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Chapter 185:

"For me?" Liliana froze for a moment, then sneered: "How could someone with a moral vacuum like you do good deeds?"

At this time, Erica said with a smile:

"I gave Su Jinqing all the love stories written by Lily that I collected over the years."

"..." Liliana was stunned for three or four seconds, and then opened her mouth suddenly: "Huh?!"

"You, you shameless fellow, how dare you..."

Liliana's face suddenly blushed, and she put her small hand on the saber around her waist, wishing she could kill Erica with one sword.

"I lied to you."

Erica winked playfully, then smiled:

"I just asked Su Jinqing what kind of lunch he likes."

"You!" Liliana breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that her biggest secret was not leaked.

But at this time, she looked at Erica with incomparable hostility, but she didn't dare to make the slightest move.

Just kidding now, what if?

In case Su Jin really saw the novels she wrote about the female knights falling in love with the big devil, Liliana is afraid that the only way to go is to commit suicide by throwing herself into the lake.

Moreover, Erica deliberately mentioned the purpose of the novel, I am afraid that nine times out of ten, it was to blackmail her.

Thinking of this, Liliana clenched her teeth and couldn't help cursing:

"You vicious woman..."

"As expected of the flower of Milan's noble knights, even if she scolded people, she scolded so gracefully."

Erica smiled gracefully and calmly, looking at Liliana with a fox-like slyness.

At this time, Liliana was silent for a while, gritted her teeth and said:

"What the **** are you doing, woman?"

"Ghost idea?" Erica pretended to be surprised and covered her mouth with the back of her hand: "How is it possible, I'm just blatantly threatening."

"You guy..."

Liliana gritted her teeth fiercely, but she couldn't help Erica, so she could only be sullen over there.

In the end, Liliana, who was afraid that the knight novel would be seen by Su Jin and worried that she would be labeled as unclean, could only grit her teeth and said:

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Information!" Erica snapped her fingers and squinted her eyes. "Information about Su Jinqing, tell me everything you know."

"Impossible, this is a secret!"

Liliana refused without thinking, and looked at Erica with unusual alertness.

Could it be that Erica wants to secretly pass on Su Jin's information to the red copper black cross, so that the organization behind her can judge whether Su Jin is worth taking refuge in?

Not to mention the question of whether the information will be leaked, how could she, as a knight, allow such a thing!

At this time, Erica said with a smile:

"Don't refuse so early, the information I want to know may be different from what you think."

"Huh? What do you want to know?" Liliana looked at Erica cautiously.

At this time, the corners of Erica's mouth twitched, and she said with a playful expression:

"For example, the preference for women's bodies, and the requirements for talents that a lover needs. If you can, it's best to tell me what posture you like to use at night."

"Although I may encounter something I don't know, but make up for it temporarily, I think I can still do it."

"Ha ha?"

Liliana looked at Erica with a bewildered look on her face. Except for her lover, she didn't understand a word.

"You actually want to be the king's lover?"

That arrogant and arrogant Erica would actually put down her figure and want to be a man's lover?

Is this still the Erica she knew? Is that the proud Milanese lioness?

"..." Erica was silent for a while, and looked at Liliana with a subtle expression: "You actually care about this?"

"Isn't this something you should be concerned about?" Liliana said with a puzzled expression.

This time, Erica was silent for a longer time, and after a while, she said with a complicated expression:

"Lily, I think I know why kissing is the biggest measure in those knight novels you wrote."

"Ah? What is this all about?" Liliana replied with a veiled expression.

At this time, Erica sighed and said:

"Well, in exchange for this information, let me teach you something beyond the normal classroom. Otherwise, it's hard for me to believe that you can serve Su Jinqing well."

"I don't need you to teach this!" Liliana retorted angrily: "I can still..."

At this moment, Liliana saw Erika's pitying gaze, and her tone became weak.

"You, what do you want to teach me?"

Erica reached out and grabbed Liliana directly, lamenting:

"Come here, I'll teach you from junior high school."


At this time, in the Royal Suite.

There, the curtains were drawn, and the room looked extremely dark.

Under the eyes of Su Jin looking at the experimental animals.

Under Athena's sympathetic and enthusiastic anatomical sight.

Pandora hugged her knees, her teeth trembling as she looked at Su Jin and Athena who were expressionless in front of her, her heart trembled.

It perfectly explains what it means to be weak, pitiful, and helpless.

