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Chapter 190:

"Su Jin?" Tony squinted his eyes and said, "Do you have any photos?"

"It's in the phone." Andre moved his eyes towards the phone on the table.

Brush it.

Tony grabbed the phone, clicked it and looked at the photo, then smiled:

"Lend me the phone to use!"


Andre was stunned for a moment, then his expression became horrified:

"Tony, this is heaven, heaven! Don't open the hatch!"

At this time, the cabin door opened and the wind whistled, and Tony laughed at the same time:

"The speed of the plane is too slow, I'll go first, Andre! Just lend me your phone for a while!"

"Bastard, come back to me!"

Andre used magic to strengthen his body and rushed up, but he didn't catch Tony and could only watch him jump into the sea.

"Tony, you wait for me, this is not over—!"


Sardinia, private beach.

Su Jin was wearing big pants, lying on the reclining chair, looking at the blond sea horses who came out to swim in the morning.

These people are all senior girls sent by the local magic association to play with them, pure first-hand goods.

However, due to too much exercise last night, Su Jin could only lie on the beach alone, watching where these girls were looking at the beach volleyball, jumping, jumping and disappearing.

At this time, while lying down and admiring, Su Jin commented:

"Tsk tsk, none of them are as good as Erica and Liliana, but unfortunately they can't leave the hotel, otherwise it would be a good time to call them out to play together."

After muttering for a while, Su Jin raised his eyebrows, but realized that the person he was waiting for had arrived.

At this time, on the sea in the distance, a white wave rose into the sky.

"Is that, a shark?"

The **** the beach stopped and looked flustered.

At this time, the white waves were getting closer and closer, until they revealed their true colors.

It was a blond young man wearing sunglasses and short sleeves.

Su Jin calmly picked up the iced lemon sprite on the side, and raised a glass to the young man who was swimming.

"Hey!" Tony chuckled lightly and jumped up from the water. In a burst of exclamation, he landed on the beach with a thud.

The splashed sand disappeared in mid-air as it approached Su Jin.

Stepping on the beach, Salvatore Toni said bluntly, "Fights, bros?"


Su Jin was surprised, smiled and suffocated Sprite, and then said comfortably:

"How about a different place?"

"Okay!" Tony said with a hearty smile.

0238 Magic Sword vs Holy Sword

Cagliari city harbour.

Su Jin, who was about to board the speedboat, looked at Erica and Liliana standing on the pier and felt helpless.

"I said you two don't have a good rest, what are you doing here when you have nothing to do?"

At this time, Erica said with a warm smile on her face:

"The knight and the king are one, don't you think so?"

"I'm just, just a little worried..."

Liliana, who was beside her, fiddled with her fingers and seemed a little shy.

"Forget it, let's go with you."

Su Jin shrugged helplessly at this time, then turned to look at Salvatore Tony and said:

"How about two more spectators?"

"It doesn't matter, brother!"

Wearing sunglasses, short sleeves and flared trousers, Salvatore Tony laughed like a tropical boy, patted Su Jin on the shoulder and said:

"As long as you don't mind."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Erica with a strange expression:

"Speaking of which, you are that Alyssa with red eyes, right?"

"It's Erica of the copper and black cross. We met for the second time, dear Salvatore."

Erica replied with a smile on her face, but if you look closely, you can still feel the stiffness in her smile.

"Well, you can call it anything."

Tony scratched his head and pointed to the captain's room of the yacht with a helpless expression:

"My brother and I were worried that no one would drive you on a yacht, who would you?"

"I have a driving license." Erica responded, then looked at Su Jin suspiciously and said, "Wang, this yacht is..."

Su Jin's engagement with Salvatore Toni is classified.

Even the two of them got Su Jin's position after asking Athena.

The question is, who prepared the yacht?

"No." Su Jin pouted towards the sea.

Erica turned her head to look, but saw several young men and women.

Did you steal it? It really fits the behavior of gorilla thinking... Erica's expression subtly thought.

"Don't pay attention to some details~"

Tony laughed at this, then looked at Liliana and said:

"That Teresa, didn't you say you can drive a yacht? Come on up."

"I'm Liliana of the Bronze Black Cross, Lord Salvatore, and, just now, it wasn't me who said 'I can drive a yacht'."

