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Chapter 209:

"Is that so?"

Su Jin paused and said tentatively:

"If you can contact her, Lian'er, give me a try."

"I can still do it if I just try."

Luo Hao, who is always full of self-confidence, did not dare to make a promise in the face of Mrs. Aisha:

"The premise is that she is still in this age."

Hearing this, Su Jin immediately understood.

Lady Elsa's power [Demon Cave].

This power is a cave, rather than an uncontrollable 'traversing machine'.

In addition to opening it without authorization on weekdays and throwing a bunch of monsters and monsters, the duration also took Mrs. Aisha to a parallel world of unknown era.

This kind of stupid power makes it impossible for anyone to determine the whereabouts of Mrs. Aisha.

And the Council of Sages, who did not know the truth, also gave Mrs. Aisha a nickname like "The Unpredictable Demon King".

In a sense, Mrs. Elsa might be the most troublesome character among the godslayers.

Thinking of this, Su Jin sighed: "Do your best."

"Aishana, I still have some means to contact her."

Luo Hao paused when he said this, and looked into Su Jin's eyes:

"However, do you have any news about the snake that has lifted the seal of the Monkey King?"

Luo Hao has a way to contact the missing Mrs. Aisha, and even knows how to convince the troublemaker.

But the ape **** of the island country, the need to unblock is a bit troublesome.

To lift the seal of Sun Wukong, it requires the appearance of the dragon and snake that the earth's spirit energy spends.

At this point, although Athena, the high-ranking mother goddess, can do it, it is too time-consuming and requires at least several years of preparation.

Although it is not possible to borrow the earth spirit in the north of the usurped ring village, it will prolong the time required to weaken the myth.

Both of these defects took too long. Maybe in the end, Su Jin couldn't hold it any longer and went back to Little Garden first.

That would be troublesome.

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin said with confidence:

"There is a cult organization in North America. The leader calls herself Ansheela. According to the information, she seems to be an ancestor."


Luo Hao showed a blank expression. Ben had never heard such a name in her active years.

At this time, Athena next to her narrowed her eyes and explained:

"Ashera? Name taboo before the fall of the snake **** Leviathan.

So, is that a synonym of the Mesopotamian goddess? It's my old acquaintance. "

Don't look at the many myths in this world, as if the gods are as numerous as stars, but in fact, they are all vests.

The real god, in detail, whether it can exceed 500 is a question.

In this case, it is not a strange thing that Athena and Angela met.

"God ancestors? If they give up eternal life, they can reincarnate."

Luo Hao remembered the information about the ancestors, and then looked at Su Jin and said:

"That is to say, are you going to go to the Americas to catch the snake that goes against the law?"

At this time, Su Jin added calmly: "By the way, I can go and see the Pluto in Los Angeles."

"Looking at it this way, you have calculated it well."

Luo Hao nodded slightly at this time, and said with great satisfaction:

"In this way, it is only necessary to execute the plan."

At this time, Su Jin turned his head and looked at Liliana: "Lily? How about North America?"

At this time, Liliana quickly took out her mobile phone, flipped through it, and responded:

"The contact with North America was done yesterday, and it is estimated that it has been communicated with there. At the same time, the spokesperson of Pluto Pluto also sent a reply before."

"That's good."

Hearing this, Su Jin immediately stood up, looked at Luo Hao and said:

"Then it's not too late, I'll..."

"Wait!" Luo Hao reached out to stop Su Jin, and then the corner of his mouth wriggled a few times.

It didn't take long, probably less than 30 seconds.

With a plop, did something hit the floor tile.

Then, a passionate voice sounded:

"Disciple Yinghua, I have seen the master, I wish the master a blessing like the East Sea, and the birthday is more than Nanshan~"

Hearing this, Su Jin clearly saw Luo Hao's right hand blurred.

Then, there was a loud bang!

Then there was a dull scream!

"Get in!" Luo Hao frowned and shouted coldly.

Not long after, Lu Yinghua, whose face was swollen and outrageous, walked into the small nunnery with unrequited eyes.

Then when he saw Su Jin, his eyes suddenly froze, and he quickly bowed his head and said:

"I have seen King Su Jin!"

