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Chapter 191:

"It's clear that you stole the Marquis Vauban's prey, and he doesn't want to see you, right?"

Sacha Dejansdal Vauban, known as the Marquis of Vauban, held a descending ceremony four years ago, and was killed by Tony in the first place, so the two became enemies.

In a sense, this is indeed Tony's pot.

"Hahaha, I accidentally bumped into the old man who was summoning the gods, so my hands were itchy for a while."

Tony himself is not ashamed of this matter, and even proudly said:

"It's really exciting to be able to grab the prey in the hands of the old man and escape successfully. I was chased by him for a long time."

"Is he not serious?" Su Jin asked curiously at this time.

"That's not it, it's just a tantrum. The old man is afraid that I will counterattack temporarily, and he didn't kill him."

"So this kind of thing, if you grab it, you will grab it. In fact, there is nothing at all, hahaha~"

Tony laughed loudly, then narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the deserted island that appeared in his field of vision, his eyes condensed and said:

"Looks like it's somewhere."

He got up from the reclining chair, picked up the shoulder bag beside him, and said with a smile:

"I call my trick a magic sword, brother, what about yours?"

"Holy Sword." Su Jin replied.


Tony was surprised, and then laughed out loud:

"Then next, it's the duel between the magic sword and the holy sword! I'm looking forward to it!"

The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched slightly and said:

"I guess I'll disappoint you."

"Will it be?" Tony was surprised, then suddenly raised his head, looked at the sky, and said badly, "It's over, Andre actually came after him."

At this moment, in the sky in the distance, a jet fighter rushed over, and there was a howl from above:

"Tony! Kill me!"


Looking at the fighter jet that was swooping down, ready to commit suicide by kamikaze, Su Jin raised his brows, turned into light, and came to the deserted island with Erica and Liliana in his arms.


There has been a huge expansion of fighter jets and cruise ships.

At this time, Erica and Liliana, who had just adapted to the change in displacement, stared at the sky-high firelight in astonishment:

"Isn't it? Are you playing so big!"

And in the blazing fire, Tony's scolding voice came out:

"Andre, what are you stopping me for?"

"I won't stop you, I just want to beat you up and give me my life!"

Looking at the two people who were fighting each other in the firelight and gunpowder in the distance, Su Jin tilted his head, looked at Erica and said:

"These two people are very interesting, isn't it? Is the relationship between the king and the knight like this?"

At this time, Erica smiled and said, "If you want Wang, I can do the same to you."

Su Jin said calmly at this time:

"I'm afraid I'll spoil Liliana alone after that. Be prepared, Erica."

"Ehhh!" Liliana's shocked voice sounded on the deserted island.

Chapter 0239 The gap is only a little bit

After the fight was over, Tony, who had nothing to do with himself, and Andre, who was wearing a pig's head, went to the island.

"Haha, it seems that the ship is not saved, it's a bit difficult to do now!"

As soon as he got up, Tony touched the back of his head and laughed.

"Please rest assured, when the two exchanged warmly, I had already instructed the person with the red copper and black cross to send the boat over."

Erica responded with a smile at this time, and at the same time bowed slightly towards the pig head next to her:

"Long time no see, Knight Andre."

"A child prodigy of the red copper and black cross?"

Andre stared at a laughing face and said unhappily:

"Find a good backer."

When he said this, Andre stared at Su Jin next to him, the more he thought about it, the more unpleasant he felt, so he couldn't help but knocked Tony a 'chestnut':

"Tony, look at Su Jinqing, can't you study hard?"

"What are you learning?" Tony scratched his head and said blankly.

"Tolerance, self-restraint, and domineering as a devil!" Andre said, hating iron.

"Oh~! Brother, you have these things!" Tony looked at Su Jin and said in surprise.

"What do you mean, so you have to learn it for me!" Andre next to him tapped Tony on the head again.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin's mouth twitched, and his expression was a little subtle.

Does he really have what Andre said? Why doesn't he know that he has the domineering power of a demon king?

"Those are not important."

