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Chapter 202:

At this time, with the end of the war.

The original site of the Papal State was originally the place where the Great Hall was, and a human-shaped coke moved his finger slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the burned black ash on the coke cracked and fell, and blue hairs formed on his body.

Then, a three-meter-high giant werewolf appeared in the ruins, and muttered in a dull tone:

"I'm so careless. Sure enough, the two gods are not easy to deal with. Almost, the old man died."

Recalling the previous battle, the Marquis of Vauban was both excited and fearful.

Michael's Judgment Power and the Red Cross, Mekal's Storm and Locusts.

If the battle just now took a wrong step, there would be no Marquis of Vauban in this world.

But fortunately, he Vauban survived.

Feeling his heavy back, Vauban suddenly understood that power had been buried in his body.

After confirming this, Vauban raised his huge wolf head and stared at the ruins ahead:

"Aren't you going to come out yet?"

Above the ruins, a breeze blew past.

The figures of Su Jin and Athena appeared in front of Vauban.

The moment he saw the two, Vauban's body automatically entered a state of combat readiness.

In this regard, Vauban was a little puzzled. After looking at Athena, he didn't care, but stared directly at Su Jindao:

"I heard that this country has a new king, is that person you?"

"Killed the goddess Athena and turned her into a new slave."

Vauban's green wolf eyes stared at Su Jin, although his tone had a sense of superiority of his predecessors, but there was not much hostility.

"First meeting, Sacha Dejansdal Voban."

Standing on the ruins of the building, Su Jin smiled slightly:

"Are you satisfied with this hunt?"

"Oh? I see. It seems that you are a lot better than that idiot Salvatore, the bunny guts of Great Britain, and the neuropathy of North America. You can be regarded as the most virtuous person in recent years. newcomer."

Vauban said in a rather admirable tone at this time.

As early as an hour ago, he sensed the breath that Su Jin deliberately exuded.

However, at that time, Su Jin did not run out to grab food with Vauban like Tony did, which made Vauban puzzled.

Although it is very reasonable to say that the two gods let the two kings deal with it, Su Jin gave up robbing his prey and just stood by and didn't make a move until the end.

Such behavior confuses Vauban, but it also greatly increases his affection for Su Jin.

Although this bad boy inevitably did not plan to come out to wash the ground after all three losses, but now that the matter is over, he has not done so, so there is no need to worry about this kind of thing.

As far as the matter is concerned, Su Jin 'let' the kindness of a god, and Vauban naturally took it in his heart.

However, now that the mana power is severely depleted and the body is on the verge of the limit, Vauban is not in the mood to communicate with Su Jinduo:

"Boy, the old man remembers your affection. If there is a conflict in the future, the old man can let you go."

Proudly said what the senior should say, Vauban's figure gradually began to become illusory:

"If nothing happens, this meeting will end here."

"Although I'm a little speechless about your attitude, but for the sake of good intentions, I'll let you go."

At this time, Su Jin on the ruins reminded calmly:

"By the way, let me give you a reminder of the younger generation."

Hearing this, Vauban didn't react, just waited quietly for the next sentence.

At this time, Su Jin reminded in a slightly sympathetic tone:

"It's better to stay away from the Crusaders in the future."

"Oh?" Vauban, who was about to dissipate, raised his eyebrows and grinned: "It's ridiculous, the old man can't wait for them to come to you!"

The words fell, and Vauban disappeared into the pothole.

At this time, Su Jin shrugged and said helplessly:

"I hope he can maintain such an optimistic attitude in the future."

"Fortunately, fortunately, he's gone, otherwise the concubine will soon be unable to bear it."

Athena held a smile on her face at this time, shaking her shoulders and said:

"He just said that Su Jin, you are a new king with high moral character. Haha, the oldest godslayer is quite talented when it comes to being funny."

"I think what the Marquis of Vauban said is right." Su Jin said solemnly at this time: "I am such a person with high morals and out of vulgar taste."

Athena tilted her head slightly, as if she didn't want to look at Su Jin's ugly face:

"Before telling such a lie, why don't you quickly let Pandora release the two gods on the ring of usurpation?"

"Of course it's because they have the value of being used." Hearing this, Su Jin waved casually, and Pandora's figure emerged from the void.

But at this time, the blond old earth mother said with tears in her eyes:

"Why, why are my children so stupid, they can't even see the difference that power is temporarily stored in him."

Thinking of how happy Vauban was when he took it away, Pandora had tears in her eyes.

This silly child, who was sold, is still praising Su Jin.

The powers of the two disobedient gods have been cut off without knowing it, and they are still showing the breeze of their predecessors.

And that virtuous evaluation, this kid, can you stop being so funny? Tears came out of her just laughing.

Thinking of the funny thing, Pandora handed the golden ring to Su Jin while her shoulders trembled slightly.

