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Chapter 192:

"Is there a difference in strength among the kings?"

On the phone that didn't hang up, Su Jin just said gently:

"I'm just a little bit better than Tony."

"A little bit?" Andre's expression twisted.

God **** a little bit!

These words deceived others, but they could not deceive him Andre.

He, Andre, and Tony have fought in the north and south for the past few days. All the kings have fought each other, and each fight is indistinguishable, and he can't stop it within a few hours.

And now, how long has it been?

How long have they been gone? 2 minutes, 3 minutes? No, considering the time Tony will definitely give him to retreat, the time for the official fight will definitely not exceed 30 seconds.

In 30 seconds, Tony was killed?

Andre was suddenly silent at this time, and after a long time, he sighed:

"Tony, I'm afraid there is a big gap between you and Su Jinqing!"

"Go back?" In the sky, Liliana asked with her head lowered.

"Go back!" Erica gritted her teeth.

A deserted island where they fought.

The three who returned here silently looked at the corpse that was split into two pieces on the ground, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"King, you mean Salvatore..." Erica showed a panicked expression at this time.

"You're not dead, Tony." Andre went up and kicked Tony.

At this time, Tony, who was cut in half, lined up his legs and scolded:

"Don't bother me, let's reminisce!"

"..." Erica and Liliana were silent for a while.

At this time, Tony's pale face showed a smile and said:

"Brother, is this your holy sword?"


Standing opposite, Su Jin, leaning on a rock, nodded.

Tony smiled at this time, and said with a very bright smile: "A very good sword!"

After he finished speaking, he looked up at the sky and muttered to himself:

"It turns out that swordsmanship can crush atoms..."

Tony finished muttering and said with a smile:

"Man, are you going to fight that monster?"

"Yes!" Su Jin nodded.

At this time, Tony laughed and said: "That's good, let the crazy woman who thinks he is standing on the top of the sword see what a real sword is!"

At this time, Su Jin said jokingly, "I want her to see what a vajra is."

"Ah?" Tony froze for a moment, puzzled.

At this moment, Erica and Liliana who were beside them blushed and spat softly.

"Forget it if you don't understand." Su Jin pretended not to see the girl's expression at this time, and said calmly.

At this time, seeing the end of the exchange between Su Jin and Tony, Andre said:

"Su Jinqing, I thank you on behalf of this incompetent guy in my family."

Andre is now thanking Su Jin for not killing him. He understands Tony's character very well.

Tony's character is easy to say in the face of people of the same level, but in the face of stronger than expected, it is easy to be killed.

At this time, Su Jin was able to keep his hand, and naturally got Andre's gratitude.

He didn't want to taste the loss of his best friend yet.

"Just a little thing."

Su Jin nodded slightly, then looked at Erica and Liliana and said:

"The boat is coming, how about going to the beach next?"

"If you don't mind slowing down your journey to England, I think I'd be happy."

Hearing this, Erica pulled her hair together and said with a smile.

At this time, Liliana responded with a panicked face: "Beach? But I don't have a swimsuit..."

Erica next to her suddenly teased: "Oh, does Lily want the king to choose a swimsuit for you? How bold."

Hearing this, Su Jin immediately smiled and said:

"Huh? I won't be tired after you say that. Let's go to the swimsuit store next?"

"Then I agree for Lily first." Erica said with a smile.

Liliana looked at Su Jin and then at Erica, who was grinning badly, and suddenly said in exasperation:

"Erica, I'm going to duel with you!"

"Swimsuit duel? I agree, but the beach has to be cleared first."

"Damn, you know that's not what I'm talking about!"

Next to him, Su Jin watched the two of them fight, and at the same time aimed at Tony, who was regenerating, from the corner of his eyes.

Looking at the small cosmic brilliance permeating the opponent's cells and atoms, Su Jin slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

"The Council of Sages in England, the Papal State, and the monsters in the extreme east..."

Su Jin looked at the beach and muttered to himself.

Chapter 0240 White Princess

England, Greenwich, London, Council of the Sages.

A four-storey red brick building built in the Victorian era is rarely lit at night.

This is the headquarters of the Council of Sages, which originally did not support night operations, but due to unexpected news, their main members held a temporary meeting here overnight.

"The seventh godslayer is born? Is it true?"

"Can't be sure, but members of the Italian group sent word of sightings."

"Can you confirm the identity of the seventh person? At least pass the witness information on his appearance and name."

