Thanatos System

Chapter 42 - Six Blades Hideout Tour

The Six Blades arrived at their well-hidden hideout some time during the night.

Suna stepped out first.

She inhaled the breeze of the mountains which she always missed every single time they went on conquests.

"Ah, finally, fresh air!"

"You say that every time you come back from missions."

Gavin chuckled.

He turned to Zachary.

"Welcome to the Six Blades hideout."

"It looks okay…"

Yin gritted his teeth.

"What do you mean 'okay'? It looks absolutely splendid!"

Yin said.

"Whatever you say."

Zachary responded with zero cares in the world.

A loud huffing sound was heard in the carriage.

It was as if someone was choking and gasping for air.

It was the Commander.

"I, ugh, I-I, I never EVER want to do that again! I swear I would rather walk than sit or crouch in that position for several hours, it was a nightmare!"

Luken shouted as he was wheezing.

The remaining Six Blades could not help but contain their laughter.

They bid farewell to the coachman and unloaded their bags from the carriage.

"Right, Yin, I would like to ask you to give our newest potential member a tour of the place, I shall be off cooking our dinner."

Gavin told Yin.

"W-Wait, why me?!"

Yin exclaimed.

"I do not think Luken is in the right state of mind to give a tour honestly, just look at the guy."

Yin, Suna, and Zachary shot glances at Luken, who sat down in the ground wallowing in dirt.

"I never want to do that again, I never want to do that again, I never ever WANT TO DO THAT EVER AGAIN, MARK MY WORDS! I WOULD RATHER WALK FROM RIZAKO TO HERE WHEN THE TIME COMES!"

The Commander was hysterically shouting.

"Suna, I would like you to help Luken unload the bags, can you do that?"

Gavin asked her.

"Sure, no problem."

She nodded quickly.

Yin walked off straight in the direction of the hideout.

Gavin noticed this instantly.

"Hey! You forget your guest, did you not?"

Yin's face formed an angry combination of both rage and disgust.

"C-Come here…"

"You look rather unpleasant for a tour guide."

Zachary snuck in a verbal punch to Yin's gut.

"Don't push it!"

Yin responded.

Zach walked towards him and the two began going inside of the hideout.

"Say, how come your features do not resemble your father at all? I mean I have seen multiple paintings of your family back in your place, that's all."

Yin asked Zach in an attempt to break the ice.

"I took after my mother's. In terms of features and physical appearance, I mean. My father was really tall so that is probably the only thing I got from him, thankfully so. My mother is half-oriental, they were wed because of some governmental or political dynasty, maybe that is why he never really loved her, nor me."

Zachary went on a monologue even longer than Yin would have expected.

Yin went silent.

"Gavin never told you, didn't he?"

"About what?"

"I was plotting to kill my father. Instead, the Red King got to him first, they double crossed him. He was not the fine and fair politician people thought he was, he used Rizako's money to buy Slayer-grade weapons and sold them to the black market, this did not bode well for him in the end, as the Red King had him killed."

Zach said.

Yin's pupils were dilated.

"So, that was why you said the Red King 'stole' your kill!?"

"Yep, that is right."

"But why would you even want to kill your own father? I am sorry for asking."

"No, it is alright. Because he was an abusive piece of trash towards me and my mother. A typical two-faced politician who shed his "good" persona mask when the curtains were closed. He hurt my mother. Is that not reason enough to end his life? Well, I did not technically do it myself. That is what infuriates me the most."

"Why did you even come with the Six Blades, then? Why accept Gavin's offer to join us?"

Yin was adamant in knowing.

"Because in my state as I am as of right now, I am not strong enough to go toe to toe with the Red King myself. As painful as that is, it is the truth. I have to get stronger, much stronger…"

"I see, so that's why you attacked both Gavin and the Commander, you were not really aiming for them, right?"

Yin said.

"Precisely, even so, even if I were to target them, that will not change the fact that they are both Gavin Khalil and Luken Regalia, they would eliminate me in less than a second if they really thought I was a threat. You had nothing to worry about, honestly."

"A-Alright. What do you want to see the most in the Six Blades hideout? After that, we should meet up with the others and help in preparing dinner, is that cool with you?"

"Sure. Show me the armory with all the weapons."

Gavin, Luken, and Suna all carried the bags into the house.

Suna lets out a sigh.

She saw how Luken is still traumatized by the that uncomfortable trip in the carriage.

"Should we really just leave him be?"

She asked Gavin.

"Yep, nothing much we can do when he is in that state."

Suna went outside to catch some fresh air. She used her agile limbs and superior physicality to climb up a tree and sit there. She looked at the starry skies with her beady little eyes.

"I survived another conquest yet again, mom, dad. Are you proud of me and what I've accomplished so far? Well, you both should be, but don't think that this is my peak. Once the Slayer tournament rolls in, I'll be a head turner and beat everyone."

She said to herself.

"You are going to have to train hard if you want to win it all, Suna! Don't forget about me too!"

Yin and Zachary showed up out of nowhere.

"That goes without saying."

Said the tall young man.

"Bring it on!"

Suna exclaimed.

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