Holy Land, Mary Joa.

Salros once again entered the Heavenly Aid Space.

I don’t know when it started, the figure of the big snake pill can always be seen in the space of the heavens, and Salros was surprised at first, but then he figured it out, which is nothing more than the use of shadow doppelgangers.

It has to be said that it is a good method.

Neither delay the “work” of the Hokage plane, nor miss the gathering of the space.

Salros also wants to get a shadow avatar to stay in space.

Not all parties Salros will be present, after all, he does not have that much time, and besides, in many cases, the four people in the space are not online at the same time.

“Long time no see, Salros Saint!” The big snake pill is like a space customer service, and every time Salros comes in, he will receive a warm greeting from the big snake pill.

It’s a bit uncomfortable.

Salros nodded lightly, which was regarded as an answer.

For Salros’s actions, Orochimaru didn’t mind either, he was used to being ignored like this.

“Has anything interesting happened in the space recently?” Salros glanced at the bench belonging to Singid and asked meaningfully.

He did not believe that Orochimaru would be indifferent after knowing the “terror” of the plane where Singid was located.

“Huh!” Orochimaru smiled, “That guy in Singid is very cautious, he just made a small deal for so long!” ”


Salros looked at the big snake pill’s smug expression, and sneered in his heart, what you said, I won’t even believe the punctuation.

Orochimaru and Singid have too many topics in common, and the two of them definitely have a lot of hidden transactions.

Perhaps at this time in the Rune Continent, Singid had already begun to study the topic of the Blood Succession Limit.

“Last time I introduced you to the knowledge of the Rune Continent, in exchange for equivalence, I hope you can tell me the cultivation method of immortal arts!” Salros carefully recalled the Hokage during this time, and there were a lot of things that interested him.

“Immortal magic?!” The big snake pill was surprised.

Because now his research on immortal arts is not too prominent, natural energy is too violent.

“Are you sure you want something like this?” The big snake pill’s mind flowed.

In his opinion, premature exposure to immortal arts is not a good thing.

“Of course!” Salros naturally has his own considerations, and the fairy art of the Hokage plane is to put it bluntly, the characteristic ninjutsu performed by using natural energy.

“No problem.” Orochimaru readily agreed.

After a few small talks, the big snake pill suddenly pulled on the credit limit.

Only then did Salros notice that unconsciously his credit limit in the Heavenly Aid Space had reached 70 points.

Each transaction will generate a certain credit limit, and Zhutian Space will make a certain score according to the value of the traded items.

When the credit limit reaches 100, you can travel to their plane for three days at the invitation of other members.

“I made a deal with that little girl from Estes a few days ago, and she was very dissatisfied with the items I provided, and she complained to the space and deducted my 5 credit limit.”

Salros: “…”

Ha, the heavens help the space and this kind of commotion?

However, Salros was quickly attracted by the credit limit of the Great Snake Pill.

85 points!

In an instant, Salros’s pupils almost shrank into needle tips.

“Your Highness Salros, are you interested in traveling to the Hokage plane?” Orochimaru sent out an invitation, “As long as there are two successful transactions, I can invite members to my plane.” ”

Go to the Hokage plane?

After hesitating for a moment, Salros said, “I want to know what is going on in the Hokage plane now!” ”

The time is only a few months, presumably the big snake pill should still be knowing at this time.

“I’ll think about it!” Salros said in a deep voice, recently he also thought about showdown with the five old stars and implemented his ambitions.

Only slightly afraid of Im sitting on the Void Throne.

Until now, Salros had not figured out the woman’s true strength.

I had met once before when I first took over CP0, and the five old stars had no temper at all in front of her, and they were sincerely afraid.

As for what it looked like, Salros didn’t see it, and at that time, Im’s whole person was hidden in the golden gauze tent, and he couldn’t see it at all.

But even so, Salros could still feel the coercion from Im, like a mountain, making people almost breathless.

“Salros Saint seems to be a little jealous?” The pale yellow snake eyes of the big snake pill glanced at Salros, and then continued, “Actually, it’s nothing, I can’t hurt you when I invite you to my world!” ”

“You can learn about the invitation rules!”

I don’t know why, Salros always felt that Orochimaru was looking forward to going to the Hokage plane.

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