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Chapter 187:

"How's the whiskey?"

"Half a cup." Athena flipped through the mobile phone tutorial book and nodded.

Su Jin picked up the glass, poured a glass and a half of whiskey, walked over, handed the glass out, took a sip and said:

"As we planned, Veleslana, locked in the ring of usurpation, still maintains a connection with the myth."

"I maintained this connection with ritual, and through the ring of usurpation, I did wrest the power of the gods from the myth."

"Of course, according to the current progress, I can't predict when the new power will be usurped at the latest."

Athena did not respond immediately, but flipped through the mobile phone tutorial book in her hand.

A black light appeared on the white tutorial book, followed by rows of strange textures.

That is what Athena really recorded before, the data that the ring of usurpation is linked to the myth.

"If the calculation is correct, at the latest, the Ring of Usurpation will seize Mithra's power."

"Time is a little slow." Su Jin finished drinking and frowned slightly.

"This is just a preliminary attempt. Later, if you increase the power of inputting the ring of usurpation, the speed will become faster and faster." Athena closed the book and explained.

Hearing this, Su Jin showed a satisfied expression on his face, he nodded and said:

"Athena, are you sure that the ring of usurpation only targets the gods of Persian mythology?"

"Although Veleslana, who is the intermediary, is a Persian god, he is also Indra in Indian mythology, so is it possible that an Indian **** could be the target?"

"Probably impossible."

Athena sighed, shook her head and said:

"Su Jin, you are not a god, and you have never slept in the myth, so you don't know the composition there."

"The myth of this planet, although sleeping deep in the sea of ​​consciousness common to life, is not a unified place."

"In terms of description, the deepest layer is actually a building without stairs and not connected. Each floor of the building corresponds to a myth."

"Oh~" Su Jin showed a clear expression at this time:

"So with Welleslana as the terminal, I can only connect to Persian mythology, even if he still has a personality in Indian mythology, but because it is not the corresponding godhead, so I can't communicate with Indian mythology?"

"That's true." Athena put away the booklet and nodded.

Speaking of this, Su Jin frowned and said with a little hesitation:

"Then if I want to target all myths, I need to defeat a **** in each myth?"

"It doesn't need to be that troublesome." Athena laughed: "It's like Greek mythology, you can usurp it directly if you have a concubine body and godhead."

"As for the others, isn't there that group of fools?"

Su Jin showed a surprised expression when he heard this:

"You mean... Godslayer?"

"Can they do it? No, that's right, they are demigods created by the ring of usurpation. In a sense, they are the lower class of the ring of usurpation."

Su Jin said this, holding the empty wine glass and muttering to himself:

"If the spells that were engraved on Pandora were inserted into their bodies, the corresponding effects would most likely appear on the Ring of Usurpation."

"At that time, they will also become the middle end for me to seize the power of mythology."

Su Jin narrowed his eyes when he said this, poured himself another glass of whiskey and said:

"This means that there are six more water outlets in the big pool of Shinhwa. Well, it can't be counted like this."

"The Marquis of Vauban killed 11 gods. If you are lucky, it is impossible to directly equal to 11 water outlets."

Su Jin popularly described the act of seizing the power of myth as pouring water into the pool.

The effect of the ring of usurpation with the ceremony is equivalent to creating a water outlet for the swimming pool.

When the water in the swimming pool leaks, Su Jin is equivalent to taking all the powers of the gods.

And at that time, he will use the wisdom godhead of Athena to rule over all powers, and in fact achieve omnipotence in the godslayer world.

And as a contractor, Athena will also gain full power at that time.

Finally, we welcome the observation of the center of the small garden. Through this method, we can try to see if we can step into the almighty realm.

It's a win-win for both of them.

Hearing Su Jin's description, Athena narrowed her eyes, calculated it carefully, and smiled:

"According to the fact that each godslayer can create 3 loopholes, in about 20 days at the fastest, the power of mythology will be completely filtered by the ring of usurpation."

"Su Jin, you seem to have told your concubine that you can only stay for 28 days?"

"Yes, it is indeed this time." Su Jin took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "It seems that there is more than enough time now."

"The premise is that you have to put the ritual into the bodies of all the godslayers, and kill more than 3 gods."

After Athena said this, she looked at Su Jin with a little helplessness and said:

"I hope you don't face those godslayers as slowly as you did with Pandora this time."

