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Chapter 184:

"???" Pandora was stunned.

However, at this moment, a boundless spiritual power penetrated through reality and illusion, easily severing this piece of the secluded world!

Then, the world began to fall!

Under that vast spiritual power, fall toward reality!

0230 Pandora's Despair

The illusory earth is falling, eroding reality.

Under the terrifying power of thought, Pandora was pressed to the ground, unable to move even a finger.

'Die, die, die! ’

At this moment, Pandora watched the sky of the secluded world drifting away with tears in her eyes.

'Just relying on mental power to penetrate reality and illusion, split a world of darkness, forcibly pull down the earth? ’

'This is the monster from there! ’

Pandora really cried, tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Humans (gods) have been born for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time Pandora has encountered such a bug-like monster.

Am I a god, or is the other person a god?

At this moment, the cut fragments screamed, but they were about to be completely integrated into reality.

'Ruined! ’

There is despair in Pandora's eyes:

'Netherworld and reality merge, I will be forced to incarnate when I come to the earth, and I will become crazy due to the counterattack of the myth. This is a cool rhythm! ’

No one knows Godslayer better than Pandora.

It doesn't matter if she is the adoptive mother of those children, even if she is a real mother incarnate, those animals will still be killed!

Here, in particular, to name and criticize the Marquis of Vauban and the King of Swords.

When I observed it in the secluded world, I felt that such a crazy god-killing child was bloody, and I liked it very much.

But if you become a **** of disobedience, then this kind of character is very **** up.

Distance produces beauty!

Even if those stupid sons found out that if they killed themselves, they would not gain new powers, but that was what happened after she was killed.

Those stupid sons never knew that Pandora could never be incarnated!

I can't do it anymore, who will hold the Dark Christmas Festival!

And at this moment, the fragments of the Netherworld sent out the last sympathy under that terrifying power of thought.

"It's over..." Pandora's eyes were full of despair.

At this moment, a dragon roar sounded.

At the junction of the world and reality, a silver-white two-headed dragon suddenly came out, breaking the fusion of reality and the world.

'dragon? Which Mother Earth came to save me? ’

Pandora's eyes flashed with ecstasy when she saw the silver twin-headed dragon.

And then the next second, that ecstasy turned to astonishment.

After the two-headed dragon broke through the realm, it suddenly opened its bottomless mouth, and then ate the torn pieces of the Netherworld in one bite.

Then hiccups.


The two-headed dragon squinted, glanced at the secluded world, and then turned around and disappeared into reality.

At this time, in the world, the body was full of scars, and the gods in white robes appeared.

He is the Fire Thief Prometheus.

At this moment, Prometheus looked at his small arms and legs full of Greek-style muscles, and then looked at the two-headed dragon that could even swallow space, and let out a helpless sigh.


Sardinia, no man's land in the middle.

Su Jin walked to the pile of sand left in Welleslana and took out a slate from the sand.

That is the artifact tablet of Prometheus the Fire Thief.

This was originally Weleslana's plan to win Su Jin's victory after the defeat of the Golden Sword, but now, it is useless.

In fact, even Su Jin could not have imagined that Veleslana would seal the power of Athena in Little Garden, and then be shocked to death by the power naturally radiated by the power.

This is the worst **** of disobedience to die... Su Jin thought strangely.

"How's the situation?" Athena, who appeared beside Su Jin at some point, asked politely.

"It has been successful."

Su Jin smiled and nodded.

Both Erica and Liliana next to her thought that Su Jin was talking about the fact that he successfully gained power after killing a god.

But in fact, what Athena asked Su Jin was whether he had captured Pandora.

But now, Athena, who got a clear answer, was suddenly relieved.

In fact, capturing Pandora seemed to Athena the most troublesome thing in the plan.

Although that woman is the mother of the earth with her, she hides in the world in the form of a god, and even the gods do not know where she is. This is one point.

Another point is how to ensure the effectiveness of Pandora.

This explains how the gods stay awake.

In the depths of the underworld, in the myths people compiled, the gods belonged to a semi-sleeping state.

No accident, never wake up.

And if the gods come to the earth, they will be counterattacked by the myth, and they will become a recalcitrant **** who resists the myth wholeheartedly.

The **** of war will pursue defeat, and Athena, whose godhead has long been divided, will pursue integrity, which is why.

