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Chapter 197:

But on the bright side, he still decided the etiquette, got up and saluted:

"Mister Gascoigne!"

"Just call me Alec." Alec smiled and mocked himself: "After all, I don't have any noble blood."

It's over... Ericsson groaned inwardly.

In the absence of Princess Alice, the Council of Sages obviously did not have the ability to contain Alec.

No, in violation of the treaty, Alice, who is loyal to King Su Jin, may not be able to hold back the noble son in front of her.

How to do? Ericsson is spinning its brains like crazy.

However, at this time, Alec said somewhat boringly:

"Is that disgusting white witch actually following the new king? It seems that the reaction here has been expected by her."

Alec said this, looked at Ericsson, and asked with a slightly unhappy expression:

"I thought I could see that witch's shriveled appearance this time, but now it seems that she is very refined, and she didn't leave the new king's side one step."

"As for the new king..."

Alec said this and looked across the conference table.

There, a young girl with moonlight silver hair wearing a cat-ear knitted hat was sitting there quietly, staring at herself:

"Defeated Mother Earth, Athena?"

Beside them, Ericsson and Huck twitched the corners of their mouths.

Why is there another existence that can't be provoked hidden away?

At this time, Athena looked at Alec and was slightly surprised:

"The wisdom of the concubine is telling the concubine that a rash attack will cause terrible consequences. Is it a passive counterattack type of power?"

"It's tricky, are you actually guarding me here?" Alec frowned, but his expression was very happy: "It seems that the new compatriots seem to be the same as me, and they are the type who can play tricks."

He said this, paused again, looked at Athena and said, "Or, are you his 'brain'?"

Athena did not answer.

Because she knew that the Black Prince had escaped.

According to the remaining trajectory, it seems to go underground? Are you planning to find Su Jin directly?

Thinking of this, Athena's expression brought a little pity.

At the same time, in the underground temple.

Su Jin put away the paper documents and looked at the door in surprise.

At this time, Alice, who was floating in the air, just took down a stack of documents and landed on the ground:

"That's about all the general information about Abramsian monotheism."

"Eh? What about people?" Alice showed a puzzled expression.

However, at this moment, a familiar male voice rang out.

"I see, you are hiding here, White Witch."

Hearing the voice, Alice blinked, turned her head, and saw the figure of the black prince Alec.

At the same time, she also saw Su Jin standing behind Alek, looking at him with interest.

Alice blinked again, her expression suddenly becoming a little playful.

It was a look of a good show.

Chapter 0246 Have you been kicked by the speed of light?

"Guian, Sir Alek."

Alice put on an elegant and calm smile again, and bowed slightly towards Alec.

However, in the face of Alice like this, Alec took a small step back and said calmly:

"Put that disgusting gesture away, you poisonous witch."

Alice did not change the smile on her face, deliberately surprised and said:

"It's really sad, aren't we friends?"

Alec sneered and said with a contemptuous expression:

"Friend... If the modern royal family re-enables the gallows, I must be the first person to send you up."

"That really flattered me."

Alice looked at Alec with a smile, her eyes full of mockery and said:

"For so many years of hard work to correct your female phobia, I didn't expect it to get worse."

"Shut up, witch." Alec showed an angry expression, but soon returned to normal.

He knew very well that he couldn't be careless in the face of this black-bellied and vicious witch in front of him.

If he is a little careless, he will be played by the other party. He doesn't want the fake news that he is **** to spread all over the world through the Council of Sages again tomorrow. This disgusting witch definitely has such a bad taste.

At this time, Alec, who remembered the past, was also a little annoyed at this time.

At the time, Alice publicly declared to the outside world that 'Alec doesn't like himself because he is gay. ’, and then the next day, a magic reporter arranged by Alice interviewed Alec and asked him if he hated the White Princess.

For this kind of thing, Alec naturally admitted that he hated this insidious white witch.

Then he was hit, because Alec himself admitted that he hated the white princess Alice, and with what Alice said before, the logic of 'Alec is equal to gay' was confirmed.

A few days ago, he could still see the people of the Council of Sages selling his and his subordinate ice man's books internally, and he was really angry.

No, I can't stop thinking about it, otherwise I will kill this woman. The most urgent task now is to negotiate with the new king.

Restraining his emotions, Alec said coldly, "My current target is not you, where is the new king?"

"you guess?"

Alice tilted her head. Although she had a cute expression, her words were particularly irritating.

Alec narrowed his eyes, and from Alice's attitude, he smelled a dangerous smell.