"The name and appearance have been determined, but it is impossible to determine whether it is really the seventh. The bronze black cross and the red copper black cross blocked the information."

"The intelligence was blocked, so it's probably true, but the bronze black cross and the red copper black cross, these two mortal enemies will actually join forces?"

"It seems that the prodigy of the two families became the knight of the seventh king."

"Huh, is it a beauty plan? It seems that these two families have thoroughly studied Sun Tzu's art of war in the east."

"Can the seventh slaughtering **** be identified? Have you observed the manifestation of power?"

"At present, it is temporarily determined that the **** of the seventh king's first killing is Athena. After that, the new king hurried to Sardinia, suspected of fighting the gods who descended there."

"Preparing to kill the second **** so soon? Has Yi Dali produced another king of swords?"

The belligerence of the King of Swords is extremely famous among the godslayers. If the seventh is the same, then the contact should be cautious.

"And based on the name, the new king seems to be from the Eastern Celestial Dynasty."

"Hey! It's a lot of fun, the monster in the extreme east is not a good thing."

The appearance of two demon kings in a country seems to be a gift from God, but it is actually a painful curse.

It is not uncommon in history that king-to-king battles lead to the division of the country.

"Speaker, what should we do now?"

"Nothing to do. The goal of the council is to investigate the existence and movements of the gods and kings, and to clean up the mess for them. If there is really going to be a fight between the two kings, then we have to wait until the end of the battle on the Celestial Dynasty."

"Speaker, then we don't do anything?"

"Doing nothing is not enough. You can send the information to the special advisor, and let the White Princess use her spiritual vision to confirm the correctness of the information. If possible, let her predict the danger."

"Yes, Speaker."

The residence of the Duke of Godeting.

Patricia Ericsson, holding a stack of documents, pushed her thinly framed eyes, and entered the mansion with a heavy expression.

And the person she wants to meet is the highest priest in Europe who has stepped down as the chairman of the Council of Sages and is currently involved in the operation of the Council of Sages as a special advisor.

She is also the daughter of the Duke of Godedding, a willful woman with the title of "White Princess".

Full name: Her Royal Highness Princess Alice Louis Of Nafal.

Passing through the luxuriously decorated hall full of aristocratic atmosphere, Ericsson came directly to the bedroom and opened the door with the key.

In an unusually spacious and European-style room, a beautiful white woman in her twenties with shining blond hair was leaning against the head of the bed and sighed softly:

"Miss Ericsson, go and don't tell me that something troublesome was sent to me?"

"Isn't this expected for you with the highest spiritual vision?"

Ericsson pushed up his glasses and said bluntly.

"Just because I expected it, I knew it was a big trouble."

Alice grumbled, then looked at her secretary and tutor:

"I have a hunch that this is something that has something to do with God."

"Your hunch has always been accurate."

Ericsson went up calmly, handed the document over, and said at the same time:

"The seventh king was born. His name is Su Jin, from the Celestial Dynasty. The background is still under investigation. The **** who was fighting is suspected to be Athena."

"Athena? The ancient Mother of the Trinity?"

Alice was surprised, picked up the file, frowned and said:

"Intelligence control? How could the colleagues on Italy's side be so unwise, um, most likely it was an order from the godslayer."

In Europe, because of the danger of the godslayer, the information of the godslayer is shared among the large-scale magic associations. This is a necessary and helpless measure to prevent fools from provoking those natural disasters and affecting themselves.

"Do you want me to use my spiritual vision to confirm the accuracy of the information?" Alice asked.

"That's what the current Speaker requested."

Ericsson stood upright beside Alice, pushed his glasses and said:

"Of course, given your current physical condition, I would not recommend such behavior."

It seems that because of her outstanding talent, the poor and weak body of the white princess Alice is not enough to support her powerful witch bloodline.

So long ago, Alice was in a state where she could no longer go to the ground.

This is also the reason why she will step down as the speaker of the Council of Sages and conduct remote command as a special advisor.

However, because of intelligence control, Alice's curiosity was raised:

"It's okay to just quietly confirm your identity."

After all, the Council of Sages was originally a gathering of good people.

Among them, the wandering magician in the subway, the unwilling priest, the rude folklore expert, the priest with strange sexual fetishes, the artist with strange personality, the poor with only money, and the royal family with only noble name.

These strange people came together because of curiosity and formed the Council of Sages, which has become a well-known intelligence agency in Europe over the years.

Therefore, Alice is naturally curious about the true rulers of the magic world, the godslayers.

Especially in a state of intelligence control.

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