Thanatos System

Chapter 80 - Operation Phoenix

Three days have passed after their last meeting.

When the sun has yet to make its presence known, they rode into the dim dawn, clothed in the pitch black robes they all collectively wore.

Coupled with the sounds of horses kicking the floor with their hooves and the dusting of the road could only mean one thing – Operation Phoenix has commenced.

Every single one of them donned a black robe to cover themselves against the freezing temperatures of the Outer Gates.

Nobody wore their respective organization's insignias or special armaments and clothing, as on this day, they were not individuals merely representing their organizations. They were not only seeking to one up their fellow soldier's accolades, they were there for humanity itself.

Ignis Silva lead the charge, beside him was his trusted subordinate, the prodigal Fire Slayer, Hector Incendium.

Luken Regalia, the Commander was behind them in the formation for the trip, he had Gavin Khalil by his side.

The primary squadrons were at the middle meanwhile the secondary squad was located at the back of the pack.

Chilly winds began to prickle their skin little by little, Luken raised a scarf to cover the lower half of his face, only showing his shiny, cerulean eyes.

Gavin did the same, as well as the others.

"The closer we get there, the colder it shall be. Remain calm and breathe efficiently. We do not have the luxury to have any stops whatsoever."

Ignis Silva announced to the members of this operation as they continued on with their journey.

After about an hour of making their way through the small towns and plain fields of grain and farms growing livestock, the Operation Phoenix participants were slowly realizing something.

Every single time that they go through these roads whenever they are deployed, they are reminded by one thing time and time again – that if they do not fight the winged beasts, who will? Each and every one of them will always choose to fight in the front lines of this war rather than to subject their families back in Niflheim to an all out siege from the Angels.

One of the riders was trembling, he was shaking hard. The young Slayer's hair waved with the wind; she was an S Rank Slayer for the secondary squadron.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Faust Keisuke, who was riding alongside her could not help but notice her shaking.

Perhaps it was the fear, or the cold, in all honesty, it seemed as though it was both.

The young woman did not respond.

"I know how you feel, trust me, I really do." Faust said as he tied his hair back, placing his hands off of the horse's head collar rope. 

"I-It is just that I keep imagining the worst case scenarios of what would happen if we failed…" She said. "What if we end up walking right into a trap? Suppose we all go down, that is twenty S Rank and higher Slayers gone in an instant, just like that! Instead of doing this for humanity and proving that we are able to take a step forward, we might actually bring our whole progress back even farther. Until we ultimately end up at the mercy of 'them.'"

Faust Keisuke exhaled as deeply as he inhaled the cold air. Forming a cloud of smoke from his mouth.

"You know, if the implications of us losing is that serious, and believe me, that does not even scratch the least of it, you know what we should do, then?"

The S Rank Earth Slayer asked the woman, who was obviously puzzled and confused.

"We should just win."

Faust Keisuke said with a smile on his face as he removed his hooded robe to reveal himself.

His ever iconic grin was present.

This seemed to calm the woman down for a bit.

She knew that the mission would be dangerous and survival rates would not be ideally that much higher, but seeing Faust's smile and confidence made her remember why she was really there for.

"For Humanity!"

Ignis Silva shouted at the top of his lungs.

Everyone followed him in unison, letting out a war cry which made the villagers they were passing by through open their windows and take long hard glances at them.

Luken felt their eyes on him, those eyes with hope slowly diminishing. It was as if they were the eyes of mere cattle seeing one of their own fellow human being attempt to stand against the predators.

"We have been in a stalemate against these creatures for as long as mankind has remembered, but today, this is our chance to make a permanent dent on their ranks. It does not matter to me if you people doubt us or believe in us. I am doing my duty as a Slayer and as the Commander of the Slayer Corps. We will triumph. Whether there are eyes watching us or not."

The Commander said to himself as he smirked behind the concealment of his hood.

After passing by the small village, they finally saw it.

The gigantic Outer Gates powering the red bubble field encircling Niflheim from the intrusion of monsters and Angels alike.

Once they were finally at the exit, every one disembarked from their respective horses. These animals were too valuable to be brought to the punishing environment outside.

Besides, they will only be fodder to monsters, so it is much better to rely on their transportation via horse back and carriage trips inside the country of Niflheim, not outside during conquests.

A representative from the High Council was present at the exit's location. It was a familiar face.

Luken squinted his eyes to see if he was truly seeing the same person in his mind.

There was no doubt whatsoever, it was Isabelle Estes. The High Council's Overseer. 

Both Isabelle and Luken's eyes were locked in to each other's. The Commander still felt contempt and disdain towards her for not allowing him and Gavin to help the children, that would have prevented the 'Tragedy At The Outer Gates' incident.

"What are you doing here, Isabelle?"

Luken Regalia asked in a serious manner.

"I am here to do a head count, to make sure that the names written in the log books really do match the ones that are here today. All twenty of you, in fact. So, let us do this quickly, remove your robes and show your faces."

She said firmly.

"Are you sure you should be halting us for that long? I was only told that we would be leaving the horses to someone near the Outer Gate's exits, I was not told of a head count."

Ignis Silva butted in.

Isabelle remained silent.

"Very well. Do what you were told, I just do not understand the logic behind this, I am this mission and the primary and secondary squadron's leader. You would think that I would bring Slayers who are not in the list?"

He was slowly getting agitated.

Gavin attempted to hold Ignis back.

The latter merely walked away and sat somewhere; Hector followed him shortly after, but not before making sure to tie both their horses to a fence.

Isabelle walked up to Luken, who already had his back turned towards her to try and collect himself alone.

She patted him on his back.

"You seem to have a problem with me, I sense a bit of resentment within you towards me."

Isabelle said with a straight face and deadpan voice and delivery.

"What would make you think that, Overseer?"

Luken asked with a voice obviously forcing itself to come across as polite and nice.

His smile certainly did not help, knowing how they were in the same rookie class, she already knows Luken's tricks and such.

"Cut the crap."

She said.

"Frankly, Isabelle, I do not see why I should harbor anger nor resentment towards you, I mean I do not ever think of you, not even a little, not at all."

Luken responded with an unyielding ferocity in his eyes.

Even Gavin knew that Luken Regalia meant what he said.

"I will be resting at my corner, my legs are stiff from the long horse ride, call me if it is my turn for your 'headcount' or whatever it is you do for the High Council, honestly."

He turned his back towards her once more after saying that, quite literally.

Gavin just bowed and excused himself from Isabelle, making his way towards Luken who was now exhaling smoke from his cigarette.

"That is an awfully quick light up you did, you should take those sticks easy, Luken. They are not entirely that healthy, well, I suppose you yourself know that already."

Gavin said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, I am trying to cut this old habit of mine out."

Luken responded.

"Which one? That godawful smoking habit of yours? Or the pettiness that you displayed earlier?"

Gavin retorted.

"You were there, you were there two times when she pulled that shit on us, letting her brother die just to prevent us from helping against that Angel, and taking the High Council's side when they wanted to get rid of Yin, how do you expect me to react, Gavin?"

Luken quickly snapped back at the Serpent Summoner.

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