Thank You

Chapter 206:

But in the face of the same king, and Su Jin, who surpassed her in martial arts, she would naturally respond with a generous attitude.

"That's right, as a winner, you naturally have privileges."

Luo Hao nodded and said:

"King Su Jin, do you have any other conditions? Let's say it together."

condition? Hearing this, Su Jin raised his brows, thinking about the experience of being treated as a transparent person just now, listening to Luo Hao's experience of talking to himself, and deliberately lengthened his tone:

"I want you…"

"Hey!" Liliana hurriedly covered her face when she heard this, as if to cover her eyes, but she deliberately opened her hands wide.

Behind, Lu Yinghua's eyes widened, his feet softened, and he almost knelt down without giving Su Jin.


I am the number one warrior in the past two hundred years, to actually propose to his violent-minded master, there is no one!

In the future, if he refuses to accept Lu Yinghuaqiang, he will accept you Su Jin, oh no, it's Master Su!

However, at this time, Luo Hao tilted his head in confusion and said:

"What do you want from me? Why don't you just say it?"

"..." At this time, Su Jin confirmed the fact that his and Luo Hao's brain circuits were two parallel lines.

Then, he sighed:

"I want you to explain what's going on."

Behind, Lu Yinghua was dumbfounded.

My master is shouting in the bottom of my heart, are you telling me this? are you crazy!

At this time, Luo Hao frowned and said in a strange tone:

"As the Holy Son secretly cultivated by the righteous path of the North, you, the newly born king of the earth, challenged me, Luo Hao's hegemony in Middle-earth, won the battle and won Luo Hao's hegemony. Is this difficult to understand?"

"The problem is here!"

Su Jin snapped his fingers, spread his hands and said:

"I'm not a holy son cultivated in the right way, and I don't plan to take your hegemony. I'm just a newcomer who came to visit the old senior. Then, what's the situation on your side?"

Luo Hao suddenly fell silent.

At the same time, Lu Yinghua's face was pale, he fell to his knees with a plop, and slammed his head into the tunnel:

"Disciple, sin deserves death!"

Chapter 0257 Keep up with the times, or return to the old society

After Lu Yinghua knelt down, he suddenly realized that he was not killed immediately, and he was even more panicked.

This is obviously because after the master found out that the big Oolong was making a big noise, he fell into a state of confusion similar to waking up in the morning.

And once you wake up, the feeling of getting out of bed is definitely more terrible than death.

Thinking of this, Lu Yinghua was already thinking about whether he was Ling Chi or a firebrand.

Perhaps, the whole family may kill the nine clans.

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Yinghua let out a wow, tears streaming down his face, but he didn't dare to wipe it.

Luo Hao didn't say a word for a long time, but looked directly at Su Jin.

That look, perhaps with a little help for help.

At this time, Su Jin coughed dryly, and suddenly said with a straight face:

"Just kidding."

"Then the affairs of the Five Prisons Sacred Religion will be fully taken over by my Sanctuary, and I, Su Jin, are naturally the first Pope of the Sanctuary."

Seeing Su Jin say such words, Luo Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the face was saved.

She Luo Hao has lived for more than 200 years, and this is the first time she has encountered such a shame.

As for the Five Prison Sect being taken over by Su Jin, that's just a trivial matter.

Moreover, what about the holy son who was secretly cultivated by the righteous path? What about challenging hegemony?

Only after losing, did you find out that it was nothing?

She Luo Hao has never been so embarrassing!

Thinking of this, Luo Hao turned around without expression, ready to leave.

At this time, the congregation hurriedly lowered their heads and cried, "Sect Master!"

"Don't shout, I will not be your leader in the future."

With a wave of Luo Hao's hand, he directly stopped the persuasion of these sects, and sealed everyone up with alchemy.

Then, she slowly turned her head, looked at Lu Yinghua with deep eyes, and said:

"But Yinghua, you should be a teacher for one day and a teacher for life, right?"

Lu Yinghua swayed like a madman, and answered tremblingly:

"Yes, Master."

"Humph!" Luo Hao snorted coldly and walked away.

Dealing with Lu Yinghua in front of Su Jin, although she can do it, she can't afford to lose, and Luo Hao doesn't want to be embarrassed anymore.

Leaving and calming down is the best choice.

Seeing that Luo Hao disappeared with his magical powers, Su Jin turned his head, looked at the disciples in front of him, stepped forward, patted Lu Yinghua on the shoulder and said:

"Take these people down, and let those believers do the same as in the past."

Lu Yinghua raised his head and looked at Su Jin with eyes full of desire to survive.

"I understand what you mean." Su Jin nodded, then smiled: "I will prepare the gloomy wood, and I will make sure that it will not be uncomfortable to lie in."

