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Chapter 1001:

On the throne, an indistinct figure was sitting there lazily, as if he was looking at something. When Yuno cast his eyes on the metal throne, he could not see his face clearly, but he could be sure. It was a human black-haired youth who seemed to have turned his head and was looking at him with interest.

Yuno grunted, swallowed and asked:

"…here is?"

"This is the 'Baxie Ghost God'."

The three-meter-high robot beside him said buzzingly:

"Standing in front of you is our creator, the creator of the brilliant universe, the master of the twelve zodiacs and Haoyang, the leader of the Arcadia Alliance, the lofty **** who is in charge of creation and destruction... Your Majesty Su Jin ."

Su Jin, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly glanced at the mechanical beings who didn't know the name. When he didn't know, what did the Mother of God instill into these mechanical beings?

Who designed such a shameful title? Sentencing!

"God...God?" Yuno was obviously frightened by the exaggerated title, and couldn't help asking Su Jin, " many magisters do you have?"

The Mage Corps, a modern army composed of 15,000 magicians, is the strength of the Mid-Zilda army commander in many worlds, and it is also synonymous with "power" in Yuno's eyes.

The Magisters... Su Jin froze for a moment, then gave Yuno a strange look.

Should it be said that he is a child from a world where magic technology is developed? After seeing God, his first reaction was to ask how many magisters he has?

Really elite education ah!

"Presumptuous!" Gundam-like robots were obviously very dissatisfied with Yuno's attitude: "When you see the supreme master, don't kneel down!"

Yuno staggered back in fright, and fell to the ground with a plop. The alloy box he was holding earlier also fell to the side. Fortunately, the quality of the box was good, so it was not opened.

Seeing Yuno's embarrassed appearance, Su Jin glanced at the robot, which disappeared into the air little by little as if it had been hit by an eraser.

Seeing this unknown scene, Yuno snorted, and cold sweat suddenly covered his forehead.

"There's no magic fluctuation, and it doesn't seem like a space shift... He... he... is that big guy wiped out?"

At this moment, on the silver metal throne, Su Jin held his cheek with one hand, lowered his eyes, looked at Yuno and smiled:

"It doesn't matter how many magisters I have."

"The important thing is, do you want your friends to survive?"

Hearing this, Yuno subconsciously looked at the huge screen on the right. On that screen, a huge fortress was gradually approaching the dimensional transport ship that was pierced by the huge artillery bombing.

At this moment, Yuno could even see the huge sparks emerging from the damaged hull of the dimensional transport ship, and saw the large hole that broke out of the ship fly out and fall into the dimensional sea, and the life and death of the staff are unknown.

At this moment, Yuno suddenly realized that he seemed to have no other choice at all.

Chapter 1434 Precia Testrosa

"I want to keep my mentors and peers alive."

Yuno shrewdly knelt on the ground, learning the way the feudal civilization deciphered from the historical relics to meet the ruler, and touched the ground with his head:


Above the silver throne, an indifferent voice sounded.

"The price is the 'magic tool' on you."

Magic tool? Yuno was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and took out a red round gem from the pocket of his jacket.

【Raising Heart】

This is an artificial intelligence magic tool purchased by the elders of the Scria clan in the cutting-edge magic technology department of Midzilda.

It is true that this is also a very precious self-defense magic tool, but compared with the comfort of the mentor and his companions, Yuno naturally has nothing to give up.


"Don't you need the 'Sacred Stone Seed'?"

Yuno raised his head cautiously and asked Su Jin suspiciously.

As he thought about it, it was only recently that the leader of an unknown force who claimed to be a **** could spy on him, and it was said that the immemorial heritage 'Sacred Stone Seed' that could fulfill his wish was excavated recently.

Otherwise, how could a power leader with obvious high technology go to help him deliberately?

"The seed of the holy stone?" Su Jin glanced at the alloy box beside Yuno and said flatly, "That thing is not as valuable as you think."

When Yuno was brought over by the mechanical life from the emergency escape device, Su Jin sensed the existence of the Holy Stone Seed, and also knew the way it was formed.

