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Chapter 203:

"Did it pop out of a rock?"

The old butler laughed, and then his expression became a little tangled:

"But with such incomplete information, I'm afraid it's not good to communicate with the Holy Sect Master."

"It's not just bad business! It's just killing people!"

As soon as he thought of his master, Lu Yinghua began to tremble.

The birth of a new king in the Celestial Dynasty must be reported to Luo Hao, the king of martial arts.

According to Lu Yinghua's opinion, this time should not exceed 15 days. If it is too late, Luo Hao will consider it a crime of dereliction of duty.

In the reported information, if you can't even find out Su Jin's place of origin, how many people in his family, who his ancestors were, or what martial arts he practiced, the fun will be even greater, which is a crime of incompetence.

And no matter which crime, no matter how Lu Yinghua looked at it, it was a dead end.

"Fortunately, Master still understands things like the Internet. Otherwise, the deadline for submitting information will probably be shorter."

When Lu Yinghua said this, he was both fortunate and helpless.

Whether Luo Hao noticed the Internet or not, the deadline was always there.

There are so many organizations in the world that collect information on Su Jin, but they have achieved nothing in the past four days, and it doesn't look like they can be resolved within fifteen days.

At this time, the old butler reminded:

"Would you like to get help from overseas gangs?"

"Go and let me know, you can find it overseas if you can."

Lu Yinghua shook his hand and said hopelessly:

"Hopefully I can find some clues from the new king."

Speaking of which, Lu Yinghua said speechlessly:

"Why are you talking about the new king hiding so deeply? Are you looking for trouble, or are you carrying some big conspiracy?"

"Conspiracy? Old man, I think it's unlikely?"

The old butler shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's not that the new king has long expected that he can kill the gods, and he must face the divine power of the holy sect master, so he deliberately hides himself and plans to plot against the sect master, right?"

The words fell, Lu Yinghua fell into silence, and the old housekeeper fell into contemplation.

"This seems to be a possibility."

Lu Yinghua moved his fingers and said sharply:

"The so-called famous sects of the right way have been hostile to our holy religion for more than a hundred years, and they have tried their best to cultivate a god-killer. Although it is unlikely, it is still possible after all."

"So, will the new king be the assassins that the decent people intend to cultivate?" the old butler muttered to himself.

"The likelihood is low, but low doesn't mean no."

Lu Yinghua sighed, then turned the information to the last page, looked at the line above, and narrowed his eyes:

"After killing Veleslaner and Mekal, he also met with the Marquis of Vauban in Rome, and unexpectedly did not stop the Marquis of Vauban from killing the gods."

"There is clearly a problem here."

While looking at the information, Lu Yinghua tapped the table with his index finger and said meaningfully.

A few days ago, the God of Disobedience was still directly hard steel, and the next second to face the Marquis of Vauban is to retreat.

Here, it is strange that there are no problems.

Gu Qi Su Jin and the Marquis of Vauban have reached an agreement, so they will give up a **** of disobedience and let the Marquis of Vauban kill the two gods.

And what needs to be paid as a price for insubordination?

Is there really nothing tricky here?

Looking at the information in front of him, Lu Yinghua read between the lines the same meaning.

'Su Jin and Wobang join forces to assassinate the martial arts king Luo Hao! ’

"The possibility is getting bigger and bigger." The old butler muttered.

The new king did not return to China at first, but stayed in Europe for so long and did strange things one after another.

Thinking of this, the old butler could not help but say:

"If the next goal of the new king is to return to China, then it can basically be determined that there is something tricky."

Lu Yinghua nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a young man in a martial arts uniform rushed in, clasped his fists and said:

"There is news from Europe's fine work that the new king has boarded a plane bound for Lushan Jiujiang Airport!"

Lu Ying jumped, stood up, and said with a dark face:

"Sure enough, it's not what Lu Lao expected!"

Thinking that Su Jin actually had the idea of ​​killing Luo Hao instead, Lu Yinghua paced back and forth in the restaurant, patted his thigh and said:

"I will repair a book now, and tell the master that the interests are clear!"

"Master." The old butler said solemnly, "The more difficult it is, the more you have to find your own position."

Hearing this, Lu Yinghua's eyes narrowed slightly, then nodded and said:

"Thank you Lu Lao for your advice. After cultivating the book, Ying Hua will go to Mount Lu and try his best to intercept the new king!"

Seeing this scene, the old butler nodded approvingly.

at the same time.

Rome time, 10 p.m.

Su Jin led Athena and Liliana, and slowly boarded the special plane arranged by the government.

0254 The King of Martial Arts

Rome Airport.

Before the plane took off, Su Jin was still calling Erica.

"You have to pay attention to the reconstruction of the Papal State in the later period. Religious forces must be strictly controlled. Yes, don't let them have a chance of resurgence."

