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Chapter 210:

"Jack, you have to be mentally prepared. This task is really not something that ordinary people can do."

"Can it be more serious than confronting the Warlock King Anshera?"

Jack said sarcastically.

[Lord of the Flies] Angela, the terrorist who led the warlock to wreak havoc in this country for many years.

Some time ago, Jack had an encounter with that girl who was so cute, but more vicious than a demon.

If it wasn't for the help of Pluto, the King of Pluto, he would have died long ago.

But because of this, he got a half-month vacation.

Although he quarreled with his girlfriend on the first day of vacation and broke up directly, it was not the reason for his boss to terminate his vacation.

However, Ben Adolman did say to him in a very serious tone:

"Jack, your intuition is accurate. The character you will face this time is indeed more dangerous than Lord of the Flies."

Jack in front of him fell into silence, he was considering whether to smack the ear of his previous self.

Can't you **** say a character 10,000 times weaker than Lord of the Flies?

At this time, Ben Adoman said in a helpless tone:

"The target is a person who is on the same level as Pluto, or even beyond."

Pluto the Pluto.

The patron saint of Los Angeles, with a black mask and shawl, a mystic who has never been seen for real.

Possesses a magical power unmatched by any warlock.

Can transform into an inhuman body, run in the dark, use spells, become an invincible giant, a magic bullet shooter, and a man who is always victorious.

I call myself John Smith. In the grammar of the English department, this name is as common as Goudan, and it looks like a pseudonym.

And the citizens who have seen him and have been rescued by him prefer to call him Pluto the Pluto.

Over time, he himself changed his self-proclaimed name, and thus the strongest warlock hunter, [Pluto] John Pluto Smith was born.

I was fortunate enough to have met Pluto, the Pluto, and even Jack, who had worked with him, knew how.

How terrible it would be for such a person to be evil.

However, now, it seems that there is a dangerous person who is not inferior to Pluto.

"What the **** is going on?" Jack frowned and said irritably.

Ben Adolman sighed:

"Yesterday, that person sent a request for a state visit through a subordinate. The foreign ministry above thought for two hours and decided to accept it."

"Why not refuse?"

Jack said in a complaining tone:

"It's better to refuse the other party to land in the country. Shouldn't such a dangerous person be resisted abroad?"

Ben Adolman opened his mouth and finally said with a wry smile:

"In that case, you can see a news next week."

"What news?" Jack asked suspiciously.

"Our country is divided into 51 states, or 30 states, all in all, depending on each other's moods."

Is it so exaggerated? Jack muttered inwardly, but looking at Ben Adolman's serious face, he also picked up the complaint that his vacation had been suspended.

"With all due respect, I have no way to deal with such a character."

His family knew about his own affairs, and [Lord of the Flies] Ansheela almost killed him with just one look.

With such an Angela, there is no way to fight back in front of Hades.

In other words, the impending danger, he can kill himself with the touch of a finger.

Jack doesn't think he can fight against each other, he has long passed the hero-worshipping grade.

"I know, so I have found the strongest partner for you through many efforts."

Ben Adolman took out a note from the drawer and handed it over:

"You go to the Ruth Feliz area, Shamantha University, and find Professor Joe Benster."

"He is an expert in facing these characters, and he is also a rare superb magician on our side. With his assistance, at least this mission will not be completed without the possibility."

"Of course, if you need it, I can also go out and assist you in person."

Hearing this, Jack looked at Ben Adoman's body that was three times bigger than him, seriously doubting whether he could stand up, sighed, took the note and said:

"Forget it, you fat boy should just sit in the back and enjoy your old age with peace of mind."

Speaking of which, Jack looked at the note, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Joe Bent? If that black professor is the person I remember, this collaboration should be very pleasant."

"You know him?" Ben Adolman was slightly surprised, then nodded and said, "That's fine, at least it won't cause unnecessary conflicts."

At this time, Jack's standing body saluted:

"Then, Level 9 Agent Jack Mirupan is now officially on the mission!"


Morning, 11 o'clock.

Jack came to Shamantha University before school.

Driving into the university, he came to a research building.

Obviously it was class time, but there were no students here, apparently dispersing beforehand.

In the world of magic, this technique seems to be called enchantment.