To be honest, the ultimate wish of this thing is less reliable than that of Bengyu, and it is even close to the Black Holy Grail of the FATE world that Su Jin understands.

When there is time to ask for this kind of thing, Su Jin's fortune authority can create hundreds of these so-called 'wish machines'.

What's the use of this thing?

Thinking of this, Su Jin suddenly glanced at the courtyard of time approaching the dimensional transport ship, thinking of the woman who attacked the transport ship because she wanted to revive her daughter, trying to obtain the seed of the holy stone' Precia Testrosa . ’

In this magical girl Nanoha's world, the mother of the heroine Fit Testrosa seems to have a crazy paranoia about the seed of the holy stone, trying to use the power of the seed of the holy stone to resurrect her real daughter.

"Oh, you almost forgot before you mentioned me, this thing still has a little use, so..."

Su Jin, who rested his cheek with one hand, raised his free right hand, snapped his fingers in mid-air.

[I hope that a full set of holy stone seeds will appear in front of me! 】

In the dark, the breath of good fortune descended in front of Su Jin's eyes, turning into 24 diamond-shaped light blue gems, revolving around Su Jin like satellites.


Seeing this horrifying scene, Yuno immediately ran to the alloy box next to him, opened the box with a special method, and immediately saw the 24 holy stone seeds placed inside it intact.

Suddenly, Yuno looked up and looked at the seeds of holy stones floating around Su Jin, only to feel that the whole world had become magical.

As a relic excavator, even if he is young, Yuno's knowledge is not shallow. He is extremely sure that the seed of the holy stone around him is completely genuine.

But he is also sure that the seed of the holy stone that revolves around Su Jin is also the real thing.

So... it turns out that the Seed of the Holy Stone can be created with a snap of your fingers?

Wait, did I meet the ancient civilization that created the holy stone seed?

Could it be that, because the Time and Space Administration unearthed the seed of the holy stone, it alerted the management of the Primordial Civilization. This contact was an attempt to recover the seed of the holy stone?

No, it seems that the seed of the holy stone is not important in the eyes of this existence, but the heart of the rising sun?

For a moment, Yuno's mind made up the situation of many higher civilizations encountering lower civilizations, and using cheap wholesale goods to play with lower civilizations.

This kind of feeling is like the Heizhou people who bought the glass beads from the Baizhou people at a high price, and Yuno is this Heizhou people, and the seed of the holy stone is the so-called glass beads. The so-called high price refers to the heart of the rising sun.

Thinking about it carefully, perhaps for higher civilizations that can wholesale holy stone seeds, the Heart of the Rising Sun, a magic tool with artificial intelligence, is more interesting.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the seed of the holy stone does not have much value.

Thinking of this, Yuno was somewhat disappointed. After all, he had worked so hard to realize that what he thought was the protection of the ancient heritage was actually just a 'glass bead', which was somewhat shocking.

Fortunately, Yuno was very clear-headed and understood that the seed of the holy stone also had high research value. Although glass beads were cheap, they were also high-tech products for the people of Heizhou.

In comparison, the Heart of the Rising Sun is not too valuable for the highly developed Mid-Zirda. This cutting-edge magic tool is too picky for users, and it is not very useful.

So soon, he packed up his mood, took out the Heart of the Rising Sun in his pocket, and handed it to a mechanical being who was approaching:

"I am willing to pay the price, please rescue my companions."

"Wise choice."

Su Jin squinted and looked at Yuno, the 'dirty beast'.

According to the original plot, the Heart of the Rising Sun and this guy who can transform into a ferret to peep at the girl's bath is the stepping stone for the protagonist Nanye Takamachi to step into the magical world, and his status is similar to that of 'Kewpie'.

But now, the unexpected encounter made Su Jin have an interesting thought in his heart.

Maybe... he can try to be Takamachi Naba's new 'guide'.

This is also why Su Jin asks for the heart of the rising sun.

