“The world’s largest entertainment center?”

Looking at the huge “cruise ship” in front of him, Salros couldn’t help but chuckle that the pirate world would always break his previous cognition.

It’s hard to imagine that this entertainment cruise ship is an independent country, and not only recognized by the world government, but to some extent, the world government is also subject to him, after all, the famous golden emperor Tezzolo is very good at using the power of money!

For this “legendary”, Salros has learned a lot recently.

Originally a slave of the Draco, he escaped by chance, and then got the golden fruit that Doflamingo wanted to sell, and since then he has turned over and directly become the so-called golden emperor from the pirate. There is even the ability to influence the world government and drive the navy!

From any point of view, Tezzolo is a proper protagonist template and a winner in life.

Pity…… Targeted by himself.

Salros didn’t care which big man was behind Tezzolo, the 20% of Bailey controlled by the other party, he had to decide!

Moreover, Tezzolo, a mobile gold mine, will also become its own tool man!


“People who have no money can only achieve nothing and be dominated!”

Lying in the hot spring, Tezzolo hugged left and right, so unhappy, but he could still see some sadness in his eyebrows.

Mr. Yamanaka, who was standing not far from him, covered his mouth and laughed strangely, but did not answer.

It only took more than ten years to get to this point, and Tezzolo is already very satisfied, but there are always occasional things that don’t go your way in life.

Just like now!

“Salros…” Tezzolo took the rum handed over by the maid and drank it in one gulp, a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

“How can it be so easy to take all my years of struggle for yourself!”

Mr. Yamanaka, who has always had a hippie smiling face, has jealousy written on his face.

“That’s the nobility of the world, Salros Saint!”

The fear of Draco can be said to have been integrated into the genes and blood of many of them.

Talk about color change!

“Draco?” Tezzolo snorted coldly, “There are not a few Draco people I have come into contact with, I have seen more arrogant and domineering than Salros, but all of them are subject to my silver bullet attack!” ”

“This guy, thinking that he has a little power, wants to do whatever he wants, where are there so many good things under the sky!”

At first, when he received the CP0 notice, Tezzolo was confused.

The family business that you have struggled to get from, why do you have to leave in a word, although you leave yourself a little share, but what is the difference between that and charity!

“Don’t be afraid, even if we kill Salros, Draco won’t do anything to us!”

Kill Salros?

Hearing this, Mr. Yamanaka couldn’t help it.

What a joke, that’s the nobility of the world!

Tezzolo seemed to see Mr. Yamanaka’s explanation: “Do you think that bastard of Salros is really popular with the FAW?” There are many people in the Holy Land who wish him to die, and if I kill Salros, not only will I not be sanctioned by the world government, but I may also be rewarded! ”

Taizo, who has always had dealings with the Draco, knows what is going on in the Holy Land, because of the reform of the Heavenly Gold System, many lords are thinking of assassinating this “rising star”!

“Heavenly gold? Isn’t ten billion Baileys a year not enough? Tezzolo scoffed.

According to the current system of heavenly gold, half of the taxes of the member countries must be paid to the world nobility.

If it is a poor country, it may only need to pay a few hundred million Baileys a year, but it is different.

Golden City is a hen that lays golden eggs and generates a steady stream of wealth every day.

A single day’s flow of water can beat those so-called big countries!

Half of taxes?

Hundreds of billions of Baileys!

Even if Tezzolo is a Golden Fruit ability, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to such a large amount of wealth!

Where is this cutting flesh on yourself, it is simply taking away half of your life!

After hearing Tezzolo’s ambition to kill Draco, several maids who accompanied them in the hot spring curled up into a group.

How they wish they were deaf and didn’t hear anything!


Tezzolo stood up from the hot spring, and the Draco slave mark on his back was very conspicuous.

“These guys, dispose of them!”

Mr. Yamanaka grinned, not knowing where to feel a delicate and small pistol, and quickly fired a few shots at the frightened and inexplicable beautiful maids.

After a while, the clear pool is dyed a bright red.

“If you want to blame, blame your bad life, it’s too unlucky, why did you hear such a deadly thing!” Mr. Yamanaka shook his head, sighed, and then covered his mouth with a strange laugh.

Mr. Yamanaka walked out the door quickly, following in the footsteps of Taizzolo.

“Now that His Highness has arrived at the port, I have sent Baccarat to greet him, it is rumored that His Highness likes beautiful women, if Bakara is allowed to use the fruit ability…”

Tezzolo pulled the bath towel and listened to Mr. Yamanaka’s report.

“Bakara’s ability should not be exposed for the time being, don’t underestimate Salros, her ability to control CP0 already shows that it is not a very simple product!” Maybe for these people around me, they have already found out! ”

Hearing this, Mr. Yamanaka nodded and signaled that he knew what to do.

“Let Bakara take our Sarros Sanctuary to have a good tour of my empire first!” Tezzolo sneered, deliberately accentuating some words.


“This… It’s all gold? ”

Looking at the yellow world in front of her, Nami felt that her heart was about to melt, and she couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

If converted into money…

I don’t even dare to think about it.

Is this the banknote power of the richest man in the world?

Beside Salros, General Peach Rabbit, who had changed into a casual attire, looked at the scene in front of him and couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

She had tried her best to imagine what the richest man in the world would look like, but she still didn’t expect that the buildings here would be made of gold.

“Ships up to ten kilometers long, no, they can no longer be called ships, islands or kingdoms are more appropriate!” Salros twisted his neck, looking at the gold dust that was constantly falling in the sky, and the ability to use the flesh ball fruit without leaking a sound all bounced off his body.

Just when Momo Rabbit and Nami were shocked by the complex of buildings in front of them, a “stretched luxury” car that Salros remembered in his previous life stopped in front of the three people.

A rather coolly dressed brown-skinned beauty stepped down from the driver’s seat.

“Welcome His Highness Salros to the Golden City, I am your receptionist Bakara, from now on, I will guide you throughout!”

PS: I was reported, a lot of things to modify, resulting in the recent update is a little weak, I hope forgive me! Hey, so be it! _

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