Thanatos System

Chapter 40 - Why's He Here?

A knock on the door was heard.

"Suna, can you get the door? Luken's pretending to be busy."

Gavin sighed.

Suna nodded and got up from her seat.

She hastily opened the door.

Zachary stood there, wide-eyed.

"I-I uhm, is Gavin there?"

Suna looked behind him, she saw he had a large backpack on his back.

She smirked with a vile smile.

"Who is it?"

Gavin shouted from his bed as he had his back turned from them.

The Serpent Summoner was busy folding his clothes and arranging it in such an intricate and careful manner.

"You have a visitor, Gavin!"

Suna responded.

Gavin turned to glance and saw Zachary.

"What are you going to tell your mother?"

He asked.

"Do not worry, I have it all planned out. But you guys are going to have to carry my scythe, they might suspect something amiss when I'm the one bringing it."

Zachary said.

"Nah, leave it, boy. We have got plenty of weapons in our hideout, scythes included as well."

Luken said.

Zachary's eyes lit up.


Zachary was asked by them to take a seat.

To which he promptly accepted.

"When is Yin going to be finished in the bathroom? My stomach is kind of hurting now…"

Suna stated.

"Too much information, Suna."

Gavin responded with a hint of disgust in his face.

A tap on the window disturbed the room.

It was a carrier pigeon.

Tied with a large scroll on its talons.

Luken opened the window with no hesitation.

The letter had a blue and green line indention in front of it.

"Yo, this looks like it is meant for us."

Luken walked slowly towards Gavin's bed.

Suna moved as well, approaching the Commander and the Serpent Summoner.

The Commander halted her approach with an open palm motion.

"Nope, this is classified, Suna."

Suna pouted and walked back to her corner.

Gavin clearly gasped.

"Damn, why so soon?"

"I am as much in the dark as you are, Gavin. I do not know as well."

The Commander responded with a serious expression.

Even Suna could tell that he was not joking, this was for real.

"W-What's going on? What did the letter say?"

She asked.

No response was given by the two.

"I hate to be that guy, but we should really leave as soon as possible. My mother might change her mind in an instant, she's pretty paranoid."

Luken nodded.

"The kid's right, we should get moving, I'll go tell Yin to hurry the heck up."

He walked out the room and proceeded towards the bathroom, where Yin presumably was.

Just as the Commander was about to knock, the bathroom door opened.

Yin's face was ghastly.

It was as if he saw a ghost, or a haunting apparition set on causing him nightmares for the foreseeable future.

"Yin boy, what's wrong?"

Luken asked in a worried tone.

"O-Oh, it is nothing, sir. Just a bad dream, that is all it was, yeah, just a horrible nightmare."

"You sure you're okay? We're about to head out soon, you know?"

Yin simply nodded and walked back to the room with no energy whatsoever.

"Sheesh, what happened in this bathroom?"

The Commander thought to himself.

Yin was worried.

They were not merely nightmares caused by overthinking or the fear of monsters, no, it was something else, something much more menacing.

He felt it deep inside him, this thin line that he was prancing on about, if he took one wrong step then it would all be over, he'd drop down to the pit of despair.

Once Yin stepped foot into their room, he was shocked to see Zachary was there.

"W-What's that guy doing here?"

Yin asked.

"Yin, do you remember the masked person that got in the way and wanted to kill the Red King?"

Gavin asked him.

Yin's eyes glinted with happiness.

He thought Gavin implied something else.

"No way! You're the one who killed the masked boy?"

He asked Zachary who was covered his eardrums, protecting it from Yin's overly loud and crass voice.

"Quite the opposite. I'm the masked boy."

Zach answered nonchalantly, as if the information he dropped was not in any way huge.

"What?! Then why are you here? Hell, you even attacked both the Commander and Gavin, right? You've got some nerve coming here. I can take you on! Everybody stand back!"

Yin exclaimed as he prepared to get his gauntlets from his backpack.

"You really are awfully loud, aren't you?"

Zachary was noticeably annoyed.

"Both of you, calm down."

Gavin softly tried to squash the squabble between Yin and Zach.

"Think you can take me, shorty? You have to at least be this tall to even put a scratch on me."

Zachary said as he taunted Yin by raising a hand to his eye level, belittling Yin's height.

"I'll bring you back down to the ground, just try me."

Yin was focusing his Black Lightning.

Gavin kept a keen smile.

But that cool, calm, and collected smile was about to vanish.

Suna noticed it first.

"Uh-oh, guess I'm out of here, I'll be waiting outside."

Just as both Yin and Zachary were about to pounce at each other, Gavin took out a grimoire and summoned King Cobra snakes to bind them to the ground.

"I said that's enough, didn't I? Or did I mistakenly stutter?

Yin and Zachary turned white, they knew Gavin was not playing around this time.

They both calmed down and eased up a bit.

"Gavin, why is that guy here? He tried to hurt you and the Commander, right?"

Yin asked while he was still enraged.

"Well, Yin, to answer that question it-"

He was immediately cut off by Zachary's response.

"Because they both invited me to train under the Six Blades, you dense idiot!"

Zachary shouted back.

"You're not even a Slayer! You weren't using your Anima affinity when you tried to land a cheap shot on the Red King, you big loser!"

Their squabble was halted by the Cobras tightening their grips on their feet.

"Never ever interrupt me, you got that?"

Gavin looked at both of them.

"Y-Yes, sir...."

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