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Chapter 207:

At this time, Su Jin sighed, lifted the tea in front of him, and drank it.

Seeing this, Luo Hao frowned, realizing that Su Jin was the one who wanted to expose the incident, so she put down her hand in silence and drank the tea.

At this time, Su Jin also sighed and said, "Your habit is no longer suitable for modern society."

Su Jin was referring to the law of survival that Luo Hao followed, which was clearly the old way of the old society.

The set of imperial supremacy.

And Luo Hao is an 'emperor' that survived into the 21st century.

No wonder she said she had no place to stay.

Luo Hao did not refute. Born in a Lulin family in the 18th century, she herself knew that what Su Jin said was correct.

At this time, Su Jin was sitting on the stone bench, and his vision drifted into the distance.

He looked at the bustling and lively scene of Lushan City, but chuckled lightly:

"However, it's also thanks to you that you clearly know your own shortcomings, and you simply live in seclusion without worrying about the world, and let the people develop themselves. On this point, I really like you."


Luo Hao frowned, a little disgusted by such frivolous words.

This kind of remark reminded her of those Confucian Confucians who used rhetoric to deceive women in the Qing Dynasty.

Those who have been in the brothel all the time will talk about such words all day long and lie to those young women.

Thinking of this, Luo Hao looked at Su Jin, frowned and said displeasedly:

"If you take a fancy to me, Luo Hao, it's fine to hire a Ming matchmaker to marry me. Why would you say this about me?"

puff! Liliana who was drinking tea forcibly turned her head and touched the tea to the ground.

At this time, Athena asked in surprise:

"Oh? Will you marry after the betrothal gift?"

When Luo Hao heard the words, he suddenly felt that Athena was looking down on directness, and said in a disgusting tone:

"That's natural. I, Luo Hao, have never had the habit of changing my words."

Hearing this, Athena calmly took a sip of tea and glanced at Su Jin.

The concubine said this, and you should understand the rest.

Su Jin, who was holding a teacup, suddenly felt that whether he wanted to keep up with the times, or to welcome the embrace of the old society?

This is a very serious matter.

Chapter 0258 The ambition of Shang Zhou

Is Su Jin willing to marry Luo Hao?

Maybe he could say 'don't want', but somewhere there was honesty.

However, Su Jin also understands how severe the strict etiquette rules of the Qing Dynasty were, and it is not an exaggeration to say that some of the rules are anti-human.

He doesn't want to marry an ancestor and go back to make offerings. Life is so difficult, who is willing to increase the burden on himself?

Thinking of this, Su Jin winked at Liliana next to him.

After receiving the 'signal', Liliana froze for a while, until Su Jin glanced at herself vaguely again, she opened her mouth, and finally said through gritted teeth:

"Your Excellency the Holy Sect Master, no matter what, it's too fast for a betrothal gift after only one day of meeting?"

"What's wrong with that?"

Luo Hao frowned, glanced at Liliana with some doubts, and said:

"In my time, what was important to me was the words of my parents' life matchmaker. Before marriage, couples who had never met before were the norm."

"Furthermore, if it wasn't for my Luo Hao's parents who died early, I would have already promised them back then, but now it's just a continuation of what happened at that time."

And Liliana who heard this just retorted with a blushing face:

"You can get married just by order of your parents, what about your daughter's opinion?"

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be a little bit assertive."

Luo Hao finally turned his head at this time and looked directly at Liliana:

"But when did I say this marriage was against my will?"

That's right... This is what Luo Hao said he wanted to marry...

Liliana understood that her mouth was not as cunning as Erika after all.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sneak a glance at Su Jin.

Sorry, Wang, I couldn't test out the true attitude of the leader.

At this time, Luo Hao next to him held a teacup and wrote lightly:

"So it turns out, you little girl is also interesting."

Liliana's expression froze, and she suddenly realized that she had been exposed.

At this time, Luo Hao said calmly:

"I, Luo Hao, are not a villain either. Since you are interested in King Su Jin, then I naturally won't stop it. I, Luo Hao, can be a mere wife."

Liliana's expression instantly changed from a stiff to a faint smile.

At this moment, Su Jin glanced over, and Liliana quickly lowered her head, not daring to speak.

I'm sorry, Wang, I don't want it either, but the leader has given too much! I thought it was only for concubines...

Seeing this, Su Jin didn't understand what Liliana meant.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said a little speechlessly: "Lily, you are really 'hard-bone'!"

Liliana lowered her head and dared not speak.

At this time, Luo Hao snorted and said with a displeased face:

"King Su Jin, if you have anything to say, why use the power of others?"

After Su Jin heard this, he smiled and looked at Luo Hao, as if he didn't take this sentence to heart.

He is a person who doesn't like to listen to harsh words, and would rather eat soft rice than hard steamed buns.