Su Jin glanced at her, then looked at Michael and Mekal, who had been imprisoned in the ring of usurpation, but raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"A part of the Crusade has been made up. I used Mekal as a connection before, and Vauban's body was also put into the spell by me. Everything was as planned."

Beside, Athena sighed slightly, and said with pity and emotion:

"This time, the gods of Hakoba really can't catch you."

Vauban, Mekal, and Michael attacked to destroy the Papal State and shake the crucifix faith in the world.

The Crusaders of Hakonii want to track down, but at best they will find something wrong with Mekal.

And if their methods are a little higher, they will find that Pandora's handwriting is behind the scenes.

And if you waste a lot of hard work, you may be able to find the trace of Athena.

If there is another miracle, Su Jin may be found with the godhead of 'Athena'.

However, at most things can only be found here, and further down, there is no vest.

No matter how the gods of the Crusaders locked them, they could only lock on to Athena.

And what does what Athena did have anything to do with Su Jin?

In addition, the Marquis of Vauban, who is the murderer on the bright side, bears the blame there.

Su Jin's calculation of the crucifixion is really worry-free.

Thinking of this, even Athena couldn't help but say:

"Sometimes I think it would be great to have an Athena in Hakoten."

With Athena of Little Garden, her Metis is also 'sleeping at ease'!

What does the crime of your Athena have to do with me Metis?

No matter how bad it is, she can put on Nut's vest and go to Egypt to continue to be queen.

In a sense, Athena has been contaminated by Su Jin.

"Where are you going next?" Athena asked curiously.

At this time, Su Jin showed a nostalgic expression and said:

"Let's go to the east and have a look! By the way, you can also meet the leader of Mount Lu."

Chapter 0253 Lu Yinghua sees through everything

Harbor City.

A villa on the Shek O Peninsula - in the Lu Mansion.

Lu Yinghua, who was wearing training clothes, was practicing his posture in the courtyard.

As a direct disciple of the martial arts king Luo Hao, Lu Yinghua, who was only sixteen years old, had already cultivated his martial arts to a very advanced level.

Even in the Five Prison Sacred Sect created by Luo Hao, only a very small number of elders can claim to be able to beat him.

However, Lu Yinghua didn't feel anything about it, and he didn't even value martial arts.

The reason why the daily intensive research and the constant wind and rain is just a habit.

Because he was personally instructed by Luo Hao when he was young, Lu Yinghua could even proudly say that even if he was unconscious, his body could automatically start punching at five in the morning.

Just like today.

The old housekeeper of the Lu family walked out of the courtyard and said to Lu Yinghua, who was still snoring with his eyes closed:

"Master, breakfast is ready."


The old butler shouted again, and after realizing that he had not shouted, he said in a very low voice:

"Eating breakfast at 6:30 is the rule set by the Holy Master."

Brush it!

Lu Yinghua's eyes showed two bright lights. He clasped his fists in both hands, facing the east, and knelt down when his feet slipped:

"The disciple is Yinghua, and I wish the master Wencheng's martial virtue, and it will last forever."

The old butler next to him said, "Young master, it has been 60 years since the Holy Sect Master came out of Mount Lu."

Lu Yinghua, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his head and said:

"I know."

"Then you still?"

"I'm used to it, I can't help it."

Lu Yinghua sighed in a sad tone, then stood up and patted the dust on the training pants, like a sage, showing the vicissitudes of seeing through all things:

"Elder Lu, you have to know that the more beautiful a woman is, the more tortured it will be."

"Here, especially those beautiful women with eyes above the top are respected, because you never know whether a word she casually said will be a test for you."

When the butler heard this, he immediately said dumbly:

"So young master, are you worried that the leader went out for a walk that day, and when you were thinking of you, you happened to be bumped into it, so you kept it in the habit?"

"Facing Master, all caution is worth it."

Lu Yinghua sighed with vicissitudes of voice, then strode into the hall, and while heading to the restaurant, he asked the housekeeper:

"Elder Lu, is there any news about the new king over there in Europe?"

"I've put the information I've investigated on the dining table." The old butler replied calmly.

Hearing this, Lu Yinghua nodded, and then came to the restaurant. While eating steamed buns and soy milk, he picked up the documents on the table and reviewed them carefully.

Lu Yinghua looked at it for a long time, and after a long time, he said with emotion: "It's troublesome!"

"What's wrong?" the old butler who was making tea asked with some doubts.

Lu Yinghua's headache expression at this time:

"The origin of the new king is still unclear. He clearly used all the power of the intelligence department of the Holy Religion to check all the people named Su Jin in the whole country, but none of them match."

"Could it be the descendants of immigrants from overseas?" The old housekeeper suggested a direction of thinking.

"The overseas meticulous work is weak, but I have searched with all my strength and still can't find it." Lu Yinghua shook his head and couldn't help complaining: "It's just like Sun Monkey."

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