Athena is complaining about Su Jin's slow behavior on Pandora.

"Rest assured, for me, the ritual can be completely punched into their bodies with a light-speed punch."

At this time, Su Jin said with a smile:

"I can guarantee that the whole process will never take more than a second."

"That's just 3 hours..." Athena's expression was a little subtle at this time.

Since you can solve it in one second, how did Pandora take 3 hours?

Feeling Athena's subtle gaze, Su Jin said solemnly:

"People are always inexperienced at the first time. At this time, they should slow down, enjoy slowly, and accumulate experience by the way."

"Please explain this reason to Pandora." Athena looked at Su Jin and sighed.

She understands that her ally is simply a color embryo~

"I think she will understand me." Su Jin said with a smile at this time: "In a situation where his life is threatened."

At this time, Athena said blankly:

"My concubine is very fortunate that I reached a contract with you one step ahead."

Su Jin smiled at this time:

"It's all the better if you can think of it this way."

He finished this sentence with a smile, put the wine glass aside, and said:

"Okay, it's time for Erika and Liliana to come over, it's time for Mekal on the island to solve it."

"That god-king of the Mediterranean Sea." Athena showed a sympathetic expression at this time.

Hope he doesn't cry.

Chapter 0235 Itinerary

At the door of the hotel, Erica, who had arranged the travel vehicle, smiled at Su Jin, who was approaching:

"Master, is dinner still to your liking?"

"Very interesting food."

Not to my taste... Erica responded with a smile:

"How about having Chinese food next time?"

"It's up to you to decide."

Su Jin nodded slightly, then looked at Liliana with an unnatural look next to her, and stepped into the car.

Liliana next to her hesitated for a while, and looked at Erica, then she gritted her teeth and sat beside Su Jin.

Before closing the door, Erica turned to look at the hotel, and then asked Su Jin:

"Won't Your Majesty Athena accompany her?"

"She is tired and needs to rest in the hotel for a while."

"Eh?" Liliana was startled, as if she was wondering how the **** of disobedience would get tired.

Beside her, Erica spat, got into the car with a red face, and closed the door.

"Is Merkal's location confirmed?"

After the door was closed, Su Jin asked Liliana.

However, after two or three seconds, Su Jin was puzzled, turned his head, looked at Liliana, and then followed the other party's line of sight and looked at his pants:

"Did I get anything on my pants?"

"No, no, nothing!" Liliana blushed and waved her hand to explain.

"Lily, the location of the ruins." Erica next to her reminded with a smile.

"Oh, the location!"

Liliana took a deep breath and said with a rosy face:

"The location should be the ancient ruins in the middle, about half an hour's drive."

Su Jin glanced at Liliana suspiciously, then leaned back on the chair and said:

"It looks like you can go back to the hotel to rest tonight."

"Tonight, is it too soon?" Liliana said in shock as she grabbed the corner of her skirt, as if she was frightened.


Su Jin turned his head, looked at Liliana who was making a fuss, and said a little weirdly:

"It always feels a little strange to you, what just happened?"

The face of Erica next to her changed, and she wanted to say something to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

"No, nothing!" Liliana responded very quickly.

"Oh, it looks like you did something behind my back."

Su Jin looked at Liliana with a playful expression, the latter's face was like an apple, his eyes were dodging, and he didn't dare to look directly at Su Jin.

Seeing this, Su Jin smiled and said:

"Forget it, let you go for a while."

Hearing this, Liliana couldn't help but patted her chest with her hands, obviously relieved.

However, at this time, Su Jin suddenly said:

"Set me up, I want to see Salvatore Tony."

Liliana, who had just relaxed just now, suddenly changed her face and said quickly:

"King, can you think about this matter again?"

"Follow your will." Erica responded ecstatically.


The scene suddenly became awkward.

The panic on Liliana's face subsided instantly, she stared at Erica's face, and said through gritted teeth:

"Erica, what are you talking about!"

Let Su Jin meet the King of Swords, what is the difference between that and Mars hitting the earth?

"Lily, you~"

Erica suddenly showed a helpless expression.

"It's obviously a good thing, why can't you figure it out?"

"Good thing?"

Liliana suddenly showed a blank expression, and then she said with a strange expression:

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