“How can there be an opinion, it is the honor of the two of them that Salros Saint can fancy the two of them!” Spandam’s flattering voice came from the phone bug.

Hearing this, Stussy Willow’s eyebrows frowned slightly, she really didn’t expect that the person in charge of CP9 had no backbone at all, and she couldn’t wait to crawl over from the end of the phone worm to compliment.

Spandham was clever enough to not mention the ancient weapon Hades at all, as if he didn’t understand the situation inside at all.

“Your Highness, recently I have collected some good things, and I want to honor you, but you have not been in the Holy Land…” Spandam thought about deepening his friendship with Salros.

“I promise, they are all good goods, and a few of them are obtained from Fishman Island!”

On the one hand, the other party is a world nobleman Draco, on the other hand, he has a lot of power in his hands, as long as the lick is comfortable enough, people can make themselves live more moisturized.

Why not!

“You have a heart!” Salros said.

“Where, where.” Spandam did not dare to take credit.

After a few small talks, Salros hung up the phone worm and threw it to Robroch.

“You should have heard it just now, and you and Kalifa will not belong to CP9 in the future.” Follow me back to the Holy Land in a few days! ”

Robroch’s face was full of confusion, he had worked in CP9 for so many years, and as a result, people fell into CP0 with a word, and his commander had no resentment at all, but was very honored.

For a while, Robroach’s mood was extremely complicated.

“As for the rest of you, where did you come from?” After Salros finished speaking, he turned and left!


At the same time, the headquarters of the Navy also learned what happened in the water capital.

Marshal Sengoku looked embarrassed.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, who was known as a wise and near-demon man, had a serious face, lowered his head, and did not know what he was thinking.


I don’t know how long it took, the Warring States let out a sigh of emotion.

“Indeed!” Lieutenant General Tsuru glanced at Karp, who had recently discovered that her friend had been in a very abnormal mood for a while.

“It seems that we all underestimated this Highness before!” Sengoku sneered.

After Salros disappeared from Alabastan, the senior officials of the navy thought that His Highness had returned to the Holy Land to enjoy a good life, but they did not expect that not long had passed, and there was such a big news.

“What does he want to do?” Lieutenant General Tsuru said with a frown.

Although all indications are not indications of Salros’ ambitions, it gives a feeling of extreme unease.

It stands to reason that Salros, as a Draco, wants anything and what others may not be able to achieve in their lifetime, and he has had it from birth.

What more could you want?

“We don’t need to worry about this kind of thing, there is news from the five old stars, and we don’t need to worry about Salros in the future.” Sengoku said in a muffled voice.

In fact, when the news came from the five old stars, the Warring States even wanted to ask whether Salros would be attacked by others and endanger his life.

“What’s going on over there?”

There are too many public pragmatisms, and as a naval marshal, Warring States feels extremely hard and is entangled in these trivial things every day.

“It’s a lot quieter!” Lieutenant General Tsuru said this, his gaze swept over Karp.

“That’s good, although those guys are not hot yet, they can’t easily relax their vigilance, they are more dangerous than the Four Emperors!”

Not only the Warring States think so, but the world government also thinks the same.

“By the way, Blackbeard contacted us recently, and he has already captured Fire Fist Ace, the captain of Whitebeard’s team!” The wrinkled Tsuru Lieutenant General grinned slightly, which is also good news.

Karp, who was sitting opposite the crane, heard the news, and his fingers trembled slightly.

“This kind of dog-eat-dog news is better to come more, Fire Fist Ace, Roger’s remnants can’t stay, it should be a warning to the world, when the pirates don’t have a good end!” Sengoku said categorically.

Hearing this, Karp opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it eventually turned into a weak sigh.


The luxury cruise ship belonging to Salros set sail again for the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Carifa, who still had some difficulty walking, held the side of the boat and looked at the water capital that was getting farther and farther away, lost in thought.

The identity change from CP9 to CP0 did not surprise Kalifa too much, after all, His Highness himself is the ruler of CP0, plus the identity of Draco, it can be easily mobilized with a word.

Robroch, who was feeding the pigeons not far away, still maintained his paralyzed face, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

Salros, however, doesn’t care what these pieces think.

In a chaotic world, as a chess player, he is ready!

PS: Excessive chapters. In addition, please ask for flowers to evaluate what, big morning, the big guys should still have it in their hands, thank you!

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