"And Mrs. Elsa seems to have appeared in Vienna recently. You remember to arrange for someone to go look for it."

"I'll let Alice handle the affairs of Great Britain and check and balance Alec. She is also a veteran. Remember, when there is news of the Holy Grail, notify me immediately."

After arranging things in Europe, Su Jin put away the phone and sighed slightly.

At this time, the plane was about to take off.

When the plane just started, Liliana, who was sitting on the sofa opposite, said nervously:

"Wang, will it be too dangerous to take me alone to the Celestial Dynasty?"

Su Jin took the fruit handed by Athena, took a sip, and asked with a strange expression:

"Dangerous? Why do you feel dangerous?"


Liliana opened her mouth with a tangled expression on her face. Finally, she gritted her teeth and reminded in a low voice:

"When you return to China this time, the martial arts king in Jiangnan will not ignore it."

The birth of two demon kings in a country is not a good thing in this world, but the beginning of a disaster.

Only the self-willed godslayers rarely get along with each other.

In the same country, under the influence of various interests and disputes, fighting is inevitable.

And now, a new king returning to his home country, even if there are good reasons, may still be used as a preview of the challenge by the old king.

And as one of the three oldest kings, the martial arts king who established the Demon Sect is obviously not a master of fear.

In Liliana's estimation, conflict was inevitable.

"My lord, with all due respect, if you have a conflict with that sect leader, my strength is not enough to help you. On the contrary, if your Highness Princess White..."

At this time, Su Jin, who was drinking juice, interrupted Liliana calmly:

"Lily, did you pay attention to the destination?"

"Eh? It seems like... the Jiujiang Airport of the Celestial Dynasty?" Liliana spoke Chinese somewhat unskilledly.

At this time, Su Jin chuckled softly, and then looked at the doubtful Liliana and said:

"Lushan, where Luo Hao lives in seclusion, is not far from Jiujiang."

Liliana blinked, then widened her eyes and said, "A lie?"

Did the co-authored plane fly directly to Luo Hao's nest? If this is the case, according to the ability of the Holy Sect of the Five Prisons, the information is probably passed on to Luo Hao, right?

Oh my god, isn't there an excuse to bring Princess Alice up when the plane returns? If the non-stop plane to Jiujiang returned, magic societies all over the world would think that Su Jin was afraid of Luo Hao.

That's it!

"What do you think."

Su Jin smiled and put the juice on the table next to him, then waved to the flight attendant who specially served the three of them to arrange supper, and then said with a smile:

"From the beginning, my goal was to meet Luo Hao, so don't think about your own incompetence."

Hearing this, Liliana took a deep breath, and said with a resolute expression:

"I understand, Wang, although I'm not capable enough, I will definitely stop the assassins of the Holy Sect of the Five Prisons, so that you can fight against that sect leader with peace of mind."

"If I ask you to do this, I won't just bring you, but I will inform Erica and Alice to bring the masters of Daying and Italian, and charter a flight to Jiujiang."

Su Jin rolled his eyes, then stretched out his hand, poked Liliana's hair fiercely, and said with a smile:

"Do you really think your little arms and legs can stop the ten elders of the Demon Sect?"

Liliana, whose head was severely rubbed, said a little embarrassedly:

"I know I can't stop myself..."

She just wanted to do her duty as a knight as much as possible, not as a vase.

However, at this moment, Liliana suddenly felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously asked Su Jin:

"Wait, does the Demon Sect have ten elders?"

At this time, Su Jin deliberately laughed and said:

"Isn't there any? Don't tell me, the Holy Sect of the Five Prisons is so big that it can't even gather ten elders?"

"There is a return..."

Liliana looked at Su Jin with a very subtle expression and said:

"The elders of the Five Prisons seem to have a total of 108 people, and they follow the rule that the strong go up to the weak, and it is said that each of them has the level of a great knight or above."

Good guy, Luo Hao is this the rhythm of collecting Liangshan 108 heroes?

Thinking of this, Su Jin said with a strange expression:

"and then?"

Upon seeing this, Liliana reminded in a low voice:

"Even if you add Italian and Dae Ying's magic association, you won't be able to make up these people. If you really want to go to war, Wang, I'm afraid you have to make up the whole of Europe."

Hearing this, Su Jin immediately asked back:

"So you still think I want a full-scale war."

"No, it's nothing." Liliana immediately lowered her head like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Seeing this, Su Jin smiled and said:

"Don't worry, this time it's just a meeting, there won't be any conflict."

"Is that so?"

Liliana breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words. She has no doubt that Su Jin can defeat Luo Hao, but she doubts whether she can help Su Jin block the subordinates of the Demon King.

After all, it is to deal with the elders of Demon Sect 108, even if Liliana is a genius, she will panic.

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