Thanatos System

Chapter 81 - Chilly Outer Gates

"Mind your tone when you speak to me or to anyone else, Luken. Not everything can be solved by rage and crassness."

Gavin said to him.

Luken felt bad for a second there, but he then remembered how atrocious the High Council were. 

"I am sorry for flipping out on you, Gavin, I really am. But I am not apologizing for what I have said to Isabelle nor will I apologize for the tone that I have used. These High Council lap dogs deserve anything but my respect."

Luken said to Gavin.

Gavin sighed for a brief moment. The cold atmosphere made him uncomfortable, his green orbs glanced at the sky above.

"What a crappy weather we are having today, huh?"

The Serpent Summoner thought to himself.

All the Slayers who are a part of the Operation Phoenix were asked to line up and have Isabelle check their licenses and papers.

"Why is the High Council doing this, sir Ignis? Among all of the conquests we have gone through outside, this is the first time that a head count was done by an Overseer from the High Council so far."

Hector Incendium turned towards Ignis Silva.

"I am afraid I do not possess the answer to your question, Hector. As I myself am also clueless why the old fossils from above have decided to descend from their high horse and are getting involved with our operations."

Ignis responded to Hector as he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

The A Rank Slayer thought it would be appropriate to end it at that, as he moved closer and closer to the end of the line himself.

His fellow Slayers eyes looked at him in a way that you would look at a defenseless child about to encounter a major catastrophe.

Deep down, Hector himself knew it.

"It is practical and common sense that they would not trust me to have their backs. An A Rank Slayer in a strict higher rank mission is unheard of. If sir Ignis did not bring me here, perhaps the one who would have had my place was a higher ranked Slayer and a more experienced one at that."

Hector's black pupils darted around as his thoughts raced.

"Yet it does not matter to me. I will show them why the Inferno Garden has placed immense trust in my abilities, enough so that he brought me here. I will not be coddled like some child. I shall pull my own weight and not be a nuisance to my superiors during this operation."

He clinched his fists as he said that to himself. Perhaps this was his way of assuring his ego, one can never tell with Hector's blank expression and rounded lifeless eyes.

Their mission was delayed significantly due to this unexpected move by the High Council.

After Isabelle had finally finished checking everyone whether they matched the official database for this mission's deployed members, they finally finished it up and are preparing to go on the road.

They formed a rally the same as before, but now, they are without their mobility that came with the horses.

"I do not need to tell you all how dangerous it is outside these gates. The red sanguine barrier protecting us from the horrors that have cornered mankind down to only a single colony can no longer be held back by it. We shall be on our own. I trust you all, that is why I have picked you, no matter how different our personalities might be. Operation Phoenix shall be a success!"

Ignis Silva shouted from the top of his lungs.

Each and every Slayer there gave the favor back by chanting "For mankind! For Humanity! We are Slayers! Exterminate the harbingers!"

Ignis could not help but crack a faint smile.

"I will show them why I am the leader of the number one ranked organization in the org rankings. Honor and duty above all."

He said under his breath.

Hector heard him, but the latter merely nodded in approval.

The Specter and the two other members assigned to her are now taking the charge in the front, carefully scouting the surroundings and sending signals and messages towards the ones behind them to indicate that they are in the clear.

This had continued on for about thirty minutes, until they came across something which would cease their march once more.

It was a rough time to travel outside, as the coldness would inevitably turn into snow. The crystalline coating of various trees and their corresponding leaves are no accumulating more than they its thin branches and stems could ever handle.

Movement was especially hard as the snow slowly piled on to the land below, making movement much harder.

Ignis Silva had anticipated this, and decided that each member of the operation would clothes fit for the appropriate snow.

This had included sturdy rough boots which could withstand the drag of having their feet bothered by it, as well as to have their black robes come with fur collars, to generate heat in this cold and destitute area.

Faust Keisuke was not apparently fond of the cold and was attempting to jump up and down to make himself heat up.

This prompted his fellow members to call him out and telling him to conserve his energy for better scenarios and more useful purposes.

"Not everyone is used to this type of shitty weather, bro."

He whispered to himself.

Their feet were held in place when Ignis raised his hands in an open palm, indicating that they should stop all immediate movement and assume cover in any possible location.

They all did just that and held their place.

"What is the matter, Ignis?"

Gavin asked the SS Rank Fire Slayer's delegated leader.

He exhaled.

"Vale spotted something; her carrier pigeon gave me a note telling me that there are adversaries in the way."

Ignis Silva said.

"Adversaries? What kind? We should just fight it altogether! We are more than capable of stomping out these petty monsters, even one of us would suffice!"

Faust Keisuke said.

"Have you forgotten the plan, Faust? And judging by what you have said, these may only be small and incapable monsters, and it is true that only one of us are able to take down a ghoul or ten, but there are twenty of them." Ignis cleared his throat with a cough while covering his mouth. "Let us leave the clean up to the Specter's group. She is a capable Slayer, one of the youngest to ever get a renowned title all on her own without an organization, place your trust in her."

He said.

"As much as I do not like Ignis, he is right this time, Faust."

Luken responded.

"Did you really have to mutter out your hate and disdain towards me like that in the open, dumbass?"

Ignis asked.

Luken smirked and ignored him.

"Think about it, if we were to all steam roll against every single monster that comes our way, it may lead to us attracting a swarm of Angels. Then, the mission would already be harder than it is, we have not even reached our destination, no, not even close." Luken took a cigarette from his pocket and placed it in his mouth. "The best course of action while on foot is to have the tactical squad up front deal with the monsters such as the way we are employing them to right about now."

Luken noticed that his matchbox was missing.

He had left it in his quarters back when they departed.

"Y-Yeah, that does make sense."

Though Faust had already realized the nature of their plan, he just wanted to engage in a fight and burn off the coldness in his body.

Luken stared at the Fire Slayers nearby, he had a long and hard look at every single one there, but he knew that they either did not like his guts, or that he had not made an acquaintance out of most of them. 

Until finally, he saw Hector Incendium, stared at his soul with his cerulean orbs and began approaching him.

Ignis was confused by his sudden action.

"Where do you think you are going, Lu-"

He was interrupted by what Luken had said next.

"Kid, can you light my cigarette up?"

The Commander said to the A Rank Slayer hailing from the Inferno Garden.

At first, Hector glanced at Ignis, who was looking away while rolling his eyes at the same time.

"Just do it, Hector. Do it as quick as you can so he goes away just as fast."

Ignis said.

Hector took out his grimoire and casted a small pinch size fireball with his fingers. Setting Luken's cigarette ablaze so hard that the half of it turned straight into burnt ash.

"Yikes. That was my very last stick, kid. You did not have to burn half of them!"

Luken said manically.

"Just say thanks to the kid and move on, Luken."

Gavin said.

Luken patted Hector's head and thanked him.

"Make sure you wash your hair when we get back, Hector."

Ignis said bitterly.

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