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Chapter 1002:

"Come on, soon. Alicia, Mommy will be able to bring you back to life..."


The Garden of Time, the above-ground living floor.

In a room, the dog-eared girl with orange-red hair was using magic to observe the fleet that was about to be sunk not far away, and said with admiration:

"Tsk tsk, it's really tragic!"

"That old woman is really good at killing her. With this level of artillery attack, it is estimated that everyone in that transport ship is dead now, right?"


It sounded softly with a slightly scolding voice.

The dog-eared girl called Elf shrank her neck, and then turned her gaze to the girl beside her with bright blonde hair and burgundy eyes, and a melancholy and lovable face.

That's Fit Testaros.

The young magician who created Elf through magic is also Elf's master.

And just now, the old woman that Elf arranged was Fit's 'mother'.

The owner's mother was arrested in person, and Elf instantly acted like she didn't match her age and coquettishly said to the young girl who was obviously much younger than her:

"Fit, I'm sorry, I said something wrong, please forgive me this time~~ okay~~"

"...Pay attention next time."

Fitt exhorted in a soft tone, it wasn't that she wasn't angry with Elf's choreography, but Elf's pleasing appearance made her, who had a mild personality, soft-hearted and forgive her familiar.

Seeing that the master forgave her as expected, Elf was relieved and full of complaints against Fit's mother.

To kill someone in front of her lovely Fit, isn't this **** afraid to teach him bad? What if Fett learns badly in the future and becomes a mean woman like her, can that old witch be responsible?

And just when Elf was slandering, the lines of a magic circle flickered around the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Linise appeared in front of Fit and Elf in a maid outfit.


"Sister Linise, does mom have any orders?"

The blond girl, who clearly noticed something, asked her caregiver unsurprisingly.

Hearing these words, Linise was silent for a while.

Although there is a consensus in the Garden of Time that 'Prescia is Fette's mother', the one who really raised Fate was Linise, the Presian facilitator.

Looking at the 9-year-old girl in front of her, Linise was in a trance, and she couldn't help but see the cute appearance of her babbling when she was young.

At this moment, Linise strongly resisted Precia's order.

However, the Master's order is absolute, it is the priority engraved in the bones of the familiar with magic.

After a moment of silence, Linise said to Fate:

"Master orders you to set off now, go to the dimensional transport ship ahead, and recover the ancient heritage called 'Seed of Holy Stone'."

"The corresponding data has been transmitted to your magic device 'Lightning Battle Axe' using the transmission device, remember to receive it."

Without waiting for Fit to reply, Elf next to him jumped up:

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about, Linis-sama? Go to the dimensional transport ship in front of you to collect things?"

"That ship is about to explode, okay, let Fite go now?"

"Did that old witch just kill her own daughter like that?"


The soft call made Elf instantly shut her mouth, but just squatted on the ground and bared her teeth.

At that time, Fett, who turned to look at Linise, said softly:

"I see, Sister Linise, tell Mommy, I'm leaving now."

"...Okay." Linis took a deep look at Fett, then nodded, turned around, and while covering up her unease, she was also preparing to use the teleportation circle to return to Prescia.

Yet at this moment.

A bang.

There was a sound as if several pieces of glass were cracked.

Fitt, Linis, and Elf looked towards the direction of the sound, but saw a large hole with a diameter of ten meters cracked in the protective barrier covering the sky of the Garden of Time.

outside the big hole.

A cyan-black human-shaped mechanical life full of metallic texture is sticking out of its head, and with its scarlet electronic eyes, it is looking into the courtyard of time.

Chapter 1436 Prisoners

Looking at the blue-black human-shaped metal life form, Elf couldn't help widening her eyes, and said in amazement:

"What's the matter with that robot? The automation unit of the Time and Space Administration? No, I've never heard of this style. Is it the latest?"

On the other side, Linis, who noticed the strangeness of the enchantment, hurriedly used magic to check the situation of the enchantment. After receiving the reply, she looked at the sky with a look of astonishment and said:

"There is no sign of the barrier being opened, but how did the robot in the sky come from?"

Obviously, the invasion phenomenon was observed with the naked eye, but the enchantment did not respond.

If she hadn't seen the gigantic three-meter-high robot with her own eyes, I'm afraid Linis wouldn't even know there was an intruder.

At this moment, a gentle voice rang in Linise's ear.

"Sister Linise."

"Please go and inform mom about the intruder immediately."

"Fit?" Linis turned her head and looked at Fate holding the core of the 'Lightning Battle Axe' in astonishment. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded and turned to cast teleportation magic to leave.

Seeing Linise leaving, Fitt turned his gaze to the light yellow diamond in his hand and said softly:

"Thunderlight Tomahawk."

Lightning Tomahawk: [Getset. (Ready)]

Lightning Tomahawk: [Setup. (Start)]

With the deployment of the smart magic device, a protective suit with a black tone and a cape appeared on Fette, which was the protective system that came with the magic device after it was deployed.


"Yes!" Elf, who heard the call, responded quickly.

Fate looked at the blue-black robot in the sky that was gradually entering the barrier, frowned and said, "Interfering with the action of that huge machine, I'll blast him out of the barrier, can you do it?"


Elf tugged the gloves that she didn't know when, and muttered in her mouth:

"Really, that old witch is really unreliable, and it's all been beaten at the door."