Although this kind of magic tool, he can't make it out of thin air with authority, but to do so, for him, it is a bit 'not taste'.

The original white tyrant is the special existence that Su Jin wants to see.

After Yuno handed over the Rising Sun Star, Su Jin raised his hand again and snapped his fingers.


The personnel of the dimensional transport ship who had already died, or fell into the dimensional sea, or were still trying to find life, appeared in the bridge of the 'Baxie Ghost God' in the form of comatose.

Seeing this incomprehensible scene, Yuno couldn't help but open his mouth wide, like a dumbfounded fool.

At this moment, Yuno suddenly understood why the robot just now was so excited and why he worshipped Su Jin so much as a god.

Such incredible power can only be described as a miracle, a 'god'.

At this moment, Su Jin looked at Yuno and said lightly, "If you are traveling, where do you want to go?"

travel? Yuno was stunned for a moment, then after reacting, he quickly replied:

"Please send us to the nearest Time and Space Administration fleet."


Su Jin nodded slightly, then glanced at Yuno and said:

"Goodbye then, beast."


Yuno was dumbfounded, **** beast, are you talking about me?

Then, before he could react, in the next second, he was already in the fleet of the Time and Space Administration.

Looking at the fleet soldier who suddenly found them, screamed and took out his magic wand, Yuno was even more dumbfounded, and quickly raised his hand and said:

"Our own people, we are our own people!"

Not caring about the "comedy" that happened on Yuno's side, Su Jin turned around and looked at the Garden of Time, which was close to the dimensional transport ship and seemed to be preparing to collect the spoils, and ordered the mechanical life below with a relaxed expression:

"Target, the Garden of Time ahead."

"Capture all the lifeforms above alive and bring them to me."

Following Su Jin's order, the electronic eyes lit up with scarlet rays of light:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chapter 1435 Look good, this is how magic works!

Dimensional fortress, Garden of Time.

This is an auxiliary dimensional mobile fortress used for residence, protection and research, and it does not have strong combat capabilities.

However, when the driver of the garden at that time was an SS-class great magus, everything changed.

In the World of Time and Space Administration Headquarters, Midzilda, the power of magicians is divided into E-A levels, and above A-level, it is divided into AA, AAAS, and SS levels.

In Mid-Zirda with the highest level of SSS level, and the great magister of SS level, a single person is equivalent to a large-scale dimensional fleet, and its destructive power can easily suppress a planet level without a similar opponent. civilization.

And driving the dimensional fortress, the Garden of Time, is the SS-level great magister, Precia Testrosa.

Although she is not a magician who focuses on combat, but a research-type great magician, but when a magician of this level takes action in person, the resistance of several dimensional transportation bureaus is extremely powerless.

With just a few beams of light-based wide-area artillery bombardment, the battleship escorting the transport ship turned into the remnants of the Dimensional Sea, and after that, the transport ship that was destroyed to drive the furnace gradually began to disintegrate.

Prescia, who completed the block within ten seconds, stood in the energy core of the Garden of Time, surrounded by purple magic spells.

She looks about thirty years old, with black gray hair hanging down to her waist, a bold dark purple evening dress and a staff full of mechanical texture, making her look like a noble lady who is about to participate in a dinner party.

However, compared to her appearance, her temperament is relatively hazy, and the magic when destroying the dimensional fleet is clean and neat, exuding a strong indifference.


Presia indifferently called out the name of her cat familiar.

A girl with short light brown hair and wearing a black and white maid outfit immediately appeared in front of Presia.

Without waiting for Linise to answer, Presia ordered:

"Let Fite go and bring back the seed of the holy stone in the dimensional transport ship."

"Master?!" Linis looked surprised.

Entering the dimensional transport ship after being bombarded at this time, is this person really not afraid that his daughter will die in the martyrdom?

"What are you dawdling at?" Prescia gave her a cold look, and then said indifferently, "Follow my orders."

"Yes, Master."

Linis nodded slightly, and her body jumped through space at once, leaving the core of the fortress, leaving only Presia, standing in the heavy circle and muttering to herself.

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