At this time, Luo Hao frowned, as if seeing through Su Jin's thoughts, and sighed:

"Forget it, all you worry about are those mundane things. Since that's the case, it's up to you."

"In the end, what I, Luo Hao, want is nothing but the ultimate in martial arts. My parents are short-sighted, and the struggle in the high gate compound is not what I want."

This is to allow Wang to have three wives and four concubines without the consent of the leader?

Liliana barely understood Luo Hao's words with that superficial Chinese culture.

At this moment, Su Jin's expression suddenly changed, and he said with a smile:

"What the sect leader said, I can't shirk any longer."

"I think you have the ambition of Shang Zhou."

Luo Hao snorted coldly, but said bluntly:

"It distracts him like this, and I don't know how you can practice your skills to the current state."

She Luo Hao allowed her subordinates to be hired, but she still hesitated, and even let her subordinates go out to test her mind.

Su Jin's behavior made Luo Hao very unpleasant.

But Luo Hao did not deny that Su Jin was indeed the only one in this world who was worthy of her Luo Hao.

As for the other kings? The blood is not Han, how can you marry her Luo Hao?

Su Jin did not refute at this time, but wrote lightly:

"The more you carry on your body, the more your heart sinks."

Hearing this, Luo Hao raised his eyebrows, but looked at Su Jin with admiration:

"So that's the case, do you already have someone you like? This is my fault."

But she had no intention of changing what Luo Hao said.

If a man is robbed, he will be robbed. If it is really unpleasant, it is enough to fight with a real knife and a real gun.

Su Jin shrugged, but laughed and said, "No, I'm just lustful."

After he finished speaking, he raised his teacup, toasted Luo Hao, and said:

"What does the leader think about the monkey gods in the Japanese country?"

Luo Hao frowned, but said directly:

"Since you have already agreed to the appointment, the title of the sect leader has some life, just call me Lian'er."

After she finished speaking, she was silent for a moment and explained:

"But the monkey god? Although I don't understand how you learned about the grievances between me and the monkey, if there is a chance, I will definitely send that evil beast to hell."

Monkey God Monarch is a taboo name after being sealed by the island country.

His real name is Sun Wukong.

That is the Monkey King Monkey King.

As a character in Journey to the West, one of the four famous novels, Luo Hao in the Qing Dynasty also read the Journey to the West template.

The heroic characters in the childhood books are now sealed by the Japanese and become playthings for people to play with. Luo Hao thinks that he can't stand this shame, so he naturally wants to eradicate it.

A hundred years ago, Luo Hao tried once, but he only killed some people from the island country, but he couldn't force Sun Wukong out, he just tried to find a way to lift the seal.

Unfortunately, lifting the seal requires the sacrifice of an Earth Goddess, which is something Luo Hao cannot do.

She can kill the gods, but she can't capture the gods alive, so she can only regretfully give up killing Sun Wukong, return to Lushan, continue to retreat, and incidentally let her subordinates inquire about the mother earth and the people behind the scenes.

"Unfortunately, I still don't know who the evil thief who sealed me towards the gods is, otherwise he will be uprooted."

"Suzano's life!"

Su Jin put down the teacup and said with a teasing face:

"Now the island country should be called the royal husband. This is the **** who sealed the ape god. Now he should hide in the world and command the island country's warlock remotely."

"Is that the case, a **** famous for his tricks?"

Luo Hao said with some clarity:

"If that's the case, it's normal for monkeys who are not good at calculating to fall down."

Sun Wukong himself is not good at conspiracy and tricks in Journey to the West, and it can even be said that he is not good at first.

That is, at the end of Journey to the West, it became smoother.

In this case, it is normal for the conspiracy connoisseur to get caught. After all, this monkey was not less caught in the process of traveling westward.

If it was really just frontal, the three Susanoo men probably wouldn't be enough for a monkey to fight.

Knowing this, Luo Hao felt a little better. After all, this was a crime other than war.

However, the heart of her monkey head is still the same as before.

"In addition to visiting me this time, you want to invite me out of the mountain to deal with the monkey?"

"Yes and no."

Su Jin nodded, then shook his head again and said:

"I just feel that the territory I am heading towards seems to be a little smaller."

Luo Hao suddenly said at this time: "So it is, since it is a matter of opening up new territories, it is natural for me, Luo Hao, to come out of the mountains."

Back then, she destroyed Yaoqing, defeated Tsarist Russia, and went out to India seven times, but she only became the ruler of the defense, and she didn't really care about the matter of opening up territory.

After all, the Central Plains is rich in resources, why do you need to take the barbarian land?

But now that she understands the situation of the monkey god, she Luo Hao doesn't mind making a change.

"not only that."

Su Jin shook his head, but raised his hand, pointed to the sky, looked at Luo Hao with a smile and said:

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