Tony shook his head, then took out a sword from the bag he was carrying, his face suddenly serious:

"Do you want to start right here?"

"Yes." Su Jin's answer has always been very straightforward.

In other words, he was eager to fight Tony once, so that he could take the opportunity to penetrate the surgery into the opponent's body.

Beside him, Andre's face changed greatly, and he quickly gave Erica and Liliana a wink.

The three immediately exchanged information with their eyes, quickly backed away, and ran towards the other side of the island.

In the process of escaping, Andre asked in a steady voice:

"Hey, red copper and black cross, what's the matter with your king? Why go crazy with Tony?"

"Maybe it's just an occasional willfulness?" Erica said with a smile.

On the side, Liliana replied: "The king is probably for my and Erica's subordination..."


Erica next to him glared at Liliana, doesn't this stupid child know that this kind of information can also be used for benefits?

"So that's the case, he is a king who values ​​his subordinates, that's great..."

Andrew's real name made an envious voice.

After sighing, he glanced at Erica and cursed inwardly: 'Little fox. ’

It seems that there is no benefit to cheating... Erica is helpless, but she still maintains an elegant smile.

The three quickly escaped for 2 kilometers, and then Liliana took the lead in slowing down:

"It should be alright here, right?"

"Not enough!" ×2

Erica and Andrea said in unison.

After escaping another three kilometers and reaching the other side of the island, Erica stopped:

"Probably here should be enough, right?"

"You think too much."

Andre sneered, then pointed to the island in the distance opposite and said:

"At least flee there, and be prepared for a tsunami."

"Then how do we watch the battle?" Liliana looked at the island in the distance in shock: "At that distance, I'm afraid the magic of clairvoyance can't be used?"

"Don't worry, I've already left the surveillance equipment on the island."

Andre said this and stepped directly on the sea, but it was used for the magic of walking on the sea.

Seeing this, Erica and Liliana looked at each other, one used the leap, and the other simply used the flying technique to move towards the island within sight.

At this time, the island.

Tony took out an ordinary knight's sword, and the silver light suddenly formed from his shoulder, and then spread to the sword, turning the ordinary knight's sword into a magic sword exuding terrifying magic power:

"They seem to have run away, Sa, let's start, bro!"

Tony looked at Su Jin who was standing in front of him and recited Yan Ling in a low voice:

【Swear here! I don't allow anything that I can't cut to exist. This sword is an invincible blade that can cut through everything on the ground! 】

Accompanied by the spirit of words sent out in a state of rapidity, the slash that ripped apart the world was striking at Su Jin!

However this time...

Su Jin raised his hand.


Tony's eyes widened, looking at the two unscathed fingers blocking the blade, showing a stunned expression:

"how come?"

"I said, it will disappoint you."

Su Jin's **** were slightly bent, holding down Tony's magic sword, and then raised his unremarkable right arm.

Then, the right arm turned into light and swung down brazenly.

—Holy Sword!


Blood splattered out, and Salvatore Tony was cut in half with an absolutely severe slash.


Liliana, who flew away from the sea, was about to speed up when she suddenly heard the ringing of her mobile phone.


Liliana paused, stopped, and took the phone out of her pocket.

At this time, Erica, who was still about to take off on the sea, suddenly stopped and said in surprise:

"Lily, what's wrong?"

"...The king's phone." Liliana replied in a confused tone.

"Huh?" Erica froze.

Andre, who was running fast beside him, also stopped and looked at Liliana in surprise.

At this time, Liliana pressed the answer button on the phone, and Su Jin's voice came over immediately:

"Come back, the discussion is over."


Andre screamed, turned his head to look at the island behind, and then his pupils shrank.

At this time, Erica's mouth twitched slightly, and she also looked at the island behind:

"We only ran out 10 meters, didn't we?"

Is the battle over? It was agreed that the two kings would not meet, and the mountains would be shaken and the earth torn apart at first sight?

What about the humanoid self-propelled natural disaster generator, how long has it been since then?

At this moment, Liliana above the sky muttered incredulously to herself:

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