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Chapter 196:

"Inform the Council of Sages and prepare to face the rivalry between the two kings, Miss Ericsson."

"What?" Ericsson froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"The Council of Sages will be Su Jinqing's property next."

Alice sighed, and at the same time muttered in her heart, 'It may also include me in the possessions. ’

"excuse me."

Ericsson pleaded guilty, and then quickly walked out of the room, but he wanted to immediately inform the members of the Council of Sages of the bad news.

At this time, Alice turned her head, looked at the bright full moon outside the window, and sighed slightly:

"Ling Vision told me that there would not be too much disaster, I hope it will be the case."


England, Cornwall.

An art gallery in the countryside.

In this unremarkable art gallery in the countryside, various cultural relics are placed.

Rosetta Stone, Parthenon sculptures, Apollo sculptures, Van Gogh portraits, and mountains of books.

Old people in the village joked that the museum was a fake copy of the British Museum.

In reality, however, they don't know that the exhibits in these galleries are the real thing.

The source of all this comes from the Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne.

He seized the British Museum exhibits and put them all in his stronghold, this art gallery in the Cornish countryside.

And when the members are free, he will also take out the basic magic books, compare with some antique cultural relics, and teach the new members the origin of magicians and myths.

This day is no exception!

The Black Prince is wearing a simple white shirt and trousers, and is giving science knowledge to his subordinates.

The members of the Wangli Factory come from a variety of sources, but they are mostly people who know the existence of magic, but don't know much about it, and are hostile to the elite magic group for various reasons.

Therefore, the Black Prince himself needs to learn basic common sense from the illiterate people in the magic world.

Although it is possible to have someone do it for you, I call such behavior the responsibility of the leader.

However, in the middle of the popular science literacy, Gasco Indeli's subordinate, the big knight nicknamed Ice Man walked in with a dark face:

"Alek (Alexander's nickname), there is something important to discuss!"

"You should study by yourself first."

Alec in the lecture in the trapezoidal classroom put down his textbook, clapped the chalk dust standing on his hand, and walked out:

"what's going on?"

The ice man who was parked in the corridor said with a gloomy expression: "The Council of Sages has torn its face. They are loyal to the new king they discovered yesterday."


Alec's eyes widened, and his expression even revealed a happy look:

"What about that wicked woman?"

The ice man looked at Alec's expression a little confused, but still replied:

"Is the white princess Alice? She also loyal to the new king, and even took the seat of the speaker again."

After he finished speaking, he asked with a strange expression:

"You are very happy?"

"Is it that obvious?" Alec rubbed his face, surprised.

"..." The ice man was silent for a while, then asked with a subtle expression, "Why?"

Although he is the nominal commander, but half of his subordinates betrayed him, it's fine for Alec not to get angry, but he still smiles brightly, as if he had given birth to a son.

Simply incomprehensible!

"You don't understand, Ice Man." Alec said with a smile at this time: "I had a few fights with that White Witch back then, and then I lost a condition to her."

"Conditions?" Ice Man was surprised.

"Yes, conditions."

Alec said with a smile:

"As long as the White Witch is still loyal to me in name, I can't personally take action against the members of the Council of Sages, and I can't target the royal family. This is the condition for me to lose."

As soon as he said this, Bing Nan immediately understood why the magic world in Dae Ying was in such a strange situation.

"You mean to say?"

At this time, Alec smiled wildly and said:

"It's time to fight, with those elites whose eyes are above the top!"

Ice Man's eyes widened, and then he also showed a wanton smile.

Chapter 0245 The speedy noble son

Granwich, the Underground of the Council of the Sages.

Su Jin, who stepped in here, said in a tone full of disgust:

"How could such an old building of the last century actually design an underground library?"

"Aiya, I didn't expect Su Jinqing to think the same way as me."

White Princess Alice's spiritual body floated in the air, as if she was too lazy to walk on her feet.

The two were in the basement of the Sage Council headquarters, in the narrow passage leading to the underground library.

Because it is an old building of the last century, and it is also a measure used for evacuation, the passage is extremely narrow, and even in some areas, Su Jin had to bend over 50 degrees to move forward.

"In the end, this kind of old building has to worry about its historical and cultural value, and it's just a matter of demolishing it and rebuilding it."

