Thanatos System

Chapter 73 - Grand Castle Debacle

During dinnertime the same time at the Grand Castle.

The hundreds of S Rank and above Slayers were cut down to just twenty.

These numbers were decided based on their abilities and compatibility with the operation that Ignis Silva was going to lead.

Operation Phoenix was to be a ten man mission led by the Inferno Garden's top gun.

There were now two groups left, each having ten members. One was the main squad which consisted of Luken Regalia, the Slayer Corps Commander, SS Rank Water Slayer, as well as the likes of Gavin Khalil, Faust Keisuke, Vale Ashford, and many other talented names.

The secondary team was also filled to the brim with talented and strong S rank and above Slayers in their own rights. It was meant to be a backup team, in case things did not go immediately as planned or in schedule. If a member of the primary team was injured, or unable to go on to deploy on the day of the Operation Phoenix, the secondary team would be where the replacements would come from.

The twenty or so Slayers ate in a large dining table in the main hall, with the Emperor of Niflheim himself, The Grand Emperor Nicholas joining the session.

Slayers were still getting accustomed to living temporarily in the Grand Castle after all, so everyone was understandably on edge.

Luken broke the 'weird' silence, as he had gone accustomed to calling it.

"Hey, Ignis?"

He called for the Inferno Garden's leader.


Ignis had a glint of annoyance in his eyes, his eyebrows also wrinkled quite a lot just from hearing Luken's voice calling out to him.

"I do not see your second in command anywhere. I have been trying to find him ever since the meeting. The only one I have ever seen from your organization is Hector Incendium. Where is Kai?"

Ignis clicked his tongue.

"And, what business do you have with Kai Xin? You know he is not going to be defecting from the Inferno Garden and joining an organization that is a couple of ranks below us such as yours, right?"

Ignis wanted to dissect what Luken's interest in finding him was, but he did not let go of the opportunity to hurl insults at Luken.

"You have got to let that go and chill, man. That was ages ago, besides, he joined you guys, not us. Although I would not call his decision based on some real critical thinking, anyway."

"What do you mean to imply, Luken Regalia?"

Luken shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, he kind of just flipped a coin to see whether he is joining the Six Blades or the Inferno Garden, right? That did not really reflect on proper and decisive decision making. So, he did not choose the better organization, he just joined you guys based on chance."

Luken said as a wide smile was painted on his face.

Gavin desperately tried to pull him from saying anything more, worried that they might get sanctioned or get into trouble.

"Do you not know how to calm down, Luken?"

Gavin asked him while planting his palms on his face in disappointment.

"Be that as it may, Luken. The fact of the matter is that we still won. Whether it was that coin toss, or the organization rankings, I won. The Inferno Garden won. Well, so much for that, why are you looking for him, anyway?"

Ignis clapped back with a sinister grin of his own.

"No particular reason at all, I figured me and my friend just had a bit of catching up to do, that is all. I have not seen him in months."

Luken responded.

"I see, well, I will make sure to extend your regards and good will and have it reach him. Wherever he may be right now."

Ignis said, knowing full well he just sent Kai to test the Six Blades rookie and what their strengths are.

Hector had his iconic straight face on in the midst of the entire exchange, not once making any unnecessary movements.

Everyone could sense the A Rank Slayer's focus and state of mind.

They were amazed at the composure and overall mental strength as to not be intimidated by a dozen war hardened Slayers in a room.

When the servants knocked, signaling the arrival of their supper, the Emperor allowed their entry and everyone was served well into the feast.

During their dinner, Ignis had noticed that the night has gone smoothly without any further nonsensical things being said.

He eyed the chairs and table, seemingly looking for someone.

"Where is Faust Keisuke?"

He asked.

"Err. About that… Him and Luken sort of got carried away while conducting a 'sparring practice' from earlier."

Gavin responded.

"Where is that nitwit now, then?"

"He is in his quarters, his food will be delivered to him shortly after, do not worry."

Said the Emperor.

"Why did you even include me, Luken, or even Faust into the Operation Phoenix, Ignis? Seeing as you hate us with all your heart and all that. Are you not worried about chemistry issues and the lack of team cohesion once we are outside the gates?"

Gavin asked the operation leader.

"You see, Gavin, as much as I hate your guts and who you are as a person, I still acknowledge your strength. And, I believe that the gap brought on by chemistry issues as well as lack of cohesion in the battlefield will be easily covered up by our raw strengths with little to no effort."

Ignis Silva responded, taking a bite off of his medium rare cooked pork steak.

"Does that mean you acknowledge my strength as well, Ignis?"

Luken raised his hand and asked sarcastically.

Ignis Silva did not even bother to take the time of the evening in responding to his antics.

"I see. I guess I am able to rally on with that."

Gavin said as he slicked his long, dark green hair back and tied it in a bun.

"I am curious as to your brother's location nowadays, Serpent Summoner." Ignis said as he took a glass of champagne and observed it under the lights of the chandelier. "I would have loved to have him on my team."

"You are going to have to ask him yourself, but the first thing to be done is to find his whereabouts. Even I do not know what he is up to."

Gavin turned a glance at the Emperor.

"Well, as The Basilisk Slayer is the Slayer Corps strongest Slayer, ranking first place in the individual rankings, his activities are not always disclosed to the public."

Emperor Nicholas said as he wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Is there any valid reason as to why he is absent from the meeting earlier? I believe he still fits the criteria of the attendees, no?"

Ignis was adamant in knowing why Artorias Khalil was a no-show.

"Even if Art was here, do you really think he would want to be in a ten man squad led by a scum such as yourself?"

Luken could not resist it.

Red flames encircled around Luken's chair. One glance at Ignis, you would see that he already had his grimoire on his hands.

The Commander stood up from his seat and aimed both of his fingertips at Ignis Silva's head.

"It is too deep into the night for such a blazing temperature, wouldn't you say?"

The Emperor could not help but sigh.

"Why did you even recruit Luken in the first place if you knew it would always be like this, Ignis?"

"I have repeated this time and time again already, although I do not respect the person and however, he wishes to carry himself, I respect his or her strength. That is one constant thing about me. Whether it is Luken or anyone else that I do not like, if he has the strength to make the mission a success, I will tame him."

He said that as he let go of his grimoire.

Hector was ready to pounce at the Commander and take the shot for Ignis.

Gavin had also summoned fifty snakes underneath the table, unseen by many. He did this when he sensed Ignis' bloodlust.

Luken also pulled his hands down.

He took a cigarette from his breast pocket and asked Ignis to light it up for him, to which the latter obviously declined.

"Man, you are such a sore loser."

Luken walked out of the room, without finishing his plate.

"Send my leftovers to my quarters later, I might feel my appetite coming back to me soon. But I have long lost it eating in front of Ignis."

He said that with a smile on his face.

This was not an uncommon sight for the Slayers present there.

Barely anyone but Hector and Gavin reacted.

They all knew that whoever lost their temper first and drew blood would be eviscerated and be forced to fight against all of them.

As it is in the Slayer Code to never draw your fellow Slayer brother's blood, even though you may belong to different factions and organizations.

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