Thanatos System

Chapter 82 - Specter's Shadow

Vale Ashford, together with the two scouting members ahead spotted thirty humanoid ghouls circling the rubble road up ahead.

She quickly concealed herself behind the sturdy rocks.

The snow was still falling hard on them, so movement was very limited, this was especially hard on her squad, who had to rely on mobility and quickness. Lateral speed was the ace that was up their sleeves and even that was not going to be as effective as they would have wanted.

A ghoul fixed its gaze at their location, Vale was sure it was merely staring blankly, as they had muffled their footsteps and they were pretty far away from them.

The ghoul was a hairless humanoid freak. It had teeth that were sharp and rotten, there was no mistaking that the creature could decimate any human it would ever sink its teeth into.

Its body was also built muscularly, with a dark empty pupil in both eyes. Their hands were armed with sharp fingertips, ready to pounce and clobber any Slayer foolish enough to show themselves

A normal ghoul was only B Ranked, but this was not their main concern. They were worried that if ever they struck preemptively without scouting for the surroundings, it might attract bigger and much larger foes, causing an Angel to come and inform its cohorts.

Vale Ashford signaled the Slayers under her to hold their ground, and that she was going alone.

"Both of you, stay here and watch the rear. I shall return shortly. If they are only a group of ghouls and no other higher-class monster was present, then I will signal you to aid me in exterminating these creatures."

She bid her group farewell with a slight nod.

Vale had tied her long silver hair into a ponytail before she became one with the rocks and shadows, closing in on the ghouls while using her stealth to her advantage.

Each step she took was a gamble. Even she herself knew this. The ghouls were a strong foe, and thirty of them would be a nuisance to fight against. Vale's white complexion complemented the snow well.

Her feet were seemingly unbothered by the snow, as her squad mates pointed out.

"So, this is the Specter…"

They were both in awe at her stealth capabilities.

She had accomplished so much at such a young age at that. Vale Ashford had her back turned behind a huge rock which shielded her from sight.

Her hands ruffled through her waist, counting how many throwing stars she had and activating her switchblade to see if it was still working.

A ghoul was fast approaching the rock wherein she was hiding though, and she herself noticed this almost immediately.

With the singular ghoul's one glance at her direction, she had sensed its bloodlust.

She smirked and was waiting for the ghoul to approach the boulder.

With each crass step it took, Vale knew, the monstrous ghoul was walking towards its demise.

It had finally reached the boulder and peeked under from up above.

The ghoul and The Specter's eyes met, Vale Ashford now had the chance of striking first, as she was already preparing for it a few seconds earlier.

The monster opened its mouth to let out a huge scream, but no noise whatsoever actually came out of it. Vale had thrown two shooting stars towards its neck and had damaged its pipes before it could call for help.

Sanguine blood gushed out of the ghoul's neck and mouth, its hands were covering up the wounds as if it would help. It never did.

This ghoul's last memory of living was the Specter's silver hair closing in on it with a high jump just high enough for the size of where she was hiding.

She immediately had her switchblade in hand opened and slit the monster's throat, exterminating it in the process.

To prevent the other ghouls from seeing their fellow monster's body laying lifeless, she pulled it down to where she was hiding and muffled the sound with the snow which was piling up.

"Guess this weather is actually pretty useful for stuff like these."

She remarked to herself.

Her head peeped out from where the ghoul came from, just above the terrain of where she was laying in.

Her silver eyes were focused on the surroundings, studying ever corner, every location, and every possible area some other group of monsters may very well be hiding. As well as keeping tabs on each ghoul, careful that they would not see her.

After a minute of scouting the said location, she turned her glance towards her squad mates behind her.

She nodded her head and gave a hand signal which indicated that the ghouls were in fact, alone.

Both of the members closed in on the location and were now in the same spot as Vale, covering their tracks and muffling their footsteps.

"You guys are not so bad yourselves. Still a bit sloppy in your technique, but you are definitely good Slayers for reconnaissance missions which rely heavily on stealth such as these."

She smiled.

"I am sorry for asking this late, it might not be the proper area for introductions, but do you guys mind telling me what your names are?

The man cleared his throat 

"I am Ajay Shantal, S Rank Fire Slayer from the Tribe of Ankylos. That other person is my brother, Sae'jal Shantal, S Rank Wind Slayer, the same as yourself."

"I know your organization. The Ankylos are a respectable organization on the rise, you guys are top 17 now, right?" Vale Ashford's eyes lit up in amazement. "Well then, allow me to introduce myself as well."

"Yes, you are right about that, madam. No, you need not to burden yourself with introductions, we all know you. The Specter of Niflheim. The quickest and most agile Slayer in existence."

Ajay and his brother Sae'jal bowed their heads as a sign of respect.

"Keep your chins up, you two are capable in your own right as well. Nobody who is not would make it as far as surviving and assuming the S Rank."

She affirmed them.

"Now then, there are thirty two ghouls in total, they are patrolling the area, well, not really patrolling. It is more like they are prancing around and darting aimlessly, looking for other Slayers to feast upon."

She cleared her throat.

"Minus this guy right here, and their number is reduced to a mere thirty one ghouls." She said as she stomped her foot at the dead ghoul on the floor. The snow had slowly piled up on the body and was almost covering it up whole.

"What is your plan in mind, madam?"

Ajay asked her in a thick accent.

"We split up and cover the whole place in a triangular motion. We hit them, and we hit them fast. I am fairly confident that there are no other Angels nor other monsters in the area. But just to make sure, use spells that do not generate loud noises. Hit them hard and hit them fast. When we are in position, I will throw two shooting stars at the two ghouls closest to me, I suggest you do the same as well. Do you have any throwing weapons?"

Vale asked in order to survey that her squad members are on board with the plan.

Ajay lifted his tomahawk axe and nodded.

Sae'jal also showed her a crooked blade meant for long distance confrontations such as this.

"Good. Let us make haste, do not forget, we are on borrowed time. Surprise them with our first strike, all in all, we will be able to take down six of them in a single second before alerting them. Once they notice it, just lunge and exterminate these fools. Remember, exactly five minutes from now, let loose with your range arsenals."

She prepared two shooting stars in one hand and pulled out her switchblade with the other.

"Any questions?"

The two of them shook their heads.

"Right, let us move."

The three of them assumed their positions, slowly manifesting the shadow which the nearby tall trees were giving, hiding after each consecutive step, careful as to not alert the dozens of ghouls just walking around the area.

After four minutes and a few seconds to spare, and a grueling as well as intense sneaking, the three of them were now in position.






"That is about it, that's five minutes."

Vale aimed at the two ghouls walking closely side by side and let loose with her throwing stars, piercing the two ghoul's heads and giving them a quick death.

Ajay's tomahawks were sent flying and shattered the ghoul's skulls. The satisfying cracks of their heads were heard.

Sae'jal's blades were also right on the money, killing two ghouls swiftly as well.

After a second of realizing what had just happened, the ghouls were now full on sprinting towards the squad's position.

"I sure do hope you fellas are ready."

Vale cracked a grin.

"Ready when you are, madam."

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