Thank You

Chapter 1000:

Not knowing Athena's slander, Algor touched the back of his head and said with an uneasy expression:

"Well, anyway, this matter is somewhat resolved. According to what you said, Su Jin, those old guys have almost realized the fact that you are not the will of the central will of the small garden. As long as you don't make any big moves, you can come here. will not be targeted…”

As for what a big move is, the three of them clearly avoided the name 'Shiroyasha', and they didn't even mention why Baiyasha wasn't here.

Of course, the reason for this matter is that after the battle, "Shiroyasha was called by the twin goddesses to report the situation".

However, the information that the original star is actually the will of the center of the small garden, the three people honestly pressed it in their hearts.

Of course, this also explains their doubts in their hearts 'why did the White Night King effortlessly step into the double digits in the ancient times, and even held twenty-five solar sovereignty, becoming the strongest cosmic truth under the wind of decadence'.

Avoiding sensitive topics, Su Jin asked Athena again, "Hestia... No, how is Gaia's situation?"

"The situation is fairly stable. Although after entering the double digits, the 'Earth Sovereignty' was used without a stable state, but fortunately, the time was short and it did not cause too many consequences."

Athena's tone was a little more relaxed, and she seemed to be happy for 'Hestia's dream':

"By the way, before I came over, she asked me to remind you, 'Don't let the child return to Hakoniwa in a short time, and make the marks on her body fade as soon as possible', um, this is the original word."

After Athena finished speaking, Algor couldn't help showing a puzzled look: "That child? Which child is that child? Is it possible that Hestia has a child with you Su Jin?"

"No, I think..." Su Jin's expression was a little strange, and then he said, "I think what Gaia said should be part of the spiritual essence that I tore from the 'One God'."


Suddenly, Alger and Athena fell silent.

Tear down the essence of the spirit...the child...the words are connected, and they can't help but imagine a figure hanging upside down on a cross, a scene of painful childbirth.

'People can't, at least they shouldn't...'

Chapter 1432 Yuno Scria

Seeing the complicated and weird expressions of the two of them, wanting to laugh and holding back, Su Jin couldn't help sighing:

"If you want to laugh, laugh. The time was too tight at the time. I tried my best to do the most damage." Haha, no, that paranoid is now a Virgin herself, which is too funny. Ha ha! "Algor couldn't help laughing while covering his stomach.

On the other side, Athena's eyelids twitched, but she forcibly held back, trying to maintain a serious appearance:

"Is that so, then I somewhat understand what Gaia means."

"Because that child is the essence that was torn from that person, if he returns to Little Garden now, I am afraid that there will be a strong aggregation effect that cannot be effectively resisted."

"If you want to eliminate this effect and actually turn it into a receipt, you need some special means."

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help but be surprised: "Athena, do you have a way?"

Athena nodded slightly, and then said, "Well, to some extent, once, when Aphrodite joined the Crusaders, I studied the composition of the Virgin."

Speaking of this, she paused and said: "Although there is no specific experiment, the best way to avoid aggregation to the greatest extent is to let that essence be born into the self, and it just so happens that there is a **** of the Bible on our side. "

"God of the Bible?" Su Jin's face changed slightly: "Do you mean to let her occupy this part of the essence? Use her own will to avoid this part of the spirit aggregation?"

"Although this part of the essence is now just an empty shell, it is not impossible for the God of the Bible to intervene, but the quality of this part of the spirituality is at the level of truth. Has she endured it?"

Hearing this, Athena smiled and said, "That's why I said, 'I have studied the composition of the Virgin'."

Su Jin was startled, and said with a surprised expression: "What do you mean... Diversion? Let this child find a Virgin? Separate the unacceptable spirituality?"

The mother is more valuable than the child. This ancient saying of the Celestial Dynasty may not have not appeared in the Cross religion.

Because she is pregnant with the Son, the 'Mother' of supernatural status is one of them, and it is also an existence that can effectively divide the person of the Son.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to stealing power, and in a sense, it is 'blasphemy'.

Putting it in the cross religion, Su Jin's burning at the stake 10,000 times is not too much.

Thinking of this, Su Jin was a little confused and said: "There are too few people who can bear the person of the Virgin, the most suitable Pandora, she also has contact with the 'Holy Son' and the 'One God', it is too much to want to divide Danger."

"I didn't say that it must be an existence with the qualifications of the 'Virgin Mary'."

The smile on Athena's face became more intense:

"In fact, in the conceptual essence of the spirituality of the Virgin Mary, the element of motherhood is particularly emphasized, and even occupies most of it."