Hearing this, Lu Yinghua suddenly showed a childish smile and said hoarsely:


As for why he had to apologize, Lu Yinghua was very clear.

It is difficult for him to have a coffin board like this.

With Su Jin's words, he can at least rest in the ground.

Thinking of this, he burst into tears, and left the airport in despair with the help of the congregation.

At this time, Liliana walked to Su Jin's side, looked at Lu Yinghua who lost her soul, and said in surprise:

"Is it the conflict that he caused?"

"That's not it."

Su Jin shook his head, he knew that Lu Yinghua didn't have the courage to instigate Luo Hao.

This guy has been trained by Luo Hao's devil since he was a child, and has become a severe Luo Hao phobia. His legs are weak when he meets him, and it is unlikely that he will deliberately lead Luo Hao to fight with him.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding?"

In the absence of intelligence, Su Jin can only make such a judgment.

Hearing this, Liliana didn't look into it, but asked hesitantly:

"Then what's next, Wang, do we really want to accept the Holy Sect of the Five Prisons?"

"Receive?" Su Jin turned his head, looked at Liliana strangely and said, "Why do you think so?"

"But just now..." Liliana just finished speaking, she immediately closed her mouth, turned her head, and then suddenly said: "Are you giving Master Luo Hao a step to end?"

Hearing this, Su Jin smiled and touched Liliana's head.

"Yo, Lily has become smarter. Sure enough, after staying with the goddess of wisdom for a long time, the president's IQ!"

Liliana looked at Athena who was smiling beside her, then lowered her head and said shyly:

"Don't make fun of me."

"Good good."

Su Jin responded perfunctorily, then turned his head and looked at a lizard that suddenly appeared in front of him, standing on both feet.

Athena had long been watching the lizard there and exclaimed:

"Eastern alchemy has been tempered to such a degree that it is not inferior to the power of some gods."

"Interesting, in terms of human beings, you are the strongest magician I have ever seen."

"I'll take it as a compliment, Goddess of Wisdom in the Wilderness."

Luo Hao snorted coldly, obviously not fond of Athena.

Using her avatar to disguise herself as a lizard, she arrogantly looked around Athena and Liliana, and finally focused on Su Jin's face.

At this time, her eyes were much gentler, no longer the arrogant look of looking at people with her chin, but said with an equal attitude:

"Come with me, this is not the place to talk."

Hearing this, Su Jin nodded slightly, then led Liliana and Athena to follow behind Luo Hao, who had performed magical powers, and crossed dozens of kilometers to a small nunnery deep in Mount Lu.

The so-called nunnery refers specifically to the temple where female practitioners live, and is a practice place that is not open to the public.

The small nunnery where Luo Hao lives is not large, about 100 square meters, and the style is the old brick and tile house of the old days.

It is hard to believe that a god-killer who has ruled the Central Plains, established a sect, and remote-controlled regime would live in such a small place.

It's even hard to imagine that Luo Hao's character would not live in a palace of gold bricks and jade tiles, but stay in such a small house honestly, not going out for decades.

At this time, the lizard standing on two feet in front turned back to the peerless beauty in ancient costume:

"The house is a bit shabby, but I still look to Haihan."

After finishing speaking, Luo Hao walked into the yard and collected water from the mountain spring drained by the bamboo pipe, and asked at the same time:

"What tea do you want?"

"Da Hong Pao will do."

Su Jin observed the courtyard and found that except for a stone table and a stone bench that was obviously used for a short break, there were only some commonly used utensils, and then asked:

"Sect Master, are you living here on purpose to hone your character?"

However, at this time, Luo Hao, who was directly burning the tea with his palm, frowned and said:

"Xinxing? I, Luo Hao, don't need those bells and whistles."

After speaking, she explained by the way:

"It's just habit to live."

After she finished speaking, she turned her back to Su Jin and said lightly:

"In the outside society, there is no place for an old man like me."

"That's it."

Su Jin doesn't understand Luo Hao's thoughts. Maybe after he has lived for a long time, he can understand the melancholy that an old man like Luo Hao has passed away. Although the world is big, there is no place for me.

At this time, after brewing the hot tea with skillful and elegant skills, Luo Hao picked up his teacup and said:

"I don't like drinking, so I used tea as a crime. Although it was my disciple's fault, the teaching was not strict and the teacher's fault."

When Luo Hao said this, he raised his right hand calmly and said:

"If King Su Jin is not satisfied, you can take this right hand."

Those words frightened Liliana next to her.

Are you going to chop off your hands to apologize? No wonder the old man in the family called the Five Prisons Sacred Sect a Demon Sect, it was terrible!

Hearing this, Su Jin frowned and said with some dissatisfaction:

"What era is it, so don't show this kind of arrogant style to shame."

Luo Hao's expression didn't change, he just stared at Su Jin's face, waiting for his reply.

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