Come on, where are my six children!

Come and save mother!

There are bad gods here—!

Chapter 0232 I want it all

In the room, Athena looked at Pandora, or more precisely, at the faint purple film on her body, and said incredulously:

"It actually succeeded in tearing the Netherworld apart, and it didn't affect anything else!"

"How did you do it?" Athena turned her head and asked Su Jin.

At this time, Su Jin was lying on Su Jin's shoulders a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, a pair of ponytails, and a yawning girl.

This is really the third Agulola, the quicksilver of the dragon and snake.

"Su Jin, I'm tired, I'm going back."

However, not long after he appeared on the stage, No. 3 Agulola muttered and fell into Su Jinlinge.

Su Jin, who understood that the beasts were still digesting the inheritance of the sun's sovereignty, just comforted them, then turned his head and looked at Athena and said:

"I should have said the specific process, wrap the Netherworld with mind power, then tear it apart directly, and then store it in the different space cut out by mind power."

"Although I know the process, my concubine still feels incredible."

Athena sighed lightly, she naturally has the ability of mind power.

But this kind of power of hers smashed to the ground to create an artificial lake.

As for Su Jin's practice of tearing space, interfering with the realm of spirit and reality, and perfectly embedding the world into a different space, Athena really couldn't do it.

This is so embarrassing!

At this time, Athena spit out sharply:

"My concubine seriously doubts that your mind power and what my concubine knows are not the same species."

"In a sense, it cannot be refuted."

Su Jin shrugged and said helplessly.

His mind power basically comes from the extension of the small universe, and it is not necessarily impossible to say that it is a different species.

"I really don't know how your mind power is so strong." Athena sighed slightly at this time.

And Su Jin said with a strange expression:

"Is this the foundation?"

Basic...Pandora's expression stiffened.

Tear apart the realm of reality and illusion, and cut the world into a large piece, it can shake the mind power of the stars. Do you think it is the foundation?

How exaggerated is the power base of which one?

At this time, Su Jin was really innocent.

Aries' combat skills use psychic power to strengthen the speed of light boxing, forming a high-speed rotating cosmic star cluster, and spinning all the destroyed stars.

It is the golden combat skill of telekinetic extension.

There is also a defensive golden combat technique [Crystal Wall] that uses psychic power and a small universe to make crystals and can even withstand a galaxy explosion.

As a Saint Seiya who is trying to reproduce all the golden combat skills, what's wrong with his mind power?

You Athena can also punch at lightning speed~

"Let's take this as the foundation, I don't want to pursue it anymore."

Athena next to her sighed helplessly.

Sometimes she tried her best not to measure Su Jin at the level of a god.

But every time I see Su Jin using exaggerated abilities, I can't help but compare.

Then, when you compare, you will doubt that God was born, and who is human in the end.

It was tiring, and Athena didn't want to try again.

"Then next comes the most important ring of usurpation."

Athena looked at Pandora with those snake-like eyes.

Being stared at by these eyes, Pandora shivered like a little rabbit stared at by a snake:

"I surrender, don't eat me, Your Majesty Athena, for the sake of being a god, you can't do this!"

At this time, Athena said calmly:

"Although the concubine is happy with your deeds of creating godslayers to resist the hero of steel, I have to say that those godslayers also brought unnecessary trouble to the concubine."

"The trouble brought by the godslayers? You are looking for them, why are you looking for me!" Pandora said with tears in her eyes.

"You are the adoptive mother of all the godslayers, and you are jointly and severally responsible." Athena said blankly.

"Then I'm still his adoptive mother, aren't I?" Pandora raised her little finger, pointed at Su Jin, and said flatteringly, "We're a family!"

Su Jin and Athena fell silent.

They really didn't expect Pandora to pull out such a reason.

The common mother of all godslayers, Pandora, although the ceremony has not been completed just now, but the godslayer Su Jin has indeed left a record on the ring of usurpation, and can barely be regarded as Pandora's beloved son.

Well, at this time, Su Jin glanced at Athena. After Athena received it, she nodded and looked at Pandora and said:

"That's right, we are indeed a family."

Hearing this, Pandora was stunned, as if she did not expect Athena to be fooled by such a lie.

However, seeing the hope of survival, Pandora couldn't help but tentatively ask:

"Really? Won't you hurt me?"

"No." Athena said blankly.

Pandora's small eyes suddenly lit up.

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