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Chapter 199:

Although it can exert its power for a short time, it is not the body after all, and it is not a **** of disobedience.

At this time, Lancelot's shadow of God wandered around for a while, and finally returned to the lawn in front of Greenway.

"Gnivia, I can feel a very strange power, um, I can't describe that feeling."

Hearing this, a pity expression appeared on Genivia's face:

"Isn't it the mark of my lord?"

Gnivia is the ancestor who served the Last King.

She, who has a different name from Guinevere, is actually the wife of the legendary King Arthur.

However, the real she is one of the ancient Mother Earth, the White Goddess who didn't even have a name.

She served the Last King, and swore an eternal life to follow the savior who destroyed the Demon King.

However, hundreds of years ago, the last king was hit hard in the last cleansing of the earth, and a lot of memories were forgotten.

This also resulted in Gunivia having to embark on a long journey in pursuit of the trail of the Last King.

Gnivia looked at the lawn and murmured in confusion:

"My lord, where exactly are you sleeping..."

"Gnivia, we're in trouble."

Lancelot, who was investigating the situation, let out a distressed voice.

"What's wrong? Uncle?" Geneviya asked with some doubts.

"See the downed lawn there?"

Lancelot's phantom pointed at the pile of crooked grass, which could vaguely be seen as a humanoid, as if someone had been lying there.

And on the side, it's like a trace left by footprints.

"Is the lawn weird?" Gunivia asked in confusion.

She couldn't understand why the lawn alone gave Lancelot the idea of ​​trouble.

My uncle is the strongest **** of steel, apart from the last king.

Lancelot explained at this time:

"I can feel Gascoigne's power fluctuations, remember him? The god-killer known as the Black Prince."

Gunivia's expression changed, becoming a little hateful, a little bit gnashing:

"The man who deliberately damaged the Holy Grail? How could I forget the ugly face of that man."

It was probably more than 10 years ago, when Genivia used the Holy Grail to try to lead out the plan where the Last King slept, but the Black Prince successfully destroyed it.

This disaster caused Gnivia to destroy part of the most important Holy Grail, and lost most of her power.

In the face of the culprit, the Black Prince, how could Gunivia not grit her teeth.

"It's that man." Lancelot stepped on the lawn in a positive tone and said, "He's here, defeated."

Gnivia looked at the lawn, and suddenly felt that the grass was unexpectedly much pleasing to the eye:

"Oh? Will that sly man also lose one day?"

If possible, Gnivia would like to leave a sign on the grass that says Alexander Gascoigne's Fallen Lands.

However, considering that the other party has a high probability of not dying, Genivia can only give up regretfully.

"Yeah, and a complete fiasco."

Lancelot stood on the grass and said with emotion:

"The attack should have come from above. It was an unusually fast kick. The number was one thousand, not ten thousand. Well, I can only judge this many. In an instant, tens of thousands of kicks hit the black prince."

Speaking of this, Lancelot said in a tone of admiration:

"The enemy is someone who is better at speed than the Black Prince, but his strength seems to be much smaller, and it seems that he can keep his hands."

"It's impossible, uncle, that sly man is best at speed..."

Gunivia said this, suddenly paused, and asked cautiously:

"Uncle, who do you think the Black Prince's opponent is?"

"Huh? There is the aura of a **** of disobedience. It seems to be a god-killer, but I always feel that something is wrong."

Lancelot thought for a moment, and said in a doubtful tone.

At this time, Genivia asked carefully: "Uncle, do you think it will be my lord?"

"Oh? Intuition tells me that it's not him, but from the scene, it seems that he is the only one who defeated a demon king in an instant. This is a very contradictory thing."

Lancelot sighed slightly, then shook his head and said:

"I suggest to be careful. I have an ominous premonition that Gascoigne's enemies are likely to hold malicious intentions against us."

"Is it true?"

Genivia said in a complicated mood:

"Uncle, can't you give it a try?"

"No, that's too dangerous."

Lancelot said in a serious tone:

"Let's not talk about the opponent's strength, just surpassing Gascoigne's speed, I can't guarantee to protect you from the opponent's hands."

"I see, uncle."

Gunivia seemed to finally give up the idea of ​​contacting the other party, and sighed:

"Let's leave Europe and go to the East to find it again?"

"..." Lancelot was silent for a moment, and then said, "My hunch has always been accurate, Gunivia."

When Gunivia heard it, she was shocked: "Uncle, do you mean that we have been targeted?"

"It's possible," Lancelot said hesitantly.