Slap it!

A slap print appeared on Lu Yinghua's face.

Why are you hitting me? Lu Yinghua's expression of sadness and indignation was obviously saying this.

At this time, Luo Hao wiped his hands with the tablecloth as if he was disgusted, and then snorted coldly:

"What are you shouting, why don't you call Master Shifu!"

"Master! Huh??"

Lu Yinghua finished shouting subconsciously, and then looked at Su Jin blankly.

Master? !


Then on the other side, Luo Hao was obviously very dissatisfied with Lu Yinghua's attitude: "What are you calling that?"

"Forget it, forget it!" Su Jin hurriedly reached out his hand to persuade him.

Seeing this, Luo Hao calmed down a little and snorted coldly, but did not pursue further investigations.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yinghua, who thought he was going to die, was really stupid.

The master who is self-respecting and willful and reckless would actually listen to persuasion?

She actually listens!

At this time, Luo Hao had a cold face and said indifferently:

"Your teacher is going to America. It just so happens that your Lu family has some power there, so do you understand?"

Lu Yinghua hurriedly knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands and said:

"The disciple understands that the disciple must comfortably send the master's golden body to America!"

Golden body? The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, but he couldn't refuse Luo Hao's kindness.

"You just understand."

Luo Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then she looked at Liliana next to her.

Being stared at by Luo Hao, Liliana was just a little nervous. She blinked and looked at Luo Hao with a slightly stiff expression:

"Does the leader have any orders?"

"Su Jin has already planned to hire me, but my maids in Luo Hao's early years have all died of old age, and now I don't even have a maid for trial marriage..."

Luo Hao said this, staring straight at Liliana:

"Although you were born in a barbarian land, you are still beautiful, are you willing to be my maid?"

Trial marriage maid? Liliana blinked, her expression very puzzled.

This is beyond her understanding of the common sense of the Celestial Dynasty.

There was no way, Liliana could only look at Su Jin for help.

"Cough!" Su Jin turned his head, not easy to answer this question.

Athena, who was standing beside her, sighed, floated to Liliana, and muttered a few times.

In the next second, Liliana's face instantly flushed red, and her hands fluttered wildly:

"For, for the hostess, the maid of the bridal chamber, how can this be, how can it be."


Luo Hao raised his eyebrows and looked over coldly.

But at this time, Liliana blushed and said, "This kind of thing, it's better at night..."

The indifference on Luo Hao's face disappeared instantly, she patted Liliana on the shoulder, and then looked at Su Jin.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, then stood up wisely, and left the courtyard voluntarily.

Looking at the closed gate of the courtyard, Su Jin thought about it, and looked at the sky speechless.

At this time, Lu Yinghua, who also just came out, hurriedly accompanied his smiling face, walked to Su Jin's side, and asked enthusiastically:

"Is Master Shi worried about that silver-haired woman?"

"That's not true, Luo Hao is the one who should be nervous."

Su Jin shook his head.


Lu Yinghua didn't know what expression he should use now.

But at least, he was sure.

Looking at Su Jin's line of sight is absolutely the same as looking at the hero.

It was like the soldiers of Western Chu who were surrounded in those days watched the overlord die.

Chapter 0261 Your Intuition Is True

Los Angeles, with clear skies and warm sunshine.

In this hot sun, Jake Mirupan came to SSL Los Angeles.

SSL is the abbreviation of the American Magic and Paranormal Investigation Service. If this department is used to describe it, it can be regarded as a similar department of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie.

It's just that there is no Captain America, no Iron Man, and no Black Widow. There are just detectives with a talent for magic.

And Jack Mirupan is one of them. He was called here by his boss during a rare vacation.

The reason is an unprecedented serious situation.

In the office, Jack met his white leader with a big belly.

Ben Adolman.

A brilliant former SSL agent, he is said to have fought six warlocks in the alleys, won but also cursed, and had to survive on a lot of sugar.

In the end, he went from a sturdy skinny guy to a big fat man.

But Jack believes that this is just a reason he used to cover up that he is a fat pig.

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