Thanatos System

Chapter 41 - Way Back Home

Both Yin and Zachary eased up a bit.

"That is more like it. You children do know we can have a civil discussion without having an all-out brawl in our host's home, right? Well, it is technically Zachary's home, but still."

Gavin looked like someone who was about to give up.

"I-I just do not understand how the Six Blades are inviting someone who blatantly threatened them in combat right in their ranks?!"

Yin shouted.

Zachary just smugly rolled his eyes and looked the other way.

Luken banged on the door loudly.

"Hey, what are you guys still doing? The carriage is here!"

The three of them did not answer, although Yin and Zachary were loosened up by the Gavin's snakes, they were still on edge.

The Commander finally opened the door and saw the scenario in front of him.

"Yikes. Seems like I stumbled in an awkward situation."

Luken said.

"I really think I deserve an explanation as to why we have someone who's turned his blade against us last night."

Yin said with a determined expression.

Creases forming on his forehead from his brows meeting together.

"Why couldn't you explain it to this guy right here? Seeing as he is a legitimate simpleton."

Zachary remarked.

"Who the hell are you calling a simpleton?"

Yin and Zachary began clawing at each other once more.

"Alright, alright, can you both just take a seat or something?"

Luken got in the middle of them.

Both of the simpletons began to sit down.

The Commander glanced at Gavin, he seemed to ask for permission non-verbally.

"Yes, please."

Gavin sighed and nodded afterwards.

"Now, Yin boy, what are you so worried about, anyway?"

Luken looked puzzled and confused.

"My problem, sir, is that this person tried to hurt you and Gavin! I mean have you forgotten what happened in that rainy night yesterday?"

Yin said as he smacked the table straight down forcefully with his fist.

Zachary was noticeably acting smug and was cracking a half-smile.

Luken caught a glimpse of it.

"Hey, hey, who do you think you're talking to, Yin boy?"

Zach was now the one with the confused face.

He looked at Gavin seemingly wondering what he was going on about.

Gavin just shrugged his shoulders.

Though the Serpent Summoner knew full well what was about to occur.

"He's about to gloat, is he not?"

Gavin whispered to himself.

"You're talking to one of the strongest Slayers currently in the Corps right now, Yin. I'm the Slayer Corps Commander myself! There is absolutely no way that a mere boy could harm me! Oh, don't even get me started about Gavin! The nationally renowned Serpent Summoner himself! Did you know that…"

One by one, the trio of Gavin, Yin, and even Zachary banded together and slowly walked out of the room while Luken had his back turned.

As they were placing their baggage at the back of the carriage one by one, Yin took the initiative and approached Zachary first.

"H-Hey, sorry for lashing out earlier. I just thought you were back for more and were looking for trouble, is all. Y-Your name, it's Zachary, right? The name's Yin, by the way."

Yin extended his palm in an attempt to shake Zach's hand.

But the latter simply stared at him in disgust and walked past him.

"I'm going to help the others lift their things up on the carriage."

Zachary said with a deadpan expression.

This greatly enraged Yin.

"Shake my hand you stubborn fool!"

"Yeah, no thanks."

Yin and Zachary ran laps around the place, Yin desperately wanting Zach to shake his hand.

Suna watched them run in circles until they were too tired to even stand up.

"Well Gavin, guess we have an apathetic smartass and a loud dork. And they're both kind of simpletons as well."

Suna said.

"You're going to have to step up and take care of them, you know?"

Gavin responded.

"Nope, not a chance!"

She replied with a playful smile.

"You two!"

Luken's shout made the nearby birds flocking around the roofs fly away into the horizon.

"I was lecturing you, isn't it rude to walk out on me like that? That includes you as well, Gavin!"

Luken said.

"Wait, why am I supposed to be included?"

He replied.

Luken was speechless.

"Hmm. Why should he be included?"

He thought to himself.

While the Commander took his precious time to contemplate things, the four of them made their way inside the carriage.

It was a bit smaller than what they were used to riding, but it will do.

The problem was that there were only four seats in total.

One in the front, and three at the back. This carriage was definitely structured fairly modernly.

So, one of them is going to have to ride with the baggage and luggage at the back.

Neither of the four near to the carriage wanted to conceded and volunteer for the difficult task of having an uncomfortable ride back home, so they talked and devised a plan.

The plan was to occupy the four seats so that Luken would be the one at the back.

Sadly, for the Commander this strategy worked.

As Luken walked slowly and placed his baggage at the back, he asked the coachman where he was going to sit, seeing as all four seats were now occupied.

"You were not told by your companions?"

"Err, about what, Mister Coachman?"

Luken looked dazed.

"Well, to be honest, young sir, I was told there would only be four of you I had to take to your hideout, but it seems you have someone added to your group, so the fifth person has to sit behind the cramped luggage area."

"I-I see. That's understandable…"

The four of them could not help but laugh at Luken's defeat.

The Six Blades now had five members, five strong, capable, and highly potent Slayers. Their young core also had potential to exceed all limitations.

Luken spent the whole ride cramped at the back, he could not even sit down normally, he was squatting.

There were a couple of instances where he faked being suffocated just to have someone swap their places with him, sadly, none of them budged.

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