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Chapter 200:

Su Jin looked at Alice, just quietly, without any reaction.

At this time, Alice sighed softly:

"Your target is the **** of disobedience of the Crusaders? Maybe you have more targets, but they should be them in the near future."

Su Jin looked at Alice, waiting for her next sentence.

"Performing a seance requires an important medium, as well as a seance witch."

Alice said calmly at this time:

"Although Liliana has superb shrine qualifications, she alone cannot do it. At least ten shrine witches are required to perform a ceremony with that level of qualification."

Speaking of which, Alice smiled and said:

"And if you add me, the condition of the witch can be directly satisfied."

"Of course, if you insist that using the goddess Athena as a witch can directly pull the **** of disobedience from mythology into the world, this is indeed true.

No matter how strong my talent is, I can't compare to a goddess.

But with the crown of Athena as the pawn, the category of objects that can be summoned may only be limited to a few specific myths.

This should be unacceptable to you, right? "

"anything else?"

At this time, Su Jin looked at Alice with a smile and said:

"What else do you know?"

Alice's face froze when she heard this, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Are you referring to the fact that Athena is the **** of disobedience, or that you are not the real godslayer?"

After saying these words, Alice regretted it. It's okay to ignore this kind of ulterior motive before, but now there is a lot of risk of silence.

Although she had been paralyzed in bed for many years, she didn't want to die by Su Jin's hands.

"Apart from these?"

Su Jin asked again.

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Alice was stunned and said with a puzzled expression.

Although she guessed that there might be a big plan behind the alliance between Su Jin and Athena, she was unable to determine what it was from the beginning to the end.

It can be judged that Su Jin is going to take action against the Cross Sect, or he dragged Su Jin to search for materials in the underground library.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that Su Jin would only be regarded as an ordinary godslayer who was lucky enough to kill Athena.

After all, the lack of information is so great that even if Alice wants to break her head, she can't think of Su Jin's purpose.

Seeing Alice's puzzled face, Su Jin immediately sighed: "I only understand this..."

With a sigh, Su Jin said in an imperative tone:

"Be loyal to me for 20 years, and I will give you a healthy body."

When Alice heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, lifted her skirt, and Shi Shiran gave a salute:

"Thank you for your generosity~"

Su Jin sneered when he heard the praise:

"Don't think I am some kind of philanthropist, after the treatment is over, we will immediately leave for the Papal State, where I will hold a seance.

After that, there will be another attempt to go to the Celestial Dynasty. After that, the island countries and the United States will have to go to the scene. Oh, maybe India will also go there. "

After Alice listened, she blinked and said:

"If your plan is this kind of public travel, please take me with you."

After Su Jin heard the words, he looked at Alice meaningfully and said:

"That's what you said, don't regret it."

Chapter 0250 Angel Comes

Highland in the northwest corner of Rome, where the Papal State is located.

This country, which is only less than 0.5 square kilometers, can only be said to be a city, but it is the belief center of more than two billion people around the world.

And now, the faith center has three uninvited guests.

"I regret."

Under the scorching sun, wearing a white dress with a shawl and holding a parasol, Alice looked at the sun, sat on the bench and lamented:

"I shouldn't use my body to go out."

"Please hold on a little longer, Your Highness Alice, there are only three reserved positions left and it will be over."

Beside, Liliana lowered her voice and reminded.

In the heart of the Papal State, in the headquarters of the world's largest religious and magic group.

Infiltrating such a huge force, Liliana felt a huge pressure.

"Don't worry, Liliana, there is no problem."

Alice waved her hands relaxedly and said:

"In the eighteenth century, after the fierce conflict between the Marquis of Vauban and the Papal State, the Papal State was still strong in the secular world, but in the magical world it has declined."

"If you really want to rank magic, the Pope will only be a second-rate association under the seven Italian sisters."

Beside, Liliana reminded carefully:

"But this religious association still holds the most artifacts."

"You're joking, Liliana, not to mention how complicated the conditions for those divine tools to activate, even if they activate, it will be more beneficial to us."

