Thank You

Chapter 194:


The crowd nodded again and again, but shook their heads frantically:

"No no no no."

Alice laughed immediately, but was stunned and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you think I would believe such reasons?"

At this time, Huck, as the speaker, coughed:

"Your Highness Princess, you must understand that Qing's status is really too noble."

The subtext is that their daughter sent over, her status is too low, and Su Jin will treat him with contempt.

"You mean..." Alice finally noticed the blind spot.

If you want to meet the Demon King, you have to be qualified, and not only qualified, but also the highest.

In the Council of Sages, people with the highest status and beautiful women seem to be...

"Want me?" Alice's expression stiffened at this time.

"This is a great idea!"

Speaker Huck suddenly said in a passionate voice:

"I didn't expect that Her Royal Highness would have such a realization. I really admire it."

An old congressman also admired at this time:

"In the old sayings of the East, Her Royal Highness, the princess, is truly a role model for my generation."

"Her Royal Highness is Miao Ling, and she is indeed the best candidate."

Looking at the gentlemen and ladies wearing high hats, Alice smiled and looked at the people who dared to speak.

"I remember you..." Her eyes clearly revealed such a meaning.

At this moment, Su Jin arrived at the London Hotel, where the news that he was adjusting the jet lag came on time.

Chapter 0242 White Fox

The door of the hotel's luxury suite.

The door was opened, and Liliana came in and said, "King, Her Royal Highness Princess White has arrived."

At this time, Su Jin was lying on the sofa wearing a nightgown and resting his feet on the low stool.

In front of him, Erica was squatting on the ground, clipping his toenails.

In a sense, this is a very bad picture.

Because of such a picture, Leng turned the style of this high-end hotel suite into some kind of club.

Su Jin noticed this and said immediately.

"Let her wait a moment."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head, looked at Erica and said:

"Okay, Erica, it's time to stop our entertainment. A knight like this can't be seen by others."

"I'm glad you said that."

Erica, who was holding the pedicure tool, raised her head and winked playfully:

"But don't you think this can give the princess a better deterrent?"

Su Jin complained at this time, "No, I think she will only think that I insult women."

Erica is the niece of Paul Browntree, who was once Alice's guardian knight.

The only junior of the trusted knight gave a pedicure to a man in the hotel, and no matter how he thought about it, Erica was a very subtle identity.

For example, some kind of technician.

Erica said with a smile at this time:

"So you admit that I do this to make you have bad thoughts?"

At this time, Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said, "If you don't want to go down to the ground in three days, I suggest you continue to provoke me."

Erica took a sip, put away the little props, and stood behind Su Jin.

"Why don't you persevere?" Su Jin said playfully.

Erica smiled and said, "King, let Lily help you with this kind of thing."

"Erica!" Liliana at the door was suddenly embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin shrugged, put his feet off the low stool, and said to Liliana:

"Let her in."

Liliana glared at Erica, closed the door, and after a while, the door opened again.

"Guian, Su Jinqing."

With splendid blond hair and wearing a decent white dress, the white princess, who is clearly over twenty-five years old, but still pure and beautiful, walked in slowly.

Su Jin raised his eyebrows and read out the name of the person: "Alice Louis Of Nafal?"

When he said this, he looked at Alice with a playful expression and said, "It doesn't seem like it's the right time for women to visit, right?"

It's 11 o'clock at night, and in a sense, it's really not suitable for single women to visit others.

However, Su Jin's ridicule did not affect Alice at all.

She walked in front of Su Jin, gave a slight salute and said:

"Because of the impatience of some gentlemen, I have to meet with Qing in this posture, and I hope you will forgive me."

"Soul avatar?" Su Jin saw through Alice's real body at a glance.

With a part of the spirit and soul as the core, it is a soul avatar that is manipulated at a distance.

In other words, the Princess Alice in front of her is not the deity.

"Yes, I had to do it because I was frail and sick since I was a child."

Alice smiled and explained why she did this, lest Su Jin think she was being looked down upon.

"That's a little heard."

Su Jin shrugged, then asked with a smile:

"So, what's the point of Princess White's late-night visit? Or, is she simply trying to add an explosive headline to the newspaper?"