She thought about it for a while, then stopped tangled, and said directly:

"I'm ready to incarnate, Genivia, my current strength is no longer able to protect you."

"Uncle? Wouldn't this be too risky?" Gunivia said in astonishment.

The myth of Lancelot has been twisted.

When modern people talk about Lancelot, they think of the virtuous knight who seduced the sovereign's wife.

Instead of a goddess of steel who advocates fighting and is in charge of martial arts.

If you, Lancelot, die in battle, next time you appear, she will be tampered with even her existence and become the real 'Lancelot'.

"I've made up my mind, Gnivia."

The ancient goddess let out an expectant laugh:

"I can feel that the other party is a powerful warrior, and there is nothing more pleasant than fighting against the strong."

"Uncle..." Genivia shouted worriedly, and finally gritted her teeth and said solemnly: "In that case, come and let me help you."

"Thank you so much!" The honey-haired goddess raised the corners of her mouth.


The residence of the Duke of Godeting.

At the gracious invitation of the white princess Alice, Su Jin came here and walked straight to the princess' bedroom.

Chapter 0249 Don't regret it

Gaudding's mansion is quite luxurious, with all kinds of precious artworks and furniture appearing exquisite and elegant under the arrangement of the master, full of historical charm.

Walking in this Gothic-style building, Su Jin had a smile on his face, looked at the shadow in front of him and said:

"I think Alice, you should give me a reason, a reason for me to come here without Liliana and Erica."

Alice who was walking in front suddenly turned her head, and while the skirt fluttered, she smiled sweetly:

"Is it a reason to admire the princess's newly furnished boudoir? Speaking of which, this is the first time I let a man of the same age into my room."

Listening to the ambiguous words, Su Jin just squinted at Alice and smiled without saying a word.

This made Alice, who originally wanted to observe Su Jin's reaction, couldn't help but scold Su Jin for her incomprehension in her heart.

But in the face of Su Jin's attitude of being soft and hard, Alice could only sigh helplessly, omitting those temptations, and explained:

"You should have heard of my physique."

Hearing this, Su Jin nodded slightly and said:

"The bloodline is so strong that the witch can't even go to the ground. It is indeed a very rare thing."

In the world of godslayers, the origin of witches is not something like a demon, but from the ancient goddess of the earth.

Part of the Mother Earth, who was defeated by the Hero of Steel, was deprived of her divine status and dignity, and became a half-human and half-god "ancestor".

And those women who were born from **** ancestors and godslayers, or were born with human powerhouses, who inherited the blood of **** ancestors, were the origin of witches.

In other words, the so-called witch is the heir of the blood of the gods.

Among them, the white princess Alice is an extremely rare revenant among witches.

It is rumored that her bloodline is even nobler than some noble ancestors, so that the human body cannot bear such a huge spirituality at all, causing the body to become weaker day by day.

Hearing Su Jin's flat tone and playful eyes, Alice's teeth itch with anger.

This vile Wang Mingming guessed that the purpose of her invitation to come here was to find a way to treat herself, but she just didn't point it out.

Instead, she was left in a hurry and upset, showing all kinds of shameful reactions.

This is just so annoying!

For the first time, Alice felt how disgusting the black belly was.

Especially when this kind of attribute appears in a man, and it is also the person she must turn to, it is even more annoying.

At this time, Su Jin looked at Alice in surprise and said:

"What's wrong? Why did your face suddenly turn red? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's nothing, just a little emotional."

Alice smiled gracefully at this time, but she really wanted to curse in her heart.

What she has here is only the spirit body, where can she blush.

However, even so, Alice could only cooperate with Su Jin and say some false words that could no longer be false.

Thinking of this, she sighed and said a little angrily, "You really don't know how to understand girls."

Su Jin said meaningfully at this time:

"Are you sure you want me to understand you? Instead of simply trying to reduce the price you pay?"

"Or, do you really think that I have an obligation to play dumb with you patiently here? A waste of time?"


Alice was suddenly speechless.

Although Su Jin said it was very bad, it seemed that it was true.

The reason why she was twisted and vague was that she didn't want to pay more for her body.

Obviously, Su Jin had already seen through this, and even issued a warning about it.

Alice was warned that his patience was limited.

Thinking of this, Alice sighed:

"A naked exchange of interests? You are really a man who doesn't understand style."

She said this, and then said to herself:

"He's also a very safe man."

Feelings can deceive people, but interests cannot. They are adults, and Alice naturally understands this truth.

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