But it doesn't matter, he, who is in charge of the speed and power, has the confidence to deal with any existence.

"Your attitude, it seems, is indeed loyal to the new king."

Alec said half with emotion and half with pity:

"When I first heard the news, I thought that the new king couldn't think about it, or that he was bewitched by you, but now it seems that it came from his own will."

Warriors... Alek admired Su Jin, who had never met before, in his heart.

I am willing to accept such a vicious and unscrupulous witch, how hungry is the new king, oh, no, how unthinkable!

At this time, Alice showed the expression of a young girl in Huai Chun, tilted her head slightly and said:

"There's no way around this. After all, Mr. Su Jinqing is far more attractive than Mr. Lek. She's also a young girl in bloom, and she's the age to dream of Prince Charming~"

"The aunt who is in her late 30s really has the face to say it."

Alec scoffed at this statement.

Alice's expression changed, and she said with a slightly embarrassed expression:

"I'm only 26, I'm 26!"

She emphasized 26, intending to show that she is very young.

"Does this have anything to do with you being an old aunt?" Alec said mockingly.

Then, he ignored Alice's anger and said calmly:

"Okay, let the new king come out, it's impossible to calculate me."

Alec said this, paused, and said calmly:

"Before entering this temple, I have deployed my labyrinth power."

"From the beginning, the scale of victory has been tilted in my favor."

Alec said this, looking at Alice in front of him, he couldn't help but mock him and said:

"You can't guess it, right? As the devil of the magic world, I would actually take action from the world and control the British government."

"To tell you the truth, even those congressmen who can betray anything for their own interests, I control more than half of them. I have already established a relationship with the royal family. The long-lived queen has also reached a consensus with me, and the situation is no longer over. You are under control, White Witch."

At this time, Alice calmed down, without deliberate sarcasm, and without a fake smirk:

"In pursuit of the Holy Grail of immortality, it is unreasonable for you to kidnap the people of a country, Sir Alek."

The Holy Grail, the legendary golden cup containing the blood of **** Christ.

This legendary divine tool has tempted people from ancient times to the present, causing disasters again and again.

And Alec's father was also a pursuer of the Holy Grail, and even became a single father because of this, and even died.

This also led to the shadows of Alek's childhood.

It is good to be a teacher, and the phobia of women is caused by the experience of these periods.

Alec's expression was very flat at this time. He has been killing gods for almost 20 years. Naturally, he will not be confused by Alice's transformation:

"The Holy Grail is my dream, and to pursue him, it is naturally the most convenient to use the power of a country."

Alec said here with a cold expression:

"Where is the new king? Tell me, White Witch, it's not you who is qualified to talk to me."

"Oh?" Alice raised her eyebrows in surprise: "So you want to negotiate with King Su Jin?"

Reasonable, unexpected results, Alice did not expect Alek, who had already launched a coup, to think about peace talks with Su Jin.

But when you think about it, Alec's goal has always been the pursuit of the Holy Grail.

With that in mind, all his actions are understandable.

The establishment of the Royal Factory is to expand the ability to search for the Holy Grail, and to control the power of a country.

The king of the same grade will most likely reach an agreement with Alec on the search for the Holy Grail.

Even if the face is torn, it will only be at the moment when the Holy Grail is obtained, which has the premise of negotiation.

Thinking of this, Alice's mouth twitched slightly, she raised her skirt with a smile, and saluted gracefully:

"Qing, haven't I been behind you all the time?"

When Alec heard the words, his pupils suddenly expanded, he turned around suddenly, and saw Su Jin in a close position.

Just less than 30 centimeters behind him.

"how is this possible?"

In shock, Alec instantly activated the power electric light flint.

This is to transform himself into an energy state and obtain a super speed-type power. It was the first power that Alec obtained from the fallen angel Lemuel.

This also led to Alec playing out of the flower very quickly.

Almost instantly, Alec's figure appeared on the outskirts of Rome.

It took him about 20 seconds to run from London to Rome.

The moment he appeared in Rome, Alec panicked and said in a self-deprecating manner:

"I was almost scared to death by that new compatriot!"

Just after he finished speaking, Alec's expression suddenly froze.

He pulled his head slightly to the right, looking at the hand on his shoulder, his heart was beating like a motor.

"How is that possible? Can you catch up to my speed?"

Alec twisted his waist and got rid of Su Jin's palm, and the whole person turned into electric light in an instant.

At this moment, Su Jin half-raised his left foot, speaking very fast, but it reached Alek's ear accurately.

"Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Under such an inquiry, Alec saw that Su Jin's feet turned into light in an instant.

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