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Chapter 205:

"Is this the second general you killed?"

Luo Hao didn't respond, but stood aside with a cold eye, not answering.

On the other hand, the current Hen Ha Second General waved a slap bigger than Su Jin's head and called directly at Su Jin.

Hen Ha Er swept the atmosphere with the palm wind, but strangely did not make any sound, but condensed the rotating atmosphere on his palm, multiplying its power.


Seeing such a trick, Su Jin's eyes lit up, and he said with a spiritual voice:

"Based on the Vajra Warriors, do you use the Flying Phoenix Palm?"

"If that's the case, then look at my trick too!"

It's sizzling!

The golden thunder and lightning spread in the air, forming a huge golden thunder lion.

The fifth beast, the gold of the lion, appeared!

And when the second general of Heng Ha was attacking with his palm, Su Jin raised his right hand and stretched out his index finger.

And above the sky, the golden Thunder Lion also raised his right palm.

Two golden rays of light appeared in the palms of one person and one lion.

Golden Combat Skill - Lion's Fangs!

In an instant, the fist of light with a unit of 100 million turned into a huge airtight net, and the net was directed towards Luo Hao!

At the same moment, the great terror between life and death appeared in Luo Hao's eyes.

Chapter 0256 disciple, sin deserves death!

The light flashed.

The earth was torn apart with billions of distinct scars.

The sturdy concrete floor seemed to have been ploughed by invisible steel wires, turning into white dust in the sound of clack.

"Cough cough!"

The dust was blowing in his nostrils, Lu Yinghua covered his nose and looked up at Luo Hao:


Feeling uneasy, Lu Yinghua's eyes widened, and then he looked at Luo Hao in astonishment.

A gust of wind blew, and Luo Hao's body turned into white sand, which drifted away with the wind.


Lu Yinghua roared piercingly, and the tears could not stop flowing.

However, although the cry was loud, the corners of Lu Yinghua's mouth were unstoppable, rising little by little.

No, I can't laugh, I can't laugh, since the master is dead, this disciple of mine must not laugh.

But I can't help it... Even if I know that I am a disciple of the Demon King, my end must be particularly tragic, but I can't help it when I think of the death of my master who bullied me since I was a child.

I feel like my phobia is getting better!

Looking at Lu Yinghua, who was trying his best to restrain his smile, Su Jin raised his eyebrows and said in a frivolous tone:

"Is your disciple very filial?"

Lu Yinghua stopped abruptly, and then, like a dead mother, he showed an expression like a concubine.

This time, the expression is a bit decent!

And at this moment, Luo Hao was in the position where he was standing.

Amidst the ripples, Luo Hao, who was wearing a plain white hanfu, walked out, glanced at Lu Yinghua and said:

"You are a little filial."

"Master, it's really good that you're fine." Lu Yinghua forced a smile out of his distorted face.

Luo Hao, who didn't see Lu Yinghua's expression before, nodded slightly as a response.

And this kind of response, in Lu Yinghua's view, was the first time ever.

After all, Luo Hao never looked at him with the right eyes. He was always suppressed by the palm wind. Even when teaching, he gave instructions from the air. This nodding response was the first time.

At this time, Su Jin on the opposite side also looked at Luo Hao with some approval:

"In that short period of time, you can actually think of using the magic power to clone yourself to die, and even your instincts have been exercised to this point."

"Should I say that I'm worthy of being the unparalleled martial arts king of the country?"

"Stop flattering."

Luo Haodai raised her eyebrows, but there was not much anger on her face. Instead, she raised her hand solemnly and caught some scattered dust.

With Luo Hao's eyesight, he naturally saw that the dust was no longer in its original state, but was smashed into another substance:

"Even the dust in the air is smashed, what kind of boxing is this?"

"Fist to smash atoms." Su Jin replied with ease.

"There is such a boxing skill in the world?" Luo Hao opened his eyes slightly, but said in surprise.

But then, she shook her head again and denied, "No, this is not right."

"What's wrong?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

What's wrong with this trick? Lu Yinghua, who was listening next to him, looked blank.

At this time, Luo Hao flipped his hand and dumped the dust, and said calmly:

"The broken atom in your mouth is not the power brought by boxing, but the power inherent in you."

"If it were other kings of the same rank, they might not be able to see it, but I am different."

"I, who have practiced martial arts and alchemy to the extreme, and who have practiced hundreds of boxing skills to the pinnacle, I can be sure that your boxing skills can only be called excellent hands."