At this moment, a happy smile appeared on Alice's face:

"After all, from the beginning, our goal was to force them to use divine tools, so as to guide the **** of disobedience to come!"


At this time, Alice looked at Su Jin who was eating ice cream, but smiled lightly:

"Don't forget, we still have the biggest trump card to decide the victory~"

With Su Jin, the "God Killer" present, what is the counterattack called the Pope's country?

Even if the **** of disobedience comes, it is just a dish for Su Jin, let alone other people.

Moreover, if the ceremony really takes shape, the Papal State will be too busy to take care of itself, let alone pursue it.

At this time, Su Jin, who was standing beside him, asked with a smile, "Have you had enough rest?"

"Enough is enough, King." Liliana stood up next time and responded.


Hearing Liliana calling herself here, Su Jin raised her brows and said with a smile:

"What did you agree to call me before you came?"

Liliana was stunned for a moment, then her face flushed, and she said, "I see, Su, Su Jin."

After saying this, Liliana covered her face in shame.

"Oh, Liliana is so shy."

At this time, Alice stood up from the bench, grabbed Su Jin's right hand naturally, and said with a smile:

"Come on, my dear, let's go to the chapel again."

Hearing Alice's bold call, Liliana blushed and whispered:


Obviously she never addressed Su Jin so intimately, but Alice actually called her so naturally.

No matter how noble her status is, it was only later... Liliana looked at Alice with resentment.

If it were her, she would never be as shameless as Alice.

At this time, Su Jin shook his left hand and said to Liliana, "Lily, there is still room for my left hand."

"Since you said so..."

Liliana immediately put on an expression of "this is the king's order, and I can't do anything about it", and took the initiative to hold Su Jin's left hand.

The priests, nuns, and tourists who were wearing religious costumes looked strange when they saw this scene.

The old women cursed in a low voice, the men looked envious, and the young woman stared straight at Su Jin's face.

"Will it be too conspicuous?"

At this moment, Liliana sensed those gazes, as if pierced by needles.

Didn't they come in for a hidden arrangement ceremony? So conspicuous, will it be a little bad?

"In that case, Liliana, let go." Alice next to her said with a smile.

After Liliana heard it, she puffed out her cheeks and looked at Alice angrily.

She is obviously the long-awaited princess, a senior on the road of witches, and a witch who is favored by the same king.

But why, this princess is actually the same character as Erica.

Sure enough, when God gave you a window, would it take away your door?

It's really nasty.

At this time, Su Jin, who was in the center of the two, said calmly, "It's time to go."

"Yes!" ×2

Under the various gazes of the crowd, the three of them went to Sunday not far away.


The roof of the Napoleon Museum.

Erica, wearing a red outfit, stood beside Athena, across the Tvere River, looking at the Pope State not far away, and said with a wry smile:

"Summoning the **** of disobedience in the city of Rome, the king really gave me a big problem."

The red copper black cross is a magical association belonging to Italy. In other words, Su Jin is going to summon a **** like a natural disaster in Erika's mother's house.

In a sense, Erica was caught in a dilemma.

Next to it, Athena, who was standing on the roof with the wind blowing, said in a flat tone:

"It is precisely because your mind is much more complicated than that of another witch that you are placed beside the concubine."

Hearing this sentence, Erica paused and smiled bitterly:

"I gave everything, but the king still doesn't trust me?"

"you are wrong."

Athena looked at the papal kingdom in the distance, and said with a faint gaze:

"He trusts you, so he will arrange you here, so that you have the opportunity to stop me."

Erica was stunned, and then sighed helplessly.

She can use the god-killing spirit, and if she takes action at a critical moment, she can indeed stop Athena's next behavior and make the summon of the gods fail.

At this time, Athena turned her head, looked at Erica's face, and asked softly:

"Then, let the concubine ask for him."

"Which side do you want to choose? Erica Browntree?"

The corners of Erica's mouth wriggled, and then she said in a self-defeating voice:

"I am afraid that I will be homeless in the future. If Wang fails me, be careful that I will bite him every time I am bullied."

"Humph, that's an interesting answer."

Athena raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and then smiled:

"In that case, let me give you an answer."

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