"So in a sense, as long as a woman with certain qualifications can carry the corresponding power, of course, due to the limitation of personal nature, there may not be many spiritual qualities carried, but at least it can meet the requirements of diversion."

Hearing this, Su Jin's expression became a little numb: "Don't you mean to ask me to find plural women to be the mother of my children?"

"That's what you said, that's not what I meant."

Athena avoided this topic, but there was a bit of helplessness in her eyes.

She didn't know how Su Jin's head was associated, but she actually thought of finding a bunch of mothers to give birth to children together.

"Let me explain briefly, the plan I actually thought of was for you to devour this part of the essence of the 'One God', separate the concept of the One God from the spiritual power, and then share your own spiritual power with you For other qualified women, give the concept of separation to the God of the Bible to be swallowed up, and as a counterpart, you absorb the part of the spiritual personality of the 'One God' to supplement your own heritage."

"In general, the most spiritual personality and concepts are received by you and the God of the Bible, and the rest, the 'impurities' that are repeated and not suitable for the two of you, can be given to others to share this part of the power."

"If you say it, I will understand. Co-authoring is to let me swallow the spirituality of the 'One God', and then reuse the 'excess' part!"

The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, looking at Athena and Alger with a meaningful expression:

"So? Do you want to try it first?"

"Forget it!" Alger rolled his eyes and said, "My current state is not suitable for meddling in this kind of thing."

"My current situation is not stable, but there is a good way."

Athena smiled and said to Su Jin:

"You don't have many little lovers in the community. Since they work so hard to keep up with your footsteps, instead of letting them spend time accumulating spirituality, it is better to use the characteristics of 'female' to let them see through By devouring your shared spirituality, you can skip the tedious accumulation stage."

"It's an easy job for you, isn't it? After all, you've got the One God part to supplement it."

"..." Su Jin opened his mouth and looked at Athena in amazement.

People can't, at least they shouldn't.

You are treating me as a planter... This is equivalent to letting me eat meat while feeding seeds and grass. It really treats me as a machine.

"I'll think about it." Su Jin suddenly felt a little pain in his waist and needed to endure it.

"I really have to think about it." Athena nodded seriously: "I only think this technique is theoretically feasible, so it's better to let you experiment in another world and demonstrate the data..."

I think you don't want to let me go... Su Jin stared blankly at Athena introducing the principle of the technique, and disconnected the communication after a while.

"Experiment... and data, that fellow Athena, shouldn't he be eating Hestia's vinegar, so he deliberately punished me?"

Just as Su Jin was muttering, a series of alarms sounded in the bridge of the Mechanic God spacecraft.

[The radar system detected the signal of the 'unknown dimension spaceship'! 】

[Anti-reconnaissance mode is activated! The quantum shielding system is activated! The energy shielding system is activated! 】

[Two ships of unknown dimension have been locked, commander please confirm whether to attack? 】

Two ships? Su Jin, who was sitting in the captain's position, held his cheek with one hand and raised his brows slightly.

Looking at the ship suspected of being a transport spaceship not far away, and the courtyard-like fortress that was secretly approaching the transport spaceship, Su Jin couldn't help showing the expression of watching a play.

It seems that something interesting is about to happen!

Chapter 1433 Goodbye, Y beast.

Time and Space Administration, the transport ship 'DO-X' belonging to the ruins excavation department, in the spaceship warehouse.

With a childish face, wearing a national costume embroidered with green symbols, the blond boy with blue eyes is following an old man with white hair and vicissitudes of life, standing in front of an alloy box surrounded by glass mirror protection.

After looking at the alloy box through the mirror, Yuno Scria, a blond boy who looked no more than ten years old, asked the old man:

"Teacher, is it a little too cautious to use the sixth-level blockade enchantment to seal the 'Sacred Stone Seed', after all, the energy of the transport ship is not very sufficient now, and there is still a long distance before the next supply world, which consumes too much energy. Wouldn't it be a little bad?"

"Yuno, your worries are not wrong, but now you are facing an ancient heritage that is enough to cause a 'dimensional shock' and destroy the planet. In the face of such dangerous objects, there is nothing wrong with being cautious."

The white-haired old man took a slight breath, then looked at Yuno, who was a disciple and grandson next to him, and explained:

"Yuno, remember, as the time and space administration and the ruins excavation department of our Skriya family, reputation, money, and even power are not important. For us, the most important thing is 'prudence'."

"Because you never know what a terrible disaster those ancient heritages hidden in history and buried in countless worlds will bring."

