Thanatos System

Chapter 74 - What Once Was

The supper at the Grand Castle ended shortly after.

Luken was in Faust Keisuke's quarters.

His hand had a cigarette stick, half burnt.

"You alright now, Faust?"

"Y-Yeah, I think I am. You are still as strong as that day against the Seraphim, Commander."

Luken could not help but feint a smile.

"That is kind of why I have survived as long as I have. Although I hate how much Ignis overstates strength, it really is the difference between life and death in our professions. By the way, I am sorry for getting carried away earlier."

"Heh. Do not even mention it. I was just far too underwhelming."

"You did manage to land a couple of solid blows at me, though. The last time we sparred, you could not even land a scratch on me, so, consider that a win."

Faust laid there, his left arm in a cast and his legs wrapped around gauze bandages enchanted with healing liquids.

Despite this, he still managed to force a 'thumbs up' sign with his left hand.

"Thanks, sir. I will even be stronger than before, so just like now, do not ever hold back."

"Yeah, I will not. Do not worry."

With that, Luken exited the Primal Hounds' second in command's room and went up to the castle's turret. The one with the highest elevation.

There, he finished his smoke. While contemplating everything that has happened so far.

He reminisced about his sister. About the old Six Blades and every member back then.

The Commander's blue eyes fixed at the stars above.

Each speck of light was millions of lightyears away.

"What the fuck happened to you, Adam?"

Gavin was in the Six Blades' quarters now.

Sipping coffee while writing a letter for the remaining rookies at the hideout.

He picked up a quill. Spinning it around and around until the words finally came through for him.

Gavin Khalil was definitely not one for many words, but a letter is comprised of that, so he had his work cut out for him.

'Dear Suna, Yin, and Zachary. How are you guys faring? As of the arrival of this letter from my 'carrier pigeon', it would have been two weeks after me and Luken have departed for this important meeting. Do not be startled, however, my carrier is not a normal pigeon, I have chosen it to be my trustworthy snake. I will tie this letter to his back as he speeds his way back home. Well, its importance absolutely cannot be understated. I am not in any position or able to disclose everything here, but the time will come that it shall be disclosed to the public. Do not worry, it is the potential of a huge-scale win for mankind. Are you guys eating well? How is the task delegation? Is everyone doing their jobs successfully and efficiently in rotation? If they are not, then I already told you this, Suna. But you will be able to punish them, however you might want to do it, just do not get carried away. Luken and I are fine here. Things are about to be break loose soon. Do not worry about us, we are in the top ten individual Slayer rankings for a reason. That is all. I hope this letter finds you well.'

Gavin finished the letter. He rolled it up and tied a knot to it.

He called forth his carrier snake, gently tapped its head. Gavin took out a small vial from his breast pocket, it was a vial full of small worms. He fed his small carrier snake with a single worm, it then made itself scarce shortly after that.

In the Inferno Garden quarters, Hector Incendium was meditating on the floor, exhaling and inhaling with great calmness and precision.

Ignis was reading a book himself.

"Might I ask what you are reading about, sir?"

Hector asked Ignis.

"It is nothing. Just a summary and several news stories of that time the 'Reaper' turned traitor. You have heard it, right?"

"Yes, I indeed have, sir. The Fallen Reaper is an enemy to humanity, although the details have not been publicized to the brim, it is known that he has joined the ranks of the Angels now. He did so after slaying everyone but the Commander and the Serpent Summoner of the Six Blades."

Hector nodded as he said that.

"I see you have done your fair share of research, Hector." Ignis adjusted his glasses from falling off. "That is correct."

"Why are you curious about it now? Is it because of the Commander?"

"No particular reason whatsoever."

"Forgive me for this observation, sir. But you seem to hold a special sort of anger and animosity towards Luken Regalia."

"He is an eccentric. The same goes for his friend, the Serpent Summoner, Gavin Khalil. But there is something else I feel for Luken."

Hectors eyebrows raised. Ignis now captivated his attention and pulled it in fully.

"I feel bad for him."

Hector was surprised with the way that Ignis Silva was talking that night, the Inferno Garden leader was not someone who easily opened up about these things. Therefore, he did not even bother prying him more about it. Hector just left it as it is.

"I see. I will now be retiring to my bed, if you do not mind, sir."

"Not at all. Sleep well, Hector."

Hector bowed his head downwards slightly to his leader and slowly walked back to his bed.

He left his white Inferno Garden robes on the chair.

"Hector, I would like to ask you one thing in return, now."

The A Rank Fire Slayer stopped in his tracks and turned around quickly.

"What would that be, sir?"

"You have not worn your honorary Inferno Garden robe. You realize you are a member of the Inferno Garden for months now, right? I have only seen you carry it on your hand or let it hang on one side of your shoulder."

Hector's round eyes were widened. He was visibly surprised.

"Ah, I could not believe you noticed such a detail, sir. Well, to answer that question, it is because I know I am far too weak to wear it."

Ignis raised his eyebrows.

"Too weak? I would like to ask you to elaborate on that statement."

"I mean that my capabilities still are not up to par with someone who should be wearing this robe. If I get strong enough with my own standards, or win the Slayer Tournament, I might just wear it."

The rookie said with a smile.

"I see. You know, Hector. The Slayer Tournaments is still ways away from now. If you survive the Operation Phoenix, I would like you to start wearing it. That is an order, you understand?"

Hector nodded.

"You are dismissed."

Ignis continued to read on.

"I was supposed to surpass you first, Adam Rosa."

His red eyes were ablaze as he read the events surrounding that night.

Luken finally descended down back to his quarters.

As he opened the door, Gavin's judgmental gaze immediately pierced his soul.

"Excellent display of maturity out there, Luken."

Gavin said with a cold stare.

"Cut me some slack, man. You know how much Ignis deserves to be treated like that."

Luken responded as he took a seat on his bed.

"I apologize for my sarcastic tone." Gavin let out a relieving chuckle. "You are right, he does deserve it."

"See?! I told you!"

Luken said.

"But you have to manage your emotions better, all the young and promising Slayers look up to you, I am sure as Commander of the Six Blades, you do know that, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. You have been telling me that for as long as I can remember after I was appointed as the Slayer Corps Commander, man." Luken sighed. "It is not like I really wanted to become Commander, you know?"

Luken responded as he was about to light up his cigarette inside the room.

"No smoking on your bed, Luken. It will stink up the room, we talked about this already."

Gavin said.

"Why didn't you campaign yourself for Commander back then, Gavin? I am really curious. I am sure you can rally the Slayer Corps better than I do. You are pretty strong yourself and your decision making and critical thinking makes your value go up insanely."

"The Emperor actually asked me who I would recommend would be the best candidate for the position back then."

Gavin replied.


Luken raised his voice in anticipation.

"What do you think, genius? Of course, I suggested your name."

Luken let out a sigh of defeat.

"Why did you have to do that, Gavin? Can you see how time consuming and absolutely tiring it is to be the Commander? I thought you were my friend!"

Luken was comically having an outburst.

"Alright, alright, calm down now. Get up and light your cigarette in front of the window, just not on your bed. Perhaps I did it out of spite and to piss you off? Maybe I really do believe you are the best man for the job? Who knows?"

Gavin left Luken puzzled.

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