He spoke words that sounded extremely narcissistic, but Luo Hao's face was unusually calm.

It's like reading the common sense of the world.

The corners of Liliana's mouth twitched.

Why does it feel like, 'No one knows boxing better than me? ’

As a disciple, Lu Yinghua did not change his face, and only dared to complain in his heart:

'It's a fist and it's not a fist, there's really only muscles left in Master's head. ’

And only Su Jin understood that what Luo Hao said was indeed the truth.

For example, when Salvatore Tony first saw the golden combat skills, he also mistakenly thought that it was the realm of smashing atoms with swordsmanship.

But in fact, although the golden combat skills are powerful, they have not reached this level.

The combat skills of all golden saints are not fists, but abilities.

An ability called the microcosm.

Extend countless superpowers based on the small universe, combine them, and blast them out in the form of punches.

This is the so-called combat skill!

In the battle of Saint Seiya, the same trick rarely works the second time for this reason.

The ability is peculiar, but if you find a way to crack it, you can effectively avoid it.

Only the most simple tricks can really be used from start to finish.

For example, it is just Pegasus Meteor Fist with Kuaiquan as its core.

The secret of Tianma Meteor Boxing is fast punching and heavy punching. What if you see it through, if you can't bear it, will you still die?

While Su Jin was silent, Luo Hao looked sharply at Su Jin's hand and said:

"In terms of pure technique, you didn't climb to the top."

"Your boxing is not so much a punch, but more of a trick to use this ability in the form of a punch."

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help but applaud:

"As expected of a martial arts king, he made an accurate judgment just by observing the traces left by his fists."


Su Jin sold out and lengthened his tone:

"Faced with the fist of the speed of light, can you crack it?"

Lu Yinghua and Liliana nodded again and again, who were listening next to them.

Yes, it's right to see through it, but you have to be able to crack it!


Luo Hao raised his head high and said confidently.

"But since it is an ability, it means that I, Luo Hao's boxing, have not lost!"

To describe it in four words, it is the crime of non-war.

Hearing this, Su Jin's expression was subtle, and he couldn't help but ask:

"Then are you going to perform gong to make my Qiqiao bleed?"

Co-author Luo Hao is also Master Luo? Because ability beats boxing, so it doesn't count as a win?

Although the theory is quite right, why does it feel that the more you hear it, the more wrong it is?

At this time, Luo Hao tilted his head and said with a confused expression:

"Gong Gong? Do you mean curses? Although I have also studied the ways of curses, even if I exert my full power, I can't break those special powers covering your body, right?"

"'re being honest."

Su Jin was speechless for a while, and he subconsciously used his previous life experience to satirize people in another world.

What is this, I take the sword of the previous dynasty and kill the officials of this dynasty? Thinking of this, Su Jin smiled slightly.

At this time, Luo Hao opened his mouth when he saw Su Jin's smile, and wanted to say something, but only sighed:

"I lost this competition. Next, the entire assembly of the Holy Church of the Five Prisons will withdraw from the Central Plains and go far to the Western Regions."

——! !

Hearing this sentence, the old people in the back finally couldn't help but look up, and said with tears in their eyes:

"Master, you can't!"

"Sect Master, the ancestors' inheritance is great!"

At this moment, Luo Hao snorted coldly:

"Ancestor? I am the greatest ancestor. This religion was created by this sect. Who just objected?"

"Don't mention this matter again, do it according to this seat's intention!"

The congregation suddenly closed their mouths, and many of them moved their lips slightly, and looked at Lu Yinghua from time to time, obviously through sound transmission to let Lu Yinghua come forward.

However, Lu Yinghua was not so stupid.

Luo Hao left Middle-earth and was still the leader of the Holy Sect. It has been so many years since the principle that people and land exist, how could he possibly not understand.

So now he is just pretending to be deaf and dumb and letting Luo Hao do whatever he wants.

After suppressing the opinions of the congregation, Luo Hao turned his head and looked at Su Jin and said:

"I can't believe that those hypocrites who claim to be righteous would actually train a king like you. Although they are not good at boxing, they develop such tricks based on power."

Luo Hao regarded Su Jin's golden combat skills as a trick based on power:

"In terms of research on the way of skills, I, Luo Hao, would like to call you the strongest!"

Su Jin, who was inexplicably rated as the 'top of skill', finally couldn't help but complain at this time:

"There is a limit to what you can say to yourself, right?"

"Huh?" Luo Haodai frowned slightly, and with her temper, she was slapped with a palm when she said that.

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