Fitt didn't pay attention to Elf's complaints at this time, but flew up with flying magic for the first time, and rushed straight to the void in the sky.

Her actions like this immediately caught the attention of the blue-black mechanical lifeform.

Beibebu Si, who didn't care about this tiny little guy at first, shifted his electronic eyes slightly and looked at the young voice that was approaching him fast:

"Carbon-based life larvae?"

"It's actually targeting me, can't you notice the difference?"

As the subordinate of Su Jin, the subordinate of the three major mechanical life gods 'Baxie Guishen', Lugartim's family assistant, and one of the [Five Evils] Xiantian General.

Although Babebu Si is only a subordinate of a subordinate subordinate, he also possesses the strength equivalent to the "Master God" of the Demon High School.

Even in Hakoba, he can get a 'five-figure legend' evaluation.

Therefore, when he invaded the Garden of Time, he could easily suppress the barrier of the fortress and invade the fortress without affecting the operation of the fortress.

If it weren't for the order of the great master to capture all living beings alive, Beibebu would use his own erosion methods to assimilate the entire fortress into the appearance of mechanical life.

But now it seems that the mercy of the Lord is not accepted by the weak life here.

"Strength judgment... Six digits, level: 'Legend'."

"Do you need to deploy defense... Judgment: Unable to break through the body defense."

"Whether it is necessary to counterattack... Judgment: Counterattack is strictly prohibited, mainly resisting arrest."

In an instant, Beibebu was in contact with the think tank of the 'Baxie Guishen', and locked all the flight trajectories of Fei Te, predicted the other party's actions, and received action instructions.

This is not difficult for the mechanical evil spirit fleet that uses quantum mental signals as a link.

At this moment, Feite, who was fully controlling the flying magic, was bathed in thunder light, and came directly below Bebebu at a speed that mortals could not lock with the naked eye:

"Leiguang battle axe, Lei Zi shook!"

【Yessir. (is the owner)】

Following Fite's order, a huge golden magic circle unfolded at the top of the thunder light battle axe, and dazzling golden thunder light was brewing and rising in it.

At the same time, Elf appeared in the other direction at some point, opened her hands towards Bebebu, and used restraint magic without chant.

I saw that orange-red chains spread out from the void, wrapping around Bebebu's limbs like vines, trying to restrain his movements.

However, at this moment, in the eyes of Elf, who was preparing the artillery bombardment magic Fett and casting restraint magic.

The three-meter-high, blue-black mechanical lifeform was fading little by little, as if it had disappeared.


Elf's eyes widened, but before she could say the next sentence, she saw a behemoth figure staring at him behind Fitt.

"No, in the back!"

Elf's shouting made Fate stunned for a moment, but before she could do anything, cyan rays of light spread all over her body, and in a very short moment, it turned into a cyan light prison, piercing her Completely blocked inside.

[Individual capture completed. 】

Bebebu's electronic eyes flickered with thinking fluctuations.

Although the best way is to use electrodes that are enough to cause a coma to force the young loot in front of you to coma, but according to the judgment of the ship group think tank, the young girl in front of you has extraordinary value in the eyes of the master...

In this case, Beibebu, who is not qualified to even kneel before the great master, naturally has to give the trophy in front of him a certain 'courtesy'.

"Fit!" Seeing that the master was under control, Elf, who was born no more than two years ago, suddenly rushed towards Beibebu as if she had lost her mind.

However, this is of no use at all.

Elf was imprisoned by the blue light cage ambush in the air the moment she rushed, and she couldn't even see Bebebu's movements.

Compared to Fett, who still needs to move to the 'back' to ensure personal safety, Elf is just a stuffer caught by the way.

After all, in the eyes of the think tank, the value of this wholesale replicable magical creation is not comparable to that of a carbon-based life form like Fette.

"Restocking complete."

Beibebu's vivid mechanical face said neither sad nor happy, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed the cage where Feite was being held in one hand, and held Elf in the other, preparing to transfer the two spoils to the 'Baxie Ghost God'. .

It was at this moment that a female voice mixed with dissatisfaction rang out:

"Being captured by the enemy without even using magic, Linis, this is the 'good tool' you taught me!"

Accompanied by a female voice full of dissatisfaction, Presia, dressed in a purple dress, appeared on the roof of the courtyard, looking at the sky with a cold face, a huge three-meter-high mechanical life.

Beside her, Linise was nervously and worriedly looking at Fate, who was being held in the palm of her hand by Bebebu, wishing to replace her with herself.

"Mom..." Seeing Prescia appear, Fette's eyes brightened at first, but the words she heard next made her eyes dark, and she lowered her head full of inferiority.

"It's a useless tool after all."

Prescia glanced at Fette, snorted coldly, then looked at the huge mechanical life form in the sky, and said indifferently:

"Look, Fate, that's how shelling magic works!"

The voice fell, and the deep purple thunder light spread from all directions, converging into a beam of light soaring into the sky, directly engulfing the huge mechanical life.

The thunder roared, the electric light flickered, and the enchantment creaked.

Then just then there was a thud.

Beibebu calmly shattered the purple thunder light with two fingers. He didn't even loosen the prison that bound Fit and Elf. He just pulled out **** and shattered the other people. The terrifying magic shelling in the eyes.

At this moment, the red electronic eyes flickered on the huge robot, and he said in a doubtful tone:

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