Not to Salros’s surprise, the kind-hearted Miss Koya did not kill Usopp, but fainted because she was too emotional.

I have to say that the creation is a bit confusing.

“Clean up a little, I’m going to help Miss Keya treat!” Salros picked up Koya, who had fainted on the ground, and walked towards the second floor.


Hearing Salros’s high-sounding words, Peach Rabbit couldn’t help but sneer twice in his heart.

This kind of thing is really a loss!

As for what Salros said just now, the pirates have never been righteous, which made Peach Rabbit fall into deep thought.

Although the world government is full of dirty behavior, in general, it is trying to protect the safety of vulnerable groups. As for the so-called world aristocracy Draco … Oh, just a bunch of moths!

The housekeeper Meili sighed helplessly, and two lines of old tears flowed down her dry cheeks.

Seeing Yiren completely out of his sight, Usopp laughed miserably, turned his head sideways and glanced at his former partner, and closed his eyes unusually calmly, but there were some more crystal tears in the corners of his eyes.


Solon’s hand rose and fell, unusually crisp. It seems to kill pigs and slaughter sheep.

Seeing the red blood that burst out, Princess Vivi felt her calves and stomach tremble, and she saw the tears in the corners of Usopp’s eyes.

At that moment, what was he thinking?

Regret being a pirate? Or are you annoyed that you can’t protect those around you?

All this will not be known!

But that’s all over!

Although there is still one Solon left, the other party has become a complete stranger to himself.

Princess Vivi sighed, and suddenly found that her face was a little wet, and touched it with her hand, only to find that tears did not know when they flowed.


There is no justice!

Everything is just an illusion, the appearance of one good person among ten million pirates does not mean that the rest are good people!

Peach Rabbit frowned, she was not touched by what was happening in front of her, but she heard some sounds in her ears that she shouldn’t have heard.

Salros, this bastard, just missed him two good sentences, just perform this for yourself?


By the time Miss Koya came to her senses again, it was early the next morning.

If it weren’t for the soreness in her body, she would even think that what happened yesterday was just a nightmare!

“Tuk tuk!”

The crisp and rhythmic knock on the door filled Miss Keya’s thoughts in the messy bedroom, and Miss Keya finally recovered some of the panic that belonged to this age.

“Wait a minute…”

The voice is a little hoarse.

The people outside the door did not seem to be in a hurry, and after hearing Miss Keya’s words, they suddenly quieted down.

Dragging a little stumbling, Miss Keya simply organized the bedroom of tens of square meters.


The door was opened by Keya from the inside, and standing outside the door was Meili, the housekeeper who had always cared about her.

Seeing that Mr. Meili was unscathed, there was a hint of color in Keya’s eyes.

“Your Highness Salros…” Koya glanced past the butler Meili and glanced outside, but did not find the figure of the demon.

“Already gone!” Meili sighed, it was already very lucky to be able to end up in such an end, at least Miss Keya did not become the Nth wife of His Highness, or was directly made a slave.

Meili didn’t know if she was a sick psychology, and she was a little grateful to Salros’s “mercy.”

Although Xiluobu Village is a small place, because of the reform of the heavenly gold system, the villagers have also benefited a lot, and they also have a lot of surplus money in their hands.

Therefore, Melly is no stranger to Salros.

Hearing the man who impressed him enough left, Keya felt inexplicably a sense of loss in her heart, as if she had lost something important in her life.

“Usopp…” Koya snapped to the memory of her only surviving friend.

Hearing this, the housekeeper Meili showed a bitter face, and then shook her head.

Seeing this, Keya Xiaoya’s already pale and bloodless little face suddenly turned extremely pale.

Sure enough, I still can’t dodge, pirates or something, there will never be a good ending.

Miss Keya somewhat regretted why she agreed to her friend to become a pirate in the first place.

“I… I know! Keya’s head was lowered and she replied weakly, wasn’t this result already doomed from the beginning.

“Oh, by the way, Miss, one more thing! Salros San hopes that you will reinvigorate yourself and travel to Alabastan to begin taking over the sale of Hex’s products. ”

Say a thousand, say ten thousand, in the end still can’t get out of Salros’s control.

It’s just not as bad as you think.

“Business group?” Miss Keya murmured.

As a well-known business family in the East China Sea, the Keya family has always operated this large caravan, but since the death of his parents, he has not taken much care of it, after all, the inheritance is enough for this old and young man to spend the rest of his life in peace.


The butler Meili shook his head, he had never heard of this kind of thing, but looking at the meaning of His Highness, it should be a rather novel commodity.

It’s just that her own young lady can support the business group that has gone into decline.

However, this idea was instantly dispelled by Meili, with Salros as the backstage, even if you don’t have to do anything, you can do the business well!

In this way, it will be difficult for Miss Koya to disconnect from that guy.

With a long breath, Meili didn’t know if this was a good thing.

After a brief hesitation, Koya immediately realized that she would soon be able to meet the guy who gave her nightmares.

For a while, all kinds of complicated emotions surged into my heart.

Fear, panic, shyness, and expectations that you can’t even understand!

At the same time, Salros has also returned to Alabastan, preparing to go to the Golden City after some time to meet the world’s richest man in the pirate plane, Tezzoro!

According to the few memories, there was a fruit ability next to that guy who could be said to have a causal weapon!

Lucky fruit, gee!

“How are synthetic crystals going?” Salros threw the cluttered thoughts in his mind out of the clouds.

“Construction has started now, but…” Stussi paused for a moment, “it’s just that a lot of exhaust gas, wastewater, waste materials will be produced, and that kind of thing is very polluting, and the life expectancy of people living in that environment for a long time may be greatly damaged.” ”

Salros spread his hands and said unconcernedly: “At least we provide jobs for the homeless people, don’t we?” “_

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