In London, Alice the White Princess is a well-deserved celebrity and the subject of newspaper coverage.

For reasons, the most beautiful heir to the empire since the eighteenth century will suffice.

Such a topical person, but also a single woman, visits a hotel where a man is located. If the reporter finds out, it is strange that they do not compete to report.

Hearing this sentence, the smile on Alice's face almost couldn't be kept.

"You don't want to reveal this meeting to the media, do you?"

Alice said with deep suspicion, because Su Jin's words gave her an ominous premonition.

And for the Miko, the hunch is often very accurate.

At this time, Su Jin thought of Erica and waved, who immediately came over with a bottle of champagne and two mugs.

"It's not the question that I don't reveal... It's the question that the reporter at the door of the hotel wants to reveal."

Alice's expression changed slightly, and then she suddenly understood something and sighed:

"I think Qing has misunderstood. Those people are not reporters, but members of Wangli Factory."

Su Jin said with a little surprise: "The subordinate of the black prince?"

Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne, a godslayer from Ingili.

Unlike the King of Swords who accepted the allegiance of the old faction, he formed a personal faction [Wangli Factory] and continued to be active as a godslayer.

In a sense, the current English magic world is divided into two parts.

The old elite association united by the Council of Sages, and the grassroots of the Wangli Factory.

The two sides are not fighting once or twice.

While reporters belonging to Wangli Factory were staying at the hotel, Su Jin couldn't help but be surprised:

"Is Gascoigne following me?"

"Although there is no explicit statement, our country is indeed the territory of the Black Prince."

Alice added with a smile at this time.

Erica next to her saw this scene with a playful expression.

It was obvious that they fought to death internally, and the Council of Sages and Wangli Factory had fought more than a hundred times, but outside, the Council of Sages was still a loyal subject known as the Black Prince.

In a sense, the magic world in England is also a strange one.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes at this time, smiled and said:

"In other words, Gascoigne is blaming me for not greeting the owner of the site right away?"

Alice shook her head and said at the same time:

"No no no, Black Prince Qing is not such a person. Compared with you, I have a deep relationship with that person. He is a demon king who is good at resourcefulness. It is normal for him to collect information."

At this time, the corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched slightly, and said with a smile:

"I heard that there is an old saying in the upper echelons of England."

"If you want to kill someone, you have to pretend to be his best friend, walk behind him, and shoot from behind, right?"

When Alice heard this, her smile remained the same.

And Su Jin shrugged and said:

"There's no need to change the subject there. My goal is the Council of Sages. It's useless to try to disrupt the situation by trying to pull Gascoyne into the water."

Su Jin said this, smiled and said:

"By the way, I don't mind joining forces with Gascoigne to teach the Council of Sages a lesson."

Although Alice's expression was still smiling, there was no smile in her eyes.

"The Council of Sages is willing to cooperate with all your actions."

Su Jin raised his brows at this time and asked, "Including giving me the research report on the power of the Godkiller?"

Alice's expression suddenly changed.

Chapter 0243 Alice discovered the big secret

"You're joking, the Council of Sages is an organization that studies the gods of insubordination and avoids their harmfulness. The king of the earth is not within the scope of our research."

Alice explained to Su Jin with a decent smile.

Regardless of whether Su Jin is a test or not, this matter must not be admitted.

Godslayers are willful and powerful terrifying beings.

If you let them know that they have become the research object of a group of 'ants', then the fate of the Council of Sages can be imagined.

All in all, this kind of unseen thing must be held firmly, that is, it cannot be let go.

Su Jin pouted to the side at this time.

Seeing this, Alice looked to the right.

Immediately, she saw the young silver-haired girl lying on the sofa with her head resting on the pillow while holding a handheld computer.

She wears a knitted hat with cat ears, an Italian-style school uniform, and knee-high white stockings on her slender legs, just like a pure and lovely junior high school girl.

However, seeing the other party, Alice only felt a cool air rise from the tailbone behind her back, and suddenly climbed into her mind.

Pallas Athena!

Alice recognized the girl's body in an instant, and while she was flustered, she also had doubts about Su Jin's behavior.

At this time, Su Jin smiled and asked:

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