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Chapter 188:

"Fighting with orangutans is actually a good thing?"

The words fell, and Liliana realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly covered her mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to slander Sir Salvatore."

At this time, Su Jin and Erica looked at each other, shrugged and said:

"No, in a sense, your judgment is correct."

After saying this, Erica moved her buttocks, quietly leaned against Su Jin, and said with a smile:

"Lily, you have to know that we two are still knights in southern Europe!"

"What's wrong with that?" Liliana wondered.

Erica raised her eyelids and glanced at Su Jin, who nodded slightly, and she sighed:

"So in name, we are still subordinates of Lord Salvatore, and if the king meets with Lord Salvatore, this subordination can be..."

"Well, you know." Erica winked at Liliana.

"You mean!" Liliana suddenly showed a stunned expression.

The purpose of Su Jin's appointment to meet the King of Swords is to take away their subordinate rights?

Wait a minute, isn't this the scene of rescuing the imprisoned female knight from the hands of the demon king with a broken head?

Looking at Liliana, whose face was even redder in front of her, Su Jin couldn't help but chuckle.

After that, he turned his head to look at Erica, who was already attached to his arm.

The title has changed from Qing to king... This Milanese lioness, after her pride was broken, is more interesting than she thought... and she is very clingy... Su Jin complained in her heart.

At this time, Erica, who noticed Su Jin's gaze, showed him a charming smile.

Su Jin smiled back, and then changed the subject: "Speaking of which, Mekal seems to be called Baal, right?"


Liliana nodded and explained:

"Mekal is the name of the ancient inhabitants of Sardinia, and the official name should be the master of the Semitic people, which is the name of Baal."

"And in some records, the greatest enemy of the Lord of the Crusaders is Baal."

At this time, Su Jin rubbed his chin and said, "I heard that the gods of the Cross religion rarely turn into disobedience?"

"There is a saying in the Council of the Wise in England on this."

Erica next to her explained with a smile:

"The more powerful the gods served by the sects, the more satisfied with the state of the myth, so it is naturally difficult for a **** of disobedience who resists the myth to be born."

"It is said that the Council of Sages also tried to study how to let the gods of Cross religion and Buddhism descend, but it seems that it was banned by the contemporary speaker in the end."

"It seems that the research has yielded results?" Su Jin showed an expression of interest at this time.

"Judging from the serious official denial, it should be."

Erica said with a smile.

"After all, what those English pirates like best is to publicly deny the truth."

Liliana's mouth twitched when she heard this, but she had to admit that those pirates really had such a style.

Su Jin nodded slightly, and then said, "Add me the itinerary for visiting the Council of Sages."

"Yes, my king." Erica smiled and took out the notebook.

After giving the order, Su Jin leaned on the back of the chair, found a comfortable position, and narrowed his eyes:

"Baal...the Crusaders..."

The sedan sprinted toward the ruins on the highway.

But halfway through.

The sky that was already in the middle of the night suddenly thundered with lightning.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the cars on the highway.

A lion composed of golden thunders appeared in midair to block the attack.

Immediately afterwards, the dull thunder was long overdue.

At this time, the car that braked suddenly stopped.

Su Jin, who was sitting in the car, raised his head slightly, his eyes crossed the roof of the car and looked at the sky.

Where, a tall and strong man is looking down here.

At this time, the strong man who found Su Jin's sight suddenly showed extremely solemn eyes.

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"Scared me."

Erica, who had just got off the bus, almost felt her legs go weak.

That's what it feels like to be as terrified as finding yourself being targeted by a nuke.

Although Mekal's greeting of thunder and lightning did not reach the destructive power of a nuclear bomb, the deterrent effect was not bad at all.

At this time, Liliana, who got off the car on the other side, also looked at the sky with lingering fear:

"Is that Mekal, the god-king of the Mediterranean, over there?"

above the sky.

More than two meters tall, the sturdy man is stepping on the thundercloud.

He has unkempt hair, the lower half of his face is covered by a thick beard, and he is only dressed in tattered rags and leather, and a cloak full of holes.

Although it looks like a savage, it has an inexplicable sacredness and majesty, as if it is an interpretation of the beliefs of the barbarian era.