And the world is an exception.

Because the Netherworld is a spiritual world, the gods can live safely in it, and will not become a **** of disobedience because of the counterattack of the myth.

Therefore, the executor of Pandora, the god-killer ritual, must always be in the secluded world.

But at the same time, Pandora must be directly controlled by Su Jin and Athena.

This is a very difficult thing to do.

Find the deeply hidden Pandora and limit her movements without hurting her.

This is a very headache for Athena. Without hundreds of years of planning, it is impossible to succeed.

At this point, Su Jin gives his method.

Cut a piece of Netherworld, place it in a different space controlled by him, and seal Pandora inside.

At that time, if you want to make some changes to the ritual of the godslayer, it is naturally easy.

Thinking of this, Athena couldn't help complaining:

"I didn't expect such a messy plan to actually make you succeed."

Use mental power to cut the world, create a different space to store this world, and completely imprison Pandora inside.

This kind of messy plan is really a loss for Su Jin to manage.

At this moment, Erica, who was beside her, saw this scene, and her expression suddenly became very subtle.

This tone is coquettish, right? Must be coquettish, right?

Speaking of which, Liliana kept silent about who this girl was, and was taboo.

However, she could get Su Jin's favor again.

And the name Athena, why do you think there is something wrong with it?

Erica thought of this and looked at Athena in front of her, and had a bold guess in her heart.

But she wasn't sure, because it was ridiculous.

The virgin goddess in mythology can actually be with the godslayer? This simply broke her three views.

At this time, Athena was standing on the wreckage of Veleslana, mocking recklessly:

"Is it the war **** of ancient Persia? It's ridiculous to think that you would be carried away by victory."

Holding the power of warriors and the authority of Athena Hakoniwa head-on, this level of iron almost didn't make Athena laugh.

However, it is difficult for Welleslaner. The war **** in charge of victory wants to challenge a higher victory. It is really difficult for him, and a fiasco is normal.

Although he played himself to death, such a fiasco is very rare.

At this time, Liliana walked up to Su Jin and asked respectfully:

"Weleslana has already conquered, King, are you going to deal with the god-king Merkal next?"

"God King Mekal?" Erica was stunned when she heard this, and said incredulously: "Is there a **** on this island?"

"Didn't I mention it?" Su Jin turned his head and looked at Erica, surprised.

Of course not... Erica just wanted to say something, but when she saw Su Jin's calm eyes, she immediately changed her face and said:

"I'm very sorry, I remembered it wrong, and I hope you will forgive me."

After she finished speaking, looking at Su Jin's soothing eyes, she asked with a subtle expression:

"So do you intend to start the crusade against the God King immediately?"

Su Jin shook his head, "No, I'm going to rest for the night."

"Then, please allow me to take the liberty of preparing a place for you to stay."

Erica hurriedly sat down with knight etiquette and smiled gracefully and calmly.

"Then it's up to you to arrange." Su Jin has no time to pay attention to these little things now.

"It's an honor." Erica's mouth twitched slightly, and she gave Liliana a showy glance.

Beside her, Liliana stared at Erica with resentment.

What's the matter with this female fox?

The tattered clothes that she was still wearing at noon sat in front of Su Jin and called her mother in person.

Now, she still has the face to grab the lord's right to serve?

Do you want to be shameless?

Liliana, the strong rule the lady, you are a rigid-minded knight, you want to beat me a thousand years earlier... Erica showed a playful smile, and then respectfully said to Su Jin:

"Then, please come with me, Lord Qing and Athena."

Chapter 0231 Pandora: Weak, pitiful, and helpless!

"Then you will retire for the time being."

In the royal suite of a star resort hotel, Erica closed the door with an elegant and calm smile.

Just as she took a few steps down the aisle, she saw Liliana leaning against the wall with a displeased face.

"Ah, Lily, are you waiting for me here specifically?"

Erica had a gentle and sweet smile on her face, as if she had seen an old friend for many years.


Liliana snorted coldly, glared at Erica, and said in a slightly sour tone:

"You actually spent a few minutes in the king's room shamelessly, Erica, your face is really getting thicker and thicker."

"I've been delaying for so long, isn't it because of you, Lily~"

At this time, Erica showed an expression of "heartbroken by being wronged by a friend".

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