"Looks like it's already ready."

Jack sighed, walked into the research institute surrounded by the barrier, knocked on the door of the office, and was invited in.

Joe Best was a bald black man, and the wrinkles of old age had already crept into his face, but he still maintained a very strong figure.

It looks like a character who is ready to go to battle at any time.

And according to what Jack heard, he was said to have assisted Pluto for more than ten years, and that he and the legendary figure were friends who fought side by side.

Of course, fighting side by side, in Jack's understanding, is probably the level of holding a small flag and waving beside him.

However, it cannot be denied that Joe Best is very strong.

At least, he couldn't wave the cheerleader flag next to the battlefield where Hades fought.

"Jack? It's been a while."

Professor Best came up with a hug, then let go of his hand and stepped back a few steps:

"If you can, I really hope you don't see it on a mission like this."

"Is the situation dangerous?" Jack was surprised.

At this time, Professor Best shrugged and said, "It's 10,000 times more dangerous than you think."

As a result, at this time, helplessly asked:

"Who is the other party? Adoman said that he is a figure who can destroy the country. You said that it is ten thousand times more dangerous than I thought. It is impossible for the other party to be a **** or a demon king, right?"

Professor Best looked at Jack in surprise and said:

"Jack, I have to say that your intuition is very accurate. You got the right answer without any intelligence!"

Jack looked very strange at this time. He seemed to have heard this sentence a few hours ago, right, before he came here.

"Really a god, or a demon king?"

"Yes, it's the Demon King!"

Professor Best's words made Jack want to slap himself.

"The devil who killed the gods, usurped their power, and ravaged the earth."

Professor Best spoke their names in awe:

"People on our side, call them [God Killers]!"

"Of course, Pluto is also one of them, but to be honest, the target this time is also an extremely powerful one among the demon kings, and Pluto himself is very jealous of the other party."

The corners of Jack's mouth twitched a few times, and then he said:

"Professor, if it's just us, don't go to die!"

A character that Pluto is afraid of, he doesn't think he and Best can deal with it.

"Of course it's not just us!"

Best raised his eyebrows and said in a pleasant tone:

"And my best student, and my research assistant, Anne Charlton!"

"She is the most beautiful and noble woman I have ever seen in my life. With her around, there is no problem that cannot be solved!"

I'd better find a church and spend some money to have them collect my body... Jack thought sadly.

0262 Pluto Pluto

In Jack's eyes, Anne Charlton is a very strange person.

With short red hair and a tall figure of European and American races, she is indeed a great beauty in terms of appearance.

Graduated from Samantha University with a master's degree, he is currently serving as an assistant to Professor Best. It is said that his ability is very good.

However, Annie's tone and expression were always stern, making people wonder if she owed her a lot of money.

Different from that attitude, in private, or Jack learned from Professor Best and himself.

Annie is actually an emotional loser who has a rich love history and has dated many boys, but in the end has no choice but to break up for various reasons.

This surprised Jack very much.

At least he couldn't imagine that there would be a girl who fell in love with Annie's cold personality.

But according to the people around, it seems that Annie is indeed quite popular.

Of course, Jack wouldn't have believed such a lie if he hadn't seen the girls who surrounded Annie several times at school, but it turns out that Annie is indeed very popular, at least by women.

However, this does not mean that Jack will agree with Annie as one of the members of this mission.

"Professor Best, is this really okay?"

Jack, who was sitting in the passenger seat, asked the black professor Best.

"What's the problem?"

Best, who was driving, asked with a puzzled expression.

"I mean……"

Jack looked at the rear-view mirror, which reflected Anne Charlton's unchanging iceberg face.

Although it is indeed very beautiful, it is estimated that I will wake up in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, Jack said in an uncertain tone:

"Just the three of us participating in the mission, will it be a little unsafe?"

"Did you say Annie?" Best read Jack's worries and lowered his voice.

"Yeah~" Jack also lowered his voice.

Is it too dangerous to bring an outsider in such a big event?

At this time, Best responded with a suppressed voice:

"Don't underestimate Annie, she's one of the experts in dealing with this."


Jack was stunned for a moment, then looked at Best in disbelief, with an expression of 'Are you kidding me'.

Best smiled and nodded, then winked at Annie who was behind.

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