At this time, Su Jin, who got out of the car, patted his sneakers, then raised his head, and said a little unhappily:

"Actually ambushing and attacking halfway, is the so-called king of gods just a coward?"

At this time, Mekal in the sky stared at Su Jin and said in a muffled voice:

"Is that you, the guy who took the old man's prey and killed that hateful war god!"


Su Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked at the sword marks left on Mekal's chest and said:

"I personally think you should thank me. If I hadn't killed Welleslaner, your injury wouldn't have healed so quickly, and it's even less likely that you would dare to provoke me."


Mekal snorted and said in a bad tone:

"Just killing a little thief, do you think you've got the old man!"

"Too sweet boy!"

Two huge wooden sticks appeared in Mekal's hands.

That is the divine weapon that Mekal obtained by defeating the Dragon King, a magic club that contains the power of 'pursuit' and 'exile'.

"Just killing Athena and Veleslana, the old man will let you understand what is the real king of gods!"

"Oh? Did you see through that I only killed two gods?"

Su Jin showed a playful smile at this time:

"It seems that Pandora's spell is very obvious!"

The so-called 'Pandora's spell' is a disguise that Pandora added to Su Jin while crying.

For now, this camouflage appears to be very successful.

At least, the 'real king' above didn't see through this.

Mekal clenched the artifact tightly and started with a long-range thunder attack.

A purple lightning flashed across the sky, hitting Su Jin directly.

At this time, the golden lion, who had blocked the thunder before, roared and rushed forward:


"Mere beast!"

Mekal let out a roar, manipulated the stick, and smashed it down at the lion's golden head.


A dull voice sounded.

"Heh!" Mekal sneered, and then his expression was instantly wrong.

Attacks that were enough to kill the dragon didn't seem to work at all.

At this time, the lion's golden raised his claws high, revealing the sharp animal claws, and then swung down suddenly.


Mekal turned into a ray of light and smashed directly on the road in the distance. A loud sound and a lot of morning fog rose, followed by a large-scale tremor in the entire island of Sardinia.

Erica frantically used magic to stabilize her body, while her scalp tingled as she looked at the huge mushroom cloud not far away.

"Just one hit..."

Liliana, who was next to him, looked at the golden lion above the sky and turned pale.

In her line of sight, the sky above is not a golden lion at all, but a dazzling sun!

"Don't use your spiritual vision to see."

Su Jin gave a hint, then turned to look at the unhappy Beast in the sky, scratched his head and said:

"The control is too bad, No. 5."


The lion's gold let out an embarrassing low-pitched cry, and then turned into a ray of light in an instant, submerging into Su Jin's body.

At this time, Liliana, who turned off Spirit Vision next to him, looked at Su Jin worriedly and said:

"Wang, how strong is the power, isn't the side effect..."

She said that she did not dare to go on.

The power of the godslayer has its own side effects, this is the information secretly announced by the Council of Sages.

And the stronger the power, the greater the side effects, which is also common sense in the magic world.

At this time, Liliana had to worry about Su Jin's state when she saw that Su Jin used a single blow to defeat Mekal's 'power'.

"side effect?"

Hearing this, Su Jin was stunned for a moment. He was about to say something, but then changed his tune instantly. He turned to look at Liliana, and then coughed dryly:

"In terms of side effects, it's probably sucking the blood of a girl like a vampire, right? The higher the spiritual power of the witch, the better the effect."

"In this case, Wang, please drink my blood."

Liliana decisively untied her shawl and pulled the collar of her clothes, revealing a clean neck.

"If that's not enough for Lily, Wang, please enjoy this."

Erica directly unbuttoned her shirt. "The side effects won't take effect until two hours later, and we will have time to solve it. The top priority is to solve Mekal."

Su Jin was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Liliana and Erica were a little hesitant, but then, feeling the breath of death, they couldn't help but take a few steps back and looked in the direction of the breath.

That's the direction Merkal fell.

At this time, amidst the dense humming, a black cloud floated towards Su Jin.

Looking at the dark cloud carefully, Erica's face suddenly turned pale.

"This is, locust?!"

That's right, the dark cloud that came was clearly an army of black and green locusts.

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