quickly reported the news.

However, this announcement seemed to have fallen into disfavor.

One day a month later.

The number of out-of-control experimental subjects began to increase. Even if the Golden Alchemist came forward, she could not stop this result. Instead, she herself was injured by those monsters.

The most terrifying thing is that those monsters are obviously artificial creatures, and they even exert control methods.

But they broke through all limitations and rescued their companions.




Everything related to the abyss is out of control.

And at that moment, it became clear to Deinsreib and everyone else that they were in big trouble.

But there is no way to regret it now.

"I really wanted to prevent the discovery of the disaster and went to find a few other people, but the result was that they all left and abandoned the country of Kanria."

Dainsreb's words shocked Yingmei and Paimon.

"Wait a minute, you said all those guys who caused the destruction of the world ran away?"

"Yes, five sinners. All gone."

When speaking.

Dainsreb's face was full of hatred.

Su Han saw this and sneered: "Paimon, have you ever thought about why this person is standing in front of you alive?"

"You mean, Dai Yin also ran away? Wait, something is wrong. Su Han, doesn't this mean that you are cheating on Lou and not taking any responsibility?"

Paimon finally noticed something was wrong.

Before, Dain was full of contempt for the Seven Gods.

She could open or close her mouth just like the Seven Gods did, but now she realized that something seemed wrong.

After a disaster occurred in Kanria, it was the Seven Gods who came forward to suppress it, but it was the Kanria people who escaped.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Dyne and the others are really nothing!

The eyes that Yingmei and Paimon looked at Dyne were no longer concealed at all, full of disgust and disdain.

You said that you, Kanria, have no problem absorbing the power of the abyss, but if something goes wrong, you want to make up for it yourself, but what will be the result?

Problems broke out.

The people are going to die.

These people ran away.

"Come to think of it, the Kanria deserve to become the Chuchu."

Yingmei said in a cold tone.

There is no shame or honor at all, they are simply a bunch of beasts.

Deinsreib didn't say anything back the entire time.

Because this is the fact he told.

But the real history is even crueler than this.

The memory goes back to that day.

The earth collapsed.

The first thing the abyss submerged was Canrea.

The once glorious kingdom was filled with screams and calls for help, but when the black mud drowned batch after batch of soldiers, people were already in complete despair.

"Help me, Lord Dainsreb!!"

"Lord Sword of the Last Light, help"

One call after another.

Cries for help one after another.

Basically every day and night, the voices of these people lingered in his ears.

However, Deinsreib chose to escape.

At that moment, the endless imprisonment turned into abuse.

"It's all your fault. If you hadn't opened the abyss, how could we be like this?"

"I hate you, I hate you"

"What a bullshit Sword of Endlight, you are all a bunch of beasts taking advantage of Camrea."

The country was destroyed.

All the people also turned into monsters.

Dainsreb came to his senses and wanted to continue telling the story.

But Su Han interrupted.

He turned to look at Paimon and said with a smile, "I want to ask you something."

"Say it."

"Paimon, why do you think the Kharians turned into Chuchus?"

"Why did you become a Qiuqiu? What's wrong with that? It must be a curse from heaven."

Paimon replied without thinking.

Yingmei, who was standing by, read out the other meanings in Su Han's words. Her eyes lit up and an idea came into her mind.

"No, Paimon."

"The idea you just had was imposed on you by others. Now you review it from the beginning and summarize the generation of the hillbillies. You have to understand one thing."

"They are spread all over the seven countries."

When Yingmei said the last part, her tone became much heavier.

Spread all over the seven countries?


Little Paimon lowered her head and thought, even counting on her fingers, and finally she understood the meaning of Su Han's question to herself.

"I understand. The reason why the Kanreya people became hillbillies is because the law of nature is protecting them!!!"

"This is impossible."

Dainsleb immediately denied this idea.

How can turning people into monsters be salvation? What a joke.

However, Yingmei snorted coldly: "Is it still a vortex of hatred? Su Han is right, open your eyes and see clearly, why are the hill people spread all over the seven countries? You don't think they can escape from their homeland, but if you abandon this idea, what is the answer?"


At that moment.

The problem that Dainsleb had been troubled by for many years was finally solved.

In fact, very few Kanreya people escaped at the beginning, and most of them were in the Mondstadt area, because other countries hated the people of this country very much.

Because they led the disaster.

Just for this point, Wendy is enough to be a god.

Too kind.

Too generous.

But what about the Kanreya people?

What did they respond.



To be honest, they really don't deserve it.

"In fact, you should look more at Halfdan's thoughts. They are the real Kanreya people. They choose to stand up to protect the weak. Even if they become monsters and lose their minds, they have not given up their responsibilities."

Su Han admitted that he hated Kanreya.

But it must be said that Halfdan is a real man.

The knights under him are also good-looking.

Su Han scolded him.

Dainsleb was already shaky.

He lowered his head, and the whole person seemed to have lost faith.

"Yes, Halfdan actually talked to me. He said that atonement is necessary, and I don't understand their ideas."

"Arrogance is indeed the original sin."

"Desire is the same."

Counting my life, how much time have I spent on treating others equally?

Always with the ideas imposed by others, always with a face that I am owed something.

But in fact, no one owes the Kanreya people.

On the contrary, they owe everyone too much.

"What happens after that?"

Paimon is very interested in the follow-up of Kanreya, and is also very interested in what the Kanreya people want.

Su Han replied: "They want to completely rule the world, so they built a tiller to modify the earth veins. Think about it, isn't it ridiculous? Because the power is not enough, they start to do all kinds of despicable things."

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