Liliana responded awkwardly at this time.

"Sorry, you two look so alike, hahaha!"

Tony scratched his head at this time, and then laughed.

Su Jin next to him was also a little speechless about Tony's talent for recognizing people, and sighed:

"Come up, this time the target is an uninhabited island near Sardinia, don't worry, we will control some of our strength."

Erica and Liliana looked at each other, and then got on the boat and took the initiative to work in the cockpit.

After the yacht started, Tony pulled up a chair on the deck and said with a smile:

"Brother, do you like those two knights?"

"A bit." Su Jin glanced at Tony suspiciously, as if surprised that he actually understood the concept of 'like'.

"Then they will send you off, oh, I remember they should be my subordinates?"

Tony obviously had no impression of the two of them, but only remembered that they were his subordinates.

Hearing this, Su Jin raised his eyebrows, also found a reclining chair to lie down and said, "Thank you so much."

In a sense, it is very easy to cause conflict when the Magic Association changes its allegiance.

Because it is difficult for a magic association to change the ruled area, changing the object is often equivalent to dividing the area.

Tony now is equivalent to handing over the control of Italy and handing over part of it to Su Jin.

In a sense, this is a very generous act.

Of course, this is also related to Tony not caring about the site at all.

At this time, Tony, who was lying down, suddenly restrained his smile and asked solemnly:

"Brother, have you practiced swords? I can feel the sharpness of your hands."


Su Jin's answer was very surprised. He was indeed honing his swordsmanship. Of course, he was honing the "Holy Sword" of the Capricornus Gold Saint.

This is the sword of judgment that can be successful only by constantly refining the limbs in the small universe and practicing it to the extreme.

Even if this move is in its infancy, it has the power to sever the planet.

However, in fact, Su Jin's practice time is still short, and even the prototype has not been achieved, but he has already gained some experience.

However, he was a little surprised that Salvatore could perceive it.

After all, the key point of this trick is concealment. Although it is said to be a holy sword, it is actually a limb that has been tempered to the extreme. Even people with a small universe may not be able to see through it.

But Salvatore was still keenly aware.

"I'm surprised why I feel it?"

Tony seemed to see through Su Jin's surprise, grinned and said:

"Because of the smell, the smell! My silver hand of power has a similar smell to yours."

"Is that the case, the silver hand that tears everything?"

Su Jin showed a clear expression at this time.

The reason why Salvatore was called the King of Swords was the silver hand that ripped apart all things from the power of the Celtic god-king.

Its ability is to 'cut everything'.

And Su Jin also has a similar power.

That is the No. 6 Familiar Beast of the Fourth Primogenitor, the Rainbow Flame of Ming Ji, its ability is also to cut off everything, and it can also cut off the law of causality.

The ability of Ming Ji's Rainbow Flame is somewhat similar to the scene when the holy sword was completed, so Su Jin also tried to simulate the ability of No. 6 and integrate it into his hands.

It turned out that he felt a similar ability... Su Jin smiled dumbly at this time, and then said:

"Do you want to compete in sword fighting?"


Tony hehe smiled and said:

"Among the compatriots, only the monster in Jidong and you have practiced swordsmanship. I have fought against the monster in Jidong, and I have benefited a lot. Now I naturally want to fight with you."

"The monster from the extreme east? Is it the leader of Luo Hao?"

Su Jin looked at him in surprise, then smiled:

"It's a shame you were able to escape from that sect master."

"Where there."

Tony rubbed his nose and said cheerfully:

"Actually, it's just a discussion. After all, we people don't have much fun on weekdays. It's good to make a noise every now and then to relax."

There is no deep hatred between the godslayers, and even close in strength and status, they feel a little sympathetic to each other.

Therefore, life-and-death battles between godslayers are extremely rare, and hardly ever occur.

"Of course, Mr. Vauban can't do it. He hates others to take his prey, but if you just ask him to learn from him, he is still happy."

Tony said with a smile at this time:

"I can see that you will definitely pick all the contemporary godslayers like me, so you will definitely conflict with the old man. I guess he will chase you for a long time as if he were chasing me."

Can I challenge all of them in the name of learning from each other? This is a good excuse, but I must be hunted down by Vauban? Thinking of this, Su Jin said with a speechless expression:

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