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Chapter 195:

"My power, have you named it?"

Alice stopped talking for a while.

A man smarter than Gascoigne... Alice sighed inwardly.

The confrontation with the godslayer is not one or two, especially with the black prince who thinks he is wise.

But in fact, the black prince is far better than the one in front of him, at least that one still has a little so-called gentleman's demeanor.

As for the Su Jinqing in front of him, he seems to be a terrible person who will never give up until he achieves his goals.

It is meaningless to go around in circles with this guy, even if you try it, there is a high possibility of paying an unnecessary price.

Like the three oldest demons, is it a difficult and terrifying big devil... Alice made a psychological evaluation, and then sighed:

"[Blessed by the Goddess of Wisdom], this is the arbitrary naming of the Council of Sages just now."

This sentence is equivalent to directly admitting that the Council of Sages has the information Su Jin wants.

Hearing this, Su Jin was surprised, turned his head and glanced at Athena, and then smiled:

"An interesting name, at least I don't hate it."

Phew... Alice breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from Su Jin's current attitude, at least she didn't come to destroy the Council of Sages.

However, in the face of the Demon King, he still couldn't be careless.

At this time, Su Jin was too lazy to go around in circles with Alice, and directly put forward his own requirements:

"I need a backup of all the intelligence collected by the Council of Sages."

Alice's eyelids twitched fiercely, and she cried out in her heart.

All the information, that is to say, including the power information of the godslayer.

If other godslayers knew that this thing was told to Su Jin by the Council of Sages, it would be over.

However, if it is not given to Su Jin, the Council of Sages will be finished immediately.

This is embarrassing.

Whether to die early and live early, or go on the road later, this choice is really powerless.

Thinking of this, even if Alice wanted to restrain her personality and remain elegant, she couldn't help but complain in her heart:

'You might as well simply make the Council of Sages allegiance to you. ’

"Huh? That's a good suggestion."

Su Jin rubbed his chin at this time and said in a playful tone.

Alice's expression suddenly stiffened. She should have just said something from her heart, right?

Why do you get Su Jin's response?

At this time, Su Jin smiled and said:

"I can't think of Alice, did you think so? It's really a good suggestion to make the Council of Sages allegiance to me directly."

Read minds! From the moment I came in, I was mind-readed, but the Miko's spirit vision didn't respond.

Thinking of this, Alice immediately looked at Athena, and immediately met the dark eyes.

This time, she was completely sure.

"What are you talking about, I don't seem to understand..." Alice tried to quibble.

At the same time, she also used the witch's method to restrain her mental fluctuations and avoid the phenomenon of being read minds.

In the witch's method, Alice has infinitely approached the realm of the ancestors.

That is to say, the strongest level of the power of the **** of disobedience.

And Athena, who is now defeated and subordinated, wants to read her mind, naturally it is impossible to be as easy as when she is a god.

At this time, facing Alice's sophistry, Su Jin raised her head and glanced at Erica behind her and said:

"Did His Highness Alice say something just now?"

"Yes, King." Erica replied with a smile, "It's really surprising that Her Royal Highness said she would lead the Council of Sages to serve you."

At this moment, Alice's mouth twitched, looked up at Erica, and said with a smile:

"Paul's niece, she's grown so big, she's getting more and more cute."

Smelly girl, the bear child will make trouble alone!

Erica understood the meaning and showed an elegant smile:

"Where, it's still a bit worse than the princess back then."

You were more bear than me back then, weren't you? The guy who dared to offend the Black Prince at the age of twelve.

The two women looked at each other **** for tat before moving away.

After that, Alice was too lazy to pretend to be a lady, and looked at Su Jin with flickering eyes:

"King, if the Council of Sages is loyal to you, where is the Black Prince?"

This is a blatant hint.

"Not enough!" Su Jin glanced at Alice and said.

Alice blinked and smiled without saying a word.

Sure enough, a council of sages is not worth letting Su Jin take a shot at the black prince.

But in fact, the Council of Sages did not deal with the demands of the Black Prince.

The rivalry between Wangli Factory and the Council of Sages is only a domestic conflict. Although the Black Prince himself prefers Wangli Factory, both parties use him as a **** statue, and they will not let him participate in this kind of battle.