"I understand, teacher." Yuno's eyes were slightly dazed, but he nodded earnestly, seemingly incomprehensible, but forcibly remembered this sentence.

The old man was not surprised to see Yuno like this.

After the ruins excavation clan and the Scria clan joined the Mid-Zirda Time and Space Administration, abundant logistics, a perfect security system, and various sealing magic formulas for the ancient heritage, all these convenient and sufficient resources, They have long since forgotten the 'prudence' of the past.

After all, that is the Time and Space Administration.

Famous for its powerful magic technology, under the muzzle of the magic warship, it has ruled hundreds of worlds, deterred many foreign civilizations, and ruled a large behemoth in the dimensional sea.

Under the command of such a terrifying organization, under the deterrence of Hongguang Cannon, the careerists who tried to encroach on the 'Prime Heritage' and overthrow the Time and Space Administration were either killed or detained. Few people dared to provoke the Time and Space Administration. Tiger beard.

Under such circumstances, it was inevitable that the younger generation of the Scria family would gradually relax.

"Just hope nothing goes wrong."

In the dark, the old man who had always felt uneasy in his heart looked at the alloy box surrounded by the spells in front of him, and sighed softly.

And at this moment, with a beep, the alarm sounded suddenly.

[This ship has been locked. 】

[This ship has been locked. 】

[Orientation 212392123, we found a suspected SS-level wide-area shelling magic fluctuation, please prepare for the impact. 】

"Is it a lie?" Yuno suddenly raised his head, stared at the broadcast port with wide eyes, and said incredulously: "How could someone dare to attack the transport ship of the Time and Space Administration?"


Hearing the shout, Yuno immediately turned around and saw that his mentor, in a move that did not match his age, swiftly opened the sixth-level sealing barrier, and placed the alloy of the ancient heritage 'Sacred Stone Seed' inside. The box was taken out.

"Take it!"

Yuno was stunned for a moment, then took the alloy box, staggered back a few steps, and said stunned:

"Teacher, is this?"

The instructor looked gloomy, looked at Yuno and said:

"There is an emergency escape device next door. You take the 'seed of holy stone' and leave quickly. The transport ship is bombarded. The patrols nearby should have received the news, and support should be here soon. You can wait for the rescue of the patrols."

"As for the others, leave it alone."


Yuno was about to say something when his mentor interrupted him.

"Don't waste your time, the great magus who can use SS-level artillery bombardment magic is not something we, a small dimensional transport ship, can fight against."

"Escape with the Seed of the Holy Stone, I will try my best to buy you time."

The instructor took a deep breath, pushed Yuno away and ran out.

Yuno looked at the tutor's back, gritted his teeth, carried the alloy box, rushed out of the warehouse, turned his head and ran to the location of the emergency escape device.

And when he jumped into the isolation field of the device, there was a bang, and a huge explosion sounded, which was the loud noise after the shelling magic hit the engine of the battleship.

At the moment of the explosion, green magic formulas were deployed on the emergency escape device, blocking the impact of the explosion, and at the same time, the dimensional transition began.

The green magic fluorescent light lit up in Yuno's eyes, who was holding the box, until it occupied his entire field of vision.

The next moment, the line of sight gradually returned.

When Yuno, who was holding the alloy box, opened his eyes again, he saw a huge robot with a height of three meters, covered with azure armor, a red electronic eye on the head, and a mechanical sense all over his body.

It just stood there, didn't do anything, exuded a dangerous atmosphere, but it was countless times stronger than the pressure on Yuno by the SS-level great wizards of the Time and Space Administration.

This is a 'monster' that surpasses the strongest individual force of the Time and Space Administration!

At this moment, the robot saw that Yuno opened his eyes, and his head was probably the position of his mouth, and two streams of hot steam were sprayed to the left and right:

"Report Your Majesty, the captured juvenile carbon-based life has awakened."

Yuno was stunned when he heard the sound, then he got up from the cold metal floor and looked around.

At this time, he noticed that he was not in the emergency escape device, but was lying in a huge space platform similar to a bridge.

At the edge of the platform, tall, cyberpunk-like robots are embedded in capsule-like interfaces, and the red electronic eyes are constantly flashing complex data.

The robots were clearly similar to the robots around Yuno. Although they had no breath, they were obviously 'monsters' with powerful force.

Are SS-level magicians who are rare enough to be out of hand in the Time and Space Administration, and can be seen everywhere here like Chinese cabbage?

Even if these terrifying robots were ignored, the one who put the most pressure on Yuno was in the center of the huge platform.

Above the nine steps, a silver-white metal throne stood quietly.

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