The white princess said enthusiastically:

"Tear down and rebuild directly, build a 12-story high-rise building, and the most important thing is to get an elevator. People always have to keep up with the times, don't they?"

Su Jin glanced at her sideways at this time and said, "Just say it if you want me to approve you to rebuild the headquarters."

"Hey hey~" Alice showed a simple and honest smile.

"So, what is your opinion, sir?"

"Rebuild it, this garbage building doesn't need to exist!"

"Oh~ Long live the Demon King~"

During the conversation between the two, the passage finally came to the end, the secret library under the Council of Sages.

It is much more spacious here, but the strange smell in the air makes Su Jin frown slightly:

"The temple?"


Alice fell to the ground, then looked at the quaint stone walls around, and explained:

"It's a secret temple built by ancient monks. It should be dedicated to Celtic gods. However, the statues have been destroyed long ago, but some defensive measures have remained."

"So it became a place for you to store information?" Su Jin touched the stone wall, tapped a few times, and then found the location and pressed it.

In the sound of Kachacha's movement, the smooth stone wall in front suddenly dented inward, and then a passage was exposed.

Alice next to her said in surprise:

"Huh? You saw through the device in an instant?"

"What's so strange about this?"

Su Jin tilted his head and said a little speechlessly:

"You don't think that the magic that shields mental thoughts around you can interfere with a godslayer, right?"

"..." Alice's expression was a little subtle.

The technique just now was an interference technique that was analyzed by the Council of Sages long ago.

And Alice summoned dozens of high-level magisters to cast this spell ten years ago, and played the Black Prince Alek a lot.

There is clearly something wrong with you, the **** killer... Alice followed Su Jin in a strange mood and entered the library.

Entering the library, Su Jin saw that more than half of the bookshelves were filled with magic-processed documents.

Alice, who followed, explained in a low voice:

"Generally, more than 70% of the high-level classified information is here, and the remaining 30% is basically stored on computers that are disconnected from the Internet."

Su Jin looked at the bookshelf in front of him, put one hand on his hips, and sighed, "It looks like it will be a big project."


The above-ground headquarters of the Council of Sages.

The parliamentary room was plunged into a loud commotion.

"The Nord Cabinet Secretary has publicly declared allegiance to the Black Prince."

"Ireland, Scotland apply for an independence referendum, and the leader is judged to be a member of the Royal Factory."

"Half of the cabinet affairs officers, four cabinet ministers revealed their allegiance to the Wangli factory."

A pile of bad news went straight to the current Speaker, James Harker.

The old man sighed in a very helpless tone:

"Have you stretched your tentacles to the world? It seems that His Royal Highness Prince has already prepared this hand."

At this time, a member rushed to Huck and said:

"Speaker, do you want to notify advisor Alice?"

At this time, Ericsson, who was standing next to the Speaker, pushed his glasses and said:

"It's a pity that Her Royal Highness is now with Su Jinqing."

The implication is not to disturb Su Jin, so as not to offend the other party.

The Council of Sages can't afford to offend the two god-killers.

At this moment, a woman quickly broke into the conference room:

"Speaker, the royal family has revealed the news, and I hope the cabinet can arrange to meet the black prince."

For a moment, Speaker Huck was dumbfounded, and Ericsson next to him was also shocked.

"Did you even win over the royal family?"

Huck, who stood up in fright because of the news, sat down again and said with a headache:

"When exactly?"

Beside him, Ericsson opened his mouth and finally said with a sigh:

"The Black Prince's power [Lightning Flint] is a secret skill known for his speed. With that existence, it is impossible to monitor his movements."

"After all, that person's nickname is the swift noble son!"

Speaking of which, Ericsson pushed up his glasses and smiled bitterly:

"Maybe now, he is already in the headquarters of the Council of Sages."

"Oh? You have eyesight."

An unfamiliar male voice sounded from the corner.

Ericsson's face changed suddenly, he turned his head and saw a young man in the corner of the conference room.

He looks relatively ordinary, wearing a cheap white shirt and trousers, with black hair and black eyes, his ancestors are obviously of oriental blood.

[Black Prince] Alexander Gascoigne.

The god-killer didn't know when, he sat at the conference table and listened to the voices of the Council of Sages worried about their actions.

James Huck broke into a cold sweat, obviously not expecting the Black Prince to be so close.

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