In a sense, this is a bit like the English political system of the opposition and the ruling party and the Queen.

Therefore, the reason why Alice hinted that Su Jinxian Council can be loyal is naturally for this "veto".

Very good, then as long as the Council of Sages cannot afford the bargaining chips and needs time to prepare, it can delay for a while and find a countermeasure.

Thinking of this, Alice immediately said:

"King, your conditions..."

However, at this time, Su Jin suddenly interjected:

"But if you add Alice, I can barely accept it."


Alice was suddenly dumbfounded.

Why answer it? How could Su Jin suddenly rush to answer?

At this moment, Alice turned her head subconsciously and looked at the sofa next to her.

At this time, Athena was squinting her eyes and looking at Alice with a slightly smiling expression.

It can easily break through my soul defense and read my mind directly. This is... a complete **** of disobedience?

At this moment, Alice's scalp went numb.

Chapter 0244

No, unlikely, how could a godslayer and a **** cooperate.

After the shock, Alice overthrew her delusions immediately, and then hurriedly thought about a reasonable answer.

Yes, Athena is the queen of the Trinity. If she comes in the form of a complete body, she will hold at least three godheads.

And if a godslayer kills Athena and turns her into a subordinate, it will naturally take away a piece of godhead.

And if only one of the godheads is taken away, although Athena will be weakened, it is still possible to have the other two godheads and maintain the level of the **** of disobedience.

At least theoretically possible.

However, this is too cheating, right?

A disobedient **** who completely agrees with the god-killer!

This is not as simple as 1+1, but it is possible to square 2 to reach 4.

No wonder, no wonder the King of Swords will be defeated so quickly, because Su Jinqing himself can be regarded as the union of two, or even three or four demon kings.

In an instant, Alice estimated Su Jin's 'strength', and while she was horrified, she also put away any underestimation.

Because the [Blessing of the Goddess of Wisdom] alone can summon Athena as a subordinate power, it is enough to make Su Jin's strength become the top three among the demon kings.

Moreover, the king was on Sardinia, suspected of killing the two gods Veleslana and Mekal.

Here are two more powers.

In the number of powers, he is not inferior to any king.

The only difference is experience.

Unable to match, can only take refuge in, and must put away any careful thoughts.

Thinking of this, Alice sighed and lowered her head slightly:

"The Council of Sages accepts your terms."

Su Jin was a little surprised at this time: "Including you?"


Alice was stunned for a moment, and then her face suddenly panicked.

It's over, I was surprised by Athena's power just now, but I forgot what Su Jinti's conditions were.

Thinking of this, Alice asked mournfully:

"Can you change the conditions?"

"Of course!" Su Jin smiled.

When Alice heard the words, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the elegant smile appeared on her face.

In the next second, Su Jin said:

"Let's add one more condition. Let Alice become the chairman of the Council of Sages again. After all, we are acquaintances, are you right?"

Alice's expression froze at this moment.

The Speaker of the Council of Wise Men?

I just got down from that position because I didn't want to be the one, and now you want me to sit back again?

At this moment, Alice had the urge to curse for the first time.

But looking at Su Jin's handsome and kind face.

The corner of Alice's mouth wriggled, but she forced herself to smile and said:

"Everything is under your command."

"If that's the case, then you can leave."

Su Jin smiled and looked at Alice, with a playful look in his eyes:

"I hope to hear the news of the Council of Sages as soon as possible."

Do you want to draw out the Black Prince... Alice realized Su Jin's intention in an instant.

At the same time, she was very helpless.

The members of the Council of Sages were still thinking about whether Su Jin would have a big fight with the leader Luo Hao if he went to the Celestial Dynasty, but they never expected that the fight between the two kings would start directly in Daying.

This kind of thing is really frustrating.

"If this is your will..."

After Alice finished speaking, she slowly released the soul avatar, and the main body, which was far away from the mansion of Duke Goddin, also awoke leisurely.

"How is the situation? Your Highness?"

Next to him, Ericsson, the secretary, saw Alice wake up and couldn't help but ask.

"Worst case scenario!"

Alice in pajamas grabbed her splendid blonde hair and sighed helplessly:

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